Small rpxp bonus for Guildsmates

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:50 pm

[Reeves] Orlando: Someone should suggest that RPing with a Guild Member in a Guild Hall results in an XP bonus like RPing with Orderites does.
That, so I'm totally suggesting it. While on one hand I don't want rp to become too insular that folks don't go out in public anymore; I have noticed that guild members do not spend as much time or investment in their guildsmates in this game as in other clans and games I've run/played. (In general, mileage may vary. You can bet whatever guild is currently doing well has a couple active players who are proactive in providing rp to their mates, though.)

Also, along side the rp bonus suggestion for conducting rp with guildsmates in appropriate guild settings... is there any thought to a discount on messengers to guildsmates? I really would dig that when I have to summon the clan from whatever far flung points on grid they are for appropriate guild rp!

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Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:28 pm

Hmm, I agree that people don't invest as much in other guild mates as they do on other games, but a lot of those games are OOC guild-mateship rather than IC. Still, pondering the idea.

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Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:09 am

I like the idea of a bonus for scenes that include guildmates, but not for playing inside the guildhall necessarily. That's more exclusive than inclusive, if you get the bonus anywhere then it might encourage guilds to throw more events or even simple public scenes.

I know that, as proposed, only the guildmates would get the bonus, but encouraging them to play together could lead to bigger gatherings in general.

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