Log of OOC Meeting 11/16/13

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:47 pm

Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:07 pm

Kinaed says, "Okay, today's Agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Shaylei de Roldan has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a star-shaped periwinkle forget-me-not to Shaylei de Roldan.

Kinaed muses, "Does anyone want to add anything to the agenda?"

[Action: Victyr dul Bellatos is standing here looking awesome and stuff.]

Beronica Destral claims to Victyr dul Bellatos, "Takta you are not."

Aliana Demarnen is filthy, filthy I tell you!

Kinaed states, "Okay, if there is nothing to add to the agenda... :) I'll start."

[Action: Victyr dul Bellatos is standing here being as here being as awesome as can be for someone who isn't Takta.]

Victyr dul Bellatos looks to Beronica Destral, " Better?"

Kinaed claims, "Last week I spent a lot of time giving Az specs to give me reports on more information about things like RPxp. We have commands now to check the RPXP levels of all chars in RP, which prints us out a list of a given player's autowarnings, RP level, times emoted in the last RP_Span, etc."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Just emote "looks like <me>" :)"

Beronica Destral says, "Yep."

Kinaed says, "I've also correlated some reports and ran the first adjustments to RPxp by way of refactoring the levels."

[Action: Aliana Demarnen is filthy, filthy I tell you!]

Samantha ab Vortina has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a star-shaped periwinkle forget-me-not to Samantha ab Vortina.

Kinaed claims, "Yesterday, about 20 hours ago, I asked Az to give me an updated report of RPxp data, etc, based on the new levels containing 24 hours."

Kinaed states, "When that report comes through, I'll be doing a mod on the end dice."

Azarial has to wait for midnight's turnover for proper data.

Kinaed says, "Next week, I hope to finally have the RPxp stuff sorted for good."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed asks of Azarial, "When is that?"

Azarial states, "Or at least this year."

Azarial asks, "Midnight servertime. about six hours, I hink?"

Kinaed chuckles.

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

[Action: Samantha ab Vortina is sitting on a couch composed of kittens]

Beronica Destral muses, "What did it originally look like?"

A lithely built, sun-browned man hangs himself

Azarial says, "It actually had levels."

Kinaed states, "Okay, seems fine since I won't get to the report until we're back from the zoo anyway."

Kinaed muses to Beronica Destral, "What did what originally look like?"

Azarial states, "Once you hit 95, ti flattened off like a car hitting a broick wall, because level 100 was settable only."

Azarial claims, "That was the lowest immortal level"

Azarial says, "And it worked on earned, not spent."

Kinaed claims, "That's my focus atm."

Azarial says, "But they also dind;t have accounts to share leftocvers; your alts were left out to dry, but if you died some of it was carried over--if you created immediately after dying."

Kinaed says, "We've lost two staff members in this past two weeks, so we're going to be a bit slower. I'm pondering if we'll need to cancel this December's staff quest due to lack of hands."

Azarial states, "I don;t remember if they had questpoints or the equivalent then eother."

Azarial claims, "Aww, I just finished all the code for that. ph well."

Kinaed states, "I'll keep you informed. I'll need to talk to Temi and Del to see how much capacity they'll have."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Samantha ab Vortina muses, "Two staff members? i thought we only lost takta?"

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "Mady tendered her resignation earlier today."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Ah.. "

Victyr dul Bellatos exclaims to Samantha ab Vortina, "Mady stepped down also *isn't crying!*"

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "'tis a sad, sad loss"

Kinaed claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "There's a post on the general board."

Argider says, "If storytellers are needed, I'm sure some folks would be happy to lend a hand from the ground."

Kinaed nods at Argider.

Beronica Destral chuckles a little to Argider.

Kinaed claims, "The first step is my talking to Temi and Del about their availability and our deciding what we need and if we have it."

Kinaed states, "I think we also need a good sense for how we're progressing down two staff."

Kinaed claims, "Most of the large projects are done, but I'm not sure if we have anything half finished lying around. Well, I know Sacrifice is half finished, so that'll probably be yanked and redone."

Kinaed says, "Anyway, that's my update. Az, you're up."

Victyr dul Bellatos needs a brief afk. (OOC Emote)

Victyr dul Bellatos has gone AFK.

Kinaed states, "Oh, by 'most of the large projects', I'm meaning building projects. "

Azarial says, "Mostly massaging rpxp again, as well as the code for december's quest. more data collection, better filtering (imms skew the rpcp data), that sort of thing."

Kinaed says, "Az has some doozies on his list."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Kinaed states, "I want to get refocused on Herbalism as soon as possible."

Azarial claims, "I've been trying to get back to temi's herbalism, but stuff keeps bumping it. i need to nice the other poorjects so I can focus."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial claims, "Also trying not to stress at how to handle two kids come april."

Kinaed queries to Azarial, "... have you told everyone before this that you're going to be a parent again?"

Azarial says, "I hvae not had a moment at all to even begin to look at the movement code."

Azarial states, "Just did."

Azarial tends to do things backhandedly.

Kinaed chuckles.

A lithely built, sun-browned man declares, "Congrats!"

Safir Mara'aye says, "Congratulations. "

A lithely built, sun-browned man and is indeed backhanded

Azarial says, "Iunno if that's me being contrary or autistic."

Kinaed wonders, "Both? :P"

Aliana Demarnen says, "Congratulations."

Azarial nods at Kinaed.

Azarial states, "Thanks"

Beronica Destral wonders, "Think we need to do another fund drive to help him?"

Samantha ab Vortina gives az a clap of his hands "Congrats and good luck."

Azarial wonders, "Not yet? <_<"

Kinaed says, "I don't think he'd mind getting a baby shower."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Wow, this really is OOC :) <=== an observation, not a complaint."

Kinaed covers Azarial's mouth with her hoof to stifle her.

Kinaed nods at Aliana Demarnen.

Azarial says to Aliana Demarnen, "You'll find 'remember' dones;t work here eother, so you cannot take shortcuts identifying poeple icly."

Kinaed states, "We meet once a week to discuss the game, what's on, etc. People don't have to talk about themselves OOCly."

Aliana Demarnen states, "Well, I wouldn't try that, so I wouldn've have :) But, factually, ok. :)"

Azarial claims, "But I take care of the heir, so the child load does affect my producticity."

Samantha ab Vortina asks, "Yeah.. also kinaed if the chat is going to continue being an hour earlier than normal can we get some note to make us aware of this?"

Azarial says, "Otherwise, I have been trying to chew through the bug list."

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, it might be next week also, but I think the time zone phases not being in sync is only for 2 weeks."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial states, "Thanlfully some were easy this week; wrong commands and such."

Kinaed states, "The problem is, I don't know to alert you, and I'm not sure where/how to check."

Aliana Demarnen states, "I understand Kinaed, I was just playing. It's sort of refreshing."

Kinaed smiles at Aliana Demarnen.

Azarial states, "I think I need to adjust whois or the like for emails for a possivble newletter or announcements, entirely voluntary"

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "I'll post something on the General Board with the timeconvert for next weekend, at least, until we settle down."

Victyr dul Bellatos has returned from AFK.

Samantha ab Vortina laughs "I am glad i woke up an hour earlier..." smirks

Kinaed states to Azarial, "There's a code spec on the board to allow people to set their timezones, so we can announce things in our local timezone and it'll just convert for people looking."

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Aliana Demarnen nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Azarial looks for caffiene upon hearing the heir is satisfied wiht a power nap in the car.

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "That's why I Facebooked you. Someone said they thought you wanted to come."

Azarial claims, "Taht may take a while. it took me forever to figure out how to make the server time independant of the hardware."

Samantha ab Vortina makes a note to herself "Must.. check.. facebook more often.. not once a week."

Kinaed says to Azarial, "Talk to me about that after, I think I might be able to offer a solution."

Kinaed questions, "Anything else, Az?"

Azarial says, "Not that i can think of"

Maxwell Wattkil is idle.

Kinaed asks, "Okay, that's it for staff updates. Player Heartbeat. How's the RP been lately, folks? Stuff happening? Need any staff support?"

Victyr dul Bellatos is having good rp when he can get on to play.

Aliana Demarnen states, "Enjoying it so far...been looking for a new mud, players have been friendly."

Beronica Destral says, "It has been good so far. I am planning another wedding now."

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "We're glad to have you. Welcome :)"

Aliana Demarnen claims to Kinaed, "Oh, I bet you say that to all the newbies."

Aliana Demarnen grins at Kinaed.

Aliana Demarnen says, "Couldn't resist."

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "RP's been good when I find it."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Rp has been bloody amazing.. especially for this character of mine.. her concept has gotten much farther along this week along. especially thanks to someone"

Kinaed queries to Aliana Demarnen, "If you have a chance sometime, I'll drop you a tell and get some 'new player perspective' on what you see and what you like, dislike, etc? Is that okay?"

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "I do, actually. :)"

Kinaed winks.

Kinaed wonders, "Good point, Samantha. Anyone do anything particularly great this week? Or want to thank anyone for being awesome?"

Aliana Demarnen claims to Kinaed, "Sure, that's fine. Thanks."

Kinaed smiles at Aliana Demarnen.

Kinaed says, "Thanks :)"

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "Well"

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "I've been back for about a month or so now, and since then Mady's been a great help for me, so, kudos to her for everything she's done"

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "She kind of held my hand when I came back from my last absence too"

Kinaed smiles.

Azarial states, "We did have the effective nine year anniversary this week."

Kinaed declaims to Azarial, "We did!"

Argider pontificates, "Nine years is impressive!"

Kinaed claims, "Yes, as of this week, Az and I have been running TI for 9 years on the nose."

Samantha ab Vortina queries, "I would like thanks aliana.. and is this nine years since this new version or the whole concept?"

Aliana Demarnen says, "Wow."

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Oh nice."

Kinaed claims, "Since the old concept. The new version opened Jan 6th, 2011."

Azarial claims, "Nine years since i came on board to work on the source."

Samantha ab Vortina nods

Azarial says, "Nine hyears, tow days, five hours, and about 22 minutes since i logged in."

Kinaed has pulled Ephera from the pattern!

Aliana Demarnen asks, "How many seconds?"

Victyr dul Bellatos lost his TV remote, looks around for it.

Kinaed has released Ephera back to the Pattern.

Azarial says, "Sat Nov 13 21:07:11 2004"

Kinaed claims, "Timestime of Creation: Sat Nov 13 19:26:42 2004"

Azarial states, "Barring time zones and such"

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Hehe :)"
Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Victyr dul Bellatos says, "It was laying under my lapdesk."

Kinaed wonders, "Well, if that covers heartbeat, how about Player Topics? What would you guys like to talk about?"

Azarial states, "I kinda wish i had a vanilla compy to see what the diff looked like. alas, my first backup had some serious axework."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Samantha ab Vortina states, "I have something i would like to discuss"

Kinaed claims, "As I recall, you couldn't load it. If I can find the first email of the source, I'll send it to you."

Kinaed queries to Samantha ab Vortina, "Sure, what's on your mind?"

Azarial claims, "Could be. I do;t remember being that concerned about backups. stability was the goal."

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "I know this has been brought up alot in the past but... I have to say that i have noticed a lack of order prescense... not the knight side of the order but the order side.. I mean yesterday it seemed like they all hopped on for a bit but.. well yeah just seems they are once again getting less present"

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "That's probably because the Order is sort of a hard role to play, and it doesn't quite sit well with what a lot of people -like- to play"

Safir Mara'aye states, "Perhaps it's a lack of outright activities by the Order? Because I've run into orderites on both my characters lately, without really trying. "

Kinaed nods at a lithely built, sun-browned man.

Aliana Demarnen wonders, "Clergy you mean?"

Azarial says, "There;s a bonus for playig as and wioth porderites."

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "That being said, Olivia is workign on a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff"

Safir Mara'aye says, "I've run into a priest and an acolyte, in addition to ex-members."

Kinaed says, "I had my alt on and ended up RPing with her for awhile. Unfortunately, holding down a full time job, two kids, and running TI eats up so much time that my ability to remain active is questionable, but I am definitely available via pboard or mail to RP with if you need an Orderite."

Samantha ab Vortina says, "You know i have to say great for olivia and all her behind the scene stuff.. but it is also nice to actually see her out and about so people can actually get a hold of her"

Kinaed says, "I'd encourage people to contact the Order via mail or pboard if they want RP."

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Kinaed muses to Samantha ab Vortina, "Are you saying you have or haven't seen her?"

Samantha ab Vortina says, "I saw her yesterday on my alt but that was like after a 2 week abscense"

Kinaed ponders.

Kinaed states, "She might have had something on last week."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "And then this alt sent her a letter about 3 weeks ago and just recieved a letter back thursday.."

Aliana Demarnen seriously considers switching to Daemon worship every Midnight.

Kinaed laughs.

Samantha ab Vortina states, "But alas that was my only concern.."

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "Okay, in the instance that a GL isn't reachable, here are your options: 1) IC mail, which you did, 2) OOCly Pboard to arrange RP and remind them you're interested, 3) Hit them with a support disapproval for failing to do their job, and 4) come to staff about the matter."

Kinaed says, "Generally speaking, staff will leave the GL alone and let the automatic activity system oust them if required."

Samantha ab Vortina nods

Kinaed questions, "Does this help you figure out what to do, or are you looking for more, Sam?"

A youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a star-shaped periwinkle forget-me-not to a youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin .

Azarial claims, "A support disapprove is sent cia the rumor system, if you hvae the IP for it"

A youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin queries, "How long has this meeting gone on for?"

Beronica Destral claims, "38 minutes"

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "A couple of days"

A youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin nods.

Kinaed states, "About 40 minutes, daylight savings is still trouble."

Beronica Destral states, "Think it should be dropped completely."

Kinaed says, "I'll post the timeconvert for next weekend's, sorry. I'm driving the kids to the zoo today."

Aliana Demarnen states, "I have a question."

Victyr dul Bellatos doesn't have to deal with DST anymore grins*

Aliana Demarnen questions, "If Sam is done?"

Kinaed queries to Beronica Destral, "What should be dropped?"

Beronica Destral claims, "Daylight Savings time."

Kinaed claims to Aliana Demarnen, "I think it's fine to just jump in. :)"

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Yeah sorry that was all"

Kinaed claims, "Oh, I know. It's been a nightmare these last two weeks."

Kinaed is running a project out of Canada at work.

Aliana Demarnen queries, "Ok thanks...I was just going to say...the help file on "osay" appears to indicate a very strict non-osay for ooc stuff policy, but I know different people have different preferences. Is that file correct, should I avoid even the occasional humorous osay? Or is that dependent on who you're RPing with?"

A youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin has gone AFK.

Azarial states, "I suspect it;s pretty situational"

Safir Mara'aye states, "I would keep it to a minimum in large scenes, but say it depends on who you are RPing with otherwise. "

Kinaed states, "It's dependent on who you sre with, but you can use tells or multi-tells to talk to a lot of people without disturbing the room. At large events, osay is considered a bit gauche."

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

Azarial states, "Some use it to help new players along, or to clarify comments or mistakes."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Aliana Demarnen questions, "Ok, got it. But if it's just two people, say, and they both don't mind, it's ok?"

Victyr dul Bellatos nods, " Most are okay with it, so long as it doesn't become the primary thing in a scene, keep in mind it costs xp to use osay though

Safir Mara'aye says, "If you're cyan though, and have questions, it's totally cool to use it."

Kinaed states, "If you're rping one on one, you can go for your life, yeah."

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "While others like to make irrelevant comments midscene. Those are the ones I want to bite heads off of."

Kinaed claims, "We don't watch people's RP and aren't involved in private discussions."

Aliana Demarnen exclaims, "Not for me, I'm Cyan! :)"

Safir Mara'aye says OOCly, "Sure. If someone has a problem, they'll ask on osay to keep chat out of the osays."

Kinaed says, "The idea is to say that if someone says they don't want you to use osays, we support them as in the right :)"

Maxwell Wattkil is no longer idle.
Maxwell Wattkil has returned from AFK.

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

Aliana Demarnen claims, "Got it."

Aliana Demarnen says, "Thank you."

Kinaed questions, "With fifteen minutes to go, does anyone want to talk about anything else?"

Kinaed states, "We can just socialize too."

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "I was going to bring up the whole RPXP bit, because you know, that's a hot topic and all, but with the changes going on, I'll give it a week before I decide to complain/approve/disapprove/hang myself"

Beronica Destral muses, "Is Temi still going to be running her quest at the end of the month?"

Kinaed says to a lithely built, sun-browned man, "I should have Az's data tonight. We're also looking at other methods to attack the RPxp curve, but we'll probably talk about them next OOC Chat."

Kinaed says to Beronica Destral, "I'm not sure, but I'll ask her to let you know."

Argider says, "Now that I have less on my shoulders and perhaps a bit more time for creative stuff, I'm going to be working toward putting together some IC and OOC resources for Knights. If anyone has any suggestions, ideas, etc. please feel free to shoot me a tell or pboard note."

Samantha ab Vortina taps the end of her chair and considers "Trying to think of something... Out of mild curiousity kinaed any recent changes in the field of magic on this game? Like how is magecraft going? I know last time we talked about changing the highest rank on magecraft..

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Oh we're going to talk, don't worry Mister Big Farin sir"

Aliana Demarnen states, "Question about tells to staff: How much is considered annoying? :) I honestly don't know."

Kinaed wonders to Argider, "Are you going to be a GL?"

A lithely built, sun-browned man wholeheartedly supports the notion

Argider claims to Kinaed, "If Lloyd doesn't plan to come back and the position of Earl Marshall is open, would love to."

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "That's very player individual, but most people won't jump down your throat, esp if you're cyan. You'll get a feel for it quick, I think :)"

Kinaed nods at Argider.

Victyr dul Bellatos tries to remember if he's pissed of Argider in recent months.

Aliana Demarnen states to Kinaed, "Ok thanks. :)"

Kinaed states, "Hmm, his approval rating isn't showing because he's a 2nd GL. I'm pondering if I should kick the EM role back to Olivia or if I should be more controlling of that."

Samantha ab Vortina queries, "Em role?"

Victyr dul Bellatos claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "Earl Marshall"

Kinaed says to Aliana Demarnen, "For context, we just recently merged the Order and Knights."

Kinaed nods at Victyr dul Bellatos.

Samantha ab Vortina says, "Ah ok.."

Argider wonders to Kinaed, "Controlling of what, exactly?"

Kinaed states, "The Earl Marshall is now, codewise, a 2nd GL."

Aliana Demarnen wonders, "So the knights are, in a sense, Paladins?"

emote headscratches.

Argider headscratches.

Kinaed says to Argider, "Staff used to select first GLs."

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "I think it'd be fair, considering the nature of the EM role, for staff to have some sort of control over it"

Kinaed claims to Aliana Demarnen, "Something like that, yes. Templar-style militant group that enforces the Order."

Kinaed nods at a lithely built, sun-browned man.

Aliana Demarnen nods.

Kinaed states, "Historically, we certainly would have."

Samantha ab Vortina states, "I personally think you should be more controlling of the em role kinaed.. realistically the cardinal and earl marshall are two different things and in control of two different people"

Azarial sets up a marble roller for the heir,

Samantha ab Vortina states, "Note people of groups"

Argider claims, "Ah. I think he posted a note saying "decide what to do with me, I'm going to be gone a while," but no action was taken, and I'm not sure who has the authority to do what at this point. Just wanted to state that I'm interested in the spot, though."

Kinaed says, "But we also rely on some automated stats to tell us if a GL needs staff intervention, and those stats aren't available for the EM role at this time."

Samantha ab Vortina facepalms.. Not people but groups.. oh i can tell what type of day it will be

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Yeah, back then that system worked, but that's all changed with the merger"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I'll put a quick chat to Olivia on my todo, and the outcome of that I will resolve in the next week."

Argider claims, "Sounds good."

Kinaed nods at a lithely built, sun-browned man.

Kinaed nods at Argider.

Argider states, "I've already let her know that I'm interested, should the position become available."

Kinaed questions, "Are there any other knights besides Argider who we think would be interested in the EM role?"

Victyr dul Bellatos ponders, " Wait if he becomes the EM, does that mean no more armor!?" throws tantrum*

Kinaed claims to Victyr dul Bellatos, "That went over my head, luv. :)"

Victyr dul Bellatos claims to Kinaed, "My alt can, he's in two guilds"

Victyr dul Bellatos says to Kinaed, "Can't*"

Kinaed nods at Victyr dul Bellatos.

Beronica Destral says to Victyr dul Bellatos, "Your alt is bright enough to make night look like day."

Argider claims to Victyr dul Bellatos, "It would mean that I would have to give up my Merchant guild membership, yes. Though perhaps not the shop - depends on Tristana, I think."

Azarial claims, "As tells go, i tend to prefer bug notes; easier to work on when I can get to it. otherwise I do not handle anything on the grid unless it;s a major bug.,"

Kinaed questions, "Okay, clarification - are there any other ELIGIBLE knights besides Argider who we think would be interested in the EM role? :P"

Beronica Destral wonders, "Loken?"

Samantha ab Vortina questions, "In your chat with her kinaed can you remind her about roles open for application? i have an amazing priest application ready to go but am waitng.. and what about haidar.. as grand master wouldn't he technically get a chance to apply for it first?"

Kinaed states to Beronica Destral, "I'll ask him."

Kinaed nods at Samantha ab Vortina.

Kinaed says, "He would have precedence, yes. I'll ask him."

Victyr dul Bellatos blinds everyone with his alt's glory, " There's loken, Haidar, Gav, but he's got the same problem."

Beronica Destral says, "If we were sure Kaerrick would stick around possibly him again."

Argider states, "Kaerrick might be active again and interested, not sure."

Safir Mara'aye questions, "Casimir's a knight, yeah?"

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "Not anymore"

Beronica Destral claims, "Nope."

Beronica Destral claims, "I got the cloak to prove it."

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "And Loken's a useless lout, just saying"

Argider claims, "Haidar was apped in, hasn't been a Knight as long as I have, but he definitely has superiority in rank, fo sho."

Argider grins at a lithely built, sun-browned man.

Samantha ab Vortina claims, "I remember when kaerrick was earl marshall.. but wait when did casimir get removed.. hmm"

Kinaed says, "His activity history isn't high enough for us to gamble on him. GLs who disappear for inactivity are disqualified until they've established activity. To my knowledge, Kaerrick's only been active this week."

Maxwell Wattkil queries, "...Am I a good Proconsul? D:"

Argider says to Samantha ab Vortina, "Casimir quit the Knights a few weeks ago."

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims to Maxwell Wattkil, "You're a good chef"

Maxwell Wattkil says, "...:("

Aliana Demarnen says, "Awww"

Kinaed questions, "Guys, guys. We're nice to each other OOCly, okay?"

Aliana Demarnen comforts Maxwell Wattkil.

A youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin declares, "Of -course- you are, chief!"

"I really did not know.. hmm." Samantha ab Vortina walks up to Maxwell Wattkil and pats him on the back "Your a good proconsul.. but you arent any kain.." [Samantha ab Vortina]

Safir Mara'aye claims, "You're still alive and not declared a heretic, so that's pretty good for proconsul"

Argider chuckles.

Maxwell Wattkil claims to Safir Mara'aye, "Ha ha, I'm like an anti-heretic."

Maxwell Wattkil asks, "Like most of you are. RIGHT?"

Beronica Destral claims to Samantha ab Vortina, "YOu would say that about your old character."

Aliana Demarnen pontificates, "AH! Pressure!"

Aliana Demarnen states, ":)"

Kinaed questions, "Okay, guys... can I get some help with my poor memory? I'm talking to Olivia about the EM role and I'm talking to her about... what was the other thing?"

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "Some app thing"

Azarial states, "Apps"

Kinaed states, "Priest app, thanks."

Samantha ab Vortina smirks to Beronica Destral "Of course.. i miss kain like the dickens.. but i also miss seymor.. My most successful mage.. knew 3 of the 5 elements.. and had highest rank in magecraft..

Aliana Demarnen says, "And you're telling me at some point for feedback, etc :)"

Argider states, "Also posting a gen board note about next week's meeting."

Kinaed pontificates, "Okay, anything else on the agenda? We've got 5 more minutes!"

Kinaed pontificates to Aliana Demarnen and Argider, "Thank you!"

Argider claims, "I'm good here. Thanks for the meeting, everyone."

Argider declares to Aliana Demarnen, "And welcome to the game. Hope you stick around!"

Samantha ab Vortina queries, "Yeah app kinaed.. sorry was working on a pose.. and um.. nothing i can think of.. though kinaed what would i have to do to get quest regarding lothos? "

Aliana Demarnen states to Argider, "Thank you. So do I :)"

Samantha ab Vortina queries, "Any precaustions or can i use teh ST command?"

Kinaed queries to Samantha ab Vortina, "As a storyteller or wanting to run a quest?"

Kinaed states to Samantha ab Vortina, "You can use the Storyteller command."

A youthful, hazel-eyed lad with dusty-brown skin has returned from AFK.

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Hm, a quest on Edessa would be kind of fun"

Kinaed states, "I meant, as a storyteller or as a staff member running a quest for you."

Samantha ab Vortina nods to Kinaed "Hmm.. well then i will work on something using the storyteller

Kinaed claims, "But if you want to run a story, use storyteller commands."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed exclaims, "Thanks. We love storytellers!"

Aliana Demarnen says, "I think the bed has been made, and the maid has been bedded, figuratively speaking."

Kinaed states, "Okay, I've got my action points for the week. :)"

Kinaed grins at Aliana Demarnen.

Victyr dul Bellatos promises he will run a story one day when he isn't using an ipad.

Kinaed states, "Someone's gonna fit right in."

Azarial chuckles softly, one ear fluttering briefly.

Kinaed smiles at Victyr dul Bellatos.

Aliana Demarnen smiles.

Samantha ab Vortina smiles softly as she hears this,

Kinaed claims, "Okay, folks, let's wrap it up. Thanks again for coming and contributing to our weekly get togethers."

Kinaed waves.

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Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:11 am

Belatedly throwing my piece in: with the Order/Knight merger, I would love to see a rewrite, or rewrite, the HELP EARL MARSHALL file, and give the Cardinal the power to elect the Earl Marshall. The Royal Council shouldn't have a hand in it at all, really. It'd be fun if the Reeves took over some of the more militant responsibilities of the realm.

Edit: Casimir for EM.
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

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Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:08 am

I understand the RPXP thread has been locked and you're wanting players to keep things to themselves until things get sorted a bit more and updates go in. I know people have RL and things come up and don't expect this to be set in stone, but can some time be given as an indication on when this is going to be on the table for discussion again? At the next OOC meeting? At a future OOC meeting? If the next OOC meeting, will that be running early because of time zones? I have no idea what the dust up was that happened in the past couple of days and don't really care to know, but I do have some questions, and not knowing when or if it's going to be something we can talk about it builds more rather than less frustration. Knowing a general time of 'when' helps ease that and makes the request easier to follow. Thanks.

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Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:46 am

My understanding is that Kin has provided updated dice numbers to Az to program in when he gets the chance. I expect in the next couple days you should be seeing the new values and you can start evaluating based on current decisions rather than prior concerns and loose ideas.

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