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Log of OOC Meeting 10/31/2015

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 6:15 pm
by Tremere
Kinaed queries, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today?"

Kinaed claims, "I'll take the dead silence as a 'not that I can think of'. :)"

Galen states, "Not that I can-"

Galen declares, "Yeah that!"

Kinaed grins at Galen.

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'll kick off Staff Updates. I haven't been around much this last week, but when I have been around, I've been handling policy issues."

say I thought there was something, but I can't remember it. other than shamelessly plugging the ideas board on the ofrums

Tomas claims, "I thought there was something, but I can't remember it. other than shamelessly plugging the ideas board on the ofrums"

Galen trails off, "I missed out on the last couple of meetings..."

Kinaed says to Tomas, "Thanks for letting me know, I'll check the forums."

Kinaed states, "Oh, and I've been harassing Azarial to work on Track."

Galen muses, "Track?"

Kinaed trails off to Galen, "The logs are up on the forums if you want to catch up... "

Mika says to Galen, "Tracking in the wilderness etc"

Galen declaims, "Ahhh ok!"

Kinaed says, "Track is the skill that allows a character to track down another character on the grid."

(visnet) Player Tobius: Is the ooc meeting going on?

(visnet) Staff Kinaed: Yes, would you like a trans?

(visnet) Player Tobius: Please

Galen says, "Oohh, that sounds handy"

Kinaed has transferred Tobius. [OOC]

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Temi gives a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves to Tobius.

Tobius waves.

Azarial says, "Brb"

Kinaed says, "We used to have track long ago, but we removed it because it was crashing us."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Temi states, "Cool system, but too data intensive"

Mika says to Kinaed, "It does seem pretty heavy to have both travel pathfinding and tracking going at the same time"

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, this coming week I'll be looking at some more policy."

Kinaed wonders, "Az says that just as I was about to call on her. We'll skip Az, and go to Temi. Temi, what have you been up to? What will you be working on this coming week?"

Kinaed has transferred Eilyn. [OOC]

Temi gives a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves to Eilyn.

Eilyn wakes and stands up.

Eilyn claims, "That moment when you're on your phone and this is really weird."

Temi states, "Well, I polished up the livestock spec and put that on the bug board for Az when he gets the time, since that was requested again."

Galen pontificates, "Time for real time action farming! Text based Harvest Moon!!"

Margaux has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Azarial states, "Sorry"

Temi says, "It's a little more than just reskinning plants, but that should take care of some of the hardest stuff."

Kinaed grins.

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "Hehe, no worries"

Azarial claims, "The phone went off and i had to dig"

Temi states, "And I also put together a re-work spec for withdrawal from addictive substances"

[OOC] Azarial: "Http:// ... -569355302"

Temi states, "So that's ready to be changed too, since it wasn't working well with new wound system, and wasn't super RP friendly or meeting its goals anyway."

Temi says, "I can tell more about either system if we have some extra time if people want."

Lidiya states, "I'd like to hear, if we have time."

OOC channel is now OFF.

Kinaed claims, "I think we do, it's a smaller meeting than usual."

Randolph nods at Lidiya.

Eilyn listens because she's on her phone and can't type

Temi questions, "Should I do that now then, or wait until after player topics?"

Kinaed says, "Now is fine :)"

Tobius states, "It would be awesome to have a piece of koreroot moo at me :)"

Galen questions, "Maybe because it's halloween?"

Temi nods in agreement with Galen.

Temi states, "Probably. People out at parties."

Temi claims, "So, anyways! Withdrawal I've requested to be changed into 3 stages, and the worse ones won't apply to every substance."

Mika queries to Temi, "I guess my main question is, can i smoke floleaf every day?"

Temi declaims to Mika, "Of course!"

Temi states, "The first stage will be general irritability - small stat debuff."

Temi states, "That'll be a longer stage, give you more time to get your fix again."

Galen states, "At what stage do you involuntarily say stuff like 'I see the blood, I see it all'"

Mika nods.

Mika shoos galen

Galen tumbles away

Tobius states, "I kind of want to illicitly get and grow temijul JUST to see the withdrawal effects"

Temi finishes abruptly, "Second stage will be severe impairment, distraction etc - more serious debuff"

Misune muses, "And what would the third stage be, death?"

Temi says, "And the third and final stage will be most similar to what we have now - the my world is falling apart type feelings."

say cool, I like it

Tomas states, "Cool, I like it"

Kinaed says, "I don't think death is an outcome of withdrawal."

Mika nods.

Tobius agrees.

Eilyn agrees

Lidiya pontificates, "It just feels like death!"

Misune shrugs a bit "I was meaning it more as a joke, since the second stage seemed rather severe."

Kinaed nods at Lidiya.

Temi says, "Instead of getting wounded all along with ticks and hp and mv drains, just one wound hit at the beginning of stage three and one at the end of it."

Temi grins.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Temi claims, "And you can always avoid further troubles by just taking your fix."

Temi grins.

Galen queries, "What are some examples of addictive substances?"

Misune states, "Coamjar"

Temi says, "Floleaf, temijul, coamjar, etc."

Tobius asks, "Mandrake can be i think?"

Temi nods in agreement.

Eilyn says, "Combed jar. Flow leaf"

Mika says, "Hillmen are notorious forest stoners"

Misune queries, "Wasn't temijul the one that could knock people out, or has it been changed?"

Kinaed claims, "I believe it still is."

Temi says, "It's used in sleeping potions and such still"

Galen queries, "So no coffee addiction?"

Kinaed says, "I'm not sure if it's personally taken if it works differently than if someone doses you."

Temi says, "But not quite the.. throw dust at them and they conk immediately out"

Mika grins.

Temi states, "Since that wasn't really realistic"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "Caffeine -is- an addictive substance, but regular drinks don't have it on them, I think."

Misune trails off, "It has multiple purposes now, instead of just knocking someone out? Because I think that would be hard to get addicted to... but I also haven't dabbled in herbalism in the longest time"

Temi states, "I think Vavardi breakfast can cause caffeine addictions"

Temi nods at Misune.

Tobius wonders, "Just out of curiosity, since you added the difficulty levels to harvesting plants, do you only pool herbalism when you tend harder level plants?"

Temi states, "Unlikely to get addicted to any of the bad poisons."

Tobius claims, "If you're a higher level"

Temi claims, "We haven't changed difficulty levels on tending plants, we only made them more visible to see"

Galen states, "Have to shoot up with Sand Witches' Brew just to get through the day"

Tobius wonders, "So i still should pool from harvesting most plants even higher up?"

Eilyn laughs

Temi says, "I don't think we require you to be near the level of the plant, though if that becomes a problem we could"

Mika states, "It turns out galen is actually the biggest junkie in the game"

Kinaed nods.

Misune trails off, "Would not surprise me... it's always the quiet ones"

Eilyn knew that all along. All that hyper active energy

Mika claims, "I believe you still pool off easy plants"

Kinaed asks, "Temi, do you mind if we move on to Azarial?"

Temi states, "No, go on ahead."

Galen casually pours some poison into his eyeball

Kinaed claims to Azarial, "You're up :)"

Azarial states, "Mostly bugs and trying to finish things i started."

Tobius says, "Thanks...i just wondered because i'm not sure if you could get past 40 or so if it became different. it would be almost impossibly difficult from what i've seen of the grid"

Mika nods.

Kinaed claims, "Just having a quick scan of the untested changes list, we have new contest is in ... whoo hoo. Um... a bunch of bugs."

Galen asks, "What about eavesdrop?"

Misune queries, "New conest?"

Galen says, "Last I remember it was kind of half-in"

Azarial states, "Eavesdrop should be done"

Temi claims, "I think I still owe jewelers a listening horn though... will try to make a point of that soon."

Kinaed says, "Okay, new contest replaces the old contest stuff, and basically allows you to challenge cross stats and skills, and both stats and skills. So instead of using combat, you could also choose to use contest to hold a sword fight."

Kinaed states, "Or hold a cooking competition."

Kinaed says, "Whatever."

Misune trails off, "Oh... interesting"

Kinaed nods.

Tobius states, "Oh niiiice. it really does make sense for some things"

Mika nods.

Galen pontificates, "Also, haggle contests!"

Kinaed says, "I think eavesdropping has been done for awhile. We have resolved the bugs on the boards about it, but we haven't had feedback after that to know if it's perfect. I'd like to ask that people do use eavesdrop and let us know if anything is wrong"

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Mika says, "Finally make use of that ride skill and have a horse race"

Galen muses, "Ohh, any news on easy / hard rolls?"

Misune has only used places code... once since it came into being...

Kinaed states, "I don't think easy and hard rolls are in yet, but I'll bump that."

Kinaed declaims, "Okay, Mika - you're up!"

Mika states, "I haven't been super active this week, but i did poke at a few things and do a big overhaul on 'help wood' that's not in yet to assist screeneader players and also act as a cheet sheat"

Eilyn loves her

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Everything counts. Thanks for that."

Mika states, "Just a list of physical characteristics of different kinds of woods and what they look like / what colours they tend toward"

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Galen exclaims, "How helpful!"

Mika declaims, "It's also lithnowrimo don't forget! i'm just finishing up an IC book too"

Tobius nods to Galne.

Eilyn it will vouch for that. I've already used it. It's absolutely brilliant

Mika claims, "If there are any helpfiles you guys want to take a crack at you get bonus QP for everything you write for us this month as we try to hit our word count goal"

Kinaed nods.

Misune should probably write a blog post for misune and rhea at somepoint

Eilyn is a little behind

Mika queries, "And i think that's it for me?"

Kinaed claims, "I'm excited to see people participating, regardless of progress."

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Mika says, "If anyone wants to peek at the wood file *eyeballs tomas* and give me feedback i can pboard it to you"

Kinaed muses, "Okay! Player Heartbeat - how has the RP been lately, folks?"

Mika claims, "It needs to be signed off on though cause i added superstitions about a coupld of exotic things"

Kinaed nods at Mika.

Galen says, "It seems like things have been a little slower, but I'm okay with that, since I'm usually drowning in GL work"

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Mika claims, "All the halloween/magebane events were really fun"

Misune chuckles "Rp has been surprisingly fun this last week. Both on this character and I mage character.

Galen pontificates, "They were!!"

Mika states, "She said, absolutely unbiased"

Galen states, "Almaz's party was super fun"

Misune states, "Suppose to be my, no I"

Tobius says, "I liked the magebane events"

Kinaed claims, "Nice to hear."

Tobius says, "The knight campout and the maze run were awesome"

Temi claims, "We had such a hard time picking one event from this week, you got a bunch of candies."

Temi grins.

Misune apparently can not type worth shit today

Temi gives a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves to Emma.

Emma states, "OoOoOOo"

Galen leaps into Emma's arms

Mika gets a smote chocolate goat with hooves in the air from a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Temi says, "Plus, the candies all have rhymes."

Kinaed claims, "I'm very grateful to everyone who held an event or ran a story last week. Thank you."

Mika claims to Emma, "The chocolate goat is dead, emma, we failed"

Emma states, "Ahem. RP was really awesome this week."

Emma declaims, "NO!"

Tobius gets a pumpkin-shaped mug carved from brightly-painted wood from a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Emma gets a smote chocolate goat with hooves in the air from a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Emma states, "Oh god"

Tobius claims, "This haul is awesome :)"

Emma puts a smote chocolate goat with hooves in the air in a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Galen starts to move towards the south and west.

Galen drinks cider from a cask of cider.

Emma says, "That one goes right on the shelf at home. >.>"

Kinaed trails off, "Oh - just a note..."

Galen pontificates, "I put all my meeting trinkets on the shelf too!"

Kinaed says, "Next week, I won't be here. There's also Daylight Savings. I'll ask another staff member to run the OOC Chat whilst I'm off at a convention."

Kinaed states, "I should be back the week after."

Mika says, "I think i'm supposed to be back by saturday"

Galen exclaims, "We'll miss yoooou!"

Kinaed claims, "Let's see... Player Heartbeat... ah! Player Topics."

Kinaed smiles at Galen.

Temi claims, "I should be here next week but gone the two weeks after."

Temi grins.

Kinaed claims to Galen, "And I all of you."

Mika says, "(i'm going on a comic book signing tour like some kind of artist) :D"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Eilyn thinks rp's been great. More active on some chars than others, but all round awesome. Sorry. On my phone so way behind.

Kinaed states to Temi, "I might ask you to run it then. You're pretty awesome."

Tobius hugs Kinaed.

Galen claims, "Mika is way too cool for us now"

Kinaed smiles at Tobius.

Mika states, "Busy few weeks for all of us"

Temi gives a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves to Gaven.

Kinaed queries, "Okay, Player Topics - I had one come in just a few moments ago from Misune. Misune, are you ready to introduce your topic?"

Misune states, "So yeah... my topic is one that I've brought up in the past... like a year ago, but I'd like to see there to be like bonuses for unarmed. Frankly if you are beating someone with your fists that are also clad in chainmail gauntlets, there should be a minor increase in damage. Nothing spetacular or huge, but something."

Galen exclaims, "That makes sense!"

Temi gives a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves to Wesley.

Misune claims, "It would also give way for unarmed based weapons such as iron knuckles"

Randolph queries, "Would each type of metal give you a increase? as some metals hold better than others and wont dent as easy?"

Kinaed claims, "I don't think we're likely to see that anytime soon. Unarmed isn't very much lower in damage than, say, a sword, but we need to preserve the appropriate sense that if an unarmed person goes up against someone with a mace, they're probably going to lose. Rather, the damage range it matters is between two unarmed opponents, but there's just not much of a gap there."

Misune I would actually argue that the mace person would win automatically. It really comes down to hp I've found as of lately

Misune trails off, "But it was just a thought..."

Temi nods in agreement.

Mika nods.

Temi states, "Not a bad thought but our combat system doesn't have a lot of room for little bonuses, unfortunately."

Kinaed says, "When I laid out the archs for damage dice, I just didn't leave a lot of space between unarmed and weapons. There's no dice 'statistic' place that we can put them, and a flat bonus will probably make unarmed overwhelming compared to weapons. To add this bonus effectively, I'd probably have to downgrade unarmed as a fighting style across the board."

Kinaed states, "Technically it could be done, but it'd be a low priority, and I'm fairly happy with combat balance that the moment."

Misune nods to Temi "Just thought I would throw it out there with how much the combat system has changed since I last introduced it.

Temi claims, "Though totally okay with RP things for it"

Kinaed declaims, "(at least, people aren't screaming about it being broken... if it's broken, tell us!)"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Kinaed states to Misune, "It's certainly not a bad idea. Just one I didn't think of during design and didn't cater for well."

Misune states, "Also while on the topic of combat, I do have more a question about a recent change"

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Misune trails off, "Why is it that Polearm now requires 55 intelligence instead of the old strength requirement it had... It just doesn't make sense to me that it would be an intelligence requirement when truthfully it would be a pretty high strength requirement if basing it off of real world polearm style weapons"

Gaven asks, "Lol.. Int?"

Emma ponders. "That does seem a bit odd."

Mika claims, "That seems like it might have been a mistake"

Misune nods to Gaven "Yeah... 55 intelligence. I found out only because I tried to pool it, and couldn't so had to increase intelligence just to pool it

Galen states, "Are you smart enough to discern the difference between a halberd and a bardiche"

Galen says, "This here is a glaive, this is a guisarme, and this is a glaive-guisarme"

Misune says, "That arguement could go for any weapon"

Misune states, "Can you tell me the difference between a Katzbalger and Longsword"

Kinaed claims, "We normalized all skill requirements down to 55, as a starting point. In general, weapons are each aligned to different stats. Using a polearm does require strength, but also strategy to keep a person outside of its distance. A lot of polearms were used more like "I place the butt off this on the ground and wait for the weight of the army behind my opponent pushing them forward to drive them onto the weapon" rather than brute force swinging. A lot of polearms were designed to hook people off horses, etc."

Galen declares, "I was just kidding!"

Kinaed says, "So I figured that'd make it as the int weapon."

Misune trails off, "I know you were... and was teasing back"

Kinaed claims, "The reason weapons are diverse in their requirements goes along with the rock-paper-scissors setup."

Galen exclaims, "Oh okay!"

Mika says to Kinaed, "Ooh i see"

Misune humms "I can kind of see the point in that... but it still falls as strategy comes into any weapon... But I suppose that would explain why it's intelligence

Kinaed claims, "I'm fairly certain we tried to spread out which stats were attributed to which weapon. Also, we tried to make the requirements in the 'average' range for the required stat."

Kinaed claims, "Stats don't always align neatly to skills, but that's the setup we have, and it's an okay setup."

Misune states, "I mostly was just surprised when went to try and learn polearm, only to find out I didn't have the right stats"

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Kinaed says, "You were able to improve your stat though, right? As it is now, no stat ever caps below 55 (iirc)."

Kinaed claims, "So if you don't have the stat to get a skill you want, you can always improve it to get the skill."

Kinaed says, "No skills should have requirements above 55 at the moment."

Kinaed says, "If you find any, please report it."

Misune muses, "Oh yeah, I had the xp... Though on that note it would have been nice to know before I spent silver on a trainer... maybe if you don't have the proper stat requirement for a weapon, when you try to wield it it could say something?"

Kinaed states to Misune, "That's probably simple enough to do. I thought there already was a message about how comfortable someone felt with a weapon when they wield it - but I can check, and if not, make sure some are put in."

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Misune says, "I thought that only correlated to your skill rank with the weapon"

Kinaed says, "Oh, good point."

Kinaed nods at Misune.

Kinaed claims, "I'll have a look."

Azarial says, "'misune has no clue how to use a <weaponname>'"

Wesley states, "I didn't think it was hard to type 'ab <weapon>'"

Azarial nods at Wesley.

Kinaed queries, "Okay, we have ten more minutes. :) Anyone want to talk about anything?"

Tobius says, "When i tried to wield an axe and didn't have the strength for it, it did show it was too heavy, so i think it's in there, just rare to see"

Misune trails off, "It's is simple enough to do that... but it was a unexpected change, and I had no reason to use ab weapon prior because I hadn't know it changed"

Tobius trails off, "This was, however, on my first 4 years ago"

Kinaed states, "I'd like to ask everyone to keep autovote on and vote for TI to help us keep our activity up and introduce new players for us to play with."

Kinaed nods at Tobius.

Azarial says, "Weight does not correlate to stats required"

Kinaed says, "If anyone is happy to write a review for us, that'd be great too."

Kinaed says, "Anyway, I'm tapped. Nothing else over here."

Temi says, "I can talk livestock too if you want."

Kinaed states, "We can end 10 minutes early, or you can all socialize... whatever is good. :)"

Kinaed claims, "Oh yeah, go ahead, Temi :)"

Mika puts a smote chocolate goat with hooves in the air in a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Temi claims, "Or we have a cask of cider and mugs in everybody's bags."

Gaven claims, "We need a demon goat plot."

Mika gets a pumpkin-shaped mug carved from brightly-painted wood from a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Mika fills a pumpkin-shaped mug carved from brightly-painted wood with cider from a cask of cider.

Temi declares, "Okay, livestock!"

Tobius puts a pumpkin-shaped mug carved from brightly-painted wood in a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Gaven asks, "Omg what livestock?"
Mika says to Gaven, "We were just talking about the fate of the goats at almaz's knight campout"

Eilyn has been transferred out by Mika. [OOC]

Emma claims, "Gaven. We -had- a demon goat plot."

Kinaed gets a maple-glazed cookie maze iced with a phrase from a cloth sack, appliqued with a collection of falling leaves.

Temi claims, "From the spec: This can be used for such things as breeding horses, breeding cattle for meat, keeping chickens for eggs, dairy cows for milk, or beehives for honeycomb. Anything which gives animals should be envisioned as a breeding pack or herd, etc, that should still exist after an animal is returned. Harvesting mobs should be accompanied by long periods between harvesting and more frequent tending times, but these can be handled by the builder."

Kinaed eats a maple-glazed cookie maze iced with a phrase.

Gaven states, "Oh my god breeding horses."

Kinaed states, "Oo, that's awesome candy, Temi."

Emma states, "..That will be so amazing. Looking forward to it very much."

Galen wonders, "Will this have any conflict with NPC pet limitations?"

Misune would finally give a use to the chickencoop the knights keep has

Temi says, "Basically, it's a reskinned use of plants. You'd have farmyards with a limit of 3 herds"

Emma claims, "Oooomg."

Galen pontificates, "Oooh that's a good way to do it!"

Gaven asks, "Could horses be sold like rideable mounts?"

Temi says, "It's a little bit tricky with pet limits"

Gaven says, "Please say yes."

Temi says, "You should be able to sell horses now, I think."

Temi says, "But yes, should be possible to breed and sell horses."

Tobius wonders, "Can i ask the question in terms of space on the grid? do we have enough for this to be a workable thing?"

Temi claims, "Not quickly and frequently."

Tobius says, "Like in play"

Lidiya wonders, "Hm, would sheep be harvestable for wool and whatnot? Or are they already?"

Kinaed claims to Tobius, "Space on the grid is virtual. It's dirt easy for us to add space."

Tobius claims, "Ahhh okay. thanks"

Mika wonders to Temi, "Will we be able to have single mobs or restring herds as single mobs? eg what if i only need one milk goat"

Emma claims, "You have to buy a sheep pet and murder it to get the wool, right now."

Azarial says, "Tkta did add some more room northside"

Lidiya claims, "Poor sheep."

Wesley states, "Baaaaah"

Temi says, "Sheep would be able to give wool. There's not a lot of existing places, but could be easily."

Kinaed shows her sharp teeth in a dreamy grin at the thought of fleecy sheep.

Emma claims, "Mika, please wrestle Wesley.."

Randolph queries, "So will they be up there depending on thier species for HP like the ones that cost more to buy?"

Lidiya states, "Seems like it could be harvestable for wool, just with a pretty long cooldown sort of thing."

Lidiya nods.

Mika champions fair emmaaaaahh

Tobius claims, "...i vaguely DO want to be eaten by an imm just to see what it's like. i mean, i know you guys eat stuff to put it in your inv...i'm strange."

Azarial tries to not imagine a unicorn coughing a sheep hairball.

Temi claims, "And livestock that don't give dead animal meats and such could be single animals instead."

Eilyn tells you, "Thomas seems pissed"

Azarial claims, "Eating things deStroys them."

Kinaed says, "Azarial fails to not imagine a unicorn coughing up a sheep hairball"

Mika nods.

Mika claims, "My inventory is in my bear suit"

Mika gets a double-headed coin, stamped from thin and polished bronze from a bright yellow bear kigurumi.

Temi claims, "We just don't want you to have one cow, harvest the cow and get a cow to slaughter."

Tobius says, "That makes sense"

Mika nods at Temi.

Temi claims, "So you harvest a cow from a herd and still have a herd. You can just only do it when the herd is healthy enough to slaughter a cow."

Temi grins.

Wesley claims, "Dibs on first burger shop"

Wesley claims, "Fast food is coming to ti"

Tobius queries, "Welcome to mcDav's, can i take your order?"

Temi says, "I had to adjust slightly from the original spec which would just give you the mob as a pet, due to pet limits"

Randolph laughs at Tobius.

Temi states, "So now it will put the mob in the room as 'claimable'"

Galen declaims, "Oh, I do have a topic to raise actually!"

Temi states, "And then you can take it as a pet, or just slaughter it. Or have some purchaser come and claim it as a pet."

Kinaed claims to Galen, "Quick, quick"

Kinaed points at the clock.

Galen pontificates, "It'd be cool if I could be considered gentry for the purpose of pet limits while I'm a GL! Same for support slots!!"

Lidiya states, "Cool. I can be the horse breeder of my dreams."

Kinaed nods at Galen.

Galen says, "GLs are expected to interact with support more so it'd be neat if I could support more than 3 people"

Kinaed claims, "It hink it'll work like that."

Galen says, "And also I'm a trouble magnet so I can always use more bodyguards"

Kinaed states, "Let me think about that."

Emma questions, "The number of people you can support is based on how much support you have, isn't it? "

Wesley states, "Yeah one slot per 5IP"

Kinaed states, "I think partly."

Galen says, "I've been having to keep cycling out two of my slots"

Kinaed states to Galen, "You might do better if you campaign for more support."

Wesley claims, "Better go yell at your merchants to start supporting you then"

Kinaed claims, "I have to log off."

Tobius declares, "Later!"

Galen exclaims, "All right! See yooou!"

Mika waves.

Emma pontificates, "Bye Kinaed!"

Kinaed claims, "Happy for you guys to continue :) Or we can end it since it's technically time."

Kinaed waves.

Kinaed sinks into her own shadow and disappears. [OOC]

Galen bangs pots and pans together "SUPPORT ME"

Temi wonders, "Do you guys want to continue and have cider and any more animal questions? Or send you back?"

Galen drinks cider from a cask of cider.

Galen drinks cider from a cask of cider.

Tobius waves.

Tobius begins to descend.

Tobius leaves down.

Randolph says, "May I go back please"

Galen questions, "Will you need to keep animals in a special kind of room?"

Mika trails off, "I got rp to attend to! and a nap to take after -_- and a flapper costume to put together ..."

Temi nods at Galen.

Wesley claims, "Can send me back yo"

Galen questions, "Also, how will you get herds? Will you buy them at the store, or put in a request board post for them?"

Temi claims, "Would need to be a farmyard room flag."

Emma wonders, "May I go back, please?"

Temi says, "You'll buy breeder animals, which are like seeds."

Mika questions to Temi, "The farmyard flag will be stackable on other flags though right?"

Temi nods at Mika.

Temi says, "Yep"

Mika nods.

Galen says, "So you could have a lake that's also a farmyard"

Temi states, "Just will need to be desced suitably for animals to live."

Mika nods.

Temi claims, "No fancy ballroom farmyards, sorry."

Galen trails off, "Sky room farm yard....."

Azarial claims, "And some parts of the city might not be too9 pleased to have farm animals"

Mika states, "No farmyars up in the bear and boar"

Mika claims, "Yards even"

Gaven claims, "Id like to see slightly larger herds for commodity animals like horses or pets."

Galen states, "Farm yarms"

Azarial states, "There is a flag in place that will allow owners to prevent animals form coming in, so no goats renting rooms in the inns"

Gaven states, "To make them a viable profession maybe."

Gaven asks, "Could I get a port back?"

Galen claims, "Fard yards"

Lidiya says, "I'm ready to head back."

Galen states, "I'm just gonna mooch off this free MV for a bit"

Temi grins.

Temi asks, "So, no more questions or topics from our last people?"

Galen says, "Hmmm"

Galen drinks cider from a cask of cider.

Galen declares, "Hmmm...!!"

Galen claims, "Oh, I have one"

Galen queries, "Has there been discussion about the GLA probs yet?"

Mika nods.

Temi claims, "Some starting discussion"

Temi says, "Kin has an idea which uses support more directly, and was part of the reason behind the support system forum discussion"

Galen says, "I posted a suggestion on the forums, to give players more support slots and to let support / subvert affect GL approval ratings"

Temi says, "Kin is the one that has to make calls on any of this though."

say I talked with Takta a bit, based upon Brynieves idea and Takta had an idea I -really- liked.

Tomas claims, "I talked with Takta a bit, based upon Brynieves idea and Takta had an idea I -really- liked."

say she said she was writing up a proposal for it

Tomas says, "She said she was writing up a proposal for it"

Galen queries, "Oohhh, what was the really likable idea?"

say have votes go on, icly, giving it an IC structure and give 2/3's of the votes to the PC's, 1/3 given the approval rating/gla to represent NPC opinions

Tomas claims, "Have votes go on, icly, giving it an IC structure and give 2/3's of the votes to the PC's, 1/3 given the approval rating/gla to represent NPC opinions"

say it weights it for the people in the guild, but still allows public opinion to have an influence

Tomas claims, "It weights it for the people in the guild, but still allows public opinion to have an influence"

Galen questions, "Votes to determine what...?"

say if a GL is kicked out or not

Tomas claims, "If a GL is kicked out or not"

Galen claims, "Ohh, okay"

Galen asks, "Would it just be periodic?"

say it could be, or I don't know. haven't seen the full proposal, but that foundation, I love

Tomas claims, "It could be, or I don't know. haven't seen the full proposal, but that foundation, I love"

Azarial says, "The last spec i saw was immediate upon support changes, but the load that causes the server may dictate it not be"

Temi states, "Well, with just the two of you left, I ought to send you guys back."

Azarial says, "I'm still trying to figure out a better method to handle support so it dones;t spike the server as badly."