Learn By Use (LBU) vs Inspiration vs ???

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What is the real perception of LBU vs Inspiration vs ???

Poll ended at Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:09 am

I prefer Inspiration.
I prefer LBU.
I don't care about this issue...
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I have another idea to get the best of both/all worlds (clarification below)...
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Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:37 am

I like this idea, but unfortunately it would get really old RPing tailoring, for example, or hide (if you are doing emotes and speech and all the stuff people usually do to gain rpxp while hiding, chances are you aren't doing it very well! ;)). I imagine it would be hard for the imms to check whether or not people are following the rules either.

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:16 pm

Thanks for the feedback Estelle, I'll try to address the issues you raised.

Firstly, with regards to imm monitoring, I think it would fall under a similar category as teach- and I don't think the imms care to monitor and make sure that someone is actually RPing the teaching. It comes down to trust, and I like to think we can trust our fellow players to be above board. If it is an issue, it could simply echo to the imms when the command is instigated. Something like: 'Charmaine has begun to inspire Voidmagic in room 5050'.

With regards covert skills, I would personally think it reasonable to use. I'll use your hide example. You're in a room, roleplaying, and inspiring hide- your direct roleplay may not be related to the skill, but you may be using think for such things as casing the room, marking out reasonable hiding places etc, rather than directly hiding. I'd be pretty open to a creative interpretation of how that skill works in a given situation.

As for some skills being potentially boring to inspire... yeah, it may be, that is a good point. :) Hopefully those that are or are really best used solo could have their LBU returns boosted a bit or something?

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:30 am

I think limiting inspiration to one use per 24hrs per skill would be sufficient to make people use it in combination with LBU.

Also the key thing inspiration is supposed to cover is all the stuff you learn when not logged into the game, if I have to LBU for several thousand hours (and this is not an exaggeration) to become uber grandmaster in a skill, I'm going to want to shoot myself in the head. I already want to shoot myself in the head, so maybe it's a moot point but still. LBU is for when your online rping and inspiration accounts for the 23hours a day you're NOT playing the inquisition, which actually is the majority of time your character is alive, so it really should be a substantial learning tool, just like it use to be.

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:00 pm

Actually, I figure the time people aren't online for RP is when they sleep and go potty. *jests*

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Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:14 am

I actually prefer LBU. I think it helps stimulate RP, be it by sparring, performing for people, buying stuff you don't need to raise haggle, making a bunch of crappy stuff to stimulate the economy to raise trade skills and so on and so forth.

However, I'm also in favor of keeping a no limit cap on skill purchases in creation, too, so that people can start with their skills where they want to be. I feel that kind of offsets the lack of inspiration.

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