RANT: Theme, Nobility, Religion and Overall "scariness."

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Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:47 pm

That's actually my point. There was a lot of " They will be" stuff. Again just my personal feelings on the matter, there should have been a public branding almost right at the moment it was found out, the pair made an example of, etc etc. Not meaning to knock the rp that was going on, just using this as an example of where I've seen (from my characters points of view) where the Church is being lax in being 'scary', as it was put.

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Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:55 pm

Onyxsoulle wrote:That's actually my point. There was a lot of " They will be" stuff. Again just my personal feelings on the matter, there should have been a public branding almost right at the moment it was found out, the pair made an example of, etc etc. Not meaning to knock the rp that was going on, just using this as an example of where I've seen (from my characters points of view) where the Church is being lax in being 'scary', as it was put.
The only reason there wasn't a public branding right away is because olivia felt it would cause uneeded stress during the pregnancy resulting in possible harm to the child. That is why the branding was to happen after the birth of the child.
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Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:43 pm

Voxumo wrote:
Onyxsoulle wrote:That's actually my point. There was a lot of " They will be" stuff. Again just my personal feelings on the matter, there should have been a public branding almost right at the moment it was found out, the pair made an example of, etc etc. Not meaning to knock the rp that was going on, just using this as an example of where I've seen (from my characters points of view) where the Church is being lax in being 'scary', as it was put.
The only reason there wasn't a public branding right away is because olivia felt it would cause uneeded stress during the pregnancy resulting in possible harm to the child. That is why the branding was to happen after the birth of the child.
All specific IC examples aside (I can't speak for any specific RP, nor do I wish to. What's happened has happened), I personally believe in the idea of sure punishment.

Now, what would I advocate for Inquisitors/Priests who broke vows? Personally, I'll go back to Catholic canon law's favorite: the life of prayer and penance. I wouldn't mind seeing heretics, oathbreakers, etc. not only being branded and thrown out into the public, but being asked to leave their normal jobs to serve time in penitential service. I know we had played with the idea of the abbey we had on grid (it is gone now, I believe), being a residence for those living out lives of penance. Maybe that would be an interesting idea for us to pursue.. it encourages RP (granted, different RP than a player might want for their character) and seems a fair, suitably scary (you lose your position, jobs, etc.) alternative to simply being thrown on a pyre. Just an idea..

To get back to my main point, though, I do think that punishment should be sure. Even if circumstances mean we don't want to brand someone off the bat or somesuch, they shouldn't just be left to their own devices. Something should happen to somebody quickly and, that being done, time be spent reconciling themselves with the Church.

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Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:47 pm

Opposed to an abbey designed as a longer term sequestered in silence thing, I put in the Celestine retreat as more of a temporary place for quiet retreat. Hopefully in a manner that's less anti-RP.

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Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:53 pm

Temi wrote:Opposed to an abbey designed as a longer term sequestered in silence thing, I put in the Celestine retreat as more of a temporary place for quiet retreat. Hopefully in a manner that's less anti-RP.
Off topic but one day I need to make use of some of these... Out of Lithmore rooms
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Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:32 pm

Temi wrote:Opposed to an abbey designed as a longer term sequestered in silence thing, I put in the Celestine retreat as more of a temporary place for quiet retreat. Hopefully in a manner that's less anti-RP.
I wouldn't advocate any sort of sequestration, just a sort of mandatory residence. More or less, have branded heretics lose their properties temporarily and be issued a room in the 'abbey' or whatever you want to call it. They'd still be RPing on grid in public, just be focusing their RP on penance, community service, etc. in addition to their usual work and such. That way, your belongings are easier searched by the Orders, your schedule theoretically more known to them, a good alternative to an actual jail sentence, while still receiving some sort of non-pyring, non-excommunication type thing.

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Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:22 pm

We're trying to be less Catholic, not more. I think, though, that the idea of public service can be done just as well without having a new area made. It just needs follow through - make sure the person is doing the community service RP, meet with them and search their house regularly, etc. But the problem with follow through is the turn over in the Order. I don't know what kind of records you keep between each other on things that are happening or if they are kept at all - for instance, after Dagerian was deemed a heretic, there were a lot of things that were supposed to happen but so far as I know, never did - i.e. lessons in the Church, raising the kid in the faith through RP education, etc. I don't know that either of us ever had a follow through on that. Likely because those Order members disappeared and we both took breaks. But since I've been back, nothing, as it relates to the kid.

There's always a problem trying to critique RP scenes, because of all the "....but you don't know." I'd say the same thing with the salon, but I don't want to get completely off track.

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