IC/OOC Crossover - the Respect Angle

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:20 pm

In general, I think the TI community agrees that any given player has a fundamental right to author their own character's actions without OOC pressure upon that player to act in any given way. IC pressure, sure, but not OOC.

As policy, I agree - so I'm thinking of adding "pressuring another player OOCly to take or refrain from IC actions" to the twinking list. Do people agree with this? Disagree?

Fear of the consequences of another player's actions has no place in how we treat each other OOCly. ICly, we're all bastards. OOCly, we're people with kids, family, friends - personal tragedies and triumphs. We are not that IC bastard, it's just a role we choose to play, and it's our right to do so.

As a personal plea - please don't label people OOCly for what their characters do ICly. It's a major pet peeve of mine. PlayerX is not an asshole or a witch because they don't do what another player wants them to, they're an independent person exercising their right to play their own character. Their status as a label is actually more a matter of how a given person chooses to view the world and other people than any real truth.

If you have an OOC problem with another player, please use ignore or block. Do not use tells or other OOC channels as a weapon or tool of IC manipulation.

I could point at the recent case that has me posting this, but the reality is that I think TI's community has, historically, been really naughty about respecting other people's RP. I know that a lot of RP games solution to this is removing OOC channels. We've been through that once on Tam's watch. I'd like to see TI's community improve and actually become a great place to play at the community level because we do respect, support, and even ask for/enjoy the conflict that arises in our RP. In general, I'd like to think we can have a community AND great RP with terrific conflict and so on. But if we want to do it, we need to really ramp up the respect.

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:28 pm

Sounds like a good idea to be added to the helpfile.

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:26 pm

+1. I'm fully in support of this.

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:20 am

+2. I love assholes/baddies when RPed well and with OOC respect for other players. :)

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:01 am

I have on at least one occasion, but probably more, been pressured OOCly for certain IC actions. And it's poopy. And twinky.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:50 pm

As per the help twink file, if:

1) if a player reports a complaint about this
2) then they provide evidence such as a log [Help Policy Burden of Proof]
3) AND the imms, placing themselves in the shoes of the player making the
complaint, feel there is a reasonable basis to believe that there's OOC
pressure on a player...

... Then staff will deduct 3,000 xp off the char and point them to the help policy twink files. They already cover this stuff, this is just making it explicit what will happen and how we'll determine that it needs to happen.

Everyone, please see this post as a gentle attempt at forewarning. It's not intended as a threat, but rather to educate people that things are changing in this direction before we start deducting xp from the accounts of players engaging in this sort of behavior. I'll also make an announcement on the announce board.

Kinky carrying the banner for respectful, non-OOC pressure RP

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