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Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:34 pm
by Dice
Right now, I think the conditions that hold for diseases may be a bit unrealistically harsh.

I just checked through my logs; I was dirty for about 30 minutes (while I slept back some missing HP from a wound) and then went to get my character a bath. This was apparently long enough to get lice!

Even with low health, that feels 1) unrealistic and 2) punitively annoying.

It might be good to either require several days of (dirty) in a row to have an issue like that, or to make dirty itself take longer to get now that it's possible to get an irritating disease from it.

Re: Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:34 pm
by Misstery
I agree with all of the above. It should be realistic and reasonable, something that can happen if you are not taking care of your PC but not something that is always going to happen if you don't drop everything and run for the bathes. Same with all the diseases, there should be neglect which should be timed appropriately.

Re: Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:55 pm
by Geras
Some kind of flag between dirty and clean would be another option. So you aren't surprised by things.

Also, no one has made any jokes yet?

Re: Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 3:01 am
by Kinaed
We've changed it so that a player must be dirty at least 3 OOC hours to get lice.

Re: Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:28 pm
by Zeita
Geras' idea of extra cleanliness stages would be welcome, I think. The top-to-bottom could still take the same amount of time, but just stretch out the descriptors. How about the following:

[Dirty] (-1 APP)
[Filithy] (-1 APP, vulnerable to dirt spurred diseases, visibly dirty to anyone that looks at you)

Re: Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:16 pm
by Lei
Are we still tweaking?

This lice thing is really, really rough on my RP. I don't want to be spending my limited RP time at the bathhouse, or at the hospital because I forgot to be at the bathhouse. Has staff considered making diseases toggleable?

<edit> Toggleable as in: people who don't want to RP diseases can turn them off?

Re: Tweaks to diseases

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:38 pm
by Voxumo
So just encountered my first disease... and while I can't say the disease itself is bad, it does seem like it came on very quickly. I wasn't involved in rp at the time, and was travelling from one location to another very close by... apparently it was raining outside, wasn't aware until after the fact, and by the time I noticed I already had "A mild cough" which I assume is from walking around outside while raining without being cloaked or fully cloaked?

Just seems like it occurred way to quickly. I mean sure I could see if I was standing outside, while it was raining and actively rping, but I was merely travelling, trying to take care of some ooc things.