City Report Metrics

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:56 am

Here is our City Report at the moment:

Code: Select all

  Safety          : Poor
  Morale          : Good
  Religion        : Good
  Economics       : Good
  Defense         : Substandard
  Corruption      : Poor
  Health          : Challenged
  Infrastructure  : Substandard
  Education       : Average
  Food            : Excellent
  Class Relations : Ordinary
  Race Relations  : Poor

  Farin           : Challenged
  Tubor           : Ordinary
  Vandago         : Substandard
  Vavard          : Challenged
  Daravi          : Pathetic
I'm thinking of trying to make as many of these floating calculations with a "plot modifier" as possible, then making in-game consequences to low metrics that affect everyone, not in such a way as to make the game unplayable, but impactful to give people a reason to want to act to affect metrics.

Examples of automatic measurement:
+ Guild oriented activity (Order Activity might boost Religion & Education, Knight Activity Safety & Defense, Reeve Activity Safety & Corruption, Troubadour Activity Morale and Foreign Relations, Merchant Activity Economics and Foreign Relations, etc)
+ Religion - suggested % of Davites in game versus others might form a base measurement
+ Health - number of treatments a doctor gives in a month
+ Morale - number of pmote performances in RP in a month
+ Other suggestions?

Examples of potential metric consequences:
Good corruption might mean mail wait times to receive are reduced.
Poor corruption might mean mail takes longer to be received.
Good economics might mean that money earns interest in banks.
Poor economics might mean that a small % of each bank transaction is lost.
Poor health might mean that people heal more slowly across the game.
Good health might mean that people heal more quickly across the game.

I'm not sure those particular things are good ideas, but I am curious what people think about:
1) putting the metrics into the day-to-day hands of players to adjust through IC action,
2) giving the metrics some real consequences, and
3) if we do decide to go that far, what metrics and consequences they would suggest.

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Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:48 pm

Generally, I like the idea of there being good and bad consequences for changing metrics. I'd like there to be balance though, which probably complicates the issue and by balance I mean, I'd like there to be some cross influence between metrics so it takes some effort to keep everything in the green. For example, lifting education's score will require a ding against economics because the city is funneling money into the university and primary schools or whatever. That sort of thing. If everything is independent I think it'll be too easy to keep everything fine.

Edit: Also, is it possible to get a helpfile that describes the different metrics in more detail?

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Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:50 pm

Some stuff that might happen when these metrics are HIGH:

Code: Select all

  Safety          : Lethal Southside mobs might not actually be lethal at all, starting at some minimum Safety level.
  Safety          : Non-lethal Southside "thief" mobs might be less common, leaving it potentially more safe for people to wander through Southside.
  Religion        : Small RPXP bonus if we reach a high metric level, to support the thematic strength of the Order.
  Economics       : Higher mobshop prices, higher appraise prices.
  Integrity       : Brotherhood gets 0% cut of mobshop sales at Good and higher.
  Food            : Lower food mobshop prices
Some stuff that might happen when these metrics are LOW:

Code: Select all

  Safety          : Non-lethal Southside "thief" mobs might be more common, and/or may not respect the boundary of Southside
  Safety          : Non-lethal Southside "thief" mobs might actually become lethal at very low Safety levels. (may be bad to combine lethality and boundary ideas)
  Religion        : Feasible to load aggressive (non-lethal) mage mobs that mattack on sight?
  Economics       : Lower mobshop prices, lower appraise prices.
  Economics       : Less mobshop availability; per-template setting tied to minimum Economics level to show up on list.
  Integrity       : Brotherhood gets a cut of all mobshop sales, +1% for each level below Good, 1 silver minimum.
  Health          : Random chance of colds or other minor diseases, healable via time or the various herbal teas.
  Food            : Higher food mobshop prices. Less availability of "fancy" stuff (per-template setting tied to minimum Food level)
  Race Relations  : Potentially aggressive (non-lethal) mobs in each quarter that attack people not of the same race. For example, in the Tubori quarter NPCs might ignore (or vocally praise) Tubori PCs but harrass or even attack Vavardi PCs.
Note, I renamed Corruption to Integrity in the above examples based on this week's OOC chat and Corruption being a confusing name for something you want to increase.

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Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:00 pm

I appreciate these suggestions. Any others?

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Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:58 am

I like the idea of their being coded consequences to our actions but I think we should still have consequences from non-coded RP.

For example: Lets say a mage outs her self and uses the cathedral to flood the city with magical gas *cough*

That should lead to a pretty serious hit to religion, because now the competition has highjacked one of the biggest physical symbols of the church's presence.

HOWEVER in this example public health should go up, maybe not by the same percentage that religion went down.

I don't think in that case any of the RP would have set off any of the auto-triggers you discussed, but none-the-less are pretty big deals.

Long story short: Coded adjustments good, but other RP events need to impact the score as well. Note: I know you never implied that, I just wanted to get my view out there.

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Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:48 am

Systemic, non-code stuff is hard.

Systemic code stuff is easy.

I'm thinking about giving a City Council some points to spend on differing areas cyclically, never enough points to raise everything, but enough to let them decide what is important.

When they spend the points, I'd like them to say what they're doing to justify the advance in that area, which can inform city events. This would be a tailored response. The code stuff that happens when each metric is high or low would be non-tailored, standard system code. These things would assist the City Council to take a stance on priorities.

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Thu May 12, 2016 1:45 am

This thread is resurrected now that we're getting closer - Anyway...

Here's some potential ideas for city metrics. I am not happy with them or precious about them, so please feel free to discuss and make suggestions for change. It's just what I came up with on an attempt last night. What I do want is:

1. City Metric impacts should be about even with one another in terms of impact to the pbase at large to prevent a holy-grail metric being the one that everyone tries to keep up no matter what.
2. City Metrics impacts should be global.

90+ Reeve mobs load and attempt to arrest criminals committing crimes in lawful areas
80+ Reeve mobs will arrest warranted players
70+ Criminal reporting to room is instantaneous
30- Mobs flagged thief steal silver from players, appear in thieves guild acct
20- Mobs flagged thief steal objects from players; appear in thieves guild hall
10- Southside mobs can randomly load and attack players, except freeman and cyan in lawless areas
90+ People process their pool 30% faster
80+ People process their pool 15% faster
70+ People process their pool 10% faster
30- People process their pool 10% slower
20- People process their pool 15% slower
10- People process their pool 30% slower
90+ Knight patrol mobs load and attempt to arrest people casting spells in lawful areas
70+ Magery room reporting is instantaneous
30- No magery reporting to Order channel in lawful zones
20- Random spell effects happen throughout the city (players randomly targetted by annoying spells?)
10- Latents can purchase awakening at will
90+ Shop prices reduced by 15%
80+ Shop prices reduced by 10%
70+ Shop prices reduced by 5%
30- Player income reduced by 5%
20- Player income reduced by 10%
10- Player income reduced by 15%
90+ Healing rates +20%
80+ Healing rates +15%
70+ Healing rates +10%
30- Healing rates -10%
20- Healing rates -20%
10- Healing rates -30%
90+ Mail arrives in 5 OOC minutes; +30% movement speed on city roads
80+ Mail arrives in 15 OOC minutes;+20% movement speed on city roads
70+ 10% movement speed on city roads
30- +2 increase to mv use per room shift
20- +5 increase to mv use per room shift
10- +10 increase to mv use per room shift
Class Relations
30- Rostered shops charge 25% more for non-class aligned people
20- Rostered shops charge 50% more for non-class aligned people
10- Rostered shops refuse service to non-class aligned people
Race Relations
90+ +15 ranks of 'free' temporary language skills to all players for all foreign languages
80+ +10 ranks of 'free' temporary language skills to all players for all foreign languages
70+ +5 ranks of 'free' temporary language skills to all players for all foreign languages
30- Mobs at foreign quarter gates bar people of incorrect races
20- People barred + offensive slurs from mobs in streets
10- People barred + offensive slurs + aggro mobs loading, beating up and booting in FQs

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Thu May 12, 2016 2:05 am

These are freaking cool. I love all of them. @.@

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Thu May 12, 2016 4:57 am

Idea for class relations being up: Maybe class-specific entry fees to fancy places (like when a Freeman wants to go to the Bluebird) are temporarily removed if class relations is high enough? Maybe there could also be something from the other side, like gentry and nobles being allowed into Southside (maybe with the payment of a small bribe, if at-will access is too much)?


Fri May 13, 2016 12:39 am

So I wrote this originally for staff but it was so long I decided it's better here. Players, sorry if any of the terms are unclear, ask me for elaboration if need be!

General systems we could add to enable things across multiple metrics:

* Mobprog ifchecks for city metrics that change mob reactions

* Programmable resets that allow us to more finely control the amount of mobs on-grid at any time without as much manual effort

* Shop code that let us set specific vnums to pop up on timers that can be sensitive to city metrics (also useful in auto-handling the occasional respawn of rare items?)

* Flexible room flags that change based on city metrics so more rooms BECOME lawful, or public, or rumor-monger, or etc? We can flag certain rooms as 'metric-sensitive' so they can change based on metrics.

* A mob spec for shopkeepers that is based on city metrics for race and class and allows us to have them refuse service or increase prices for
people of different races/classes without putting the same mobprogs on every shopkeeper.


I'm good with lawfulness.


Morale seems fine. We could also make rumors cheaper/more expensive (bards
are scarcer? Perhaps -30, -20, -10%, +10, +20, +30%?

We could also make rumors decay faster (low morale) or stick around longer
(high morale). +3/+2/+1, -1/-2/-3 to basic strength?

If we do flexible rooms, we can have more rooms become rumor rooms or public rooms.


Can add Knight mobs willing to arrest for warrants the same way, at 80+ - make the two mirrored.

I wouldn't target players at random with spells, I don't think, but I admit this one is hard to flesh out.

If we add the flexible room flags, we can make 10, 20, or 30% of 'metric-sensitive' rooms flip to tarnished or flip to lawful.

If we add metric-sensitive shop details, up the chance of shady shops possibly selling magical/enchanted items?


Sounds good.

If we add metric-sensitive shops, we could also add quicker/slower refresh of rare items.


With how healing works, I don't know that we can do percentages in that way, exactly.

Perhaps the definition of wounds that heal without treatment can change if health is good? 10 percent of HP normally, 12 percent at 70, 15 at 80,
20 at 90? Maybe if health is bad, effective rate of the treat skill gets a small penalty? -5%, -10%, -15%?

If we add flexible resets, we could add disease-spreading mobs that have a tiny chance of auto-spreading coded diseases, and the chance of spread or the number
of mobs could be metric-dependent.

If we add flexible shops, we could have Morris Medical's stock be depleted or be more expensive.


I quite like infrastructure, think it's good.

Class Relations:

I like the ideas here but the numbers seem too strict; I'd do 10/25/refuse.

If we add a general shopkeeper mob spec, it can handle this and other things.

Agree with Galen about changing the price of accepts alongside this - this could be a nice benefit for the upward side, but is too small, so I think we
need something else too.

If we add flexible room flags, we could have Southside borders expand or contract to fit class relations. This would take some real doing but I think would be super cool. It could also be a joint function of lawfulness/class relations, or be kept solely for plot/event - either is fine by me.

Race Relations:

I like the lower side of this, but not so much the positive side... but not sure what to do with positive race relations at all.

THis one definitely stumps me.

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