Log of OOC Meeting: 2021-05-22

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 168
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2018 4:29 pm
Discord Handle: dreams2410

Sat May 22, 2021 8:16 pm

Kinaed says, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Tasker peers

Anonymous hides

Kinaed says, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Kinaed wonders, "No topics, eh?"

Sparkles claims, "I have a topic."

Gnomely says, "I have a topic, as well."

Kinaed says, "I have you both :)"

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone else?"

Kinaed has transferred Blue. [OOC]

Temi gives a bronze flask formed in the shape of a small wooden barrel to Blue.

Rey says, "Me"

Kinaed claims to Rey, "Got you too :)"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, kicking off Staff Updates - I passed the link for our Featured Character contest to the artist to get it signed off, which I will supply to everyone interested in having their character featured on our website."

Kinaed states, "It's approved, so I'll post that after OOC Chat today."

PraiseTheEGG says, "Exciting"

Meow states, "There thats a better name"

Kinaed states, "Beyond that, I set up some merch on Redbubble that I have to figure out how to share with people."

Kinaed claims, "That was dirt easy, let me know if anyone wants anything specific."

Meow states, "Badges"

Kinaed nods at Meow.

Kitty raises eyebrows.

Meow says, "Stickers"

Kinaed states, "I'll check if Redbubble allows that."

Cat muses, "Pins maybe?"

Kinaed says, "Stickers are there for sure, and pins."

Kinaed nods at Cat.

Jasmine claims, "I like enamel pins but I'm not sure if redbubble does them"

Meow states, "Yea i mean pins"

Kinaed claims, "I think theirs aren't enamel, no."

Kinaed claims, "I'll dig that up and share it on the Announce Board, then see about getting it on our website."

Violet questions, "Mugs?"

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Temi has transferred Karstedt. [OOC]

Temi gives a bronze flask formed in the shape of a small wooden barrel to Karstedt.

Kinaed says, "The last thing on my agenda, which I'll chat about quickly is - a reminder of themeliness. Please read HELP TECHNOLOGY."

Kinaed claims, "Staff alerted me to some player concerns about some non-thematic things in game that I've instructed them to resolve and/or I will resolve soon."

Gnomely says, "Lol. That's what I was going to bring up. lol."

Kinaed states, "A reminder - European technology. 1200s."

Kinaed states, "If you're doing stuff outside of that, you're probably going to be reported to the Order."

Kinaed states, "That's if people don't report it to Staff."

Blue states, "Probably do not want it reported to the Order."

Helpfile for Technology

TI is technologically based in Europe's 1200-1400s AD. Any advances
after this date may be considered witchcraft, and many educated advances
from before what we would consider the Dark Ages may be as well, for a
great deal of knowledge was lost during this time period.

Note: Technology refers to Urth's general sophistication on how to build
new devices, interpret natural laws, and manipulate their environment. It
does not refer to culture, mode of dress, general beliefs amongst the
population, etc. Thematically, TI is a fantasy world, so does not exactly
parallel our history.

(Subject area: general Last modified: Sun Oct 26 23:52:41 2014)

Kinaed claims, "If you're a player and you're noting weird things that you think aren't thematic - please contact a staff member OR report it to the Order, whichever you feel is more appropriate."

Gnomely states, "The helpfile says 1200-1400s. Are we establishing it's 1200s, just for clarification. That helpfile is also from 2014."

Eos says, "We encourage reporting that so we can actually notice and do something about it"

Deedee muses, "Any examples of what's been out of theme recently?"

Rey lifts a bronze flask formed in the shape of a small wooden barrel to his nose and sniffs at it.

Kitty says, "Yeah, I think examples might be nice - except it may make people feel singled out, too."

Kinaed says, "1200s-1400s. There's some leeway because Vandagans are technologically advanced up to 1400s (so very, very early rennisaince may be okay)"

Kinaed claims, "Maybe."

Kinaed states, "But in a limited, highly experimental capacity, and potentially going to the Order"

Temi says, "Yeah, staff are pretty busy up here, don't necessarily get involved on grid to notice a lot of things."

Eos nods.

Deedee nods.

Eos says, "Also I'd rather a player complains than me having to wonder if and how I'm bringing bias into this"

Deedee states, "We do have some later tech in theme, like eyeglasses."

Kinaed states, "Yeah, we don't check people's outfits to make sure they're keeping it to European technology. But the specific thing I've asked staff to revert this week was spagetti and fish sticks in a restaurant."

Blue states, "Maybe the Order players can keep an eye out too and report whatever IC reports they receive as well."

Kinaed claims, "But there's been lots of stuff over the years."

Kinaed says, "Eyeglasses aren't a thing."

Rey holds a bronze flask formed in the shape of a small wooden barrel in his hand.

Gnomely says, "There's an NPC with eyeglasses in Southside."

Violet says, "We have a spectacles recipe"

Jasmine asks, "Spectacles are a jewelry craft?"

Rey rolls his barrel-shaped flask between his hands, idly shifting it back and forth.

Temi claims, "Spectacles are thing, yeah."

Kitty claims, "I think they are simply magnifying glasses, old spectacles. Not eye correction."

Rey idly twists at the stopper in his barrel-shaped flask, ensuring that it is secure.

Jasmine claims, "They just shouldn't be made for each person, it's just ground glass, like reading glasses"

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Rey idly twists at the stopper in his barrel-shaped flask, ensuring that it is secure.

Kinaed claims, "Like a reading monocle would probably be okay."

Deedee says, "Hm."

Temi claims, "But those did start appearing in 13th century, so fit the time"

Rey stops using a bronze flask formed in the shape of a small wooden barrel.

Kinaed says, "Kimonos - not a thing."

Jasmine asks, "I don't see how spaghetti is out of theme though, isn't that ancient?"

Kinaed says, "Not in the form of spagetti, I don't think so."

Rey queries, "What about umbrellas or parasols?"

Eos states, "I think small deviations are not a problem but like, 1800 onwards would definitely be troubling "

Kinaed says, "Parasols are borderline. Umbrellas probably not."

Blue claims, "Spaghetti is from 12th century. I think fish sticks are the real problem there, though."

A male voice claims, "Imagine that, burned for fish sticks. What a way to go."

Deedee questions, "(on that subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVo_wkxH9dU)"

Kinaed claims, "Maybe it was called something else, dunno. But it's certainly a modern association at the moment, and we're trying to keep to medieval associations for most people."

Anonymous peers at the male voice.

Meow claims, "Burned like a fishstick"

Wimpled says, "Spaghetti noodle shapes were ninth or tenth century. "

Kitty states, "Pasta with a tomato sauce wouldn't be out of theme, probably. I usually use descriptions of wide, thin noodles, like it was rolled out by hand and cut with a knife into strips."

Wimpled claims, "From rough online search. "

Sparkles says, "We used to have a forum post, do we need to check it against the things we currently have IC now? As we've added some things I think since that was written."

Blue says, "I get what you mean. No modern fancy Italian restaurant dishes in a dark medieval theme game."

Kinaed claims, "Noodles are ancient, I'm sure, but I doubt they called the dish spagetti"

Kinaed nods at Blue.

Kinaed claims, "Thank you."

Jasmine claims, "That seems more like someone using a well-known word to get across a thought than truly breaking theme imo"

Deedee says, "We do have a dearth of authentic medieval dishes."

Kitty states, "What about things like cashmere? I've always wondered about that when I see it."

Gnomely claims, "I heard there was even a clockwork OOC item once."

Kitty says, "Or stilleto heels. That one made me blink, too."

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, please think about whether something you're introducing will be viewed as Medieval European 1200s-1400s or so."

Jasmine states, "Cashmere is goats wool, that's also been around for a while"

Kinaed says, "Ancient Roman technology was often better, and a lot of that we've said no to. This is the Dark Ages."

Kitty nods.

Kinaed claims, "Thanks :) Okay, we can move on"

Deedee nods.

Kinaed wonders to Eos, "I'll go alphabetic today. Can you kick us off with your update?"

Ghed has gone AFK.

Ghed has returned from AFK.

The sound of rain patters outside.

Kinaed wonders, "Is Eos with us?"

Kinaed states, "Might jump to Ghed."

Kinaed muses to Ghed, "Update us while we wait for Eos?"

Eos claims, "Hi"

Kinaed pontificates, "Back to Eos! :)"

Eos states, "My focus has been on non-code things and I've made progress with some WIPs. I'm gonna be busy with another project for the next two weeks and also focusing on the May/June plot, it'll be something less heavy this time. I worked on that with the help of our fabulous Temi and have the outline ready, just fiddling with when to launch it."

Eos claims, "Sorry got hungry"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Food is good. :) Thanks Eos."

Kinaed muses to Ghed, "Your update?"

Kitty claims, "Hungry staffers are not allowed."

Kinaed says to Kitty, "We tend to eat things like furniture."

Anonymous states, "Or people"

Anonymous shudders.

Kinaed says to Anonymous, "Only corpses."

Temi nods in agreement.

Kinaed says, "People don't digest well. Also aren't objects in the code."

Kitty says to Kinaed, "The occasinal table nibble is probably healthy for one's teeth."

Anonymous claims, "Mmmmm I dunno about that. I've SEEN things."

Temi states, "Making a corpse is easy though. You just slay it."

Gaiseric is idle.
GeeBee is idle.

Eos has created a fine porcelain doll!

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Eos eats a fine porcelain doll.

Kinaed claims, "I think I bored all of the staff into AFKness."

Jasmine states, "Mmmm crunchy porcelain"

Kinaed asks of Temi, "Want to go while we wait for Ghed?"

Salem has gone AFK.

Salem has returned from AFK.

Temi declares, "Sure!"

Temi says, "I've been working on making my way through the list of things the Brotherhood requested to help balance out their lives and support the guild, outside of the big system revamps which will take more coder time (and the code cleanup). That includes rare, smuggled frogs from Tubor, which is a trial run of a slightly different setup for a livestock herd, using crafting to place them. And the new recipe of the week goes along with that - psychotropic frog elixir. To balance out all of that thiefy stuff, I also spent a bunch of time on some skill mini-quests for the Reeves, including this fellow here. They are a bit more involved than the previous ones, involving two steps - a report, and an arrest using that report. "

GeeBee is no longer idle.

Gaiseric is no longer idle.
Gaiseric has returned from AFK.

GeeBee has returned from AFK.

Temi states, "Oh, and I also added potted plants to the QP shop, for all sorts of flowers, which we determined wasn't too overpowered to not use the herbgardens for. For the rare seeds, I made the potted plants cost double the seed."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Ghed states, "Sorry, I had been reading all that I had missed"

Kinaed claims, "Thanks Temi :) That's awesome stuff."

Kinaed asks of Ghed, "No worries. Can you update us?"

Ghed declaims, "This week I was busy with RL stuff so my activity was down a bit. I mostly worked at introducing some script updates for Southside, many small requests, MANY recommends and typos fixes, and a small puppet here and there. Things should improve from here on!"

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says to Ghed, "Thank you :)"

Ghed states, "Kudos to Salem for slaving away like nobody's business"

Ghed nods.

Eos nods.

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "Salem's gone afk - but she did some work on our craft system :)"

Eos claims, "Salem good"

Salem says, "I'm here though."

Kinaed muses, "Oh, please update us then? :)"

Salem claims, "I implemented flags for our craft recipes. Now recipes can be set to be guildspecific. I alot of time on other stuff too. mostly tidying up our code. And we are making progress."

Deedee says, "Hmm, that's interesting"

Kinaed declaims, "Thanks! :)"

Gnomely says, "Nice."

Kinaed states, "I'm excited to see guild crafts in-game."

Temi claims, "The Reeve report mini-quests are an example using that already."

Temi nods.

Deedee queries, "Will guild-specific recipes be available to people who are in the guild but leave it?"

Kinaed asks, "Are they linked to crafting skills or just being in a guild?"

A male voice wonders, "Will there be any guild crafty things added in for the Sanctum?"

Temi states to Deedee, "No"

Deedee muses, "What's the reasoning for that? or just code contraint?"

Deedee says, "Constraint*"

Anonymous claims, "If they're using flags, then you'd probably need the guild role to get access to that recipe."

Temi claims to Kinaed, "They use the crafting system, so it can use whatever skills, or unskilled"

Anonymous claims, "Not that I know, I'm just guessing"

Kinaed claims, "ICly, you can probably consider it an access issue. Codewise, I suspect it's because the crafts are identified if they belong to a guild by a flag on the craft."

Temi states, "It simplifies the code, and also some things are based on actual membership, not just knowing how to do it. Like these mobs that want to report to a Reeve, not just someone that was once a reeve"

Violet queries, "This is going to be for a select few special recipes, right, and not for broad swatch of crafting?"

Rey says, "It would prevent people from joining a guild to gain the skills and then leaving."

Karstedt is idle.

Temi states, "Right, most crafting will not apply, and I'm not planning on taking existing things away from anyone."

Karstedt is no longer idle.

Kinaed claims, "Yes, from what I understand, this gives us the ability to add things that belong to guilds, and isn't intended to retrofit what is already there."

Temi states, "So it will mostly just be a few special recipes."

Deedee nods.

Deedee queries, "Anything planned for docs?"

Temi says, "We haven't thought out all of the possibilities yet, it's still new"

Temi says, "No immediate plans for Sanctum or Physicians, though no reason either couldn't at some point"

Eos says, "The forum is open for your suggestions"

Kinaed muses to Temi, "Maybe we should open a forum post for craft suggestions or dig through old posts?"

Kinaed nods at Eos.

Jasmine muses, "Are we introducing this because we want to move away from guilds holding a monopoly on skills?"

Allen begins to descend.

Allen leaves down.

Kinaed says, "No, we're not likely to be touching guild ownership of certain skills."

Temi states, "Yeah, you can use the existing forum for suggestions to post there"

Eos states, "Eh I'd say not dig for old ones, if its relevant players will suggest it"

Kinaed nods at Eos.

Kinaed states, "In any case, please do feel free to post ideas on the forums."

Temi says to Jasmine, "Just a way to flesh out new stuff, not a big change in paradigms"

Kinaed asks, "Is that all of our Staff Updates? "

Kinaed declaims, "Thanks!"

Kinaed asks, "Okay, Player Heartbeat... (sorry, we're getting on in time) ... how was the game for everyone this last week, folks?"

Rey says, "I haven't been on much but caught a few scenes here and there."

Karstedt states, "Was mostly afk sorry. no update from me. ill be on more this week coming up"

Jasmine says, "I've had a really wonderful time getting this character introduced. Lotta conflict and a lotta good stuff"

Kitty says, "Play has been great. I can't remember if I did this last week, so if I didn't, thanks to everyone who participated in the Amity games. The cow racing was highly amusing, and the log has been posted on the forum."

Kinaed smiles.

Deedee says, "Been a busy week IRL again. Hopefully more time this coming week"

Hawali says, "There are some things happening that I'm excited about. Having a great time."

Deedee states, "By the way, the Epion role is open if anyone's looking for a job."

Ghed claims, "The funeral seemed really neat"

Kinaed claims, "I'm glad to see people who have the time having fun. :) For those who don't, boo to real life! But seriously, I hope you enjyo the game this coming week."

Meow claims, "I just had a fantastic scene and want to give a shoutout to players not afraid to cause trouble. <3"

Sparkles says, "I've had some interesting RP this week. The funeral came together to be rather touching."

Cat says, "I had a guild member return to the game. that's always a happy occasion."

Meow claims, "Deeply appreciate you guys"

GeeBee states, "It's been great! Been able to get a good variety of scenes. And thanks to the people who helped arrange the funeral."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed pontificates, "Nice!"

Gnomely claims, "I had fun this week too."

Karstedt says, "Whats an epion"

Anonymous says, "The Epion is the 2nd guild leader of the Physicians"

Deedee states, "Leader of the Physicians in the duchy"

Jasmine claims, "AKA, yes, it's the 2GL"

Kinaed says, "Oh, I forgot in my update- I'll be running an event in July. Murder Mystery dinner thing."

Deedee muses, "In-game?"

Kitty claims, "Oh, those are fun."

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Anonymous says, "I volunteer anyone but me for the starring role of dead person."

Ghed says, "I enjoyed delivering Vinnie in a vinegar barrel, so much"

Rey claims, "Ooh! That sounds fun."

Deedee grins at Ghed.

Kinaed states, "I hope so. Been ages since I did one. I hope I remember how."

Meow states, "We shoulve sold the Vinnie bathwater"

Deedee lifts a bronze flask formed in the shape of a small wooden barrel to her nose and sniffs at it.

Cat says, "Oooh. Nice. I wanna have a murder mystery."

Deedee frowns.

Karstedt states, "Im trying to make a psysician where do i apply"

Karstedt claims, "My characters new though"

Jasmine says, "Check help seek and start there"

Kinaed states to Karstedt, "You can 'seek physicians'"

Anonymous claims, "ICly contact one of the physicians, like Delana (she's the 1st GL). Also HELP SEEK."

Deedee nods.

Karstedt claims, "Ok will do "

Jasmine claims, "I highly advise reading the books in the physician's library about how medicine works in this system, and also reading HELP HUMORS"

Kinaed claims, "You can also purchase into the guild at the lowest rank with XP, as I recall. Haven't had a lot of uptake on that, but I assume it's because we don't have a command for it."

Kinaed claims, "We should automate that stuff sometime."

Jasmine questions, "Has it been added to help seek?"

Kinaed says, "Good point. I think I missed that. I'll update HELP SEEK. Meanwhile, it is in the chargen zone."

Jasmine trails off, "No I don't see it... I suggest adding a line letting new/returning players that's an option"

Jasmine says, "I knew it was in the works but didn't realize it was available"

Rey muses, "When I joined I didn't see a notice about being able to purchase into a guild. Where is that information at?"

Kinaed nods at Jasmine.

Kinaed pontificates, "I'll take care of that after this meeting. Thanks!"

Jasmine states, "Might have saved me a lot of run around this week hee hee hee"

Kinaed says to Rey, "I put it into the new player zone."

Ghed claims to Rey, "I think it got added after you left chargen"

Karstedt claims, "Back ti afk for me ill check the log later sorry folks busy night"

Rey states, "Ah! Nice."

Violet declaims, "Nice to see you, Karstedt!"

Kinaed says, "Yes, welcome to TI Karstedt :)"

Meow waves.

Kinaed asks of Sparkles, "Would you like to kick off our Player Topics?"

Meow meows.

Sparkles claims, "So something that has come up a few times during RP for the Bards is the request by project runners for the list of contributors. This has brought to mind the difficulty because people (or at least GLs) cannot contribute directly to projects."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Eos muses, "You cant see the owner of a project from outside?"

Kinaed claims, "I think Bards may have some special info or access, but I can't remember what it looks like."

Anonymous says, "It's about finding out who threw IP at a project besides the owner, I think."

Violet claims, "I think she's talking about people who contribute IP, not the owner"

Anonymous claims, "And bards can see contributors"

Eos claims, "Ohh."

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Kinaed wonders, "Do they see contributors, or do they see the lore for people who have spent IP?"

Ghed says, "Yes bards can do it for money"

Anonymous claims, "No idea, I'm not a bard. I just know that I've had to go to bards before to find out who contributed to projects so I could credit them."

Ghed says, "They see which nobles have contributed to a project, but not by how much IP"

Kinaed nods.

Kitty claims, "I think the projects can be set either way - where the person doing it is public or not."

Ghed states, "They have to be oppified bards and it costs 100 silver per lookup"

Sparkles states, "They see contributors. The thing at the moment is that only nobles can contribute directly. So that functionally one person who gave 15 IP to a second person will have no record, however any noble who contributed say 1 IP will. "

Rey states, "Bards are the info gurus."

Gnomely nods.

Kitty claims, "Either way, I've tended to send the IP to the project person, not to the project itself, even when I had the ability to - because they wouldn't know how much I slapped in if I didn't send it to them. Easier for them to track."

Jasmine states, "Sucks if you wanted to contribute quietly tho"

Gnomely claims, "We should also be able to send anonymous influence if we're in a covert guild."

Anonymous states, "That is how I've preferred to have it."

Jasmine states, "Everyone's gotta have their noses up in it"

Kinaed says, "Well, some of the point of that is that we want it to be obfuscated and complex, not as clearcut as a tax record of donations. It's gleaned through 'rumors' and contacts."

Gnomely says, "Just imagine seeing that on the contributor list, literally "unknown benefactor" that'd be fun. XD"

Temi states, "And the system is designed to make nobles more important"

Meow starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Temi states, "And give them an 'in' on RP people care about."

Meow aborts writing her note.

Meow starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Temi says, "I totally think it's okay to not thank someone for contributing if they don't talk to you or send a letter, though."

Temi grins.

Kinaed queries, "Okay, so I've had a look at what's there. What are you looking for to change?"

Deedee wonders, "On that note, how many people have managed to gain enough prestige to earn a title?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Deedee claims, "(intro title thing)"

Anonymous says, "I have deedee"

Kinaed says, "Not many. Two that I can see atm."

Sparkles says, "It requires that a project runner keep OOC track of non-noble contributors, basically."

Anonymous says, "Not anymore though"

Anonymous claims, "It was incredibly hard to keep it"

Deedee queries, "Oh, you don't keep it after?"

Kinaed states, "Only if they want to."

Anonymous claims, "Nope. I wish."

Deedee says, "That seems off."

Kinaed says, "The fascination of digging into who is doing what is really optional."

Anonymous states, "Once you're off Distinguished, you lose the prestige title."

Kinaed claims, "You can just ask people to tell you and trust them."

Anonymous claims, "I firmly think that it's impossible for non-nobles to do it becuase project prestige counts for so much. And even then you need a lot of silver and other stuff."

Deedee nods.

Ghed claims, "It's doable but difficult"

Ghed says, "The system is purposedly unfair to non nobles"

Meow finishes her note.

Kinaed claims, "One of the people on the Distinguished list right now is a non-noble."

Kinaed claims, "That said, it is intended to be easier for nobles."

Meow starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Anonymous says, "That's because the Order gets a MASSIVE boost to prestige based on how high piety is."

Meow finishes her note.

Gaiseric is idle.

Anonymous claims, "And I don't think any other guild gets similar with their metric."

Violet says, "Then frak with piety"

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Gaiseric is no longer idle.
Gaiseric has returned from AFK.

Ghed eyes vio warily.

Violet says, "Imo, it's long overdue someone screwed with that metric"

Rey says, "Piety has actually went down for the first time in forever. "

Sparkles claims, "That actually brings up a good question."

Violet claims, "Sorry, cursing >.>"

Violet states, "I got excited."

Kinaed claims, "Actually, I think the Order is just all supporting one another."

Kinaed claims, "I don't think they have a prestige boost due to piety."

Anonymous states, "That is likely. Guild members tend to do that."

Sparkles queries, "Are the Metrics linkups between Guilds getting a look over now the Sanctus was reintroduced?"

Kinaed says, "I think the guild members are all deliberately supporting one another"

Kitty doesn't have her toes in that anymore, so doesn't know. Sorry.

Sparkles claims, "In theory they should the Guild with like ... inverse Piety, I'd imagine."

Kitty states, "No, they get an IP boost."

Ghed says, "I don't think they have a prestige boost either, no"

Anonymous says, "SUPPORT/SUBVERT doesn't factor into prestige though"

Kinaed states to Sparkles, "We didn't consider it, but it's a good point so I'll add it to the list."

Ghed states, "They are just efficient "

Anonymous says, "Beyond IP gain"

Kinaed states, "We can also look at the math to become Distinguished as staff."

Jasmine says, "They do get an IP boost, but there's also some good faith supporting i think"

Temi says, "Sanctum was set up using the shell of the Manus, so it's probably set up well already"

Eos nods.

Jasmine states, "Please not that the person in question I think also tithes a ton, which is probably what's contributing to it"

Jasmine claims, "Remember to HECKING tithe you heathens"

Anonymous trails off, "Lol tithing is really the key to high prestige..."

Jasmine says, "Honestly it actually is"

Blue says, "Yes. Give the Church your money, please."

Eos states, "I literally searched for every mention of manus in the code and replaced it with Sanctum"

Eos states, "Most braindead work ever"

Eos grins.

Rey says, "I tithe. "

Kitty muses, "No quick find and replace, huh?"

Blue says, "Good. Perhaps there is hope for you yet."

Eos states, "Wish I had been that smart. Also I don't trust the code."

Kinaed trails off, "Yeah, lemme see... I think every 200 silver you tithe is worth a LOT of prestige"

Anonymous states, "Every 200 silver is worth 1 prestige point. You need 5 to rank up to the next 'rank'"

Kitty states, "I thought every 200 was worth a single point."

Deedee says, "I think it's worth one point"

Kinaed states, "You're right."

Ghed states, "A single point if I remember correctly"

Cat muses, "So sactum is inverse piety as a city report stat?"

Deedee claims, "Not a single level, a single point"

Kinaed states, "Rank 5 is about 25 prestige points, iirc"

Kitty says, "Plus wearing prestige items. Plus paying out more than 200 in... taxes, maybe - retainers? Paying out 200 to players. Something like that."

Kinaed claims, "It's laid out in HELP PRESTIGE"

Deedee states, "It probably could use some tweaking. And I think the title should stick if you earn it once"

Temi states, "And positive race relations, I think, which comes of sharing more secrets and stuff easily across a wider swath of land."

Gnomely wonders, "How anonymous are tithes? Would it show guild name, or character name?"

Anonymous states, "I know the Order GLs can see incoming tithes. But i don't know how detailed that information is."

Jasmine states, "That defeats the purpose of it being competetive"

Deedee states, "I think tithes are shown to the order, but not sure"

Kitty claims, "I don't think the title should stick if you earn it once."

Jasmine states, "But also the vast majority of people don't really care about prestige"

Temi states, "For prestige, you want people to know who you are."

Ghed states, "To make tithes anoymous, give the money to father Aylor in the Celeste amshouse"

Kinaed says, "I'll have to check."

Blue states, "Tithes are visible, yes."

Violet claims, "I don't think the title should stick personally"

Gnomely says, "Oh neat, Ghed."

Anonymous states, "*shrug* I'd be very happy if the prestige title stuck if you reached distinguished once, but I can understand how that wouldn't make sense."

Ghed states, "I like the motivation of having to fight to keep the title"

Rey claims, "Tithes are supposed to show you as devoted and go in your file I believe."

Blue says, "I don't think anonymous tithes should give you prestige points."

Anonymous states, "Court Favorite is the title to fight"

Kitty claims, "That'll make people just get up there, then drop. Eventually, everyone will have done it that wants to, but if you've been out of the limelight for years, people won't remember your face. There are no television reruns here."

Ghed claims, "Anon tithes don't grant prestige, no"

Blue asks, "How is the Church supposed to like you without knowing how much you've been supporting them?"

Blue states, "Oh, good."

Anonymous is out of the limelight now.

Gnomely nods at Ghed.

Kinaed nods at Blue.

Ghed nods at Kitty.

Ghed says to Kitty, "Precisely"

Ghed says, "Git gud or git out"

Jasmine states, "Prestige is mainly 'cool' for people who don't know the character--it replaces the short desc with a title"

Kitty trails off, "Yep..."

Kinaed states, "Okay, we're running out of time. Iv'e written down three actions"

Deedee claims, "Yeah, I understand court favorite needing competition, but titles seem like it'd be better to stick. But you can't change it if you don't currently qualify"

Anonymous states, "I still think that the amount of 'gitting gud' required to get to distinguished for non-nobles is a bit high.l"

Blue states, "I personally replace prestige titles with my own anyway."

Temi says, "Or stick for a year or something."

Deedee nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "Staff to talk about math to become distinquished. Staff to review guild metrics with the addition of the Sanctum, and to check what it looks like to the Order when they see who tithes"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed pontificates, "More to come. Thank you for the topic!"

Kitty states, "If I remember correctly, and I might not - I didn't ever see names attached to the tithes."

Kinaed wonders to Gnomely, "You'd registed a topic, then said themeliness was the topic. Was there something else you wanted to raise, or should I jump to our next person? :)"

Kitty claims, "Unless they sent it from their bank account, and not the tithe command."

Gnomely states, "Next person, you good."

Kinaed asks of Rey, "You're up then :) Please introduce us to your topic? :)"

Rey states, "My topic also had to do with projects. Mainly I was thinking that at least the first GL should be able to start them since projects can directly be guild related."

Deedee says, "Well, as a 1st GL"

Temi states, "As mentioned before, the system was specifically designed to give nobles more purpose"

Violet states, "First GLs are when they have noble status, I believe-- like Justiciar and EM"

Deedee says, "I think it's better to find a noble sponsor"

Kinaed states, "We introduced projects as something special for nobles as they're hard to play, and we wanted to give people positive contact points."

Anonymous says, "Great Lords can do project things yes"

Jasmine claims, "The main issue being there's not many nobs who stay or do stuff"

Kitty says, "Noble GLs can. GI, Archbishop, EM, Justiciar."

Blue claims, "Yes, Great Lords have coded noble status."

Deedee states, "That's true, Jasmine."

Kinaed nods at Blue.

Ghed claims, "The great lords are all gls"

Rey states, "That's the imbalance. There are guilds who first GL are automatically nobles and some aren't"

Blue states, "Only Great Lords are themetically nobles."

Anonymous states, "A while back, I suggested that GLs for guilds be able to support or subvert projects, but not start them themselves (unless they are already noble)"

Temi says, "And I think getting a noble to help sponsor a troubadour thing is totally thematic"

Blue claims, "The rest are pesky gentries."

Meow cries in Gentry.

Blue claims, "And the Great Lords are the ones who are on the Privy Council. The Seneschal, Justiciar, EM and the Chancellor."

Jasmine states, "I think until we really manage to get and keep nobles to be able to do these projects people will constantly be unhappy with the availability of projects"

Ghed claims, "I recall nobles doing projects for other guilds for money, praise, support, or IDK sinful favors"

Kitty claims, "The ones that need noble sponsorship are Troubadours, Merchants, and Physicians. All which... yeah, makes sense."

Blue says, "The Archbishop is also treated as a noble due to station because the Church is, well, the Church."

Rey states, "Only if there are active nobles that aren't GL."

Sparkles wonders, "Since the introduction of projects and them being noble only has it helped with noble retainment?"

Temi claims, "I've actually seen our nobles don't get reached out to much to get them involved"

Gnomely muses, "I should point out that Tenebrae is the 'lord of southside' so to speak, so shouldn't they get to do projects for Southside?"

Blue questions, "What can they do that'll affect the entire city of Lithmore though?"

Jasmine states, "Nobles have always seemed to me very faithweather aside from a few, and I think it's encouraged the playerbase to stop looking to them for these things"

Ghed says to Gnomely, "Nice try"

Gnomely laughs.

Kitty says, "I played a noble for a good while. I got asked to help with a project once."

Violet says, "Re: that. I have many thoughts on applications for nobility."

Jasmine says, "Just when historically the nobles disappear in a few months, you stop reaching out to them because they all flake"

Temi says, "Sometimes that reaching out would help bring them back in"

Kitty states, "But... only once."

Deedee claims, "I think it would be good to have a similar system for southside types though."

Blue states, "You can also technically ask the Great Lords for sponsorship."

Violet says, "Before we open applications again, I would much appreciate having a discussion about applications into nobility, noble roles, noble benefits, etc."

Ghed says, "Nobles shouldn't need to be approached for projects, they should constantly do them themselves because the benefits are significant"

Rey claims, "Yeah, I sent a noble requests multiple times for notify in the past and was always sent unavailable for RP"

Gnomely claims, "A similar system would be cool. I dunno how that'd work really, I'd have to think about that."

Rey states, "Then they stopped showing up all together to TI."

Deedee states to Ghed, "You'd think so"

Kinaed claims to Violet, "Can you raise it next OOC Chat? I think it'd be a good thing to discuss."

Ghed says to Deedee, "I know so"

Deedee states to Ghed, "I've had to really drag nobles into doing projects though."

Jasmine says, "I'm not sure how we can fix noble retention unless the player is already p dedicated and can follow theme without too much issue, but the symptom is also partially the cause"

Violet says to Kinaed, "Can do. I will make a note so I remember"

Ghed claims to Deedee, "They need'a bloodletting"

Blue states, "I don't think it's necessarily right to generalize all noble players as doing so. I've known noble players who were looking for things to do."

Deedee claims, "Might be a learning curve issue"

Gnomely says, "You could always hire a certain someone to... encourage the nobility to do a project."

Deedee grins.

Gnomely winks.

Kinaed claims, "I think a large reason nobles don't get established and stick is because they're always 2nd characters - largely because they are apps."

Kinaed states, "That's one thing."

Ghed says, "In any case -- removing the uniqueness of projects from nobles will not do them any favors towards retention, is my take"

Rey states, "I do have a suggestion about nobles in general."

Deedee nods in agreement with Ghed.

Temi nods at Ghed.

Rey claims, "That I'll bring up another time."

Violet questions, "Can we table the noble discussion for next week?"

Kinaed nods at Violet.

Jasmine claims, "Yeah it's an old discussion"

Violet states, "I wanna to see it given the time it deserves"

Ghed states to Rey, "Tease"

Blue states, "Nobles are usually, unfortunately, very limited in what they can do... as TI is guild-dependant these days. But yes, tabling it is right."

Jasmine claims, "A noble has the ability to literally order any guild to do whatever they want, but go off"

Ghed nods at Violet.

Blue claims, "And I mean guild dependant in terms of finding RP and being involved in things."

Kinaed says, "Okay we're at the top of the hour. We may need to discuss some of these things again next week. I don't feel we hit a resolution on a few items."

Kitty says, "Yes, nobles should always run projects. But, by running projects constantly, that makes them unavailable to help with people who want help with projects, because there are times between. So, there are sways both ways."

Kinaed states, "But I think it's good to open topics."

Deedee says, "I'm curious"

Ghed states, "Can't do a new project until the 'current' one expires"

Ghed nods at Kinaed.

Jasmine claims, "I think nobles are just a role that requires a lot of drive and it's a surprise to players who think it's all just getting bowed at"

Deedee queries, "With the lashing spec, could a noble order the Justicars reeves to lash the Justiciar?"

Kinaed states, "I'll add opening noble projects to the Staff Topics to see how staff feel about it on the whole also."

Blue chuckles.

Ghed states, "Lol"

Jasmine claims, "It's frankly probably really easy to get bored and difficult to form lasting connections"

Anonymous states, "That's kind of funny to picture."

Jasmine states, "Since the Justiciar is a Great Lord, no they cannot"

Kinaed nods at Jasmine.

Anonymous states, "But I imagine the Justiciar wouldn't take it well."

Kinaed states, "That's another large reason."

Ghed claims, "Depends on the Justiciar"

Deedee claims, "Darn."

Ghed says, "No kink shaming"

Gnomely snickers.

Blue claims, "I also have a feeling if a noble was to 'order' a guild to do something out of nowhere, it won't be received well and they'll just be pushed out anyway."

Kinaed isn't shamed.

Jasmine says, "Just buy a whip at literally ANY of the many brothels"

Blue states, "But yeah, let's talk about this next week."

Jasmine says, "There's a nice and a rude way to order people"

Meow muses, "Pushed out of what, being a noble?"

Jasmine states, "People largely have trouble finding that distinction"

Blue claims, "No, pushed out of rp."

Kinaed nods at Blue.

Meow says, "Ah, fair"

Kinaed claims, "Thanks for attending the OOC Chat, everyone :)"

Deedee waves.

Jasmine says, "But yes if you're insufferable and rub people's faces in your feet, yeah, they probably arent going to like playing with you"

Ghed states, "Keep the recommends and typo fixes coming folks"

Meow says, "Unless they like that"

Jasmine claims, "Gotta find that balance. Nobles ARE taught how to be polite"

Ghed nods at Meow.

Kinaed states, "A rousing discussion, sorry the Staff Update took so long and we lost discussion time."

Anonymous says, "And if you're a noble or not... doesn't matter. Unless you can get the reeves on them."

Kinaed says, "Looking forward to catching up with everyone next week. "

Jasmine states, "Like that's their whole thing. Supposed to show the Lower Classes how to be a proper citizen. Be an example etc"

Anonymous says, "Supposed to. But being an arrogant insufferable noble is probably thematic."

Blue nods.

Kinaed trails off, "I'm going to have to put everyone back... "

Anonymous claims, "Can't promise you'll ever get anything done doing that though"

Blue claims, "Next week, then, folks."

Kinaed claims, "In 3.."

Anonymous says, "Bye bye"

Jasmine declaims, "Bye!"

Meow states, "Beam me back scotty"
Ghed waves.

Kinaed says, "2.."

Blue waves.

Gaiseric claims, "See ya."

Kinaed trails off, "1..."

Meow waves.
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