Code: Select all
Syntax: schedule
schedule lockout <# of hours>
schedule block <time1> <time2> <date>
schedule remove #
schedule # edit
This command will allow a player to block a character of theirs
from logging into the game. Schedule lockout # is a countdown
lockout that automatically prevents the character from logging
in until the lockout timer is ended.
Schedule block <time1> <time1> <date> will block access to a
character any hour that falls between those the specified
hours, system time until the specified date.
Schedule lockout # will specify a non-repeating lockout that
will expire at the end of a given time.
Schedule # edit will allow you to put up the message you want
to display to yourself (to override the default message) if you
have something specific you'd like to see on logout and re-enter
Schedule alone will list any current blocks on the character:
Scheduled Times:
# Time Status Repeat Repeat Ceases
1. 01:01-02:00 Locked Y Apr 02, 2099 12:34 pm
2. 23:00-05:00 Locked N Apr 02, 2011 12:00 am
Players online and exceeding their lockout time will get a message
and be politely booted from the system.