Make-up Object
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Okay, makeup/perfume has the following values:
@makeup is a string that will be truncated at 77 characters, indented three
spaces, and displayed under the player's long desc in the room as well as
appended to their look desc.
These strings stack, but each makeup object can only have one @makeup or
one @perfume. If a player uses more than one makeup, it will overwrite the
other makeup desc or other perfume desc, as well as apply only the most
recent appearance bonus (eg, bonuses do not stack).
Kinaed is here.
The scent of cinnamon and cloves lingers about her.
She wears pale blue eyeshadow on her eyelids.
The values for the makeup object are as follows:
v0 - time makeup lasts in ticks (default 120 ticks)
v1 - number of applications in the obj before deleted (default 1, max 50)
v2 - app bonus (no more than 5, default 0)
When the object runs out, send the message:
"You have completely depleted <short>."
When applying the object, send the message:
"You apply <short>."
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