Buying from Shops while (hooded)

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:59 pm

As part of this whole trend to make wearing cloaks with hoods up more common/less suspicious, it would be great if we could purchase from shops and view shop inventories while hooded. Right now, we still get flak from NPCs and can't even view what's for sale.
Last edited by Andruid on Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:11 pm

I am all for this idea.
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Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:30 pm

I'm a bit torn about this. Generally, I find it irritating to have to lower my hood, but equally I don't think that we want a situation where all crime is completely untraceable - if nothing else, who bought a hammer that turned up to be the murder weapon at a crime scene would have some benefits for being RPA traceable. On the other hand, getting a drink in a shady tavern probably wouldn't raise any suspicions. Perhaps if in lawful areas, you got a message, but otherwise didn't?

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Sat Oct 22, 2016 8:56 pm

I don't see this as an issue, as I highly doubt where things are purchased comes into any kind of play in most meaningful investigations. So, I can't really see this change making much of an impact, though you might check in with Reeves and Knights to see what they think. I don't see why the cloak short desc couldn't be supplied in place of the person's usual short desc.

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Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:47 pm

Andruid wrote:I don't see this as an issue, as I highly doubt where things are purchased comes into any kind of play in most meaningful investigations. So, I can't really see this change making much of an impact, though you might check in with Reeves and Knights to see what they think. I don't see why the cloak short desc couldn't be supplied in place of the person's usual short desc.
There has actually been alot of times where rpa has been done to try and discover who bought a specific item. It may not seem like it may mean alot, but it has helped several investigations.
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Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:37 pm

"A lot of times" and "several" are meaningless terms to me, to be honest, and don't really impact how I view this issue. The majority of day-to-day purchases occur in NPC-run shops, not in player-run businesses, and those purchases do not leave receipts that can be investigated.

Haley Rose

Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:04 pm

I think Kinaed's suggestion is a good compromise myself.

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Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:36 pm

I like Kinky's compromise too, but I'd just add that it would be nice if player-run shop owners had the option to choose one or the other. And maybe a bit of a case by case basis too. Buying weapons or armour? Using the bank? Yah, show your face. Buying cheese from the cheese man? No big deal.

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Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:51 am

I fully support being able to purchase stuff at shady spots hooded - it makes sense. Outdoor places as well, as that fits with the disease metric. If I'm going through a secret exit to get somewhere they sell illegal or questionable items - a person would probably be wearing a hood, and sneaking in. I find it odd you have to remove it in these situations. However if I'm going to a jewelry shop or a fancy houseware place, I think wearing a hood would draw a little attention and warrant the not trading to people
I can't see bit. Think of it this way, if you wear your hoodie up in Tiffany's someone is calling security at least to watch you, but the guy around the alley selling the knock-off is probably hooded himself. I don't think our knock off sales man is going to want to give info to the cops either.

I like the idea of a mix, as for investigations... my experience is limited but I can't recall RPA for a NPC run shop, I have gotten information on who purchased an item but it was done through IC investigation and discussion with a PC shop owner that provide information. I do think crimes are very hard to solve but that doesn't mean unsolvable, there should certainly be avenues to get information but it should also be possible to get away with them too. I don't find this to be a deal breaker but like I mentioned above should be appropriately done based on the location.

Those are my thoughts at least!

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Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:26 pm

We've done RPA for shop items sold by NPCs in cases where that item is distinct enough that someone purchasing it would be memorable. Even if only one player bought an apple that day, theoretically there's dozens of apples sold to different NPCs. Nobody would remember particulars. Who bought that rare 100 gold gem? More likely to be remembered and thus more RPAable.

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