Log of OOC meeting 1/10/2016

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:01 pm

Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:09 pm

11:02:58p | prompt
11:02:58p | You will no longer see prompts.
11:02:58p |
11:03:00p |
11:03:00p | Laxus says, "Yum.. pasta"
11:03:00p |
11:03:07p | Kinaed exclaims to Goodryke, "Thank you!"
11:03:07p |
11:03:11p |
11:03:11p | Azarial claims, "Trim out any keeplives or icly relevant info and tells, as well"
11:03:11p |
11:03:15p | Kinaed has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe
11:03:15p |
11:03:19p |
11:03:19p | Ailu states, "I don't trust my Mud client at the moment."
11:03:19p |
11:03:26p | say will do!
11:03:28p |
11:03:28p | Goodryke pontificates, "Will do!"
11:03:28p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:03:28p |
11:03:46p |
11:03:46p | Praen declares, "Easiest way to log -- turn your prompt off (via the PROMPT command and turn on your client's logging feature!"
11:03:46p |
11:03:47p |
11:03:47p | Kinaed questions, "Today's Agenda is:
11:03:47p |
11:03:47p | - Staff Updates
11:03:47p | - Player Heartbeat
11:03:47p | - Player Topics
11:03:47p |
11:03:47p | Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"
11:03:47p |
11:04:59p |
11:04:59p | Taunya claims, "I have a small something."
11:04:59p |
11:05:22p | Kinaed claims to Taunya, "Thanks :) Please type up an introduction to it to be ready when I call on you"
11:05:22p |
11:06:05p | Kinaed has transferred Cadence. [OOC]
11:06:05p |
11:06:11p | Temi gives a fine wooden box shaped to resemble a simple Davite church to Cadence.
11:06:11p |
11:07:12p |
11:07:12p | Cadence wonders, "Ooh what's the key do?"
11:07:12p |
11:07:25p |
11:07:25p | Temi claims, "It's for the box - a newbie knife will also work."
11:07:25p |
11:07:25p |
11:07:25p | Kinaed says, "Alright, I'll kick off Staff Updates. Last week, I handled some requests and that sort of thing. I provided Azarial with some more clarity on the roles spec, and I've updated a few help files - in particular HELP POLICY GUILDLEADER. Next week, I'm focused on assets and jail improvements are still in the wings."
11:07:25p |
11:07:43p |
11:07:43p | Kinaed claims, "That's it for me. Azarial, you're up."
11:07:43p |
11:08:51p |
11:08:51p | Azarial states, "Mostly bugs again. the news post needs rolled over for october, but that shows most all of what i have managed"
11:08:51p |
11:09:01p | Kinaed nods at Azarial.
11:09:01p |
11:09:34p |
11:09:34p | Kinaed says, "We should note that there's two new spells in game (which probably caused the errors that made us crash last night, sorry folks)."
11:09:34p |
11:09:55p |
11:09:55p | Leofrick states, "I love you, staff."
11:09:55p |
11:09:59p |
11:09:59p | Barcus claps.
11:09:59p |
11:10:16p | say so it was the mages who did it?
11:10:17p |
11:10:17p | Goodryke muses, "So it was the mages who did it?"
11:10:17p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:10:17p |
11:10:22p | Praen says to Leofrick, "We like you a lot, but aren't ready to commit to anything long-term."
11:10:22p |
11:10:26p |
11:10:26p | Gothan declares, "Mages at it again!"
11:10:26p |
11:10:26p |
11:10:26p | Kinaed states, "Also worth noticing is that every 500 RP hours, players will get an alert that the staff owe them an RP milestone, which comes in the form of adding lore or other things to commemorate their character's existence in history."
11:10:26p |
11:10:32p |
11:10:32p | Temi claims, "It was Temi who did it, leaving spells to expire."
11:10:32p |
11:10:43p | Leofrick declares to Praen, "I have commitment issues too!"
11:10:43p |
11:11:15p |
11:11:15p | Eirian exclaims, "There's a ton of stuff on the news feed this month. Thanks so much for all the additions and improvements!"
11:11:15p |
11:11:31p |
11:11:31p | Kinaed says, "We've also added some reminders when it's time for City Council folks to put in their City Support/Subverts, as well as extended the cycle to 1 OOC month."
11:11:31p |
11:11:33p | [Action: Ailu is dozing off on a pillow. ]
11:11:33p |
11:11:42p |
11:11:42p | Cadence claims, "I'm really happy about the policy guildleader helpfile."
11:11:42p |
11:11:53p |
11:11:53p | Barcus exclaims, "Me too and I'm not a GL!"
11:11:53p |
11:11:55p |
11:11:55p | Gothan says, "Yeah thats really helpful. "
11:11:55p |
11:12:01p |
11:12:01p | Cadence states, "Also the city report reminders are great "
11:12:01p |
11:12:20p |
11:12:20p | Kinaed claims, "Disease durations have changed slightly - activity during a day will count as a whole day so people who are minorly active have the same/similar experience to characters that are extremely active."
11:12:20p |
11:13:41p |
11:13:41p | Kinaed claims, "Let's see... I think that's about everything major I see on the Change Board."
11:13:41p |
11:14:09p | Kinaed says to Azarial, "Thanks for all of that, by the way."
11:14:09p |
11:14:12p | Kinaed says to Temi, "You're up. :)"
11:14:12p |
11:14:23p |
11:14:23p | Temi pontificates, "Quick Praen sidetrack!"
11:14:23p |
11:14:26p | Kinaed claims to Temi, "Actually, mind if - yes."
11:14:26p |
11:14:27p | Kinaed nods.
11:14:27p |
11:14:32p | Kinaed claims to Praen, "Go ahead."
11:14:32p |
11:14:49p |
11:14:49p | Laxus sits on Silrie.
11:14:49p |
11:15:47p |
11:15:47p | Praen declaims, "I've unfotunately got nothing much to update ya'll on! I've got a sneaky plot for sneaky characters going on, though RL schedules are conspiring to make it drag. Another plot involving more Ordery things is in the writing stage, so keep an eye out for that, Knight-folk!"
11:15:47p |
11:16:06p |
11:16:06p | Gothan claims, "Me love ordery things."
11:16:06p |
11:16:42p |
11:16:42p | Praen declares, "With the change to 1 OOC month for city report updates, me and Ismael are committing to providing events regarding those metrics each month, too!"
11:16:42p |
11:16:49p | Ismael smiles at Praen.
11:16:49p |
11:16:49p | Praen declaims to Kinaed, "That's all for me, I'm afraid!"
11:16:49p |
11:16:53p | Ismael states to Praen, "You also had great ideas for assets."
11:16:53p |
11:16:56p |
11:16:56p | Leofrick exclaims, "WOooooooo!"
11:16:56p |
11:17:09p | Kinaed smiles.
11:17:09p |
11:17:13p | Kinaed claims to Praen, "Thanks, Praen."
11:17:13p |
11:17:16p |
11:17:16p | Kinaed states, "I should note that the City Report metrics are in effect, and as a result, people will be walking around a bit more slowly, and staff are currently formulating a monthly plot based off the metrics."
11:17:16p |
11:17:16p | Laxus throws spaghetti at Leofrick, trying to knock him off Margaux's shoulder.
11:17:16p |
11:17:36p | Kinaed declaims to Temi, "Okay, ready? Du bist Tran!"
11:17:36p |
11:17:50p | Praen has gone AFK.
11:17:50p |
11:17:50p | Leofrick swallows the (poisoned) spaghetti.
11:17:50p |
11:18:00p |
11:18:00p | Cadence gives a belated woot woot! for ordery things.
11:18:00p |
11:18:02p |
11:18:02p | Temi states, "I have not been doing a whole lot. Some request responses and a little testing, and designed up the two new spells, which Az put in quick so you guys aren't just feeling nerfy. And revisiting again the freeman-to-gentry requirements, since the previous proposal I put together was a big, huge system that Az would have to write, and... well, we're not there yet. So, have a new proposal up and we're going back and forth on it some."
11:18:02p |
11:18:32p | time
11:18:32p | It is early afternoon on Arendas, June (Month 6) 1.
11:18:32p | In the Sun Cycle of the Lord: 371.
11:18:32p | Arien has set for the night.
11:18:32p | Balathumel is in its last quarter, rising low in the west.
11:18:32p | Circadnanoth is in its first quarter, setting low in the west.
11:18:32p | Lunare has set for the night.
11:18:32p | Elliueh has set for the night.
11:18:32p |
11:18:32p | Lithmore is celebrating the Great Charalin Race holiday!
11:18:32p | (OOC: Ends Sun October 2 2016 22:33.)
11:18:32p |
11:19:53p |
11:19:53p | Temi states, "And, that's about me."
11:19:53p |
11:19:57p | Kinaed nods.
11:19:57p |
11:20:02p | Kinaed smiles at Temi.
11:20:02p |
11:20:06p | Kinaed states to Temi, "Thanks"
11:20:06p |
11:20:16p | Kinaed states to Ismael, "You're up :)"
11:20:16p |
11:21:02p |
11:21:02p | Ismael states, "This week I have tried to handle as many requests as possible with little time and we have trimmed the recommend list for the weekend again. Sadly, I didn't have much time to work more on the wiki but I see our contributors have filled in my stead. I hope this next week will be better, but I still manage to squeeze a few things it seems. :) The first days of the week were spent doing a brief study on how we're handling activity-wise against other MUDs and the results were very encouraging. We've had some players come from reddit and we thank a lot those who have helped us in that regard; I would conclude that we're slowly becoming one of the heavyweights if we continue to vote on TMC and TMS the way we do, and being mentioned on r/MUDs. We also had very productive debates in staff land about assets and Praen has made very nice suggestions to give the system multiple dimensions and allow ourselves to truly 'be anything' as we advertise. The assets system definitely had a lot of love this week and we have a much clearer image of how it'll work in the long run, but we'll talk more of that when after we discuss the POLCAs and work more on the spec."
11:21:02p |
11:21:08p |
11:21:08p | Silrie hugs all and dashes off for birthday dinner.
11:21:08p |
11:21:11p | Silrie has lost link.
11:21:11p |
11:21:37p |
11:21:37p | Ismael claims, "I plan to work on requests, city report plots & assets this week, in that order of importance."
11:21:37p |
11:21:52p |
11:21:52p | Ismael claims, "That's it for me."
11:21:52p |
11:22:11p |
11:22:11p | Ailu claps her hands delightfully.
11:22:11p |
11:22:15p |
11:22:15p | Kinaed says, "Thanks :)"
11:22:15p |
11:23:02p |
11:23:02p | Kinaed muses, "That wraps up our Staff Updates. :) Any questions?"
11:23:02p |
11:23:15p | Kinaed has transferred Cada. [OOC]
11:23:15p |
11:23:20p | Temi gives a fine wooden box shaped to resemble a simple Davite church to Cada.
11:23:20p |
11:24:07p |
11:24:07p | Kinaed queries, "Okay, it's time for Player Heartbeat! How has the game been for everyone in the last week? RP good? Anyone have anything that they want the staff to know about or concerns they'd like to raise?"
11:24:07p |
11:24:53p |
11:24:53p | Taunya declares, "Been nice for me! Touch dramatic, and finally able to progress my character a bit"
11:24:53p |
11:24:54p |
11:24:54p | Laxus claims, "I've had a reduced capacity mostly, having a hard time finding people in the merchants/trades. "
11:24:54p |
11:24:55p |
11:24:55p | Esmerelde says, "Sometimes good, though I worry that the hawking is getting repetitive for people and not a regular fun thing."
11:24:55p |
11:24:55p | Gothan states, "We reaaaaaally need more Orderites (Inquisitors especially) so if anyone was thinking of apping in that would be great. "
11:24:55p |
11:24:59p |
11:24:59p | Barcus claims, "RP has been awesome for me. :)"
11:24:59p |
11:25:02p | Kinaed states to Taunya, "That's exciting to hear."
11:25:02p |
11:25:08p | Kinaed nods at Laxus.
11:25:08p |
11:25:21p | Kinaed asks of Esmerelde, "What do you mean by 'hawking'?"
11:25:21p |
11:25:26p | Kinaed nods at Gothan.
11:25:26p |
11:25:31p | Kinaed nods at Barcus.
11:25:31p |
11:25:32p | emote quietly squeaks to gothan
11:25:33p |
11:25:33p | Goodryke quietly squeaks to gothan
11:25:33p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:25:33p |
11:25:35p |
11:25:35p | Margaux squints at Esemerelde. "You do hawking things?"
11:25:35p |
11:25:41p | Esmerelde claims to Kinaed, "Selling stuff on the streets"
11:25:41p |
11:25:46p | Leofrick exclaims to Kinaed, "Selling stuff by the road! She the bess!"
11:25:46p |
11:25:48p |
11:25:48p | Gothan smacks Goodryke on the head
11:25:48p |
11:26:10p | Esmerelde pontificates to Margaux, "No hawks involved! But hawking, yes!"
11:26:10p |
11:26:15p | Leofrick trails off to Gothan, "I can... apply..."
11:26:15p |
11:26:17p |
11:26:17p | Margaux's mind went to flying hawks. That is the noble priv. speaking. P
11:26:17p |
11:26:19p |
11:26:19p | Kinaed states, "Ahh, I see. It sounds like a great idea for RP though."
11:26:19p |
11:26:20p | Taunya declaims to Esmerelde, "I enjoyed our bartering scene!"
11:26:20p |
11:26:21p | Feamanuslaewyn is idle.
11:26:21p |
11:26:24p | Leofrick queries to Gothan, "DO I qualify..?"
11:26:24p |
11:26:24p |
11:26:24p | Laxus states, "Leo, you are the problem. "
11:26:24p |
11:26:36p |
11:26:36p | Gothan claims, "I'd sponsor you m8"
11:26:36p |
11:26:38p |
11:26:38p | Esmerelde claims, "Well, I mostly see the same people, so hopefully they aren't tired of me yet."
11:26:38p |
11:26:38p | Esmerelde grins.
11:26:38p |
11:26:43p | Kinaed smiles.
11:26:43p |
11:26:47p |
11:26:47p | Cadence exclaims, "Id like to back up the need for orderites! Also the brotherhood is sorely lacking in members too. So if you wanna be a knight or thief then now is as good a time as any!"
11:26:47p |
11:26:56p |
11:26:56p | Eirian states, "I'd like to thank the folks who attended the Church cleanup event I held last weekend. I wasn't sure anyone would participate, but it turned out to be a success. Also want to thank whoever played the mysterious (Hill?)woman whose name I never got ICly. Enjoyed all the themely emotes."
11:26:56p |
11:26:58p | Leofrick claims to Laxus, "Then we turn the problem into a solution, I become an inquisitor and BAM-- no problem."
11:26:58p |
11:26:59p | say knife thief?
11:26:59p |
11:26:59p | Goodryke wonders, "Knife thief?"
11:26:59p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:26:59p |
11:27:09p | say knight*
11:27:09p |
11:27:09p | Goodryke claims, "Knight*"
11:27:09p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:27:09p |
11:27:11p | Laxus says to Leofrick, "Sounds good, get on it"
11:27:11p |
11:27:27p |
11:27:27p | Cadence claims, "Also southsider characters are also loved. I need friends for dolphin rp ;)"
11:27:27p |
11:27:29p |
11:27:29p | Temi claims, "Our little box gift today was to celebrate that event."
11:27:29p |
11:27:41p |
11:27:41p | Kinaed queries, "Is there anything players think Staff should be looking at?"
11:27:41p |
11:27:46p | Eirian states to Temi, "I noticed! Thanks for the warm fuzzies. :)"
11:27:46p |
11:28:00p |
11:28:00p | Ailu tries to chew on church
11:28:00p |
11:28:14p | Praen has lost link.
11:28:14p |
11:28:16p | Praen has reconnected.
11:28:16p |
11:28:41p |
11:28:41p | Cadence states, "Nothing I can think of Kinaed. In regards to rp I noticed a lax period on finding rp but it's certainly picked up now!! Which is nice to see."
11:28:41p |
11:28:44p | Temi claims to Ismael, "Next week, we give them food."
11:28:44p |
11:28:49p | Kinaed nods at Cada.
11:28:49p |
11:29:03p |
11:29:03p | Kinaed says, "Oh dear. I'm going to have to learn to use more than three letters in targetting."
11:29:03p |
11:29:05p | Kinaed nods at Cadence.
11:29:05p |
11:29:06p | Kinaed smiles.
11:29:06p |
11:29:10p |
11:29:10p | Laxus claims, "I think npcs that sell slightly better quality stuff would be a nice fix for never having player merchants around (That I can find haha) "
11:29:10p |
11:29:10p | Ismael claims to Temi, "Tsk, a rat on the stick sounds nice."
11:29:10p |
11:29:32p | Kinaed claims to Laxus, "For the most part, I think you can buy everything in game that a merchant can make."
11:29:32p |
11:29:46p | Kinaed claims to Laxus, "It just costs a bit more to retool shop purchased items."
11:29:46p |
11:29:48p | Leofrick claims to Ismael, "Snake on a stick."
11:29:48p |
11:29:52p |
11:29:52p | Ismael states, "Merchant stuff is also ridiculously cheaper."
11:29:52p |
11:30:16p | Kinaed queries to Ismael, "I think it's only really expensive if you want to customize...?"
11:30:16p |
11:30:32p |
11:30:32p | Temi says, "Well, not necessarily the high quality stuff, but should be completely functional."
11:30:32p |
11:30:38p | Kinaed nods at Temi.
11:30:38p |
11:31:09p |
11:31:09p | Ismael claims, "I think it's super profitable to buy from merchants rather than NPCs! Usually the price triples in NPC shops."
11:31:09p |
11:31:10p | Kinaed claims to Laxus, "May I ask that you Request Board what it is that you're looking for, but having trouble finding? We can let you know if it's on-grid, or if you'll need a Merchant."
11:31:10p |
11:31:12p |
11:31:12p | Temi claims, "Anyway, I'd suggest mailing merchants if you don't see them around."
11:31:12p |
11:31:22p | Kinaed nods at Temi.
11:31:22p |
11:31:28p | Praen grins.
11:31:28p |
11:31:39p |
11:31:39p | Kinaed says, "Or the merchant GL if you're after a particular merchant that doesn't seem to be around."
11:31:39p |
11:32:00p | Cada has lost link.
11:32:00p |
11:32:19p |
11:32:19p | Kinaed muses, "Okay, so any other comments on how people's RP has been lately? Or how the game is treating them?"
11:32:19p |
11:32:56p | say Well, tryin got join the order was a bit of ordeal and a learning curve, but a fun one. I only wish that more rp would take place in public spaces, as I see people online but no one on whererp
11:32:56p |
11:32:56p | Goodryke claims, "Well, tryin got join the order was a bit of ordeal and a learning curve, but a fun one. I only wish that more rp would take place in public spaces, as I see people online but no one on whererp"
11:32:56p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:32:56p |
11:33:05p | Kinaed nods.
11:33:05p |
11:33:35p |
11:33:35p | Cadence claims, "Sorry goodryke. If I'd known our priests were busy and such I would've gotten on of our knights to interview yoy."
11:33:35p |
11:33:52p |
11:33:52p | Kinaed states, "We need more Orderites badly, so thank you. I don't know what's happened with the GI. Touch base with me afterwards to discuss what your career path is and see if there's anything we can do given the leaderless situation at the moment and a strong need for Orderites."
11:33:52p |
11:34:01p | say Gave me plenty of time to read helpfiles ;).
11:34:01p |
11:34:01p | Goodryke claims, "Gave me plenty of time to read helpfiles ;)."
11:34:01p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:34:01p |
11:34:05p | nod Kinaed
11:34:05p | Goodryke nods at Kinaed.
11:34:05p |
11:34:06p | say will do
11:34:07p |
11:34:07p | Goodryke claims, "Will do"
11:34:07p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:34:07p |
11:34:15p |
11:34:15p | Kinaed says, "I've gotten a tell that I would like to raise."
11:34:15p |
11:34:21p |
11:34:21p | Cadence says, "I will try to make sure I keep my knighty knight active."
11:34:21p |
11:34:43p | Leofrick wonders to Cadence, "Can the knight dance?"
11:34:43p |
11:34:51p |
11:34:51p | Kinaed says, "A player is a bit concerned about the behavior of players in general, particularly people probing for IC information OOCly, especially where other characters are involved. I have to agree - that's not the purpose of OOC channels."
11:34:51p |
11:35:18p | Kinaed smiles.
11:35:18p |
11:35:27p | Kinaed claims to Cadence, "Thank you for doing that re: your knight."
11:35:27p |
11:36:42p |
11:36:42p | Laxus exclaims, "Need to step out for a few minutes. Sorry team!"
11:36:42p |
11:36:47p |
11:36:47p | Laxus exclaims, "Az, I'll message you when I get back! "
11:36:47p |
11:36:49p |
11:36:49p | Cadence nods to Kinaed "It's cool. I still enjoy playing her, though I will be dropping my alts for a week at least to focus on cadence in her new role, but after she's settled in I will keep on knighting, support our new gl and all.
11:36:49p |
11:36:52p | Azarial waves.
11:36:52p |
11:36:57p |
11:36:57p | Kinaed states, "For example, if something happens between PlayerX and PlayerY, then PlayerY has rp with PlayerA, PlayerA shouldn't be OOCly approaching PlayerX about that RP asking for clarification OOCly. Please do that ICly."
11:36:57p |
11:37:06p | Kinaed nods at Cadence.
11:37:06p |
11:37:16p |
11:37:16p | Gothan cheers at Cadence
11:37:16p |
11:37:36p |
11:37:36p | Cadence throws a melon to Gothan "Gift for you new position."
11:37:36p |
11:37:48p |
11:37:48p | Kinaed says, "In fact, please seek clarification ICly in general, unless it's the type of thing that really should be OOC."
11:37:48p |
11:38:04p |
11:38:04p | Leofrick agrees.
11:38:04p |
11:38:04p |
11:38:04p | Azarial says, "Seeking it icly gives you more hooks, and you get paid for it"
11:38:04p |
11:38:06p |
11:38:06p | Gothan is hit on the head, given amnesia and wakes up in southside with no trousers.
11:38:06p |
11:38:10p | Kinaed has transferred Tanim. [OOC]
11:38:10p |
11:38:29p | sayto Gothan setting example to all knights?
11:38:29p | Goodryke asks of Gothan, "Setting example to all knights?"
11:38:29p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:38:29p |
11:38:32p |
11:38:32p | Temi claims, "Would be reasonable to ask like... so what did you say happened yesterday when I disconnected and never came back, etc."
11:38:32p |
11:38:36p | Temi gives a fine wooden box shaped to resemble a simple Davite church to Tanim.
11:38:36p |
11:38:51p |
11:38:51p | Temi claims, "But, things you don't know for OOC reasons, not because you just don't know them IC yet."
11:38:51p |
11:39:06p | Leofrick says to Gothan, "Bring back the days where there were lewd rumors about happenings in the EM's office.."
11:39:06p |
11:39:08p | Kinaed nods at Temi.
11:39:08p |
11:39:30p | Kinaed has transferred Asala. [OOC]
11:39:30p |
11:39:35p | Temi gives a fine wooden box shaped to resemble a simple Davite church to Asala.
11:39:35p |
11:39:41p | Temi has created a fine wooden box shaped to resemble a simple Davite church[5].
11:39:41p |
11:39:55p | Margaux says to Leofrick, "That office seems like a scandal magnet over the years."
11:39:55p |
11:40:12p |
11:40:12p | Gothan states, "That sounds like Heresy to me. "
11:40:12p |
11:40:20p | Leofrick trails off to Margaux, "I can't blame them, every EM has big shoes to fill..."
11:40:20p |
11:40:27p |
11:40:27p | Kinaed asks, "With regards to people taking IC things OOCly, I would recommend players who suffer this behavior actually act to stop it rather than get irritated. It is possible to politely say, "Please approach me about this In Character?""
11:40:27p |
11:40:32p | Leofrick says to Gothan, "Pffft, I will ask you to repeat that soon."
11:40:32p |
11:40:50p |
11:40:50p | Esmerelde claims, "Really, all active roles are. Consider it a prize for doing stuff."
11:40:50p |
11:41:09p |
11:41:09p | Kinaed claims, "Otherwise, you can report it to staff if a particular player is a continual OOC seeker, and we can intervene."
11:41:09p |
11:42:25p | Silrie is idle.
11:42:25p |
11:42:29p |
11:42:29p | Kinaed states, "Okay, anything else to share for Player Heartbeat? If not, we have a good selection of player topics today. :)"
11:42:29p |
11:43:08p |
11:43:08p | Kinaed wonders, "Okay, Taunya, you had the first topic. Care to introduce us?"
11:43:08p |
11:43:13p |
11:43:13p | Taunya states, "I like the new appraise for the most part- even has stuff I didn't know I wanted, but having now grinded it to 36 as suggested last time, I've found it's now nearly useless for one of my main purposes- checking the value of items. It now shows it in increments of 1 gold, for example "It seems to be worth less than a gold" or, "It seems to be worth between 2 and 3 gold." When trying to judge the cost of retooling for example, you'd have no idea if it would cost 2 silver or 90 silver. I think by rank 36, you should be able to tell within 5 silver increments of an item's worth."
11:43:13p |
11:43:42p | Kinaed claims to Temi, "Does that become more clear at a higher level"
11:43:42p |
11:43:44p |
11:43:44p | Kinaed questions, "?"
11:43:44p |
11:43:47p | Temi nods.
11:43:47p |
11:43:58p |
11:43:58p | Temi claims, "Let me check"
11:43:58p |
11:44:20p |
11:44:20p | Temi states, "60, it looks like."
11:44:20p |
11:44:30p |
11:44:30p | Temi states, "Is exact value."
11:44:30p |
11:45:04p | Kinaed says to Taunya, "Okay, I'll chat with staff about that offline and see if we have the appetite to adjust it - but at this time, it seems like what you're looking for is available at a much higher level."
11:45:04p |
11:45:59p |
11:45:59p | Kinaed muses, "Any other comments before we move to Eirian's topic?"
11:45:59p |
11:46:36p |
11:46:36p | Kinaed states, "Alright, Eirian, please introduce us to your topic. :)"
11:46:36p |
11:46:37p |
11:46:37p | Taunya claims, "I see. In that case maybe change it to a 10 silver scale? at a gold, it's basically useless information before that point."
11:46:37p |
11:47:10p |
11:47:10p | Temi says, "What do you need exact amounts for? Exact value seems OOCly really tough to pinpoint."
11:47:10p |
11:47:29p |
11:47:29p | Eirian says, "Just want to remind everyone that I'll be hosting a story event after the OOC chat. Messengers will go out with details, but the gist of it is that it will be a chance for combat-oriented folks to do some heroic stuff out in the woods! There will also be room for non-combat support roles, too."
11:47:29p |
11:48:14p |
11:48:14p | Gothan cheers!
11:48:14p |
11:48:18p | Kinaed claims to Taunya, "I think staff will have to put their heads together and discuss. We need a balance between a good reason to raise appraise beyond 36 and player utility."
11:48:18p |
11:48:22p |
11:48:22p | Eirian declares, "So, I hope folks can attend!"
11:48:22p |
11:48:25p | Kinaed nods at Eirian.
11:48:25p |
11:48:30p |
11:48:30p | Eirian has fingers crossed.
11:48:30p |
11:48:35p | Leofrick asks of Eirian, "Will... I be stabbed if I come? >_>"
11:48:35p |
11:48:36p | Kinaed states to Eirian, "Thank you for running a story. :)"
11:48:36p |
11:48:48p | Ailu smiles.
11:48:48p |
11:48:53p |
11:48:53p | Gothan pontificates, "Yes you will Leo!"
11:48:53p |
11:48:58p |
11:48:58p | Leofrick exclaims, "Darn it!"
11:48:58p |
11:49:07p |
11:49:07p | Kinaed wonders, "Okay, our next topic is Cadence's. Please introduce us, Cadence?"
11:49:07p |
11:49:09p | say you will also be stabbed if you don't come
11:49:10p |
11:49:10p | Goodryke says, "You will also be stabbed if you don't come"
11:49:10p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:49:10p |
11:49:14p |
11:49:14p | Eirian wonders, "Come on an alt if you have one? ^_^"
11:49:14p |
11:49:18p |
11:49:18p | Margaux pontificates, "Won't be able to make it unfortunately, Court is having a meeting at the same time. Enjoy though! :)"
11:49:18p |
11:49:22p | Feamanuslaewyn has left the game.
11:49:22p |
11:49:27p |
11:49:27p | Azarial claims, "Really, if you amde it as a merchant, retool cost should be one silver"
11:49:27p |
11:49:27p |
11:49:27p | Leofrick has no alts.
11:49:27p |
11:49:44p |
11:49:44p | Gothan says, "Leofrick has no swag."
11:49:44p |
11:49:57p |
11:49:57p | Leofrick claims, "Having no alts is SWAG."
11:49:57p |
11:50:16p |
11:50:16p | "Thanks kin." Cadence says before waving to the group "Hey guys as you might know I have now stepped into the poet laudate position. I have a good few plans for the troubadours which are as follows: Interacting with our members and looking to get seekers guilded quickly, plans to get performances organised (both proper planned ones and supporting members in inpromptu tavern performances) and also supporting and encouraging the interesting non performance sides of troubadour rp. I'd love to see you all make some new troubs or bring out old ones and help revive the arts in lithmore and get public spaces all abuzz with great rp!" [Cadence]
11:50:16p |
11:50:43p | Kinaed smiles.
11:50:43p |
11:51:03p |
11:51:03p | Fireworks fill the sky! [Ailu]
11:51:03p |
11:51:11p |
11:51:11p | Kinaed says, "I hope the Troubs get a boost in activity and everyone has a lot of fun. :)"
11:51:11p |
11:51:44p |
11:51:44p | Cadence states, "I'll do my best to get things going with it. Please come to me if you have ideas or events tou wanna run and I'll help you manage them as best I can :)"
11:51:44p |
11:51:44p | Kinaed says, "That concludes our agenda for today. We can either keep chatting and socializing, or I can call it a day early."
11:51:44p |
11:52:14p |
11:52:14p | Kinaed says, "I'd love for people to remember to vote on TMC and maybe write a review on Reddit's MUD section (seems that TMC is really bad about posting reviews)"
11:52:14p |
11:52:28p |
11:52:28p | Kinaed claims, "This will help us attract other players for you to play with. :)"
11:52:28p |
11:52:28p |
11:52:28p | Cadence gives a thumbs up to Eirian "Combat in woods eh? Sounds like I'll need to get myself a mace..."
11:52:28p |
11:52:32p |
11:52:32p | Ailu muses, "How do we get TI chosen as Reddit's MUD of the month?"
11:52:32p |
11:52:32p |
11:52:32p | Leofrick voted today, Have you!?
11:52:32p |
11:52:42p | sayto Ailu bribery, or mages
11:52:42p | Goodryke states to Ailu, "Bribery, or mages"
11:52:42p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:52:42p |
11:52:43p |
11:52:43p | Kinaed says, "And be deeply appreciated - we pass out QP if you point staff to a review you've written."
11:52:43p |
11:52:48p | Eirian declaims to Cadence, "A chronicling bard would also be welcome, if you'd prefer to play support!"
11:52:48p |
11:52:53p |
11:52:53p | Barcus squeaks, "Send me back! Send me back! Send me back!"
11:52:53p |
11:52:54p |
11:52:54p | Cadence says, "I need to do some voting... will sort it out when I have a pc again tomorrow."
11:52:54p |
11:52:58p | Kinaed says to Ailu, "One of our players, Emma, usually lets us know when it's time to vote."
11:52:58p |
11:53:03p |
11:53:03p | Taunya nods to Kinaed. "Just a suggestion. Temi- I don't mind not having the exact amount, but it's just rather useless at the moment, not being able to tell the difference in value between items worth 1 silver, and 99 silver. If you need to re-tool something for example, it'd be nice to know within 5-10 silver how much you'd need, among other things. Sorry for the late reply."
11:53:03p |
11:53:09p | Kinaed states to Cadence, "Thanks :)"
11:53:09p |
11:53:14p | Cada is idle.
11:53:14p |
11:53:18p |
11:53:18p | Cadence asks to Eirian "Can I do both? ;)"
11:53:18p |
11:53:21p | Leofrick says to Eirian, "I could bring fire works for flaire. But then I'd get stabbed."
11:53:21p |
11:53:22p | Temi nods at Taunya.
11:53:22p |
11:53:54p | Eirian states to Leofrick, "I won't be held responsible for any holes you acquire as the result of being stabbed."
11:53:54p |
11:54:11p |
11:54:11p | Kinaed muses, "Anything else people want to talk about?"
11:54:11p |
11:54:13p |
11:54:13p | Ailu states, "I'm looking for a roleplay mentor to teach me how to RP better, and to provide support when I fail. "
11:54:13p |
11:54:30p |
11:54:30p | Ailu wonders, "Anyone?"
11:54:30p |
11:54:33p | Leofrick declares to Eirian, "You're held responsible for all that happens to the fire works guy!"
11:54:33p |
11:54:49p |
11:54:49p | Temi states, "I'm sure a lot of people would be glad to help out as you RP with them, if they know you want suggestions"
11:54:49p |
11:54:51p |
11:54:51p | Azarial states, "I don;t play, so I can;t help"
11:54:51p |
11:55:11p |
11:55:11p | Temi questions, "But if you want a close connection with someone who will help you over time, maybe post on the general board?"
11:55:11p |
11:55:12p | say I am open to suggestions too, may just put that in my whois
11:55:12p |
11:55:12p | Goodryke says, "I am open to suggestions too, may just put that in my whois"
11:55:12p | (This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)
11:55:12p |
11:55:19p |
11:55:19p | Barcus states, "I'm happy to take someone under the wing if you get to my PC. :)"
11:55:19p |
11:55:32p |
11:55:32p | Ailu claims, "Okay."
11:55:32p |
11:55:52p |
11:55:52p | Kinaed says, "Oh, does anyone know who Andruid is on the forums? I just wanted to say thanks for the response post to the new player who was a bit worried about the game's atmosphere."
11:55:52p |
11:56:22p |
11:56:22p | Cadence says "Id be happy to help you with rp Ailu. If you ever want a scene give me a tell :) Ill see how I can help."
11:56:22p |
11:56:24p |
11:56:24p | Ailu claims, "I posted that thread. Andruid's response was very encouraging"
11:56:24p |
11:56:40p |
11:56:40p | Ailu declares, "Thank you Cadence!"
11:56:40p |
11:56:50p |
11:56:50p | Eirian states, "That was me. I don't play an archmage anymore, so I guess I don't mind if people know that was me."
11:56:50p |
11:56:54p |
11:56:54p | Margaux states, "Also happy to volunteer myself for mentoring if needed. :)"
11:56:54p |
11:57:30p | Kinaed claims to Ailu, "Yeah, I thought so too. Honestly, when people post like that, the staff get worried too because we get concerned that things aren't going well for the game outside of what we can see or control. I don't think so though - honestly, our activity had a dip last month, but seems to be well on the way to recovery. I'm not aware of any unaddressed issues."
11:57:30p |
11:58:30p |
11:58:30p | Ailu nods at Kinaed with appreciation.
11:58:30p |
11:59:12p |
11:59:12p | Eirian pontificates, "Welcome, new folks!"

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