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TI MUSHclient mapper

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:35 am
by Xolorion
For those of you who remember me asking about this during the last OOC meeting, I managed to find a mapper made for TI on the MUSHclient forums:

Unfortunately it crapped itself when I turned on xterm colors. So I took it upon myself to update the plugin to work with both color settings!

My code is at

Simply follow these directions to install on your client:
1. Select all the page and copy it to the Clipboard
2. Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
3. Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as: Inquisition_Mapper.xml (probably at C:\Program Files (x86)\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins)
4. Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
5. Click "Add"
6. Choose the file Inquisition_Mapper.xml (which you just saved in step 4) as a plugin
7. Click "Close"

If any other MUSHclient users have plugin requests, I may be able to help :)

Re: TI MUSHclient mapper

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 5:02 am
by Xolorion
Sorry if you've tried this plugin out, I forgot to add one of the steps. You'll need to enter the following command ingame:

prompt {c{[RPXP Gain: %X] {[HP:%h MV:%v P:%p] %f %o{x (vnum %R) %c

This will change your prompt so that it includes the room # that you're currently in.

As an additional caveat, try to move one room at a time when you have the plugin active. It gets confused and starts messing up the exit directions if you've already input the exit direction 3 rooms in the future. When you have most of the game mapped out, you can click on the map to autowalk around, instead.