The New World Order

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What do you think of having a Council run the Monarchy?

Maybe - with suggestions!
Total votes: 15
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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:34 am

How is the decentralized regency council working? Love it? Hate it? Is the game more political now?

Link to the subsequent New World Order Re-poll.

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Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:06 am

Given there's a Regent/head guy, he still looks like the monarch (kind of like the President is perceived to have the power to do everything but there's 300 people who have to approve everything.)

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Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:14 am

There isn't a regent, there's a Regency Council. If someone is calling themselves the regent, then they're usurping power.

Admittedly a valid tactic for RP - but that tactic is only as acceptable as the other players want/allow it to be through their RP.

But, what I'm hearing is that it's probably not working as intended. Well, we can fix that in the long run if necessary. In the short term, I've had a few people tell me it's too soon to determine if it's working or not, and you're the first person who has actually said anything to substantiate their stance on their vote (thank you, by the way!), so... honestly, I have no idea how it's going down. Would love to hear more perspectives/feedback to the staff.

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Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:26 pm

Just dashing off before I hafta go, but I think that it's been great so far purely because it's caused a LOT of interesting RP. Whether it's working as intended or not, well.. I think there are IC methods to subvert it, if imms should allow players to do that.

I do think the Regent vs Regency Council thingy is something that should be clarified further, as lots of people are having the OOC misconception that the Regent is a sort-of monarch, when I think the intended structure of the Council was that each member of it has 'supposedly' equal say?

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:19 am

Yes - each member of the council is intended to have exactly equal say, and there is not supposed to be a centralized monarch. If there was, we could have simply apped in a regent/monarch to replace Charm, and there'd be no point to the council.

I think IC subversion should be fine, but if we find that it's detrimental to the game, I think we'll do something about it. I'm glad to hear there's plenty of RP around it, however, and I'm hoping people are enjoying themselves.

It'll probably be best to touch base on this again another time after the RP has hit its stride? Oh well, will probably happen after I go back to work. :)

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:13 pm

I think that at the moment the council (and to be honest, a lot of the previous major imm-inspired rp) is highly geared to the nobles and higher positions in the city. Yes, I do see rp branching out now and it could develop into something really interesting, but as someone who doesn't play in those positions, it was very slow going and kind of a yawn to start with.

If the rp keeps developing, fantastic. If not, it has the potential to remain clique-y and within a certain group of people, and maybe some encouragement on the other end of the spectrum to balance it out would be nice.

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:36 pm

Oh, yes, I think there should definitely be stuff geared towards freemen as well, if the imms are able.

I think a problem, though, is that people just like playing characters of power and status. I mean, we're all freemen IRL, so I guess TI is our way of escaping that, of being able to play characters that control lands and move governments and such. It is entirely possible to do so as a freeman, especially on the illegal side of things, but frankly, having played both, it is just easier to do it as a powerful noble.

Don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that, as everyone is entitled to one noble - we just have to save the xp up a little for it. :p

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:57 pm

Estelle wrote:Oh, yes, I think there should definitely be stuff geared towards freemen as well, if the imms are able.

I think a problem, though, is that people just like playing characters of power and status. I mean, we're all freemen IRL, so I guess TI is our way of escaping that, of being able to play characters that control lands and move governments and such. It is entirely possible to do so as a freeman, especially on the illegal side of things, but frankly, having played both, it is just easier to do it as a powerful noble.

Don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that, as everyone is entitled to one noble - we just have to save the xp up a little for it. :p
Or kill a Great Lord and take his job.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:22 am

If you kill a Great Lord you don't usually get his job unless you were 2nd in command to begin with, which is pretty powerful and involved in itself anyway.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:34 pm

The only freemen I know are orphan kids.

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