@desc_cloak by default

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:45 am

Hi -- not sure whether this was considered when coming up with this new cloak system, but it would be great if crafted cloaks came with a default @desc_cloak that could be edited freely on the toolable item. Two reasons:

First, so that crafted cloaks are usable as-is, right after crafting, thus reducing the tedium of special editing. Not fond of the extra work now required to make a hooded cloak useable.

Second, to give tailors and casual retoolers like myself something to work with, i.e. an example of what a @desc_cloak description is supposed to look like. The helpfile for special extended offers no real guidance whatsoever.

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Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:42 am

I think this is a fine idea. I'd like to piggyback on the thread and suggest that people be able to edit a default cloak desc for free or cheap, so you don't have to ask your tailor to put in your ominous shadowy @desc_cloak, OR pay the cost of the cloak over again in order to customize it from the factory setting.

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Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:52 pm

Apparently, cloaks don't require a @desc_cloak to be added to use them right off the bat (I've discovered), but if you don't add one, the default setting reveals the sex of the player, which seems unintended?

Would still like an example someplace as to what a @desc_cloak is supposed to look like.

Haley Rose

Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:39 pm

This. I've spent 3 gold on a cloak in the past only to realize it didn't have an @desc_cloak, so now I don't really use it because I don't want to retool it.

Andruid, @desc_cloak is supposed to describe the cloak. Its cut, the length, its fit, etc. So...

Cut to envelop, this muslin cloak possesses a deep hood designed to cast the face in shadow and a trailinghem that skims the ground with every movement. A star-shaped clasp holds it closed at the throat, and a stain on the right shoulder bears a suspicious resemblance to a blood spatter.

Something like that.

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Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:32 am

Well, I didn't ask for a custom @desc_cloak from my tailor when I ordered my extremely expensive cloak, and now I have to retool to add one or bug the person to do it for me... so I guess I'm back to my original complaint about this change being somewhat tedious. +1 to Inertia's ideas.

Personally, I was fond of certain aspects of the old system, like being able to adjust my cloak desc on the fly for free.

Bugged the issue about gender being revealed.

When I say I want an example someplace, I mean in the game itself. I shouldn't have to come to the forums for something like this, but thanks anyway. :)

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Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:32 pm

Essentially I've left almost all my cloaks with no desc because of the cost to retool. I've recently bought cloaks only to find that I have to still retool so the costs get a little ridiculous, my suggestion if code wise possible is to allow one free retool on the desc, this would allow people to customize without the option to change it frequently which might not be fair.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:59 pm

Hmm. I've seen it, but I'm not sure I agree with free retooling for cloaks. Sorry about the extra work, but I think it's appropriate for this type of item.

I do agree the default @desc_cloak should not reveal gender. I also agree there should be a default. Can someone bug this if it is not the case and reference this thread?

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Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:43 pm

A cloak is going to look different depending on who wears it. I'm not sure why @desc_cloak was added to begin with, but freely changing the @desc_cloak attribute should help bring things back to how they should have stayed. It changes the person's desc. If it's for describing the cloak itself, that's what extra descriptions are for.

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Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:41 am

It was added because cloak descs gave people away OOCly when they shouldn't. Now two identical cloaks worn on two people will look nearly the same and Jane won't OOCly get called out no matter what cloak she's wearing because she didn't update her swap desc.

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Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:25 pm

I understand the rationale, but I'd like to push for the best of both worlds, here.

If @desc_cloak can't be edited freely, I would like the option of having a cloak desc that is specific to my character and not my cloak (which, honestly, I could care less about). I agree with Rabek, and I think there should be more to a cloaked person's description than the color and type of fabric they're wearing.

I'm interested in the way my CHARACTER appears to people when he enters a room, which might include a description about the specific cloak he's wearing (@desc_cloak) but may also have to do with his demeanor, the sound of his voice when he speaks, how he carries himself, and so on. These are details that I was rather fond of including and which gave other players -- at a glance -- some sense as to what my character was all about, without me having to repeat all of that information the moment someone new walked into a room.

I don't understand why a character-specific description was removed completely instead of being made optional. Why can't we have unique character descriptions AND cloak-specific information?

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