The helpfile claims...
But I would argue that the practical harm done by newb-trapping players into violating unclear, potentially fabricated, entirely undocumented laws outweighs the content creation benefit of giving Reeves an occasional opportunity to be Reeves to unsuspecting newbies, and there are plenty of other hazards besides. For one, fabrication can become reality, as a player can enforce an interpretation that has little substantiation in actual documentation or even that is explicitly or implicitly contradicted by documentation, which then goes on to become established precedent accepted and enforced by other players.The laws of Lithmore are necessarily imprecise to allow the Reeves to handle criminal behavior where they see it and adapt to constantly changing situations.
For example, a player may opt to have their bardic cloak described as patchwork of many colors and this is all fine and good, until other players start emulating them or enforcing this status quo as the canon and one day a confused oppified newbie wearing a silken cloak embroidered with a lyre of St. Thea is getting accused of having a fake cloak because they read the helpfile and weren't abreast with the undocumented canon that the game's players seem to be mutually agreeing to.
Laws are far worse. Imagine being a new player at a MUD, having no intention of playing a criminal, and getting publicly berated and shamed (with no warning whatsoever) for violating a law that isn't in the helpfile and which is even implicitly contradicted by other helpfiles.
It's easy enough to say that players shouldn't do that to newbies (and they shouldn't), but these aren't IC issues and they're not player issues, they're documentation issues.
It also might be a good idea for policy to dictate that any accusation of crime against a newbie be handled by the Reeves, who could be pretty easily nudged towards a culture of educating newbies and dealing with them in good faith (and already seem to be, from my experiences with them!). This would achieve the desirable end of giving Reeves a monopoly over the RP that's supposed to be theirs in the first place while mitigating the potential of newbies being abused over obscure, undocumented, or fabricated laws.