On Log of OOC meeting 11/5/2016

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Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:40 pm


To sum what I have said there (Goodryke here) I know this wasn't going to make me popular, as it's not only sticking a stick in a hornets nest but kicking it onto my head.

But I think despite that it turned out rather toxic on all ends (myself included but not excused, please accept this as an apology) I believe that it unearthed something important - that there seems to be tiny faith on the mages/inquisitor line to stick to IC, and not mix OOC into it. Whether intentionally, or just in the heat of the moment, it seems that this is the case for some people.

I don't know how even to start rebuilding it, as I stick to the separation and would rather excuse myself from investigation than potentially have it influenced by OOC means. What I can say, though, is that it will not fly by me if done by anyone in the order and I will know/suspect foul play and those instances will be passed to staff to investigate, making sure everything is within the bounds.

Not sure what else we can do. My plea is for both sides to be focused on providing RP to the others. Not pyres, and end results, but some subtle secrets, subtle clues, which often may turn into red herrings OOCly, but only could, for example, lead to some interesting discussion on how magic may work. For example, if mages were to have a fight with mattack in middle of woods, leave mood that some trees are scarred by fire, and others frosted with icycles despite it being middle of summer. Will this allow anyone to catch you? Highly unlikely, someone would have to stumble into it while there are some tracks left that were not well covered anyway and had high tracking skill int he first place. But it will give me something interesting to roleplay about with the knights.

I don't know if that will solve anything, but maybe someone has other suggestion for a better place to start? Or maybe there is no problem with that way of doing things, and I am just plain wrong, fine enough - please say so. I won't be offended.

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Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:31 pm

Any improvement we can get on this front is definitely a good thing, I think, and working towards great stories for all around is an ideal state for the game. If anyone has ideas about what would make them feel better about things or ideas for adjustments that could be made to help the general atmosphere.

I do think we won't be able to make progress on this coming from an accusatory state, though. People aren't doing anything wrong in wanting to save their character and trying to be cautious in their approach, as long as they are following the items required by policy. However, entreating people to consider when they can do more for the stories and asking them to help out may go over better.

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Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:37 pm

I apologise if I still have that tone, I should not have in the first place anyway and I can't apologise enough for it. It's not something I see until someone points out to me (as I tried to have even my initial words in OOC meeting to be neutral, but clearly failed). So please, accept this as apology, because it is clear that fault was/is on both sides.

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Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:58 pm

Tone aside, you made valid points, Rosin, and I'm sorry the experience of playing the Grand Inquisitor wasn't very fulfilling or was overly frustrating for you. It's a very challenging role, and from what I could tell, you were doing a fantastic job, especially for a new player. If you decide to stick around, I recommend trying something different, such as playing a heretic or latent mage, or even a covert character. This will not only help you understand the "other side" a little better but might give you ideas for how to "be the change you want to see" in the game.

Either way, I wish you all the best.

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Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:41 pm

Goodryke says, "I mean honestly it's that simple - if there is never trail, there is no reason for inquisitors to exist. Simple enough"
Have you ever considered that maybe the Inquisition's main source of RP shouldn't be some attempt at Sherlock Holmesing the system, and they should instead be focused on intimidating, blackmailing, and otherwise Bible-beating the populace into submission?

Alternatively, you can be the nicest Inquisitor in the world. Be a fat, jolly, jokester. Have your priests do all the charity in the world -- and eventually, use that charity as a back door of spies to find your mages. The point being, you don't necessarily need to commit yourself to some kind of Sherlockian method of investigating evidence. You're in relatively early medieval times here. As for what everyone else thinks of your methods? frak 'em. As long as you have a good two or three people who can commit to keeping you in leadership, you aren't going to be ousted, and you're going to give the Knights (if there are any) something to do: RE, hunting your mages for you, because quite honestly it's the Knight's job to bring in the mages -- your job is to convert them/torture them/get them to talk/burn them.

Also, from the perspective of somebody often the villain, I'm terrified of attacking first when my victim has several NPC guards. One, I might get completely screwed (multiples are hard to deal with in combat) and two, that gives time for other people to stumble on the scene. Unless I've got some way to get you alone, I probably won't attack.
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Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:45 pm

@leech I have, and I did so, primarily because there was no inquisitorial RP to be had. But my point was simple: why, in that case, be an inquisitor in the first place? It only inhibits rp, severely (scene dispersing on your account over and over is disheartening), rather than generating it. Maybe it's better when there are multiple inquisitors alive, someone you can bounce theoretical debates of magic around, but I wasn't in such luck.

And thanks for the warm words, I didn't go away just took a small break while figuring some new character and sure will be back on the grid soon. But most likely far away from either side of the inquisitorial barricade, but not without stirring some trouble ;).

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