Log of OOC Meeting - 2022-03-12

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Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:07 pm

Kinaed says, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Kinaed claims, "Today's Agenda is:

   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Kinaed wonders, "No topics? "

Kinaed states, "Okay, I'll kick off Staff Updates."

Kinaed claims, "Last week was very bad for me on a number of personal levels, so I wasn't around. I have a heap of piled up work on a lot of fronts and just havent' been able to respond to TI notes and whatnot. I am very sorry for anyone who has had to wait on me."

MUDnoob claims, "RL comes first, I hope things get better for you."

Ghed nods.

Kinaed states, "Thank you :)"

Kinaed says, "I'm currently working on things primarily with TI coders. The team has closed about six bugs, and Salem has done a major, major much needed back end refactor that may not seem exciting to most, but has massive ramfications for how well our code works, etc. I'll let Salem speak more on it."

Ghed nodsnodsnodsnods

Kinaed claims, "In the meantime, my main focus is trying to get through Staff Talking Points."

Kinaed states, "So that's everything for me. I'll start at the bottom of the wholist and move up"

Kinaed states to Temi, "You're up ::)"

Temi states, "Was very nice looking at the garden the other day, and seeing 'The blabla is almost ready for harvest.' as one of the little code fixes."

Temi grins.

MUDnoob is mildly excited by refactoring, as she's never allowed to do it at her RL work >.> Ugh legacy code.

Kinaed nods at MUDnoob.

Deedee questions, "That's nice. work for animals too?"

Temi claims, "Another rough week on my side, but hopefully should be back to normal now, or soon.  I added to the skill mini-quests with something for our Orderites."

Temi points at a robust Hillman awaiting confession. 

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed says to Temi, "Sweet :)"

Temi claims, "But not a lot of progress other than that."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "And I think it's the same code for animals, but haven't checked."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed says to Salem, "You're up :)"

Ghed claims, "Does it work for savages"

Deedee claims, "Nothing works for savages."

Temi says, "Savages are always very ripe."

Lans nods.

Salem claims, "Uh. I fixed a big backup/saving bug of the game and I have been supervising the other coders progress."

Kinaed has transferred Anonymous.  [OOC]

Temi gives a generous handful of chocolate-covered marshmallow leeches to Anonymous.

Anonymous asks, "A hillman for CONFESSION?"

Anonymous asks, "What is this?"

Salem says, "Right now doing a little feature thing. I can probably play it in after ooc chat."

Kinaed states, "Salem does all of the code approvals to integrate the work that Masnuva does for us."

Salem says, "That's it."

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed exclaims, "Thanks Salem!"

Goat has lost link.

Kinaed claims to Leta, "You're up :)"

Temi claims to Anonymous, "New skill mini-quest"

Leta states, "Rough week IRL, but handled requests, recommends and player questions. I also built a phome or two and adjusted some of the crafting recipes that were not salvaging properly"

Kinaed states to Leta, "Thank you sincerely."

Leta declaims, "Oh! And I got a great lesson from Temi on randomizers, with the plan of adding to the QP shop stock in the near future"

Deedee asks, "Can food be salvaged yet? haven't checked recently"

Kinaed states, "Ooo, looking forward to more items in the Quest Shop."

Temi claims to Deedee, "Usually not, because most of it produces more than one piece"

Kinaed states to Ghed, "Lucky last :)"

Ghed claims, "This week I did the usual sleuth of recommends, requests, and stuff. Did some puppets like Lysander, specially for lonely players. I'm also working on a small staff plot to spice things up. Stay tuned, will probably deploy this next week."

Kinaed states, "Also, once we do a copyover, the new feature Salem has implemented is that players who have pool will double the speed they learn their skills in RP (ie, pool will process faster in RP)"

Kinaed says, "We may need to tweak that over time, so please keep an eye out and let us know if it feels wonky."

Sparkles asks, "A quick question on that?"

Izari says, "That's kinda wild."

Kinaed states to Sparkles, "Of course :)"

Ghed questions to Izari, "RIGHT?"

Kinaed says, "We want to encourage RP wherever possible."

Sparkles questions, "Is there any thought with that about how to reduce or toggle some things being spammy?"

Izari claims, "Does that encourage RP or gamey behavior would be my concern, but I suppose pooling rates isn't much of a big deal"

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "I'll need some examples, but at this time it's just manipulating the speed of someone's pool being processed into skill ranks."

Izari states, "And what sparkles said, it would be far less painful to RP and craft to utilize the new feature if the spam could be reduced in some way"

Temi says, "It's not about filling the pool up, but emptying it again when you're done.  At least at this point.  So at least encourage people to go out and find some RP after they've done their background stuff."

Sophia claims, "Gaining skills seems to be overly quick even without doubling the rate "

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "It won't actually increase how much you get, just the time to get it will be down."

Sparkles claims, "Ah, so for example ... pooling cooking by cooking with someone. That way you don't need to seperate RP and 'doing stuff' so much ... as folks tend to kind of cloister themselves to do spammy things."

Kinaed claims to Sophia, "That's good feedback to know. I'll add that to Staff Talking Points. I suspect some skills feel fast and others painful. We should probably figure out which ones need adjusting rather than assume it wholesale."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Sparkles states, "But the output of crafting while trying to actively scene can get uh ... heavy."

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, as Temi said - this doesn't affect learning with other people in the room (albeit combat is learned faster with other people in the room than with trainers). Just the pool itself being processed into skills is sped up."

Sophia says, "Language skills are insanely fast to learn even without people doing teach to help pool it"

Kinaed says, "So the best thing to do would be to craft to pool, then go RP to convert the pool."

Deedee queries, "Really? It used to be extremely slow"

Kinaed says, "I'll check what pooling is assigned to languages atm"

Sophia queries, "Yeah went from 10 to 31 in like 3hrs? something like that of RP"

Kinaed claims, "Lithmorran is already set to the lowest possible pool. We may need to look at that. Thanks for the feedback."

Deedee says, "Well the lower ranks in most things gain fairly quickly"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Kinaed muses, "Okay, that's it for Staff Updates, I think :) How about players? How was the game for you last week, everyone?"

Temi states, "But crafting in RP is a different thing, and would probably need an entirely different solution."

Temi nods.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed jots down notes for Staff Talking Points.

Jehu says, "Great"

MUDnoob says, "Slow, for me. RL got in the way, didn't get much time to play."

Lans says, "It was a little slow, but it certainly picked up today"

MUDnoob crosses fingers next week will be better.

Deedee claims, "I've been absent, but tomorrow is my last day of work before a nice break, so I should be around more"

Kinaed smiles.

Temi claims, "Seems like it's been a really rough OOC week for a lot of people.  Things have been scarce here, though I've been later several days too"

Kinaed states, "I think IRL hit a lot of people at once, yeah."

Kinaed claims, "I got to log in exactly once this week on my Tuesday."

Kinaed says, "I hope things ease up for people IRL, certainly most of the people that I heard from where having either swaps of work or even more serious stuff going on."

Sparkles states, "I think there's some things in the works to give folks a reason to poke about."

Kinaed smiles at Sparkles.

Kinaed states, "I want to thank everyone who runs events or has 'things in the works' for making our environment better and giving one another a reason to come back."

Kinaed states, "Also, on that, please consider giving out recommends or letting Staff know if someone did something that should be awarded."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, it's time for player topics. No one has raised any specific topics, but I did get a tell saying that there was an anonymous topic incoming."

Kinaed states, "I haven't received the tell, however."

Kinaed claims, "Here's the topic! With this news of pool rates being increased, what are thoughts on applying a large pooling buff to non-beneficial magic cast on other players? So if you cast a spell on someone that does something that isn't beneficial, you get a large amount of pool in its skills, similar to how you get a ton of pool for using the treat command."

Ghed hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Kinaed says, "I generally like it."

Ghed declares, "I don't hate it!"

Deedee states, "On the treat command, I'm actually wondering if we should decrease that a bit"

Sparkles claims, "Hmmm"

Kinaed states to Deedee, "Let me see."

Temi claims, "We definitely don't want that sort of thing spammed, though."

Deedee nods at Temi.

Temi states, "But boosting to account for it being only cast once instead of four times in a row doesn't seem crazy."

Violet claims, "I like it, so long as everyone remembers that the rules we implemented about harassing other players/repeat spamming hexes and the like are managed"

Ghed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "I can't adjust treat without adjusting all uses of medicine down."

Ghed states, "How about summoning a demon"

Sparkles says, "Yeah I just worry that we'd need to make sure people were doing things for IC reasons and not 'I Hexed everyone online today to pool'"

Temi claims, "It would also be nice for certain crafts or things to pool more than other ones."

Violet claims, "And that people have to have reasons for cursing people"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

MUDnoob says OOCly, "I would prefer not to decrease it. Treating people isn't an everyday occurrence, and for those of us who aren't always able to be on during the main RP times when people might be most likely to be hurt.."

Deedee nods at MUDnoob.

MUDnoob says OOCly, "Unless of course Temi is planning skill mini-quests for medicine? That would counterbalance :D"

Deedee states, "There's at least one already"

Ghed states, "I think those exist already"

Kinaed claims, "It's good to know a mini-quest for medicine might be a priority."

Kinaed says to Ghed, "Oh, cool."

Temi nods.

Ghed states, "I'm staff I should know xD"

Temi says, "There's a couple medicine related things."

Temi grins.

Temi has created an injured young hunter with significant wounds!

Temi drops an injured young hunter with significant wounds.

MUDnoob judges that the hunter is too injured, puts him gently to his final rest >.>

Jehu says, "The Hillman did it. That's why he wants confession."

Ghed nods at Jehu.

Goat is idle.

Kinaed is making an action item and raising Talking Points. Slow to respond.

Kinaed says, "Done."

Kinaed states, "As for the player question re: magic buffs pooling more."

Kinaed says, "It's on Staff Talking Points, and thank you for the suggestion."

Kinaed asks of Sparkles, "You had something to raise as a topic?"

Sparkles questions, "So this might be a Bard specific thought but without other topics it seemed like a good potential moment. The current Troubadour clanned crafts to play for patrons to earn some silver are awesome! However, they are only for wealthy patrons and tend to be found in mostly Noble/Gentry spaces. Is there any thought in the future about having some for the more Freeman spaces?"

Temi says, "More mini quests."

Sparkles nods.

Temi states, "Yeah, the thought is to fill them out more as time goes on"

Temi says, "But with higher priority to skills that don't already have them than those that do"

Deedee nods.

Ghed claims, "I like it tho"

Temi says, "But as a long term goal, definitely."

Kinaed nods.

Ghed states, "Like a tubori pirate demanding a good ole' song"

Sparkles wonders, "Is there any thought about people being able to request and/or pay for their shops or other spaces being places to load the objects for those?"

Deedee states to Ghed, "Or else."

Ghed claims, "Google 'A pirate I was meant to be'"

MUDnoob asks, "Trim the sails and roam the seas?"

Temi states, "The long term vision was for them to actually be loaded off of people being out in public rooms with no one to RP with"

Temi states, "As a reward for hanging around available for RP"

Sparkles states, "Ah"

Sparkles nods.

Deedee asks, "Makes sense. will it match them to skills they have/can learn?"

Temi states, "Which could potentially include rooms like player shop front rooms or things"

Temi states, "Right now, it is on the restock system, and I'd rather not flush those out to player rooms too much"

Deedee says, "Makes sense"

Temi claims, "That was the goal, things they would be eligible for, and hearing about 'I heard there was a robust Hillman awaiting confession in the private Order Chamber'"

Temi states, "But that part of the system isn't fully specced yet"

Deedee nods.

Temi claims, "So for now, just working on fleshing out more options"

GeeBee is idle.

Kinaed questions to Temi, "We had a place people could put suggestions, didn't we?"

Temi claims to Kinaed, "A staff focused one, but maybe there's a forum note"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Sophia is idle.

Kinaed claims, "For now, if you've got any ideas for new skill quests, please alert Temi."

Deedee claims, "If there's no other topics, I've a debate topic we could dicuss"

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "Sure, please raise it."

Deedee questions, "The rumor system is one of the things I least like about TI. Does anyone thing the benefits outweigh the cons of it?"

Deedee states, "Think*"

Sparkles muses, "What are the imagined cons of it?"

GeeBee is no longer idle.

GeeBee has returned from AFK.

Deedee states, "It's spammy and distracting, usually outdated, often inflammatory"

Kinaed says, "I think it does a few things for us that are quite good. First, it tells us what is a genuine IC rumor versus OOC rumors. Second, it gives people access to topics to RP about that they might not have. Third, it can be very fun. The only con I know about it is that people tend to get upset when they're the topic of a negative rumor. Oh, and that it's player driven, so if people forget to rumor stuff, the system gets light on."

Lans says, "It's a great way to find out what happens outside of your rp spheres"

Deedee states, "I do like that we can keep up to date on things with it, yes"

Kinaed claims, "I suppose we could play them back less often - there doesn't need to be a rumor monger in every public place."

Temi says, "We did add a plan for a revamp to the system that was improving a number of the downsides, but it's never been prioritized"

Sparkles states, "People's various reactions to the rumormongers in scenes can be amusing RP in their own right."

Deedee says, "It's amusing, but rarely adds to the scene"

Deedee claims, "All of the rumormongers everywhere spam the same thing too, no matter which circle"

Kinaed says, "I dunno, I've seen some pointed and hilarious ones pop up. And if they aren't importnat to my scene, I usually just pretend it was said in a side corner and something my character didn't even hear/register/care about."

Kinaed questions, "Do other people find them spammy?"

Izari claims, "Definitely have fun trying to piece together good rumor responses that can cause a problem but not feel OOCly targetted/toxic"

Izari claims, "And have seen many of those responses earn equally amusing responses in scenes, so I have fun watching and participating"

Violet says, "I disagree about the rarely adding thing. I've had several scenes that turned into 'let's get the rumormonger whipped' because they trashed the noble in front of said noble"

Lans states, "It does feel odd when, say, someone says a rumor against Lans, a great lord and earl marshall, in front of him xD"

Kinaed nods at Lans.

Lans states to Violet, "Jinx"

Sophia is no longer idle.
Sophia has returned from AFK.

Anonymous states, "Try being a noble and having negative rumors about you or your ic family literally all the time"

Anonymous says, "That rotate between the same 2 or 3 topics"

Sparkles states, "I do daydream that at some point Circles being linked to where things are said could be fun. As the noblewoman at the chococlate shop repeating a Brotherhood rumor in some affected cockney slang is always pretty funny."

Temi wonders, "Sometimes the timing is hillarious, and sometimes it's not quite right, but I do think it's more beneficial on the whole.  It might be better to be a little less often, potentially?"

Temi nods at Sparkles.

Lans states to Anonymous, "You're feeding the Troubadours"

Lans nods at Sparkles.

Anonymous states, "Honestly they've been beating dead horses for ic years"

Lans claims, "It's always been a thing of me"

Anonymous claims, "I will, however, start feeding them my fist"

Lans says, "Seeing a Palace courtier going 'OY MATE WE'S GOTTA SHIV LAWD ANDOREEG'"

Lans claims, "Is kinda weird"

Anonymous says, "That was pretty funny"

Anonymous says, "And you all wonder why I wont get suite rooms at the palace"

Temi finishes abruptly, "That's part of the revamp.  Instead of a rumor having a circle, a version would have a circle - being that circle's version of the rumor"

Izari says, "I have never wondered that"

Anonymous says, "I was being sarcastic"

Lans states, "Me neither"

Izari states, "So was I lol"

Anonymous says, "Aosinfalsdfku"

Temi claims, "And then the rumor mongers could have allowable circles, and spout that version."

Izari states, "Keeps me up at night"

Jehu is idle.

Jehu is no longer idle.

Ghed nods at Temi.

Ghed states, "That upgrade would make me very happy"

Kinaed scribbles notes.

Deedee says, "That would help."

Temi trails off, "Where has that spec gotten too..."

Temi states, "I worry it might have gotten eaten with the note disappearances."

Temi frowns.

Goat has left the game.

Kinaed says, "I put the two changes discussed onto Staff Talking Points."

Kinaed claims, "We have 5 minutes."

Deedee says, "I do wish there was an alternative to rumors for IP gains though. I don't really like to interact with the rumor system"

Kinaed states, "I'd like to let players know that we have gotten back the advertisement files to use for one website."

Violet has lost link.

Violet has reconnected.

Kinaed says, "I'll be figuring out how to purchase an ad campaign and getting that going ASAP."

Sparkles states, "There's RPing in the locale of the day"

Kinaed says, "Or seeking supporters."

Deedee queries, "Has anyone been doing that? I've sat in one for hours"

Anonymous says, "I do it"

Anonymous says, "Gimme that free IP"

Temi nods.

Lans states, "I do it"

Anonymous claims, "And make it extra juicy"

Temi states, "Some days it really sets things off, others less so."

Kinaed states, "I definitely did it when I was playing, to high effecct."

Deedee says, "Just bad timing I guess"

Ghed states, "I sometimes shift the locale because it's somewhere that no one online can access (like southside if allnon-freemen are online)"

Kinaed nods at Ghed.

Sparkles states, "Depends on the locale. Sometimes it's outdoors ones on a day it keeps raining IC"

Violet says, "We had a nice big scene in Queen's earlier"

Kinaed claims, "If that's the case, just send a tell to a staffer and ask us to change the Locale and explain why."

Sparkles nods.

Leta nods.

Kinaed states, "If it's like "Dude, there's a blizzard out, can we move the locale inside" we can do it."

Anonymous claims, "I've never actually seen a lethal blizzard"

Anonymous queries, "Do they still exist in code?"

Jehu gasps

Leta claims, "I am happy to change the locale to another reasonable place when those issues come up. Please don't hesitate to reach out."

Kinaed says, "But we fixed the randomizer, and now people will get sick for being outside in rain and blizzards without being properly cloaked."

Temi says, "Also, if you have an announced public event, let us know the day before and we can switch it for that."

Deedee claims, "Don't think they're lethal, but you can get sick if you're out in bad weather. Only one that hurts you physically is lightning"

Izari claims, "The common cells was my favorite locale"

Lans nods at Izari.

Jehu states, "Lol"

Lans says, "We can accomodate visitors"

Kinaed nods at Deedee.

Lans claims, "Permanently"

Anonymous claims, "I will sometimes rp in the cells"

Ghed states to Anonymous, "Re: blizzards"

Anonymous nods.

Ghed states to Anonymous, "I think the code is disabled or no longer exists"

Kinaed says, "Okay, we're at the top of the hour. Thank you for coming everyone."

Anonymous states, "Ah"

Sparkles places her right fist over her heart in salute.

Salem claims, "Daily locale coomon cells? Time to start a bar brawl guys."

Anonymous claims, "Its in the helpfiles is all"

Violet claims, "I always get so jealous when the big scene of the day is in Ahalin"

Violet says, "Like darn, best go poison someone, and pick a fast-acting one too"

Kinaed claims, "I hope everyone has a fantastic day and to see everyone again next week for more game discussion. Thank you especially to everyone raising ideas and topics for consideration."

Salem says, "Just get drunk and then get in there for a night. XD"

Anonymous claims, "Poison takes a while to identify"

Anonymous states, "Gotta plot it"

Deedee states, "Punching a guard is the quickest way"

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, retransing in 3..."

Kinaed trails off, "2..."

Kinaed trails off, "1..."

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