Log of OOC meeting 4/2/2016

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Location: Delta Junction, Alaska
Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:59 pm

Kinaed questions, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Ofelia shakes her head.

Vicannia states, "I have a very, very minor thing,"

Kinaed queries to Vicannia, "No worries, I've jotted you down. Anyone else?"

Sidd states, "I've just got a quick public service announcement to tack on, if that counts. Not really discussion."

Kinaed has transferred Silrie. [OOC]

Axton claims, "I have an idea for storytelling that I'm curious about whether its possible or not."

Elzenn gives a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil to Silrie.

Elzenn asks of Sidd, "...did I give you chocolate?"

Sidd claims, "To elzenn I'm good ;)"

Sidd states to Elzenn, "I'm good ;)"

Kheit says, "If Sidd is covering what I think he is, that should cover it, otherwise I may have one."

Kinaed states to Axton, "Cool. I've jotted you down too, we'll call on you when we get to Player Topics"

Elzenn pontificates to Sidd, "But, you too, could reminisce about being cursed!"

Sidd hugs Elzenn.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I'll jot down both Sidd and Kheit."

Elzenn says, "Or, y'know, traumatize the unsuspecting who will now never touch chocolate again."

Elzenn nods.

Elzenn gives a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil to Sidd.

Sidd claims, "Are these are custom tasted? O.o"

Kinaed says, "Alright then, Staff Updates. Last week... I think I was busy with work."

Sidd claims, "All*"

Temi nods at Sidd.

Sidd states, "frak. I actually... won't junk this one. =P"

Kinaed says, "I did a bit of policy, you probably heard someone was banned... hmm."

Sidd snuggles the box.

Takta says, "-That's right you won't-."

Temi says, "Takta, Elzenn and I all contributed, based on the different curses."

Azarial states, "(it's rare something doens;t hvae custom descriptions)"

Temi quiets for Kinaed's turn.

Kinaed says, "Read a bunch of staff notes."

Kinaed says, "Didn't do much else. My big priorities are still: roles spec and jail automation spec."

Vicannia coughs "You also added the new policy regarding fleeing..."

Kinaed claims, "I seem to feel like there might be one more spec I'm currently responsible for, and I'm also trying to get my lazy self to review Temi's Vavardi help file updates."

Kinaed trails off to Vicannia, "Actually... I did that around a couple days after Rhea died, I just didn't say anything because, er, I forgot, then another mage went and ran off this week from RP, and someoen said to me 'so, what are you going to do' and I said 'nothing' and sort of got the stink eye..."

Sidd hugs Kinaed.

Kinaed states, "Anyway, so I posted about it partly to alert people and partly to let people tell me how much htey hated it."

Vicannia trails off, "Oh... well..."

Kinaed grins.

Silrie has lost link.
Silrie has reconnected.

Sidd says, "I'm all for it. I don't trust any of you, so being encouraged to take the initiative is nice. =)"

Kinaed says, "Okay, that's it for me. We can discuss it more shortly, but let's try to keep staff updates succinct since I'm rambling already."

Kinaed says to Azarial, "You're up."

Sidd gets an inverted chocolate with its nut filling embedded outside from a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil.

Sidd eats an inverted chocolate with its nut filling embedded outside.

Azarial says, "Wokred on the bug list, and trying to wind down a few major specs so I can shift my attention to a fairly extensive and major revamp of static item handling."

Fianna asks, "What's static item handling?"

Kinaed claims, "Oh yeah, we bought more memory and bigger server specs because TI is becoming a beast on resource usage (well, as MUDs go)."

Kinaed quiets so Azarial can continue.

Azarial says, "Leaving items ;laying around and they persist through crashes and reboots"

Fianna queries, "Hrmm. Not wanting them to anymore?"

Silrie questions, "Laying around as in not in containers?"

Azarial says, "I want them to do it differently."

Azarial states, "If i do it right, no one will notice/."

Kinaed claims, "Anything not on your person."

Sidd grins at Azarial.

Fianna nods. "Well then... Awesome!"

Temi claims, "The change won't be in how it works for players, but how it works on the back-end for memory usage."

Silrie wonders, "Anything not on out person goes poof if it's not in a container? confused"

Silrie says, "Aaah"

Sidd wonders to Azarial, "Good luck. Was that code you put in, or leftovers?"

Azarial claims, "Mine, but i did not anticipate the resources required. it;s been twelve years, after all."

Sidd nods.

Sidd claims to Azarial, "At least you'll know it. No scrapping through somebody else's logic."

Azarial states, "Heh. after that long? no, I don;t recognize it."

Kinaed asks of Azarial, "On point, anything else to add that you did this week, and what is your focus for next week?"

Azarial states, "I'm not kidding; some of this I hvae not touched in over a decade. Created : Sat Nov 13 21:07:11 2004"

Azarial says, "No, i think that covers it."

A three-inch thick candle made of softly golden beeswax, held by Silrie flickers.

Sidd claims, "Lol. Yeah, that'll be fuuuun."

Silrie snuffs a three-inch thick candle made of softly golden beeswax.

Kinaed trails off, "Just having a quick look at the change and completed boards..."

Kinaed states, "Yep, mostly bug fixes."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "Okay, you're up :)"

Temi declaims, "Okay!"

Temi states, "I finally finished my Vavardi helpfile sprucing project. Hopefully it should lead to a more cohesive, flavorful race for them, that doesn't seem like it's just all about sex. *coughs* That is now in review."

Fianna claims, "Really looking forward to seeing those."

Vicannia chuckles

Temi states, "I've shared with the other staffers and a few prominent Vavardi players for feedback, and will need Kin's stamp of approval, and I'll put it in game."

Sidd wonders to Temi, "But it'll still be a little bit about sex, right?"

Ofelia declaims, "No need to keep a water bottle handy when you invite a Vavardi home. Rejoice!"

Temi claims to Sidd, "To a reasonable extent"

Takta states, "Oh, they're still definitely sexy, just, y'know. 3d and sexy. Which is sexier."

Kinaed chuckles.

Sidd grins.

Kinaed questions to Temi, "Anything else to add?"

Temi claims, "I am right now working on part 2 of my plot guide."

Temi says, "So look for that on the forums soon. And some more plot work, helpfile ideas, and so on."

Temi claims, "And that should cover me."

Vicannia feels sorry for staff having to put up with some of my more recent plot advances

Kinaed beams, "Thanks. Takta, you're up!"

Takta declares, "Okay!"

Takta claims, "So, I did two real things of any size this week: tackled the changes board to try and get our documentation up to date, and April Fools."

Takta states, "Thanks to the many PCs who participated in fun, zany hijinks yesterday. :D"

[Action: Ofelia is still Dudefelia in her heart. ]

Fianna says, "Much fun. :D"

Axton claims, "Action spent all day with his laptop in a BSOD :("

Takta claims, "Dudefelia shall live in infamy for all time. Anyway, it was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it."

Ofelia says, "I also posted a... super mega long log on the boards for anyone who didn't get to be there."

Ofelia declaims, "For everyone's perusal!"

Axton pontificates, "Great!"

Kinaed claims, "Oh, cool."

Takta says, "I've got a bunch of small miscellaneous projects floating around and am not sure what exactly I'm working on at the moment, to be honest."

Kinaed wanted to see the shennanigans, but missed it, so appreciates a log.

Takta states, "So, uh, stay tuned."

Ofelia states, "I still have to post the play log for.. er.. someone."

Takta claims, "That's it for me."

Kinaed claims to Takta, "I can touch base with you later, but I think you have a heap of stuff on your board."

Takta trails off, "As always..."

Takta grins.

Kinaed claims to Elzenn, "You're up :)"
Eamon relaxes the draw on his bow.

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Kinaed claims to Takta, "I think I have 80-some items on my board."

Fianna states, "Good lord."

Lorica is idle.

Kinaed has transferred Margaux. [OOC]

Elzenn states, "Woo! So, I mostly skipped around like a particularly low-attention insect this week with phomes, helpfiles, typo maintenance at the base. I have also cranked out most of the outstanding White Flame related plots (with all the apologies in the world to the players who were waiting on those, eep!). The last few things there are going to be contributing to an upcoming ST, so keep your eyes peeled. Vistarch and I are also lovingly discussing the build of a spec that will -hopefully- be really fun for everyone and that we'll try to be able to throw at Az and give you more detailed info on sometime soon."

Elzenn gives a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil to Margaux.

Azarial claims, "For comparrison, i'm sitting on close to 200 again. or still."

Margaux declares to Elzenn, "Oh, thanks! You shouldn't have!"

Takta claims, "(I have 34, but most of the things lingering on my board are bigger projects, aka 'make sure all the religions make sense, have holy books, helpfiles, and on-grid temples)"

Kinaed has transferred Raymond. [OOC]

Axton states, "(you could outsource help for that one, I could chip in for example)"

Lorica is no longer idle.
Lorica has returned from AFK.

Raymond has returned from AFK.

Elzenn gives a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil to Raymond.

Kinaed asks of Takta, "Oh, there was a post from a player about how there's a religious help file conflict (tldr) - I was hoping you would review that?"

Takta states to Kinaed, "Will do."

Raymond exclaims, "Nice!"

Sidd claims to Takta, "The neverending task."

Takta is the Pope now

Sidd winks at Takta.

Azarial claims, "Over 2100 helpfiles. so, no, it never ends"

Lorica drones on "All hail pop Takta

Lorica says OOCly, "Pope*"

Elzenn states, "Pop-Takta has a nice ring to it."

Kinaed questions to Elzenn, "Anything else?"

Elzenn exclaims, "That is all for me!"

Temi trails off, "Kinda like pop-tarts..."

Kinaed states, "(sorry, guys, I'm clearly not entirely with it)"

Kinaed asks, "Now it is Player Heartbeat! Yay! How was the game this week, folks?"

Fianna asks, "Oh! Have we decided if you can buy both a garden and farmyard flag for the same room?"

Ofelia states, "-Awesome-."

Eamon states, "I'm having a great time and playing way too much. Thanks for being awesome, everybody I've been Rping with."

Temi claims, "Yes, garden and farmyard is fine, if it's desced to suit both."

Raymond says, "It has been ridiculously fun."

Sidd claims, "Rough. Some hard knocks getting back into the swing of things and adjusting to policy/play style again."

Fianna claims, "Great :)"

Axton says, "My characters are healing too slowly from tiny injuries for me to be doing anything, so I've been somewhat bored, though enjoying trying out a new style of character"

Kinaed asks, "I'm glad to hear so many of you are getting joy out of the game. Anything bringing anyone down that staff ought to know about?"

Takta claims to Axton, "That can be cleared up with wound salve, btw."

Takta says, "If they're tiny injuries."

Sidd declaims to Kinaed, "That's actually the jist of my public service announcement!"

Kinaed muses to Axton, "Yeah, you might want to stop in and buy some salve at... what's that store? Anyone?"

Lorica says "I've had a lot of fun this first week with this new char, found plenty of people to rp with so thank you everyone who's rp'd with me"

Sidd states to Kinaed, "Something that's bringing me down."

Axton pontificates, "If I didn't have 0 silver, sure!"

Vicannia shrugs "Rp was... interesting. Some things I am more than unpleased with, but for the most part it was ok."

Takta states, "Morris Medical."

Kheit claims, "I've already told Takta, but the April Fool's thing was some of the best RP I've had in years."

Takta grins at Kheit.

Ofelia grins at Lorica.

Fianna twirls Kheit.

Takta says to Kheit, "I am nonetheless pleased to hear it again."

Fianna states, "All hail my official and permanent babysitter."

Axton claims, "Though I'm not in a great mood because I missed yesterday, was really looking forward to it, ended up spending all day with a BSOD"

Kinaed wonders, "What is a BSOD?"

Temi comforts Axton.

Lorica agrees "Yeah the april fools event was really fun!"

Axton says, "Blue screen of death, my computer was basically dead"

Azarial says, "There some semi-decent phone lients"

Kinaed states, "Oh yeah, I was wondering why it seemed familiar."

Silrie shudders at the thought of the bsod.

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, well, if no one has any complaints they want staff to bend an ear to..."

Axton claims, "Eh no need to talk about it, I'm just mentioned why my viewpoint of the last week might more negative than it usually would be"

Sidd raises hand for complaint.

Kheit salutes promptly after he's twirled, "Otherwise yeah, the last week has had some really fantastic roleplay, and I'm glad to see a lot of RP improvement and characters playing to role."

Kinaed asks, "It's ... yes, Sidd?"

Takta states to Axton, "Your situation MIGHT be a bug."

Evrald questions, "Quick question, where can I find the new fleeing policy thing?"

Silrie says to Kheit, "Glad you're enjoying it. That's always the best feeling"

Takta says to Axton, "Maybe should have you bugnote it, actually. Mention that you don't show as codewise acti ve because it's your first week."

Sidd states, "Right, I'm sure most of you know this, but I ran into it earlier in the week: it'd a horrible breach of IC/OOC crossover to use the who list to find out a character's name ICly."

Elzenn trails off to Evrald, "It is on the forums, under..."

Axton claims, "Score"

Fianna states, "Ick."

Takta states to Sidd, "That's... disappointing. :("

Takta says, "(That it needs to be said.)"

Elzenn states to Evrald, "(...general discussion.)"

Kinaed states to Evrald, "It's not actually a written policy, it's the standard policy that code arbitrates when players can't agree, it's just something we started to get away from culturally and I've fielded several complaints about mages running."

Sidd states, "Recently, I had somebody (apparently, maybe I RPed with them ages ago and just don't realize it but I doubt it) narrow out my character's name through OOC means by ticking off the list of cyans. If you did that to one of our coverts, and then ICly came up with their real name after YEARS of them using an alias, I'd fully expect them to kill your character. Forewarning."

Sidd claims, "And maybe foreshadowing. ;)"

Fianna trails off, "Dun dun dunnn..."

Sidd claims, "(Not really.)"

Kinaed claims to Sidd, "That's out and out power gaming, please report it to the staff."

Sidd says to Kinaed, "It's on the request board."

Axton says, "Ah, finding out thier name like that. I sometimes get a last name from it, depending on how famous the person is."

Sidd says to Axton, "No."

Azarial asks, "Isn;t guildleaders about the only list of famous people?"

Axton states, "Yes"

Takta claims to Axton, "Yeah, you generally cannot use the wholist ICly, period."

Kinaed claims to Sidd, "I haven't seen it yet, I think. Might have skipped it on my mobile because some things are hard to read on there. I'll have a look."

Azarial claims, "Poardon; icly accepted"

Takta claims, "Guildleaders is the only list of names that can be used ICly."

Kinaed claims, "Yes, the who list is absolutely OOC."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Temi states, "You can use the guildleader command, yes. If someone is addressed as the Poet Laudate, you can look at guildleaders and know their name."

Temi nods at Takta.

Kinaed states, "Guildleaders are viewed as famous enough people would know."

Raymond says, "I personally use the help player information, if it includes the last name, but if it shows nothing, I know nothing."

Vicannia asks, "What about seek guildlist? Is that considered ic?"

Axton asks, "I could say to a VNPC 'hey that guy on the horse who was just called Ariel, do you know his last name?'"

Kinaed states, "Also help files. Yes, help player info can be treated as IC."

Azarial says, "Still who-camping, still not allowed."

Azarial claims, "Ask icly of other players."

Kinaed says to Vicannia, "Yes, you can get that from asking around, and people can turn off showing on their guildlist if they wish to remain private. That's assumed to be 'what you can find out from asking around'"

Vicannia nods

Axton claims, "Noted, will use helpfiles for famous people from now on."

Elzenn claims to Axton, "I also don't understand why you couldn't ask this from another player and use it to drive your RP. It's lame at best and twinky at worst."

Takta muses to Axton, "So only guildleaders, seek guildlist, and help player <name>. Is that clearer?"

Temi claims, "Mind... you can know that that person is in that guild, not that that person is that person because they're in that guild, and clearly they are the only one who is."

Silrie muses, "How do you turn yourself off from being spotted? that help guildlist?"

Azarial says, "Seek public, iirc"

Silrie states, "Hee, thanks."

Azarial turns the music up to drown out the passing coal train.

Azarial says, "Actually, no; northbound it's either a local with liquids or ballast, the way that sings."

Kinaed asks, "Okay, does that wrap up Player Heartbeat?"

Silrie shrugs.

Axton says OOCly, "Is going to not say anything for a few minutes"

Silrie claims, "I've nothing good to say. LOL So I'll join Axton."

Kinaed says, "Okay, Player Topics! Vicannia, you're up first."

Vicannia nods "Alrighty so my very minor thing was regarding a topic I brought up awhile ago. Basically an alternative recipe for bouquets in Herbalism. The current recipte requires you to grow at least 4 different flowers just to make a bouquet, yet bouquest of one type of flower is a thing."

Raymond has lost link.

Vicannia apparently can not spell worth shit today

Takta says, "It's not easy for us to make recipes that can accommodate a lot of flexibility."

Kinaed says to Vicannia, "No worries, I never can."

Raymond has reconnected.

Raymond kicks internet.

Vicannia nods to Takta "Understandable. The only reason I brought it up was because there has been no response to the topic." http:/ti-legacy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1232

Vicannia states, "Likely because it got lost under alot of newer topics"

Temi states, "I think we've brought up before that craft recipes take a lot of work and strings and such, so we will go back to the forums there and select several items when we have time to put them in."

Temi states, "Prioritizing by the items filling a niche that isn't already filled."

Kheit asks, "Do staff accept player-suggested crafts, and if so, is there a template to fill out to make it easier?"

Takta muses to Kheit, "Entire crafts?"

Takta queries, "Or individual recipes?"

Kinaed says to Kheit, "Yes, we have forums dedicated to the crafts in the ideas and requests section of the forum."

Temi says, "We do accept ideas for recipes on those forums. Not any specific format for it."

Sidd declares to Kheit, "You can potentially suggest a new craft and have it put in in an average of 2-5 years!"

Sidd grins at Kheit.

Kheit says, "Yeah, I've seen the forums for them. I'd meant individual items to be crafted, not whole crafting suites."

Kinaed claims to Sidd, "Pah, give us more credit. More like a year. :P"

Kinaed is joking.

Sidd exclaims to Kinaed, "I was going to go on to say because you're so feature-rich already!"

Takta states, "We're not likely gonna take a whole crafting suite but yeah, we absolutely take individual items from the forums! I suppose it's easiest on us if you give us the full layout like you see in <craft> show <Item>."

Kinaed states to Kheit, "Yes, we take requests, in all formats."

Vicannia goes back to silently scribing this... "Oh wait, that reminds me of something... there should probably be a helpfile for ooc chat scribing, or something added to the end of the helpfile for ooc chat... I feel like people may not know how to make it so that their logs are... cleaner looking."

Takta says, "What components might make sense, what tools, etc."

Axton exclaims, "I was going to ask about that after!"

Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

Kheit muses, "Ooooh, okay, that's perfect. If there isn't a sticky with a basic template, I might suggest grabbing one? That way players who recommend crafts, like a bouquet, might be able to write up the strings and submit them?"

Temi claims to Takta, "But we do reserve the right to completely change those suggested details."

Takta grins.

Takta nods at Temi.

Sidd claims to Kheit, "Pick up one of Kinaed's specs when you get a chance -- those are actually good examples for adding any features."

Takta states, "Yeah... odds are good we might change up the details a lot."

Takta says, "So I'm not sure it's a worthwhile investment for y'all to write everything out."

Kinaed wonders, "Oh, speaking of which, everyone knows gambits are in and how to use them, right?"

Takta says, "They're not helpfiled yet."

Fianna trails off, "I had no idea, and nope..."

Takta claims, "Or tested."

Vicannia states, "I do not, but would love to learn especially given recent events"

Lorica ask "I have never heard of gambits?"

Takta states, "I... didn't see them n changes to test."

Axton must learn of these unntested gambits and test them

Takta states, "At least at a quick look."

Ofelia says, "I have not... had the chance. As party PR-person it is my job to tell you the Regency is great and there is nothing wrong with the Kingdom at all anywhere."

Kinaed states, "I think given the lag time on those, we may need to just leave it out there untested or get a GL to let volunteer to let us run an oust to see if it works."

Kinaed has transferred Ayo. [OOC]

Sidd claims to Kinaed, "Did we have another player topic, or can I get into this gambit discussion? I was actually really curious about it, especially because it seems built for such a small population of the pbase."

Elzenn gives a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil to Ayo.

Kinaed queries, "Any GLs here atm interested in volunteering?"

Takta states to Kinaed, "If you can give me the info to write the helpfile I can give it a go."

Margaux says to Ofelia, "Also, please hand out the appropriately coloured pills."

Takta trails off, "Or find where the note went..."

Kinaed has created the GL Barometer and Ousting Spec[1].

Axton muses, "Whats a dl?"

Kinaed gives the GL Barometer and Ousting Spec to Sidd.

Azarial claims, "Wasn;t in a note."

Kinaed says to Axton, "A guild leader."

Ofelia grins at Margaux.

Vicannia states, "To be fair, I am working on rp that will hopefully oust a GL, against their will probably, so could test it"

Ofelia says to Margaux, "We're having a party soon. I'll just lace everything."

Kinaed nods at Vicannia.

Sidd claims to Vicannia, "Fully support your malicious intent. Good job. "

Sidd grins at Vicannia.

Vicannia knows how to hold a grudge

Axton claims, "I had one or two things to say after this, actually"

Kinaed questions, "Okay, Vicannia, was that your topic? Are you happy for us to move on?"

Kinaed claims to Axton, "You're after Vicannia anyway."

Vicannia trails off, "Yeah that was my topic...."

Axton says, "I was telling sidd"

Kinaed wonders to Axton, "You're next. What's on your mind?"

Ayo waves.

Kinaed smiles and waves back to Ayo.

Axton sighs and says "I hate to be the one to report this, but its come to my attention that people have been using the 'where' command to find people to RP with, instead of asking around and exploring, as they should."

Axton claims, "And now seriously:"

Vicannia says, "That is why the where command exists"

Ayo waves at everyone

Vicannia says, "To find rp"

Evrald claims, "I think that's what 'where' is for"

Kinaed says, "Pretty sure that was a joke. "

Vicannia trails off, "Oh...."

Axton you may have missed the 'who' list debate

Kinaed grins.

Takta states, "It isn't a debate; it's really just policy, I'm afraid."

Ayo has gone AFK.

Ayo has returned from AFK.

Ayo has left the game.

Axton queries, "Ok, debate as in I was debating it, shall we move on?"

Sidd asks of Axton, "Unless you want to vent more bitterness?"

Sidd grins at Axton.

Axton states, "I'm curious about the feasibility of storyteller accounts, being like player accounts except the people involved in the story would have access to the characters, for quests that progress and grow."

Axton says OOCly, "Wasn't bitter, was a joke"

Sidd states, "Absolutely; and in all seriousness, if you'd like to talk about it in the future I encourage sending me a tell."

Temi states, "We've made NPC owned characters available before, though for something that's intended to be long term, people may prefer to use their own characters."

Takta says, "We haven't really had long-running STs in the past, but we do have an NPCs account."

Takta nods at Temi.

Takta claims, "I think we wouldn't need to add whole new accounts for this, but we'd be willing to work with people to make STs happen."

Axton questions, "May I write up a proposal in that case?"

Takta says, "You can always write up a ST proposal, sure."

Azarial claims, "If you are running a story chain and need a specific character for it, you could just alt into it"

Axton says, "You might see a way to do what I'm thinking more simply"

Sidd says, "Making an alt is definitely a valid way to make a dedicated ST NPC/character that I can attest to the feasibility of."

Kinaed has transferred Iyanu. [OOC]

Sidd states, "Super easy, and also great for doing covert STs."

Elzenn gives a flat, square box, lined with a sheet of gold-colored foil to Iyanu.

Axton claims, "It comes with some issues with the ideas I have in mind"

Axton states, "I'll write it up, I'm done"

Iyanu says "I really have something to suggest"

Kinaed muses to Iyanu, "Yes?"

Iyanu flips a voluminous cloak of soft woven fabric made without a hood back over his shoulder.

Sidd pontificates, "Work time! Could I get a trans out"

Kinaed claims, "Just a note, we're at the top of the hour and still have a few topics"

Sidd has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed says, "I'm happy to continue, but if anyone, like Sidd, has to run... send me a tell."

Iyanu say "Please, remove the balancing of moons" :(

Raymond has lost link.
Raymond has reconnected.

Vicannia chuckles

Raymond kicks internet again.

Iyanu say "If you know what i mean"

Axton says OOCly, "If a staff or two with interest in storytelling has some time after the meeting wraps up and wants to stay here and chat about it with me, I'd appreciate it"

Takta claims to Iyanu, "It takes a little while, but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad."

Axton says OOCly, "And any other players, would be cool"

Azarial states, "It's a key element to magic, and theme. I doubt it is going anywhere."

Vicannia and it helps to prevent instant spell casting

Iyanu replies Takta "This dude is almost dead, from lightning strikes". He points to himself

Vicannia states, "Well... get yourself more rituals and level up your magic. Both make balancing the moons far easier"

Axton says, "Learn to plan out in advance if you'll be able to or not? problem solved."

Elzenn says to Iyanu, "It might be best to give yourself some time to heal and use 'evoke show' to see if you can cast the spell with the rituals you do have."

Vicannia states, "And use focus and evoke show spell name to see if you can even cast before evoking"

Leofrick has lost link.

Iyanu yell "And let there be npc doctors at the hospital!"

Leofrick has reconnected.

Fianna says, "Would kinda kill the Physicians' guild rp. :("

Kinaed states, "The evoke system (balancing the moons) has been around, tested, and loved for... almost 15 years. I'll be honest, it's probably not going to change."

Vicannia states, "Well to be fair fianna, the physicians guild is killing themselves already"

Takta says to Iyanu, "I'll go over magic with you later and see if we can get this straightened out."

Kinaed claims, "It's a bit of TI staple there."

Fianna chortles at Vicannia.

Takta states, "It is definitely possible to succeed in balancing, you just have to take it slow and carefully."

Elzenn claims to Iyanu, "You really do have to be careful, as help magic will tell you, being a mage is not easy. If you read all the helpfiles and ask questions, you will get the hang of it."

Kinaed questions, "May I refocus ourselves on player topics?"

Evrald claims, "As a potential future physician, I am completely glad there aren't NPC healers really"

Iyanu say "The physicians are not doing their job and there should be like a button to let them know a patient is there"

Axton states, "We need to pay them more"

Vicannia silences so Kinaed can refocus

Kinaed claims, "I think Sidd's topic was covered earlier with the who list discussion and the affirmation that the who list is completely, 100% out of character."

Kinaed pontificates, "So now we're on to Kheit! :)"

Kinaed wonders to Kheit, "Won't you introduce us to your topic?"

Kheit claims, "Nope! That was also my topic! I was going to suggest that, if codedly possible, it might be a good idea to add a reminder to the WHO list for that, as well as other potentially OOC commands that bleed easily into IC situations."

Iyanu yells, "Holy! Please i need to someone to take me out, the moons are almost perfectly aligned"

Fianna massages temples.

Silrie arches her brow.

Kinaed states to Kheit, "I think we can. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see if I can figure a way to do it prettily."

Kheit exclaims, "Awesome, that's it for me!"

Kinaed wonders to Raymond, "I think you're finally up. :) Care to introduce us to your topic?"

Raymond wonders, "I have been discussing a new idea with a few players and something we think could expand the roleplay of many players is a family system where you can, for example, fill in your family lineage or write help files about your family. This could help the game in many ways, apart from showing off that we have one of the most detailed codes. Off the bat, one way I think it would help is that families could be recycled for others to use them, even a commoners' family. You could choose from one of the existing families and get helpfiles based on a player that played that surname years ago. You can even join another player's family while he's alive and, yeah, see the helpfiles or even get certain benefits (I can think, heirlooms or books). It would also be a nice thing to give each family a set of variables. Gentry & nobles get a fee based on, presumably, their families, and the condition of their families' origin (say, a duchy) could affect the fees they get. If you're trying to marry another noblewoman, you presumably need the other family to at least enjoy you. Like the city report, these variables would affect the family members and even the non-family members, their income, and maybe even the events they get. For players that don't want to use the system, because learning so many systems can be hard and some players enjoy simplicity, they can randomly generate a family, or leave it empty, and it would give them zero drawbacks other than a lack of information and maybe just losing chances to get valuable RP from the system (like trying to improve the variables of your family, example: prosperity or wealth). IMHO, with such a simple thing like creating helpfiles for your family and the genealogy, the game can feel even more immersive, even if you're choosing a family that hasn't been played for months and wasn't created by yourself. What do you guys think of this?"

Temi asks of Iyanu, "You wanted to be transed back on grid?"

Fianna trails off, "Oooooh..."

Iyanu has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Kinaed states to Raymond, "I went that route before, even started to write a few specs on it, but held off."

Takta states, "I like the idea of offering families at least as a RP background; less sure/comfortable about full family metrics."

Vicannia sighs "That just seems like an unneccessary addition...

Kinaed states, "Our pbase is a bit small for us to build dynasties, and I worry we'll end up with 2-3 huge, overpowered families that run the game a bit like cliques with other families crowded out."

Takta nods at Kinaed.

Ofelia claims, "See.. I like this in theory."

Raymond claims, "I think it could be aligned perfectly well with the current system that seems to be in development, the birth regions and... ohhh."

Kinaed nods at Ofelia.

Ofelia says, "Because my character has a big, cnoted family and it would be really easy connections."

Raymond queries, "We could always limit the amount of active members per dynasty?"

Ofelia claims, "Buuuuut... I feel like it doesn't require its own system and I would like to vet people who join my family."

Ofelia says, "Even if it makes me sound like kind of a control freak."

Kinaed claims to Raymond, "I doesn't really take more than 3 people to form a powerful group."

Eamon says, "No, I would feel the same way. I don't want a connection that obligates me to RP with someone if I don't know the person beforehand."

Kinaed states, "Given our entire active pbase is about 20 people per day."

Eamon claims, "Or at least interview them, etc."

Axton says, "Could be something as simple as the place in chargen where you choose a region now, you could pick a major family for your name to be associated with"

Ofelia states, "On the rest, though, I feel like resources etc. would be a very cool domain dynamic, for our noble players."

Takta claims, "But it would be wonderful to have some established info about powerful gentry and noble families in each domain."

Raymond says, "I was rather thinking about the benefits of having helpfiles for a family, so that if your character dies, maybe another one can choose to retake it down the road."

Ofelia says, "(As a way to include people from their domains too.)"

Takta says, "Offering potential hooks for bg connections for other players to peruse and base their RP on."

Azarial states to Ofelia, "On the docket"

Ofelia declares to Azarial, "Woo!"

Temi has transferred Iyanu. [OOC]

Takta says, "So you choose t be from Hevstina, you look at the gentry families registered in Hevstina, you can then create your own niche."

Kinaed nods at Raymond.

Takta states, "And maybe a family can have flagged 'Looking for new members', etc."

Silrie nods at Kinaed.

Iyanu blinks at Elzenn, expecting something

Kinaed says, "That wouldn't bother me - people registering families and help filing them, or writing books, etc. Realistically, we're all from families."

Raymond says, "Exactly, that's what I think this idea would be nice for."

Axton says, "Could potentially be a way for a freeman to advance to gentry, by being given a task to complete and a certain amount of wealth to amass to meet their standards"

Takta says, "I like all that side of it, minus metrics, very much."

Kinaed says, "Honestly, it'd be a bit cool if gentry families were all registered and you had to be a part of one (like nobles have to have a domain and title to be a noble) to be gentry."

Raymond says, "Maybe even you can create heirlooms or family items that you can purchase or request if you take a 'recycled' family."

Elzenn wonders to Iyanu, "Yes?"

Temi claims, "Thematically, advancing from freeman to gentry would be very rare"

Margaux states to Elzenn, "He wants another chocolate box. x.x"

Kinaed claims, "The only thing that holds me back is how it might realistically affect play."

Temi claims, "We need to define that exactly still.. I think it's been on he list."

Vicannia sits back as we usher in the age of cliques

Azarial claims, "No different than guilds in a lot of ways."

Axton claims, "Yes, a very difficult task to prove their worth to the family, and amassing a huge amount of silver. its a starting point I think, but I dunno."

Elzenn queries to Iyanu, "Did I not give you one?"

Silrie nods at Vicannia.

Vicannia trails off, "At least with guilds you can remove folks...."

Raymond claims, "I think if we play it step by step, the immediate effect would be fleshed out family lore. You could even have a module where you create backgrounds on who your NPC family was, what they worked as, etc."

Kinaed claims to Vicannia, "I don't think we have to worry about that. Remember, the reason I didn't develop the families idea was just that - a clique issue."

Azarial trails off, "Murdering someone removes them form a family..."

Vicannia says, "And don't you dare say "Well you could remove someone from a family by disowning them.""

Iyanu replies Elzenn "I left. I arrived, one box per entrance"

Ofelia says to Vicannia, "I mean, we could use it to promote murder."

Ofelia says, "Just sayin'."

Iyanu goes to sleep.

Kinaed states, "I'd be okay with families being written into the game, etc, a bit less so on players building large families with background connections, etc."

Azarial states, "Poisons are underused, as well."

Iyanu is testing

Ofelia says, "See? Az gets it."

Iyanu wakes and stands up.

Fianna says, "I think people kind of do that anyway. I have a huge, huge book being worked on for both my alt's family and the one she married into. It's just more... a matter of folks wanting background connections and us working it out."

Raymond states, "No, definitely I was not thinking about 4 active PCs in a family."

Temi says to Iyanu, "No, one box per person, sorry."

Fianna claims, "I donno if I like the idea of it being bigger than that. x.x"

Raymond trails off, "I was rather thinking about a max of 2 active PCs per lineage, even 1 active PC, and then when the family dies..."

Raymond claims, "...another PC takes it up down the road, maybe 6 months later, if it was flagged up for recycling."

Kinaed nods at Raymond.

Kinaed states, "That's far more comfortable in my mind."

Takta says, "I think we have at least the gist of a useful idea here to really define gentryhood, if nothing else."

Kinaed nods at Takta.

Elzenn nods.

Iyanu says "Even a mere mosquito bite would kill this guy"

Kinaed states, "Saying that, I expect it'd be a lower priority item to get off the ground."

Iyanu says, ""He's so so so so injured" "

Kinaed claims to Raymond, "I would be happy if you wrote up your ideas in a ledger or on the forums and gave them to us to consider though."

Raymond pontificates, "I can!"

Takta wonders to Iyanu, "I'll speak with you after the meeting, but can you please wait until then?"

Iyanu yells, "Where are the physicians at?! "

Takta wonders to Iyanu, "To avoid derailing other topics of conversation?"

Silrie states to Iyanu, "You need to see an ic doctor."

Iyanu trails off, "Shutting up..."

Iyanu sits down on the ground.

Leofrick has returned from IAW.

Vicannia coughs "You know, since it was mentioned... what the flying fish is Birth Regions? I log on one night and see it in my score, and yet no one had dared explain it."

Iyanu whistles

Takta says, "It's where your PC is from, re: a specific domain."

Kinaed wonders, "Where were you born/where did you grow up?"

Vicannia asks, "Well no duh, but why is it needed is my question?"

Kinaed says, "Help domain has a list of fleshed out domains, etc."

Fianna states, "Why not? It's a neat thing to consider and figure out for yourself."

Elzenn claims, "It is pretty much a character stat."

Temi states, "I don't know that it's needed, but there were sure a lot of happy noises at its creation, which seems good enough reason for me."

Kinaed states to Vicannia, "Everyone would be from somewhere and it helps define characters, the same way writing a description does. It'd also be something Reeves, etc, could potentially look up."

Axton queries, "Is there a purchase domain you could use if you were created before it was implemented?"

Kinaed nods at Axton.

Elzenn states to Axton, "You can 'purchase region' and work your way down the list of duchies/domains."

Iyanu mutters "My birthday ends in 1 hour 11 minutes" :(

Kinaed states to Raymond, "Anyway, let's talk further about it? We're over the top of the hour, and you were the last speaker, so I probably ought to wrap up."

Vicannia trails off, "Ok let me state my reasoning for my stance on why this feels completely unneccessary. As I understand, only your character can see it, so unless you have horrible memory, I would like to think a person could remember where their character is from, and that feels like something that should be in Help player info... It just feels like one more coded thing that clutters this game up with no real benefit besides 'Oh, it's a neat idea'"

Iyanu whistles

Eamon claims, "I like it a lot."

Fianna says, "Me too."

Raymond declaims, "Sounds good, Kinaed!"

Margaux says, "Reeves can probably see it and it opens up the potential for staff to use it down the line for story or code things."

Kinaed says, "I think it forces people to consider where you're from when building a character, which creates more context and more thematic characters."

Iyanu stops using a Lithmorran style men's hat, fashioned from a linen fabric.

Takta states, "If we ever did do a list of families, for example, by area - welp."

Takta grins.

Iyanu wears a woolen chullo hat with earflaps and multihued patterns on his head.

Vicannia asks, "But shouldn't they already do that as is?"

Raymond claims, "Some people don't."

Eamon says, "Sure, and everybody should all stick IC all the time, but we provide encouragement/guidance for that too."

Iyanu stops using a loose fitting, collared linen tunic, laced along the neck.

Eamon claims, "It doesn't hurt to scaffold good RP."

Kinaed says to Vicannia, "I don't know that people even think of it. In any case, it does no harm."

Azarial claims, "As a side note before this ends, suggested changes go on the forum, not the bug board."

Raymond claims, "It's better to include it as a stat, IMHO."

Iyanu pokes his bruises

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Fianna gives Iyanu onnne more...

Silrie grins at Fianna.

Fianna claims, "<.<"

Margaux offers Fianna the assistance of her rapier

Elzenn claims, "Ultimately, it doesn't take away anything, and has potential to be built off of."

Fianna swishswishes.

Vicannia shakes head

Kinaed claims, "If you post your ideas on any of the boards, they'll be subject to auto-clearing. Please post ideas on the forums."

Iyanu frowns at Fianna

Kinaed states, "Okay, back on to wrapping up the chat - Thank you everyone for participating today. Apologies that my brain still hasn't kick started, so I will reread this log to make sure I didn't miss anything as tells, etc, started flying in."

Iyanu pokes his bruises

Silrie claims to Iyanu, "You're kind of needlessly spamming, mate."

Temi asks of Kinaed, "6 PM EST starting next week?"

Kinaed states, "I'd like to ask everyone to please consider voting for TI - if you have the appetite for it, we have an 'autovote' command that will remind you once per login or so to vote."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "Yes, I'll write an announce board post since 6am on Sunday isn't going to work for me long term. :)"

Kheit declaims, "Oh, yes! I wanted to mention that, everyone vote!"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Silrie claims, "TMC hates me"

Azarial says, "Holding at 15th on tmc this morning"

Kheit declares, "TMS really, really helps in bringing in new blood, and the beginning of the month is a really important time to do it!"

Silrie claims, "I keep trying to register and nope."

Kinaed states, "If anyone feels up to writing a review of TI, please do. In particular, Optional Realities and Mudconnector are places that we love to see them, good or bad, crop up. If you write a review, please let me know and I'll give you some QP for taking the time."

Iyanu has lost link.

Kinaed claims, "Good or bad."

Kinaed nods at Kheit.

Kheit claims, "Yep! I'll have it done by the end of the day."

Kinaed declaims to Kheit, "Thank you!"

Kinaed exclaims, "Okay, everyone... I'm about to throw you back to the wol- er, back into RP. Please enjoy your time until next week!"
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