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Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:57 pm
by Zeita
Hi staff,

Would it be possible to have a dumbed down version of purchase wealth that does not give you any coins, but DOES give you the +1 IP. The prereq for this would be obtaining in your bank account the same amount of money that a wealth purchase usually gives you. Naturally, this would be cheaper.


Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:54 pm
by Kinaed
The problem with benching any benefit on people keeping their accounts at a certain threshold is that people won't spend money, which defeats the purpose of having it and any attempt at an economy.

You can use your money to buy IP outright, why not just use it that way?

That said, thank you for taking the time to suggest an idea in this realm. We will be looking at different solutions if/when we move to an Influence Level.

Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:10 am
by Leech
Economy = Money made ---> money spent ---> money recirculated ---> I'd make this a circle if I could

If you spend it on IP, it isn't recirculating, it's just going away. If you were to spend it to bribe a player however, then it'd be recirculating - that player could in turn spend it to buy clothes from somebody, and that clothier could use it to buy a wooden chair, so on and so forth.

Just an observation! Don't use IP much, and +1 IP sounds like it wouldn't be worth any sort of large money investment.

Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:19 am
by Zeita
Hmm, I like to think that I spend fairly liberally and spread wealth among other parties, but the general trend in my bank balance is upwards. I can certainly buy IP (and have in the past). I'm also not convinced that it breaks the economy as much as the massive influx of purchase wealth, as it currently stands, (which often tends to end up in merchant pockets) does. I mean, I'm sitting on the money anyway.

Hmm, however, after some thought... I'm not sure that I like purchase wealth granting +IP as it is. It is basically saying the same thing, "Because I'm wealthy I'm more influential... unless that wealth came to me in game." It doesn't encourage or discourage sitting on said money any more.

Instead of purchase wealth granting extra IP, how about a permanent purchase influence point divorced from the 'purchase wealth' command, that you can purchase with your purchased wealth OR your in game generated wealth. ie, you spend your money, and gain the bonus long term. It has the benefit that it gets some money out of the game, which is probably a good thing.

While we're on the subject I'm also not overly keen on being able to purchase IP as it it currently stands- I think it could break the system unrealistically, and possibly that the amount should be capped per week that you can purchase (to perhaps 5). I don't think it should trump garnered approval through supporters the way that it can. Money -can't- buy you everything, afterall. You need to have some influence to make it work for you.


Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:33 am
by Leech
Charisma, rank, position, friends - all these things -should- give bonuses to IP. Personally, I really liked the last system (or more-so, I just hate the weekly resets because I'm broke as shit most days, IC). However, if it's what's in right now, and what's been decided, I won't holler at changing a system I rarely used to begin with!

As a note, going back to the economy stuff, the fact that that money is just GOING AWAY doesn't provide for a very realistic, player-ran economy... if that's what the end game here is. If anything I should be able to give it to Ariel (and I can!) for his IP. But then he gets his IP by giving silver to... invisible forces. Ariel's silver does nobody any good when it's given to invisible forces!

Just more ranting. I'm a little tired and fried from studying at the moment.

Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:05 pm
by Zeita
Not super keen on the weekly resets myself. I think it should be a rolling 4 week total. ie, when you reach week 5, week 1 drops off, and spending comes always from the first week and then down. Considering that approval influence has a minimum 5 point buyin, it really discourages using the systems it was designed for.

I -could- use my wealth hoard to throw the system, but I think I'd feel guilty doing it, because it feels broken to me that throwing money at something is enough alone.

Money going away is important, otherwise it will just keep building as everyone gets their 150/250/50 per week.

Perhaps we could set up a 'lifestyle' that drains x amount from our bank every week, but gives some benefits in other fields, with +IP being one of them. We'd probably need to set up other systems to add other bennies to it as well.
Leech wrote: I'm broke as shit most days, IC
Leech, if you need a sugarmami, you just have to say. ;)

Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:37 pm
by Leech
To me, money shouldn't just go away. I actually -do- like the idea of stockpiling money. That's what people do in real world economies after all, and it was no different in medieval times. You always have your one percenters. However, it'd be nice to have a bonus for stockpiling, and equally viable reasons to spend your money. More reasons to spend your money and spread it around is good!

But again, eventually you're going to get your stockpilers. That's normal in an economy.

Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:11 am
by Applesauce
Zeita wrote:Money going away is important, otherwise it will just keep building as everyone gets their 150/250/50 per week.
This is a good point, IMO. Everyone complaining about money "going away" hasn't also complained about it coming FROM invisible forces into your bank accounts. That's also part of the circle; money comes in from Elsewhere, and if you spend it on IP it goes back to Elsewhere.

Edit: vvv That's the point though, one of the arguments was that money shouldn't go to nowhere, but it SHOULD since it's coming into the system from nowhere. Just wanted it to be clear that both sides should stay or both sides should go away, and after your comment I think it is.

Re: Purchase Wealth - Hard work edition

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:46 am
by Leech
If it's going away to invisible forces it has to come from invisible forces, but that doesn't make an economy. If we stopped giving it to invisible forces, I'd also assume we'd stop getting it from invisible forces.