Log of OOC Meeting 2023-02-19
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 7:53 pm
Ghed asks, "Before we begin, folks, here's a reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."
Today's Agenda is:
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics
Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.
Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Padrika.
Dragor states, "Yeah sure I can do it."
Motherof declaims, "Welcome back, Erasmus!!"
Ghed claims to Dragor, "You're on"
Ghed says to Erasmus, "Seriously, it's great to have you back"
Dragor exclaims, "Alrighty, time to actually concentrate on the meeting then, haha. And welcome back, Erasmus!"
Erasmus claims, "Thanks. "
Viper claims, "About time."
Anonymous trails off, "I feel like i should know who erasmus is but i dont..."
Anonymous is out of the loop
Padrika is too new.
Sue claims, "The soldier's roommate, of course."
Ghed has transferred Sparkles. [OOC]
Erasmus says, "(Just an old fogey, that's all.)"
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Sparkles.
Ghed says, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."
Leta says, "A 16th century Dutch philosopher. Obviously."
Ghed declares, "This was a rather slow week for me in TI because I was busy IRL. I did a lot of player requests and recommends, and also updated the Bluebird Ballad prog so it finally lets in ranking freeman reeves, priests and knights. Not entry level cadets, pages and acolytes though!"
Dragor claims, "frak, how do you turn off the indicator bar again, lol."
Leta muses, "Prompt?"
Ghed recommends prompt
Motherof claims, "That's been lonnnnggg-time needed, Ghed. Awesome."
Dragor states, "Yes! Thank you. Makes scribing easier."
Deedee queries, "How about physicians?"
Ghed states, "Sorry, none can do"
Ghed states, "Neither do merrchants"
Nameless wonders, "How about mages?"
Padrika exclaims, "And you found my wandering shopkeeper and put her back!"
Ghed says, "Mages were always welcomed"
Nameless states, "True"
Nameless says, "I do still have my all access pass. nvm"
Ghed nods at Padrika.
Deedee claims, "Sounds good *sets the inn on fire*"
Leta says to Nameless, "I think mages have OTHER means of sneakin'"
Motherof claims, "Y'all can still sneak in, sillies."
Leta says, "Or bribe your way"
Nameless says, "Scoff i am so far above bribes"
Ghed says, "I forgot to set Padrika's shop mob to stationary so she was doing biz all over town"
Sue claims, "The bluebird learned it's lesson >: )"
Edison ; squeezes in through the toilet
Ghed wonders to Temi, "What about you?"
Edison claims, "Ghed didn't break the shop mogs legs "
Titania claims, "Edison don't promote violence against innocent shop mobs"
Temi states, "Still working on plots - I see some things in motion so hoping to see more from folks on the big plot soon."
Ghed has transferred Tomato. [OOC]
Nameless states, "... what if they're wearing robes with runic symbols of the moons on them"
Dragor states, "Plots scare me still, lol. I dunno why."
Leta nods at Temi.
RamblingSeert queries, "Citizen?"
Ghed says to Dragor, "Happens to all"
Leta declares to Dragor, "Don't be scared! We love having people in plots =)"
Tomato grabby hands for item of the week.
Temi claims, "I also added some additional notes to chandlery recipes, and I feel like I fixed up some other issues that I don't remember exactly what"
Leta states, "If it's the system that's overwhelming, happy to provide a tutorial at some point."
Leta questions to Temi, "That generics issue that was driving me insane?"
Titania claims, "Plots are for nerds, tbh"
Temi states, "Yeah"
Temi nods at Leta.
Motherof says, "I avoided it for probably an OOC year, but after my first one, it was cake."
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Tomato.
Tomato says, "Plots seem complicated but are not actually that hard, its mostly the clunky polca thats intimidating"
Deedee states, "I've been tied up in other RP, but have been hoping to get involved in the plot"
Temi says, "Other than that, just requests, recommends, etc."
Temi nods at Ghed.
Ghed queries to Leta, "Alright, what about you?"
Dragor says, "Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little ESL guy and barely comprehend the language in the first place, so it's a bit harder for me."
Ghed claims, "We've tried to make plots as accessible as possible, but it's just not the easiest system"
Leta declaims, "Requests, recommends, questions and the like! I updated a lot of real estate phomes that were missing amenities =( Turns out that when we used to 'grab all' in every room, we were a tad too thorough"
Padrika pontificates, "Kudos to all ESL people, you guys amaze me!!"
Arne salutes.
Viper places his right fist over his heart in salute.
Motherof asks, "Right?"
Ghed places his right fist over his heart in salute.
Ghed claims, "ESL here yanno"
Temi grins.
Leta claims, "Also some of the helpfiles listed in help news were me"
Temi states, "Hard to believe as that is"
Leta has transferred Diana. [OOC]
Motherof says, "Ghed is actually an Eskimo."
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Diana.
Ghed nods at Leta.
Ghed states to Leta, "Thanks for that too"
[Action: Erasmus is semi-afk. ]
say No, I know Ghed is ESL after he told me to do something very interesting in a tell
Dragor states, "No, I know Ghed is ESL after he told me to do something very interesting in a tell "
Leta states, "I think that's about it! Sorry I've been so quiet, y'all. Rough week at work/school."
Dragor claims, "Hey, don't apologise."
Deedee nods at Leta.
Edison says, "How dare"
Dragor states, "Work and education takes precedence as always."
Deedee says, "Busy time of year for me too"
Ghed nods.
Ghed muses, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"
Padrika declaims, "Lost my shopkeeper... then found her!"
Motherof says, "It's been so slow."
Motherof claims, "Just kidding"
Sue states, "I would like to express my warm thanks to staff for continuing to enable my desire to bully NPCs with the long dick of the law"
Tomato declares, "This week went too fast >:V but I'm looking forward to the festival!"
Nameless states, "I am about to delve into an area that is going to make a lot of people very happy and certain other people very upset."
Pookstall states, "Not too bad, though been some quieter days when I've had time to be around. Excited for the event though"
Dragor claims, "Let's just say - WOW! the current ongoings had me reeling just a little, lol."
Mikhail says, "I've been slowly getting into the art of crafting and all of the tooling color codes that come along with it... Very scary stuff."
Titania says, "I've been having a little trouble w/ my motivation to play recently ;c"
Padrika says, "Wrote a davite hymn AND piano music to accompany it."
Roselle claims, "Just started playing but it's been fun! Looking forward to having a full week to play in future."
Nameless says, "Piano ooo"
Dragor states, "Also I have been manic about crafting stuff. I cry. I finally want to earn money on it, lol."
Motherof exclaims, "Welcome, Roselle!!"
Mikhail says, "Dragor you can just ask to be promoted lmao"
Serket says, "Lots of fun RP here when I can snag it, loving what I've seen."
Arne snickers.
Dragor says, "I CAN'T."
Motherof pontificates, "That sounds like fresh meat talking, Serket! Welcome!!"
RamblingSeert states, "I would like to express my warm thanks to staff for continuing to enable my desire to roleplay an alcoholic doctor."
Ghed states, "Sounds like things have been very dynamic"
Dragor declaims, "Anyway, this week has been fun!"
Deedee nods at Ghed.
Erasmus says, "Really impressed with the average caliber of RPers here."
Temi states, "We're very happy to be enablers."
Leta grins.
Sue states, "The bluebird learned it's lesson."
Leta says, "We like enabling messes as long as they're RP-generating"
Sue claims, "You don't frak with me, I frak with YOU"
Dragor states, "I'm a .22 LR in terms of RP but thank u."
Temi nods in agreement with Leta.
Ghed nods at Leta.
Ghed questions, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and now?"
Motherof says, "I have played so many grumpy, hide-in-the-corner characters, I'm having fun playing someone more gregarious who can RP with... everybody. It's been great."
Deedee states to Ghed, "I've already vented to Temi but can speak privately later if you like. Not really something to discuss here."
Ghed nods at Deedee.
Leta says to Motherof, "It's nice to change it up sometimes =)"
Ghed claims to Deedee, "Understood"
Ghed states, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."
Ghed pontificates, "I don't think I have any topics!"
Mikhail states, "I have something brief, though it might be supported and I just don't know it because new."
Ghed wonders, "Would anyone like to propose anything? I-- yes?"
Tomato claims, "I just have a brief reminder to people--put out rumors, pretty please? Not only is it Free IP for you, but its also how news spreads in the game for people who might not be online when you are."
Mikhail states, "When you try to appraise something in a store, you have to do it by keyword, you can't do it by the number on the store like when you can buy it. That makes things with keywords that are common very difficult to appraise."
Leta nods at Tomato.
Deedee nods.
Tomato claims, "You can appraise shop 1.item 2.item like other targetting, that helps"
Motherof claims, "Did not know thaaat"
Ghed nodsnodsnods
Padrika is still confused about rumors but will try!
Deedee states, "Being able to appraise by shop number might help though. Especially now that appraise costs MV"
Padrika claims, "I think that sounds like a good idea."
Dragor states, "I think the rumour mill has been pretty much going - especially viciously this week, even."
Erasmus says, "Minor food for thought, but the order of some of the chargen steps is confusing. The biggest one that skunked me was assets - need to be in-game to buy an asset but if you wanna buy one as a new character you need to buy a bunch of wealth in chargen."
Tomato trails off, "I had to prompt the recent rumors to be added several hours after the events... but then yes they got going"
Leta says, "Ugh. I need to fix that asset thing."
Erasmus states, "I think I went in and out of chargen approximately ten times and at least eight of those were my fault, but, whew."
Leta claims, "We made a recent code change and may not have updated the text"
Erasmus nods.
Leta declares, "It's messy. I will definitely put that on my to do list!"
Erasmus declaims, "Thanks!"
Deedee asks, "Should there be a asset market inside chargen perhaps?"
Arne states, "That would be great."
Tomato says, "That would make a lot of sense and be helpful"
Padrika says, "I will admit that it confused the bejeezus out of me when I was making my first character."
Leta muses, "I think that's what we just did? We did something like that"
Leta states, "To make it so you don't have to pop in and out several times."
Padrika claims, "Then I wasn't sure where to go for the asset market, had to look on the forums."
Leta is tired and needs to read her notes.
Tomato claims, "Oh, thats dandy if true"
Deedee states, "I haven't been through chargen in years, so not too sure"
Erasmus says, "I believe I couldn't buy one in chargen but I was also deeply confused."
Ghed nods.
Temi states, "We should make it more clear at least"
Temi states, "Assets aren't at exactly where we want them, it's just likely to be a bigger change we haven't agreed on where it should be yet"
Leta nods.
Dreams is idle.
Dreams is no longer idle.
Dreams has returned from AFK.
Motherof muses, "Half-meeting today?"
Dragor says, "I'm very glad I only needed to do chargen three times :T"
Sparkles is idle.
Bimbly is idle.
Ghed exclaims, "Okay! with taht discussed -- yeah I think we're done for today!"
Temi wonders, "Unless anyone has anything else they haven't brought up?"
Arne claps.
Bimbly is no longer idle.
Bimbly has returned from AFK.
Sparkles is no longer idle.
Sparkles has returned from AFK.
Deedee says, "There was a post on the forums about blindfolds"
Motherof states, "Yes, but the OP isn't here."
Mikhail muses, "Don't blindfolds already exist?"
Deedee states, "They do, but they don't hide things on an OOC level"
Dragor says, "They requested some adjustments to that."
Temi claims, "Blindness was adjusted for it to be possible to play blind characters, and we decided to lean in on trusting players, rather than making it a miserable thing to play"
Tomato says, "If they made code changes like that, for example, then it should apply when its pitchblack, which would make existing and forgetting your candle, for example, a pain, so i like the current system"
Arne nods in agreement.
Motherof claims, "Or... it could... not apply there."
Tomato claims, "If you don't trust someone not to RP that they see you in a pitch black room why does that not extend to blindfold situations, is my point"
Temi claims, "The easiest thing code-wise is having the same code apply to all similar usages"
Erasmus trails off, "Well, blindfolds are explicitly likely for player vs player situations only, unlike darkness..."
Nameless states, "Tbh i dont expect someone to honor the 'its pitch black and you can't see' status"
Tomato claims, "I would say if you are blindfolding someone maybe cnote yourself so staff have both sides in the case of policy, but I think everyone here is not out to cheat on purpose"
Motherof says, "Yeah, code-ease makes sense."
Deedee claims, "I suppose it's worth considering whether it would be worth building a whole new system just for blindfolds or not."
Edison trails off, "If it was an instance of like... kidnapping someone, and bringing them to a secret hide out, something like a blindfold may come in useful"
Dreams says, "People don't necessarily play to accomodate for someone who can't see, though. They'd need to emote the smells and sounds they might experience, and not everyone will. So leaving it as something they can see, they can adjust a little while still being 'blind'."
Mikhail squints at Edison.
Edison isn't out to kidnap anyone mind you... or is he?
Tomato says, "I would like to think that we are all here to have a good time and while mistakes can be made, that's a super blatant breaking of policy and I don't think we have players who would do that currently."
Erasmus says, "It's nice to give people playing shadier characters peace of mind, even if everyone is trustworthy."
Dreams says, "Meaning, the other people in the scene may not point out all of the smells and sounds."
Motherof says, "Ehhh. If someone kidnapped me, I'd freaking love it if I had no OOC idea where they took me."
Deedee claims, "As I noted in the post, you can get the same effect of preventing someone from seeing things by making sure they're sleeping/unconcious."
Temi nods at Dreams.
Erasmus states, "There's such a broad space between intentional cheating and accidental metagaming."
Edison spuints at Motherof
Temi claims, "That's the idea. The person who is blinded can be reasonable and take in what they should have"
Sue states, "Sqpuints"
Titania states, "I'll be real, I've seen the shop for the Slippery Dolphin and it looks like a one-stop-shop for everything you need to imprison someone in your basement extralegally"
Sparkles ponders.
Motherof states, "Shhhh."
Bimbly says, "Hmmmm."
Edison claims, "I read that as 'extravagantly' and it's still pretty true"
Ghed nods at Edison.
Ghed says, "Alright, I'll re-read that thread"
"Slippery what?" Motherof whistles.
Dragor claims, "Slippery Dolbin"
Dragor states, "A HATEFUL creature."
Sparkles questions, "Can add uh ... non-kidnapping related thought?"
Temi states to Sparkles, "Sounds excellent"
Leta nods at Sparkles.
Titania says, "No, kidnapping is the theme of today"
Erasmus claims, "I don't know how to target anyone because I'm a noob but I concur with Motherof: anything to make it easier for the big scary bad guys to menace us poor innocents."
Motherof nods.
Viper claims, "I've been screaming that since 2008"
Deedee says to Viper, "You've got some lung capacity."
Motherof scrEAMS, with Viper.
Sparkles states, "Talking about keywords - I'm not sure if this is a code thing or maybe a thing to note in a tooling helpfile/FAQ but tooling things with directions causes troubles. "
Bimbly says, "I haven't figured out how to target people in the OOC meeting and it's been like four months. "
Sue claims, "Sayto"
Leta nods at Sparkles.
Viper blinks at Bimbly.
Leta claims to Sparkles, "That's why we added look direction <direction"
Edison says to Bimbly, "It works :O"
Sue states to Bimbly, "Heehohoeho"
Sparkles nods.
Serket is idle.
Bimbly claims, "I don't need it."
Temi states, "We've had some issues with targeting on OOC names when they're different, though it is supposed to work"
Serket is no longer idle.
Serket has returned from AFK.
Bimbly claims, "I'm stubborn."
Edison states, "I wonder if Bimbly is the same guy who plays Bimbly"
Bimbly trails off, "No..."
Edison trails off, "Can't be..."
Viper states to Edison, "Don't be a conspiracy theorist."
Mikhail states, "I play Bimbly."
Padrika claims, "I also play Bimbly. On Tuesdays."
RamblingSeert says, "I can't believe Edison was Tamira the whole time."
Titania says, "I play Bimbly."
Nameless claims, "Oh my god"
Viper states, "I am bimbly"
Dragor states, "I play with Bimbly."
Deedee questions, "Speaking of look direction, if anyone wants to look at and add to some helpful
alias, there's a recent topic on the forums (viewtopic.php?f=3&p=17255)"
Viper says, "I am Bimbly too"
Diana is idle.
Viper claims, "Here"
Viper states, "In this one"
Anonymous claims, "Besides this one"
Dragor states, "She's not on."
Motherof says, "Y'all are silly."
Titania trails off, "She's not here..."
Titania trails off, "OooooOOOOooooOOOOoooo..."
Erasmus states, "I think you're all chatGPT, to be honest."
Motherof says, "Just the rumor-monger."
Padrika wonders, "Why do you say I'm a bot? Hahaha! Would a bot say THIS?"
RamblingSeert gains stress +25
Bimbly says, "Rumor AI is real."
Ghed claims, "Alright"
Ghed queries to Leta, "Did you wish to share something with us?"
Motherof claims, "I'll try'n write more rumors Tomato. Maybe some not about me."
Temi states, "Looks like our disable commands are having some issues. So, here's a heads-up to folks: Do not use the Deal command for cards until we inform otherwise"
Deedee states, "Rumor AI is programmed to always say the worst thing at the worst time"
Leta claims, "Ah! Yeah! One thing to bring up: we've had a few people poke us for a reminder about themeliness. Remember that at its base, this game's theme is based around the late Middle Ages in Europe. It's theocratic and feudal! This means that modern issues of class warfare, political
representation, freedom of speech/worship, sexual liberation, etc. would be considered alien and dangerous ideas that should not expect wider support."
Leta claims, "These sorts of things probably shouldn't be chatted about at taverns unless your char is blatantly TRYING to start a ruckus and get arrested. It's considered a bit smallworldy to protest the status-quo in public spaces just because the only people present are your PC pals. There should be themely NPCs present that would express concern, though no one on staff wants to go around whining about you as Bob the Farmer."
Arne nods.
Titania says, "I, for one, would absolutely love if an NPC named Bob the Farmer followed me around insulting me every time I did something wrong"
Titania muses, "What's your hourly rate, Leta?"
Leta grins at Titania.
Leta states, "I'll keep that in mind"
Mikhail trails off, "There goes my plot to start the communist revolution..."
Leta states, "Luckily for you, we work for free"
Nameless trails off, "I would think george the gentryman would be more appropriate, or norris the nobleman..."
Tomato claims, "It is OK to RP these things of course, but just don't expect public agreement"
Nameless states, "Why would a dirt poor farmer who probably hates the status quo too care about griping about it"
Bimbly claims, "I, for one, complain about the status quo with full intention of it starting a fight."
RamblingSeert states, "Norris is currently six feet under."
Bimbly claims, "But nobody fights."
Motherof claims, "I did use the word threesome in a tavern recently, but only because my character's INT isn't very high and she didn't know what it meant."
Bimbly claims, "So I get away with it sometimes."
Bimbly trails off, "Or I get scolded..."
Leta exclaims, "Some other issues that have arose recently (most have come up repeatedly, so this is not intended to call anyone out!)"
Leta says, "1. Using modern language like 'boyfriend' 'blow a fuse' 'YOLO'"
Leta states, "2. Calling people (particularly GLs and nobles, as this stuff tends to fly more southside) by their first name."
Temi aborts writing her note.
Erasmus states, "Lol yolo"
Leta says, "3. Quoting Karl Marx or any current pop song (even as a joke) in a scene is probably also not ideal."
Mikhail claims, "You Only Live Once (unless a mage raises your corpse)"
Sue claims, "What"
Titania claims, "That's An Extremely Specific Point, leta"
Leta says, "I get that it's funny, but unless you know your audience, let's keep things themely"
Leta grins.
Nameless claims, "I will happily grant extra lives to anyone who asks"
Tomato states, "Oh yes, I have seen the first names a LOT. It's OK for freemen and not too questionable, but in general first name = intimacy"
Dragor states, "Karl marx is based btw, but I understand."
eta states, "Look ma'am, you should HEAR what gets sent to me in tells."
Titania states, "One Would Think That, Perhaps, That Is Directed Against Something"
Erasmus states, "Ye olde lingo, obvs"
Bimbly states, "What a strangely specific concern, but, okay."
Ghed claims, "I was once told 'throw under the bus'"
Dragor says, "Ye only liveth once."
Sue states, "What is a bus"
Tomato states, "If you are a gentryperson/noble and calling me Tommaso, that is like shouting 'we fucked'"
Titania says, "I've used 'thrown undercarriage' before."
Anonymous states, "I used throw under the carriage once"
Edison draws his sword and nods to his fellow Knights, "Time to floss our way to a victory royale."
Anonymous glances at Tomato and coughs.
Titania says, "Tomasso. Tomasso. Tomasso. Tomasso."
Leta says, "Thrown undercarriage is snazzy"
Edison claims, "He's not Beetle Juice"
Dragor wonders, "I mean, have you SEEN the amounts of noble people dying in carriage crashes? "
Temi states, "We understand that our modern language is all we have to work with, and we may not know what phrases would have been used, but if you think about it, do try to correct to a reasonable approximatoin"
Anonymous states, "Come on tom we all know"
Temi grins.
Roselle says, "Truly we have found the Legacy of the Inquisition"
Motherof asks, "A higher-class can first-name a lower class member though, right?"
Anonymous claims, "Speaking of which"
Anonymous states, "Im gonna call you tom from now on"
Deedee nods at Temi.
RamblingSeert states, "SENT TO AHALIN."
Sue says, "I will revise my discourse "
Tomato says, "And I will blush like a little virgin and then eventually take that as a DTF and try to seduce you, of course"
Mikhail questions, "So what do we call people who are dating if not boyfriend/girlfriend?"
Ghed states, "I remember that the writers for the show Deadwood had to use modern profanity bc Reconstruction-Era profanity was too silly for modern ears"
Anonymous states, "Good, do it. i love being naive"
Viper claims, "Courting."
Titania says, "I've also said, quote, 'Vavardi nobility is truly unique in that it has more deaths by carriage per capita then there are carriages in Vavard at all'."
Bimbly claims, "How do you refer to the person you are courting, or who someone else is courting."
Tomato states, "DAting doesn't exist. Courting is specifically 'we are going to get married but banns arent out yet'"
Sparkles says, "Time to post the link to the Shakespeare insult generator again."
Leta states, "Courting, betrothal, banns, marriage"
Erasmus says, "Note to self, only think of Tomasso as Tomasso in my maidenly daydreams"
Mkhail claims, "Yeah, what Bimbly said."
Erasmus muses, "Do we have a list of thematic terms like courting?"
Bimbly questions, "How do you replace 'boyfriend' in the phrase: "I went to the Golden Coin with my boyfriend the other day." ?"
Tomato states, "Betrothed is usually alright"
Padrika says, "Intended"
Anonymous says, "You can say man or woman. i went to the golden coin with my man the other day"
Deedee claims, "Courting comes before betrothal"
Motherof asks, "Beau? Female beau?"
Anonymous claims, "That seems kind of"
Tomato states, "I went to the Coin with Mister ab lastname, who is courting me"
Roselle says, "Husband to Be"
Titania states to Erasmus, "If you're having maidenly daydreams as a man I think you've already got problems"
Erasmus claims, "For folks who need it, a whole list could be handy."
Anonymous states, "Better"
Viper states, "My wench."
Temi says, "Intended, betrothed, sweetheart."
Sparkles says, "I mean if you want to be scandalous you can say paramour or lover.
Nameless states, "My WENCH"
Mikhail says, "Intended sounds nice and snappy."
Bimbly says, "MY WENCH"
Edison claims, "Voila, my ladyfriend :O"
Titania says, "MY WENCH"
Diana queries, "A suitor?"
RamblingSeert says, "M'wench"
Tomato claims, "Intended is good, yes"
Mikhail states, "ME AND MY WENCH"
Leta says, "'Escorted me to the ball'"
Nameless claims, "MIKHAIL NO"
Sue says, "Pray, elucidate unto me thine belligerency once more, youth. Erstwhile, whilst thou has frittered thine days away in indolence, mine own excellence hath soared higher than the peaks of the Tarn, nay, to the very vaults of the heavens themselves! From the collegiate of Lithmore to the deepest reaches of Daravi, fifteen score men have I lain low, with the grace and skill of the chirurgeons of legend, and all the rancor of the demons and their mages subjugate."
Nameless says, "THATS NOT PROPER"
Nameless says, "ITS MY WENCH AND I"
Bimbly questions, "Suitor works, though I think that's traditionally referring to men?"
Padrika claims, "You can always just call them by their name, to."
Motherof claims, "WITH my chaperone, is a good addition"
Leta nods at Motherof.
Bimbly queries, "Sure, but what if you're purposely trying to be vague?"
Nameless asks, "Excuse me what subjugating mages? hold up now"
Mikhail claims, "The Chaperone sits in the middle"
Leta claims, "Don't forget the chaperone, you fancy folks"
Leta says, "Leave room for Dav."
Edison states, "Hiiiiiighway to the chaperone"
Deedee nods in agreement.
Tomato says, "My Lord or My Lady can be used even if they are not noble, as well, as a super obvious nod of favor"
Mikhail states, "If you're dancing together, you need to leave a space big enough to hold the Erra Pater between you "
Bimbly claims, "I kind of like that."
Tomato claims, "If you calling a girl my lady and pullin out her chair and shit that's prime romance"
Bimbly states, "Yeah, okay."
Titania wonders to Leta, "Did Dav leave room for me?"
Mikhail wonders, "What if I pull out a chair for Tommasso and calling him 'my lady'?"
Leta states, "Well. This has gotten out of hand quickly. But the TL;DR is to just remember to keep themely and minimize references to pop culture, however fun and silly they can be"
Motherof says, "Keep your hands visible at the table"
Padrika states, "One Erra Pater seems a little close. Maybe ten of them."
Leta grins.
Titania says to Mikhail, "Oh."
Temi claims to Mikhail, "Might be taken differently."
Tomato trails off, "He'll blush like a virgin and try to seduce you..."
Viper finishes abruptly, "I once let my wife ride me like I was a bear - "
Tomato claims, "We went over this"
Viper claims, "That's true love"
Mikhail claims, "I wish we had more ingame pop culture, like novels and such. That would be cool to make references too."
Mikhail trails off, "Maybe I should become a novelist..."
Sue states, "Thou art yet but one more fetid soul to rend unto the Lord of Springs."
Tomato trails off, "From experience, writing Ic books hard..."
Leta pontificates to Mikhail, "Please do!"
Temi claims, "And if anyone were interested in writing a post with themely filled terminology, that could be fun"
Deedee says, "TI has a lot"
Temi grins.
Sparkles ponders.
Titania pontificates, "Thine presence is tedious, and lacking gallantry. Begone, despoiler!"
Erasmus says, "Could write a book that's a book of book 'reviews', so to speak."
Mikhail asks, "Sue, are you going to Gaius speech a greycloak?"
Leta states, "We provide QP for books, and we also pay out silver if it's a book your character would be publicly associated with. The goal being we want to make an author/scholar career profitable and fill our shelves with fun books =)"
Erasmus claims, "One page to summarize some other book that doesn't actually exist, in order to introduce a ton of IC pop culture quickly and easily."
Nameless claims, "I have a question about that actually leta"
Sue says, "Verily, the wrath I have yet to bear upon thine soul will be found even in the ancient records of the Consolidation; so great will thine suffrance be of mine ire that even time itself will disobey its casual flow and rescribe history forthwith."
Mikhail claims, "It's time to become a bodice ripper novelist."
Leta wonders to Nameless, "Yep?"
Bimbly says, "I am working on two books. "
Nameless questions, "If i right a book of... shall we say... dubious contents, and make no secret of the fact that iv edone so, do i still get silver royalties, even if its probably something the order wouldnt like being on shelves?"
RamblingSeert queries, "Bimbly can read?"
Motherof claims, "Yes. Proconsul needs more to do, and confiscating smut sounds right up her alley."
Nameless states, "Or is this more of a 'we cant stock this so you get nothing' situation"
Nameless says, "Write*"
Bimbly says, "Who says it's Bimbly. "
Sue states, "Wait what"
Tomato says, "I don't think you can write sexually explicit things, per the consent policy"
Edison states, "Blackmarket book store sounds fucking hilarious and now I want one"
Nameless trails off, "I wasnt refering to sexual things..."
Leta claims, "I don't think so, no. If it's content that's mage-y or heretical-y, it's probably not getting sold at corner shops, so royalties aren't working out"
Erasmus claims, "You get -silver- from books? Hot dog."
Leta nods at Erasmus.
Nameless says, "Can i get a DUBIOUS BOOKSTORE in southside somewhere"
Tomato states, "Oh lol sorry my brain still in the gutter"
Titania claims, "Tell me. For whom do you fight? Hmph! How very glib. And do you believe in Lithmore? Lithmore's unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception."
Titania states, "Man."
Padrika wants to read a book about a lady racily revealing her ankle.
Leta claims, "If someone wants to open a dubious bookstore, however"
Leta states, "I support."
Titania states, "Gaius's speech actually works."
Titania says to Leta, "I don't support."
Tomato states, "The dubious bookstore is the QP bookshop >_>"
Deedee nods.
Nameless states, "Excuse me while i make some 'donations' to the osuthside book depository"
Sue states, "A bookstore with a secret passage"
Sue states, "To the"
Bimbly states, "I want. The dubious bookstore."
Sue trails off, "Restricted section..."
Nameless says, "These donations will also be chained to the floor."
Nameless claims, "They may also be glowing"
Deedee claims, "I don't think southside would allow a heretical bookshop either"
Nameless says, "This is normal"
Motherof states, "Nothing ever has to be overtly sexual to be scandalous. For reals."
Nameless says, "Do not panic"
Leta states, "I think we had a player a couple years ago who made a northside bookstore. He scribed copies of library books with his high artwork and sold them for a profit"
Bimbly claims, "Oh that's neat."
Titania states to Tomato, "I walked into the QP bookshop, saw some EXTREMELY sus stuff, and went 'wow, that's a lot', and then left."
Edison says, "I want, like, someone to write a political treaties"
Tomato claims, "There's so many more books than are in the library tho, lowkey wish they were not so expensive to get copies of"
Leta claims, "I don't see why the seedy underbelly can't create a shady one."
Edison states, "Someone write a heretical gospel"
Temi says, "The QP bookstore just gets stuff in. They don't read it or keep track of things."
Leta states, "Just don't let the Reeves or Order find it"
Temi grins.
Tomato claims, "I spent 25 QP on a book that was essentially blank"
Titania says to Leta, "Because I'd raid it, obviously "
Nameless says, "Theres actually a few of those floating around"
Bimbly asks of Leta, "How frivolous of books can we write? Can we write cookbooks, or naturalist journals, and other things that are fluffy but extremely mundane?"
Padrika expects to see the new Marquis de Sade soon.
Nameless states, "Contact your local wizard"
Tomato says, "Haven't tried the qp bookshop since"
Leta says to Bimbly, "We have cookbooks, naturalist journals, fantasy nobles"
Leta says, "Kid's books"
Anonymous claims, "Hey i have kids books"
Anonymous pontificates, "Zebulon!"
Edison states, "I want to write a book on Rawlsian justice and get excommunicated "
Anonymous claims, "My characters ic children love it"
Leta grins at Anonymous.
Bimbly says, "I was thinking of writing a Hillish Cookbook and it's just full of strings people can freely copy with a recommendation of which coded recipe to use in the top-right corner in cyan text."
Dragor claims, "I wrote a book and nobody will ever see it."
RamblingSeert scribbles in his journal. "And so he doth declared 'the consolidation was all because we had eaten a bad sandwich..."
Temi says to Tomato, "Let us know about things like that if it seems unintended"
Dragor states, "Sob."
Leta questions, "Check out the Grand Library! There's a... Vandagan cookbook? And Tubori food"
Mikhail asks, "Actually I have a question, are books like Pride and Prejudice/Jane Eyre too modern of a stype to copy?"
Leta states, "PRoviding recipes alongside the strings to make them sounds lovely and very useful."
Titania questions, "Is this even on topic anymore or are we just having a chat?"
Motherof states, "The library is, admittedly, amazing."
Edison says, "Wow, so many cool things in my local library *turns to the camera holding a book*"
Mikhail says, "Style and type got fused into one word."
Ghed claims, "We have a musical theory book"
Temi claims to Titania, "I think we're mostly chatting."
Deedee states, "An old idea, but I suggested at one time having recipe books where you could use something like the tool clone command with"
Titania pontificates to Temi, "Valid and acceptable!"
Leta claims to Mikhail, "I think so long as you adjust the content from regency to medieval in setting, books with similar plots would be lovely."
Tomato says, "I think writing style is OK, RE: p&P but you need to adjust to medieval"
Leta nods at Tomato.
Mikhail claims, "I remember in Jane Eyre (spoilers) the main love interest dresses up in drag to read a fortune for Jane."
Tomato trails off, "One of my alts had a very P&P romance before dying horribly... big sigh"
Mikhail says, "Very........... interesting."
Leta says, "Oh dear"
Tomato claims, "We have drag here, but fortune telling is a bit... magey -squonts-"
Leta states, "Can't promise the Inquisitors won't grumble, but we as staff support you writing whatever book you want =)"
Nameless says, "Pfft"
Temi nods in agreement with Leta.
Erasmus asks, "Is there a way to see a list of books that exist? Are they all (minus the heretical etc. stuff) in the library?"
Tomato states, "Sadly no but I would love to see a full list of what we have"
Nameless states, "You realize that the poor stage magicians have basically been murdered as an entertainment career"
Leta claims to Erasmus, "We've stocked the library a lot more recently"
Nameless claims, "Because people are screaming magic every time you separate your thumb"
Deedee claims, "Staff have a list, no not all are in the library or commonly available on grid"
Leta claims, "Unfortunately our archives have a lot of personal ledgers, half-finished books, etc."
Deedee nods.
Erasmus says, "I remember thinking I looked at some list of books and saw some I had written that were missing, but now I can't even remember where that list was."
Jackassaurus is idle.
Jackassaurus is no longer idle.
Leta states, "But if you're curious about something in particular, just poke me, I'd be happy to rummage around."
Jackassaurus has returned from AFK.
Leta trails off, "I keep the historical archive too, so I have a lot of old stuff lying around..."
Dragor states, "Book writing is cool btw. I got 35 QP for it."
Deedee states, "I've had some interesting stuff dredged up via plot"
Motherof claims to Leta, "I'm gonna poke you about a historical artifact."
Temi states, "QP shop will also have a pretty random assortment, not guaranteed to be well behaved"
Leta nods at Temi.
Temi states, "Did we add a randomizer there yet? I was going to randomize it."
Deedee wonders, "I think the bookstore on willow lane's inventory is randomized some too?"
Leta claims, "We tried to throw a lot more quirky things into the mix in the QP shop. It might mean they're less polished than other books"
Titania states, "IT'S GOT SOME CRAZY STUFF"
Leta states, "You can always reach out if you're having issues with something"
Leta claims to Temi, "We did"
Erasmus queries, "So, uh... QP shop?"
Bimbly states to Leta, "Speaking of historicals: History books! If I want to make up and flesh out some of the empty parts of the lore provided in helpfiles and other content - say, some of the organization of Hillish clans - and publish it, can I ask staff to vet the content for accuracy before I do so? I might publish it wrong on purpose because it's funny to be wrong about stuff, but knowing what is or isn't accurate would be good."
Leta claims to Erasmus, "There's several on-grid shops in the auction house that allow you to buy some rare items and books with QP, rather than silver"
Erasmus declaims, "Aha. Thanks!"
Leta states, "Things like potted plants, magical/heretical/rare books, special gemstones"
Erasmus says to Bimbly, "I like you."
Bimbly declares, "Thanks buddy, I like me too!"
Temi says to Deedee, "They get restocks from a random room when the metrics are suited to such"
Leta claims to Motherof, "Please do =)"
Nameless claims, "The QP shop has some of the most interesting books"
Serket is idle.
Serket is no longer idle.
Leta states, "We love new history and books that expand lore."
Leta says, "We might not have all the answers"
Leta states, "But we'd happily read a draft and tell you what we know or think."
Dragor states, "Sorry, I only write bad poetry."
Tomato states, "Same"
Temi nods.
Leta says to Dragor, "Lovely poetry, lies."
Dragor claims, "You never seen it."
Dragor says, "- Wait you did nvm"
Leta grins.
Leta claims, "Ma'am."
Temi says, "We'll ensure that books or lore submitted to us isn't contradictory or provides theright sort of hedges to ensure it's the author's opinions or ideas"
Motherof claims, "I wrote half of a sappy novel once before the author poofed. I wonder if it's in there."
Bimbly claims, "Okay, great! That tells me what I need to know."
Leta nods.
Leta wonders, "Does this mean everyone's gonna be submitting books soon!?"
Leta claims, "I want more books."
Jackassaurus claims, "I have started one"
Jackassaurus finishes abruptly, "Just - writing it slowly"
Deedee claims, "Lots of contradictions in the medical books, but that makes things fun. I don't think you need to worry about inaccuracies in a made up game"
Temi exclaims, "Goodie! I need to be better about finding time to review the ones we get, but I do love seeing that we get them"
Erasmus muses, "What sort of books do we need the most?"
Motherof states, "Right? Gives everyone things to argue about."
Deedee nods in agreement.
Motherof claims, "No, I'm right."
Leta claims to Erasmus, "Less-recent history is always helpful, as the number of people who can write it are limited. Cookbooks and books with strings would also be super useful, as stringing can be overwhelming for some folks. Having recipes they can copy-paste to create an item would be awesome."
Nameless exclaims, "I don't care what agatha said, I want FROG eyes not TOAD eyes for the potion!"
Temi states, "Very nice having stuff that documents on grid happenings, I think. Those are the most valued later on once people have changed. But just fun assortments is always good"
Erasmus nods at Temi.
Motherof claims, "Letter collections, etc."
Leta says, "I also think that we're a bit lacking in fiction. We have children's fiction, but it might be nice to have some 'fun' books for characters to read and enjoy"
Erasmus muses, "Is there any specific historical event people wish we knew more about?"
Mikhail says, "Bodice ripper time."
Nameless says, "I have been wanting some more specific detailings of the great flood"
Nameless claims, "And the uhh"
Temi says, "Az used to write bodice rippers for us "
Nameless claims, "How do I put it"
Padrika would like to know more about holidays.
Leta claims to Mikhail, "I have a couple half-written Penny Dreadful-esque things somewhere"
Deedee states, "It's funny reading old books from before code changes and it's things like people throwing temijul at each other all the time"
Sue states, "I will kill anyone who writes them"
Nameless says, "The big demon who made a mess of things"
Nameless says, "Yeah thats vague enough"
Motherof writes one about.... SUE
Erasmus wonders, "Is there not a Great Flood history already?"
Titania claims to Leta, "I can't believe you're telling me to write an actual, legitimate fiction
book entirely contained in this fictional world and I can't believe I'm actually kind of considering doing it"
Sue says, "I rip all your fingernails off"
Dreams asks, "My apologies, but I need to poof. May I be trans'd back to where I was?"
Dreams has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]
Leta grins at Titania.
Ghed claims, "I considered writing an in-game novel years ago"
Ghed states, "Anyways we need to close this down"
Leta states, "I mean come on, wouldn't that be FUN"
Sue says, "50 Shades of Cardinal Red"
Leta exclaims to Erasmus, "There is, I think!"
Ghed grins at Sue.
Ghed claims, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for meaningful RP =)"
Motherof giggles.
Motherof waves.
Leta waves.
Pookstall waves.
Tomato states, "Come get drunk with us IC"
Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."
Leta declares, "Goodbye, friends!"
Deedee waves.
Leta queries, "Event soon?"
Tomato claims, "Yes literally now"
Arne waves.
Leta declares, "Wine Festival, Chalice Rising!"
Ghed claims, "EVENT SOON"
Ghed trails off, "2..."
Bimbly claims, "WhERE"
Leta claims, "Have fun, drink wine"
Leta says, "(unless Farin)"
Bimbly says, "ACK"
Dragor claims, "Byeee."
Nameless states, "Drink wine even if farin"
Ghed trails off, "1..."
Tomato states, "Messengers will be incoming"
Jackassaurus frowns.
Today's Agenda is:
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics
Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.
Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Padrika.
Dragor states, "Yeah sure I can do it."
Motherof declaims, "Welcome back, Erasmus!!"
Ghed claims to Dragor, "You're on"
Ghed says to Erasmus, "Seriously, it's great to have you back"
Dragor exclaims, "Alrighty, time to actually concentrate on the meeting then, haha. And welcome back, Erasmus!"
Erasmus claims, "Thanks. "
Viper claims, "About time."
Anonymous trails off, "I feel like i should know who erasmus is but i dont..."
Anonymous is out of the loop
Padrika is too new.
Sue claims, "The soldier's roommate, of course."
Ghed has transferred Sparkles. [OOC]
Erasmus says, "(Just an old fogey, that's all.)"
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Sparkles.
Ghed says, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."
Leta says, "A 16th century Dutch philosopher. Obviously."
Ghed declares, "This was a rather slow week for me in TI because I was busy IRL. I did a lot of player requests and recommends, and also updated the Bluebird Ballad prog so it finally lets in ranking freeman reeves, priests and knights. Not entry level cadets, pages and acolytes though!"
Dragor claims, "frak, how do you turn off the indicator bar again, lol."
Leta muses, "Prompt?"
Ghed recommends prompt
Motherof claims, "That's been lonnnnggg-time needed, Ghed. Awesome."
Dragor states, "Yes! Thank you. Makes scribing easier."
Deedee queries, "How about physicians?"
Ghed states, "Sorry, none can do"
Ghed states, "Neither do merrchants"
Nameless wonders, "How about mages?"
Padrika exclaims, "And you found my wandering shopkeeper and put her back!"
Ghed says, "Mages were always welcomed"
Nameless states, "True"
Nameless says, "I do still have my all access pass. nvm"
Ghed nods at Padrika.
Deedee claims, "Sounds good *sets the inn on fire*"
Leta says to Nameless, "I think mages have OTHER means of sneakin'"
Motherof claims, "Y'all can still sneak in, sillies."
Leta says, "Or bribe your way"
Nameless says, "Scoff i am so far above bribes"
Ghed says, "I forgot to set Padrika's shop mob to stationary so she was doing biz all over town"
Sue claims, "The bluebird learned it's lesson >: )"
Edison ; squeezes in through the toilet
Ghed wonders to Temi, "What about you?"
Edison claims, "Ghed didn't break the shop mogs legs "
Titania claims, "Edison don't promote violence against innocent shop mobs"
Temi states, "Still working on plots - I see some things in motion so hoping to see more from folks on the big plot soon."
Ghed has transferred Tomato. [OOC]
Nameless states, "... what if they're wearing robes with runic symbols of the moons on them"
Dragor states, "Plots scare me still, lol. I dunno why."
Leta nods at Temi.
RamblingSeert queries, "Citizen?"
Ghed says to Dragor, "Happens to all"
Leta declares to Dragor, "Don't be scared! We love having people in plots =)"
Tomato grabby hands for item of the week.
Temi claims, "I also added some additional notes to chandlery recipes, and I feel like I fixed up some other issues that I don't remember exactly what"
Leta states, "If it's the system that's overwhelming, happy to provide a tutorial at some point."
Leta questions to Temi, "That generics issue that was driving me insane?"
Titania claims, "Plots are for nerds, tbh"
Temi states, "Yeah"
Temi nods at Leta.
Motherof says, "I avoided it for probably an OOC year, but after my first one, it was cake."
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Tomato.
Tomato says, "Plots seem complicated but are not actually that hard, its mostly the clunky polca thats intimidating"
Deedee states, "I've been tied up in other RP, but have been hoping to get involved in the plot"
Temi says, "Other than that, just requests, recommends, etc."
Temi nods at Ghed.
Ghed queries to Leta, "Alright, what about you?"
Dragor says, "Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little ESL guy and barely comprehend the language in the first place, so it's a bit harder for me."
Ghed claims, "We've tried to make plots as accessible as possible, but it's just not the easiest system"
Leta declaims, "Requests, recommends, questions and the like! I updated a lot of real estate phomes that were missing amenities =( Turns out that when we used to 'grab all' in every room, we were a tad too thorough"
Padrika pontificates, "Kudos to all ESL people, you guys amaze me!!"
Arne salutes.
Viper places his right fist over his heart in salute.
Motherof asks, "Right?"
Ghed places his right fist over his heart in salute.
Ghed claims, "ESL here yanno"
Temi grins.
Leta claims, "Also some of the helpfiles listed in help news were me"
Temi states, "Hard to believe as that is"
Leta has transferred Diana. [OOC]
Motherof says, "Ghed is actually an Eskimo."
Temi gives a grape-carved wooden tasting glass hung upon a short chain to Diana.
Ghed nods at Leta.
Ghed states to Leta, "Thanks for that too"
[Action: Erasmus is semi-afk. ]
say No, I know Ghed is ESL after he told me to do something very interesting in a tell
Dragor states, "No, I know Ghed is ESL after he told me to do something very interesting in a tell "
Leta states, "I think that's about it! Sorry I've been so quiet, y'all. Rough week at work/school."
Dragor claims, "Hey, don't apologise."
Deedee nods at Leta.
Edison says, "How dare"
Dragor states, "Work and education takes precedence as always."
Deedee says, "Busy time of year for me too"
Ghed nods.
Ghed muses, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"
Padrika declaims, "Lost my shopkeeper... then found her!"
Motherof says, "It's been so slow."
Motherof claims, "Just kidding"
Sue states, "I would like to express my warm thanks to staff for continuing to enable my desire to bully NPCs with the long dick of the law"
Tomato declares, "This week went too fast >:V but I'm looking forward to the festival!"
Nameless states, "I am about to delve into an area that is going to make a lot of people very happy and certain other people very upset."
Pookstall states, "Not too bad, though been some quieter days when I've had time to be around. Excited for the event though"
Dragor claims, "Let's just say - WOW! the current ongoings had me reeling just a little, lol."
Mikhail says, "I've been slowly getting into the art of crafting and all of the tooling color codes that come along with it... Very scary stuff."
Titania says, "I've been having a little trouble w/ my motivation to play recently ;c"
Padrika says, "Wrote a davite hymn AND piano music to accompany it."
Roselle claims, "Just started playing but it's been fun! Looking forward to having a full week to play in future."
Nameless says, "Piano ooo"
Dragor states, "Also I have been manic about crafting stuff. I cry. I finally want to earn money on it, lol."
Motherof exclaims, "Welcome, Roselle!!"
Mikhail says, "Dragor you can just ask to be promoted lmao"
Serket says, "Lots of fun RP here when I can snag it, loving what I've seen."
Arne snickers.
Dragor says, "I CAN'T."
Motherof pontificates, "That sounds like fresh meat talking, Serket! Welcome!!"
RamblingSeert states, "I would like to express my warm thanks to staff for continuing to enable my desire to roleplay an alcoholic doctor."
Ghed states, "Sounds like things have been very dynamic"
Dragor declaims, "Anyway, this week has been fun!"
Deedee nods at Ghed.
Erasmus says, "Really impressed with the average caliber of RPers here."
Temi states, "We're very happy to be enablers."
Leta grins.
Sue states, "The bluebird learned it's lesson."
Leta says, "We like enabling messes as long as they're RP-generating"
Sue claims, "You don't frak with me, I frak with YOU"
Dragor states, "I'm a .22 LR in terms of RP but thank u."
Temi nods in agreement with Leta.
Ghed nods at Leta.
Ghed questions, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and now?"
Motherof says, "I have played so many grumpy, hide-in-the-corner characters, I'm having fun playing someone more gregarious who can RP with... everybody. It's been great."
Deedee states to Ghed, "I've already vented to Temi but can speak privately later if you like. Not really something to discuss here."
Ghed nods at Deedee.
Leta says to Motherof, "It's nice to change it up sometimes =)"
Ghed claims to Deedee, "Understood"
Ghed states, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."
Ghed pontificates, "I don't think I have any topics!"
Mikhail states, "I have something brief, though it might be supported and I just don't know it because new."
Ghed wonders, "Would anyone like to propose anything? I-- yes?"
Tomato claims, "I just have a brief reminder to people--put out rumors, pretty please? Not only is it Free IP for you, but its also how news spreads in the game for people who might not be online when you are."
Mikhail states, "When you try to appraise something in a store, you have to do it by keyword, you can't do it by the number on the store like when you can buy it. That makes things with keywords that are common very difficult to appraise."
Leta nods at Tomato.
Deedee nods.
Tomato claims, "You can appraise shop 1.item 2.item like other targetting, that helps"
Motherof claims, "Did not know thaaat"
Ghed nodsnodsnods
Padrika is still confused about rumors but will try!
Deedee states, "Being able to appraise by shop number might help though. Especially now that appraise costs MV"
Padrika claims, "I think that sounds like a good idea."
Dragor states, "I think the rumour mill has been pretty much going - especially viciously this week, even."
Erasmus says, "Minor food for thought, but the order of some of the chargen steps is confusing. The biggest one that skunked me was assets - need to be in-game to buy an asset but if you wanna buy one as a new character you need to buy a bunch of wealth in chargen."
Tomato trails off, "I had to prompt the recent rumors to be added several hours after the events... but then yes they got going"
Leta says, "Ugh. I need to fix that asset thing."
Erasmus states, "I think I went in and out of chargen approximately ten times and at least eight of those were my fault, but, whew."
Leta claims, "We made a recent code change and may not have updated the text"
Erasmus nods.
Leta declares, "It's messy. I will definitely put that on my to do list!"
Erasmus declaims, "Thanks!"
Deedee asks, "Should there be a asset market inside chargen perhaps?"
Arne states, "That would be great."
Tomato says, "That would make a lot of sense and be helpful"
Padrika says, "I will admit that it confused the bejeezus out of me when I was making my first character."
Leta muses, "I think that's what we just did? We did something like that"
Leta states, "To make it so you don't have to pop in and out several times."
Padrika claims, "Then I wasn't sure where to go for the asset market, had to look on the forums."
Leta is tired and needs to read her notes.
Tomato claims, "Oh, thats dandy if true"
Deedee states, "I haven't been through chargen in years, so not too sure"
Erasmus says, "I believe I couldn't buy one in chargen but I was also deeply confused."
Ghed nods.
Temi states, "We should make it more clear at least"
Temi states, "Assets aren't at exactly where we want them, it's just likely to be a bigger change we haven't agreed on where it should be yet"
Leta nods.
Dreams is idle.
Dreams is no longer idle.
Dreams has returned from AFK.
Motherof muses, "Half-meeting today?"
Dragor says, "I'm very glad I only needed to do chargen three times :T"
Sparkles is idle.
Bimbly is idle.
Ghed exclaims, "Okay! with taht discussed -- yeah I think we're done for today!"
Temi wonders, "Unless anyone has anything else they haven't brought up?"
Arne claps.
Bimbly is no longer idle.
Bimbly has returned from AFK.
Sparkles is no longer idle.
Sparkles has returned from AFK.
Deedee says, "There was a post on the forums about blindfolds"
Motherof states, "Yes, but the OP isn't here."
Mikhail muses, "Don't blindfolds already exist?"
Deedee states, "They do, but they don't hide things on an OOC level"
Dragor says, "They requested some adjustments to that."
Temi claims, "Blindness was adjusted for it to be possible to play blind characters, and we decided to lean in on trusting players, rather than making it a miserable thing to play"
Tomato says, "If they made code changes like that, for example, then it should apply when its pitchblack, which would make existing and forgetting your candle, for example, a pain, so i like the current system"
Arne nods in agreement.
Motherof claims, "Or... it could... not apply there."
Tomato claims, "If you don't trust someone not to RP that they see you in a pitch black room why does that not extend to blindfold situations, is my point"
Temi claims, "The easiest thing code-wise is having the same code apply to all similar usages"
Erasmus trails off, "Well, blindfolds are explicitly likely for player vs player situations only, unlike darkness..."
Nameless states, "Tbh i dont expect someone to honor the 'its pitch black and you can't see' status"
Tomato claims, "I would say if you are blindfolding someone maybe cnote yourself so staff have both sides in the case of policy, but I think everyone here is not out to cheat on purpose"
Motherof says, "Yeah, code-ease makes sense."
Deedee claims, "I suppose it's worth considering whether it would be worth building a whole new system just for blindfolds or not."
Edison trails off, "If it was an instance of like... kidnapping someone, and bringing them to a secret hide out, something like a blindfold may come in useful"
Dreams says, "People don't necessarily play to accomodate for someone who can't see, though. They'd need to emote the smells and sounds they might experience, and not everyone will. So leaving it as something they can see, they can adjust a little while still being 'blind'."
Mikhail squints at Edison.
Edison isn't out to kidnap anyone mind you... or is he?
Tomato says, "I would like to think that we are all here to have a good time and while mistakes can be made, that's a super blatant breaking of policy and I don't think we have players who would do that currently."
Erasmus says, "It's nice to give people playing shadier characters peace of mind, even if everyone is trustworthy."
Dreams says, "Meaning, the other people in the scene may not point out all of the smells and sounds."
Motherof says, "Ehhh. If someone kidnapped me, I'd freaking love it if I had no OOC idea where they took me."
Deedee claims, "As I noted in the post, you can get the same effect of preventing someone from seeing things by making sure they're sleeping/unconcious."
Temi nods at Dreams.
Erasmus states, "There's such a broad space between intentional cheating and accidental metagaming."
Edison spuints at Motherof
Temi claims, "That's the idea. The person who is blinded can be reasonable and take in what they should have"
Sue states, "Sqpuints"
Titania states, "I'll be real, I've seen the shop for the Slippery Dolphin and it looks like a one-stop-shop for everything you need to imprison someone in your basement extralegally"
Sparkles ponders.
Motherof states, "Shhhh."
Bimbly says, "Hmmmm."
Edison claims, "I read that as 'extravagantly' and it's still pretty true"
Ghed nods at Edison.
Ghed says, "Alright, I'll re-read that thread"
"Slippery what?" Motherof whistles.
Dragor claims, "Slippery Dolbin"
Dragor states, "A HATEFUL creature."
Sparkles questions, "Can add uh ... non-kidnapping related thought?"
Temi states to Sparkles, "Sounds excellent"
Leta nods at Sparkles.
Titania says, "No, kidnapping is the theme of today"
Erasmus claims, "I don't know how to target anyone because I'm a noob but I concur with Motherof: anything to make it easier for the big scary bad guys to menace us poor innocents."
Motherof nods.
Viper claims, "I've been screaming that since 2008"
Deedee says to Viper, "You've got some lung capacity."
Motherof scrEAMS, with Viper.
Sparkles states, "Talking about keywords - I'm not sure if this is a code thing or maybe a thing to note in a tooling helpfile/FAQ but tooling things with directions causes troubles. "
Bimbly says, "I haven't figured out how to target people in the OOC meeting and it's been like four months. "
Sue claims, "Sayto"
Leta nods at Sparkles.
Viper blinks at Bimbly.
Leta claims to Sparkles, "That's why we added look direction <direction"
Edison says to Bimbly, "It works :O"
Sue states to Bimbly, "Heehohoeho"
Sparkles nods.
Serket is idle.
Bimbly claims, "I don't need it."
Temi states, "We've had some issues with targeting on OOC names when they're different, though it is supposed to work"
Serket is no longer idle.
Serket has returned from AFK.
Bimbly claims, "I'm stubborn."
Edison states, "I wonder if Bimbly is the same guy who plays Bimbly"
Bimbly trails off, "No..."
Edison trails off, "Can't be..."
Viper states to Edison, "Don't be a conspiracy theorist."
Mikhail states, "I play Bimbly."
Padrika claims, "I also play Bimbly. On Tuesdays."
RamblingSeert says, "I can't believe Edison was Tamira the whole time."
Titania says, "I play Bimbly."
Nameless claims, "Oh my god"
Viper states, "I am bimbly"
Dragor states, "I play with Bimbly."
Deedee questions, "Speaking of look direction, if anyone wants to look at and add to some helpful
alias, there's a recent topic on the forums (viewtopic.php?f=3&p=17255)"
Viper says, "I am Bimbly too"
Diana is idle.
Viper claims, "Here"
Viper states, "In this one"
Anonymous claims, "Besides this one"
Dragor states, "She's not on."
Motherof says, "Y'all are silly."
Titania trails off, "She's not here..."
Titania trails off, "OooooOOOOooooOOOOoooo..."
Erasmus states, "I think you're all chatGPT, to be honest."
Motherof says, "Just the rumor-monger."
Padrika wonders, "Why do you say I'm a bot? Hahaha! Would a bot say THIS?"
RamblingSeert gains stress +25
Bimbly says, "Rumor AI is real."
Ghed claims, "Alright"
Ghed queries to Leta, "Did you wish to share something with us?"
Motherof claims, "I'll try'n write more rumors Tomato. Maybe some not about me."
Temi states, "Looks like our disable commands are having some issues. So, here's a heads-up to folks: Do not use the Deal command for cards until we inform otherwise"
Deedee states, "Rumor AI is programmed to always say the worst thing at the worst time"
Leta claims, "Ah! Yeah! One thing to bring up: we've had a few people poke us for a reminder about themeliness. Remember that at its base, this game's theme is based around the late Middle Ages in Europe. It's theocratic and feudal! This means that modern issues of class warfare, political
representation, freedom of speech/worship, sexual liberation, etc. would be considered alien and dangerous ideas that should not expect wider support."
Leta claims, "These sorts of things probably shouldn't be chatted about at taverns unless your char is blatantly TRYING to start a ruckus and get arrested. It's considered a bit smallworldy to protest the status-quo in public spaces just because the only people present are your PC pals. There should be themely NPCs present that would express concern, though no one on staff wants to go around whining about you as Bob the Farmer."
Arne nods.
Titania says, "I, for one, would absolutely love if an NPC named Bob the Farmer followed me around insulting me every time I did something wrong"
Titania muses, "What's your hourly rate, Leta?"
Leta grins at Titania.
Leta states, "I'll keep that in mind"
Mikhail trails off, "There goes my plot to start the communist revolution..."
Leta states, "Luckily for you, we work for free"
Nameless trails off, "I would think george the gentryman would be more appropriate, or norris the nobleman..."
Tomato claims, "It is OK to RP these things of course, but just don't expect public agreement"
Nameless states, "Why would a dirt poor farmer who probably hates the status quo too care about griping about it"
Bimbly claims, "I, for one, complain about the status quo with full intention of it starting a fight."
RamblingSeert states, "Norris is currently six feet under."
Bimbly claims, "But nobody fights."
Motherof claims, "I did use the word threesome in a tavern recently, but only because my character's INT isn't very high and she didn't know what it meant."
Bimbly claims, "So I get away with it sometimes."
Bimbly trails off, "Or I get scolded..."
Leta exclaims, "Some other issues that have arose recently (most have come up repeatedly, so this is not intended to call anyone out!)"
Leta says, "1. Using modern language like 'boyfriend' 'blow a fuse' 'YOLO'"
Leta states, "2. Calling people (particularly GLs and nobles, as this stuff tends to fly more southside) by their first name."
Temi aborts writing her note.
Erasmus states, "Lol yolo"
Leta says, "3. Quoting Karl Marx or any current pop song (even as a joke) in a scene is probably also not ideal."
Mikhail claims, "You Only Live Once (unless a mage raises your corpse)"
Sue claims, "What"
Titania claims, "That's An Extremely Specific Point, leta"
Leta says, "I get that it's funny, but unless you know your audience, let's keep things themely"
Leta grins.
Nameless claims, "I will happily grant extra lives to anyone who asks"
Tomato states, "Oh yes, I have seen the first names a LOT. It's OK for freemen and not too questionable, but in general first name = intimacy"
Dragor states, "Karl marx is based btw, but I understand."
eta states, "Look ma'am, you should HEAR what gets sent to me in tells."
Titania states, "One Would Think That, Perhaps, That Is Directed Against Something"
Erasmus states, "Ye olde lingo, obvs"
Bimbly states, "What a strangely specific concern, but, okay."
Ghed claims, "I was once told 'throw under the bus'"
Dragor says, "Ye only liveth once."
Sue states, "What is a bus"
Tomato states, "If you are a gentryperson/noble and calling me Tommaso, that is like shouting 'we fucked'"
Titania says, "I've used 'thrown undercarriage' before."
Anonymous states, "I used throw under the carriage once"
Edison draws his sword and nods to his fellow Knights, "Time to floss our way to a victory royale."
Anonymous glances at Tomato and coughs.
Titania says, "Tomasso. Tomasso. Tomasso. Tomasso."
Leta says, "Thrown undercarriage is snazzy"
Edison claims, "He's not Beetle Juice"
Dragor wonders, "I mean, have you SEEN the amounts of noble people dying in carriage crashes? "
Temi states, "We understand that our modern language is all we have to work with, and we may not know what phrases would have been used, but if you think about it, do try to correct to a reasonable approximatoin"
Anonymous states, "Come on tom we all know"
Temi grins.
Roselle says, "Truly we have found the Legacy of the Inquisition"
Motherof asks, "A higher-class can first-name a lower class member though, right?"
Anonymous claims, "Speaking of which"
Anonymous states, "Im gonna call you tom from now on"
Deedee nods at Temi.
RamblingSeert states, "SENT TO AHALIN."
Sue says, "I will revise my discourse "
Tomato says, "And I will blush like a little virgin and then eventually take that as a DTF and try to seduce you, of course"
Mikhail questions, "So what do we call people who are dating if not boyfriend/girlfriend?"
Ghed states, "I remember that the writers for the show Deadwood had to use modern profanity bc Reconstruction-Era profanity was too silly for modern ears"
Anonymous states, "Good, do it. i love being naive"
Viper claims, "Courting."
Titania says, "I've also said, quote, 'Vavardi nobility is truly unique in that it has more deaths by carriage per capita then there are carriages in Vavard at all'."
Bimbly claims, "How do you refer to the person you are courting, or who someone else is courting."
Tomato states, "DAting doesn't exist. Courting is specifically 'we are going to get married but banns arent out yet'"
Sparkles says, "Time to post the link to the Shakespeare insult generator again."
Leta states, "Courting, betrothal, banns, marriage"
Erasmus says, "Note to self, only think of Tomasso as Tomasso in my maidenly daydreams"
Mkhail claims, "Yeah, what Bimbly said."
Erasmus muses, "Do we have a list of thematic terms like courting?"
Bimbly questions, "How do you replace 'boyfriend' in the phrase: "I went to the Golden Coin with my boyfriend the other day." ?"
Tomato states, "Betrothed is usually alright"
Padrika says, "Intended"
Anonymous says, "You can say man or woman. i went to the golden coin with my man the other day"
Deedee claims, "Courting comes before betrothal"
Motherof asks, "Beau? Female beau?"
Anonymous claims, "That seems kind of"
Tomato states, "I went to the Coin with Mister ab lastname, who is courting me"
Roselle says, "Husband to Be"
Titania states to Erasmus, "If you're having maidenly daydreams as a man I think you've already got problems"
Erasmus claims, "For folks who need it, a whole list could be handy."
Anonymous states, "Better"
Viper states, "My wench."
Temi says, "Intended, betrothed, sweetheart."
Sparkles says, "I mean if you want to be scandalous you can say paramour or lover.
Nameless states, "My WENCH"
Mikhail says, "Intended sounds nice and snappy."
Bimbly says, "MY WENCH"
Edison claims, "Voila, my ladyfriend :O"
Titania says, "MY WENCH"
Diana queries, "A suitor?"
RamblingSeert says, "M'wench"
Tomato claims, "Intended is good, yes"
Mikhail states, "ME AND MY WENCH"
Leta says, "'Escorted me to the ball'"
Nameless claims, "MIKHAIL NO"
Sue says, "Pray, elucidate unto me thine belligerency once more, youth. Erstwhile, whilst thou has frittered thine days away in indolence, mine own excellence hath soared higher than the peaks of the Tarn, nay, to the very vaults of the heavens themselves! From the collegiate of Lithmore to the deepest reaches of Daravi, fifteen score men have I lain low, with the grace and skill of the chirurgeons of legend, and all the rancor of the demons and their mages subjugate."
Nameless says, "THATS NOT PROPER"
Nameless says, "ITS MY WENCH AND I"
Bimbly questions, "Suitor works, though I think that's traditionally referring to men?"
Padrika claims, "You can always just call them by their name, to."
Motherof claims, "WITH my chaperone, is a good addition"
Leta nods at Motherof.
Bimbly queries, "Sure, but what if you're purposely trying to be vague?"
Nameless asks, "Excuse me what subjugating mages? hold up now"
Mikhail claims, "The Chaperone sits in the middle"
Leta claims, "Don't forget the chaperone, you fancy folks"
Leta says, "Leave room for Dav."
Edison states, "Hiiiiiighway to the chaperone"
Deedee nods in agreement.
Tomato says, "My Lord or My Lady can be used even if they are not noble, as well, as a super obvious nod of favor"
Mikhail states, "If you're dancing together, you need to leave a space big enough to hold the Erra Pater between you "
Bimbly claims, "I kind of like that."
Tomato claims, "If you calling a girl my lady and pullin out her chair and shit that's prime romance"
Bimbly states, "Yeah, okay."
Titania wonders to Leta, "Did Dav leave room for me?"
Mikhail wonders, "What if I pull out a chair for Tommasso and calling him 'my lady'?"
Leta states, "Well. This has gotten out of hand quickly. But the TL;DR is to just remember to keep themely and minimize references to pop culture, however fun and silly they can be"
Motherof says, "Keep your hands visible at the table"
Padrika states, "One Erra Pater seems a little close. Maybe ten of them."
Leta grins.
Titania says to Mikhail, "Oh."
Temi claims to Mikhail, "Might be taken differently."
Tomato trails off, "He'll blush like a virgin and try to seduce you..."
Viper finishes abruptly, "I once let my wife ride me like I was a bear - "
Tomato claims, "We went over this"
Viper claims, "That's true love"
Mikhail claims, "I wish we had more ingame pop culture, like novels and such. That would be cool to make references too."
Mikhail trails off, "Maybe I should become a novelist..."
Sue states, "Thou art yet but one more fetid soul to rend unto the Lord of Springs."
Tomato trails off, "From experience, writing Ic books hard..."
Leta pontificates to Mikhail, "Please do!"
Temi claims, "And if anyone were interested in writing a post with themely filled terminology, that could be fun"
Deedee says, "TI has a lot"
Temi grins.
Sparkles ponders.
Titania pontificates, "Thine presence is tedious, and lacking gallantry. Begone, despoiler!"
Erasmus says, "Could write a book that's a book of book 'reviews', so to speak."
Mikhail asks, "Sue, are you going to Gaius speech a greycloak?"
Leta states, "We provide QP for books, and we also pay out silver if it's a book your character would be publicly associated with. The goal being we want to make an author/scholar career profitable and fill our shelves with fun books =)"
Erasmus claims, "One page to summarize some other book that doesn't actually exist, in order to introduce a ton of IC pop culture quickly and easily."
Nameless claims, "I have a question about that actually leta"
Sue says, "Verily, the wrath I have yet to bear upon thine soul will be found even in the ancient records of the Consolidation; so great will thine suffrance be of mine ire that even time itself will disobey its casual flow and rescribe history forthwith."
Mikhail claims, "It's time to become a bodice ripper novelist."
Leta wonders to Nameless, "Yep?"
Bimbly says, "I am working on two books. "
Nameless questions, "If i right a book of... shall we say... dubious contents, and make no secret of the fact that iv edone so, do i still get silver royalties, even if its probably something the order wouldnt like being on shelves?"
RamblingSeert queries, "Bimbly can read?"
Motherof claims, "Yes. Proconsul needs more to do, and confiscating smut sounds right up her alley."
Nameless states, "Or is this more of a 'we cant stock this so you get nothing' situation"
Nameless says, "Write*"
Bimbly says, "Who says it's Bimbly. "
Sue states, "Wait what"
Tomato says, "I don't think you can write sexually explicit things, per the consent policy"
Edison states, "Blackmarket book store sounds fucking hilarious and now I want one"
Nameless trails off, "I wasnt refering to sexual things..."
Leta claims, "I don't think so, no. If it's content that's mage-y or heretical-y, it's probably not getting sold at corner shops, so royalties aren't working out"
Erasmus claims, "You get -silver- from books? Hot dog."
Leta nods at Erasmus.
Nameless says, "Can i get a DUBIOUS BOOKSTORE in southside somewhere"
Tomato states, "Oh lol sorry my brain still in the gutter"
Titania claims, "Tell me. For whom do you fight? Hmph! How very glib. And do you believe in Lithmore? Lithmore's unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception."
Titania states, "Man."
Padrika wants to read a book about a lady racily revealing her ankle.
Leta claims, "If someone wants to open a dubious bookstore, however"
Leta states, "I support."
Titania states, "Gaius's speech actually works."
Titania says to Leta, "I don't support."
Tomato states, "The dubious bookstore is the QP bookshop >_>"
Deedee nods.
Nameless states, "Excuse me while i make some 'donations' to the osuthside book depository"
Sue states, "A bookstore with a secret passage"
Sue states, "To the"
Bimbly states, "I want. The dubious bookstore."
Sue trails off, "Restricted section..."
Nameless says, "These donations will also be chained to the floor."
Nameless claims, "They may also be glowing"
Deedee claims, "I don't think southside would allow a heretical bookshop either"
Nameless says, "This is normal"
Motherof states, "Nothing ever has to be overtly sexual to be scandalous. For reals."
Nameless says, "Do not panic"
Leta states, "I think we had a player a couple years ago who made a northside bookstore. He scribed copies of library books with his high artwork and sold them for a profit"
Bimbly claims, "Oh that's neat."
Titania states to Tomato, "I walked into the QP bookshop, saw some EXTREMELY sus stuff, and went 'wow, that's a lot', and then left."
Edison says, "I want, like, someone to write a political treaties"
Tomato claims, "There's so many more books than are in the library tho, lowkey wish they were not so expensive to get copies of"
Leta claims, "I don't see why the seedy underbelly can't create a shady one."
Edison states, "Someone write a heretical gospel"
Temi says, "The QP bookstore just gets stuff in. They don't read it or keep track of things."
Leta states, "Just don't let the Reeves or Order find it"
Temi grins.
Tomato claims, "I spent 25 QP on a book that was essentially blank"
Titania says to Leta, "Because I'd raid it, obviously "
Nameless says, "Theres actually a few of those floating around"
Bimbly asks of Leta, "How frivolous of books can we write? Can we write cookbooks, or naturalist journals, and other things that are fluffy but extremely mundane?"
Padrika expects to see the new Marquis de Sade soon.
Nameless states, "Contact your local wizard"
Tomato says, "Haven't tried the qp bookshop since"
Leta says to Bimbly, "We have cookbooks, naturalist journals, fantasy nobles"
Leta says, "Kid's books"
Anonymous claims, "Hey i have kids books"
Anonymous pontificates, "Zebulon!"
Edison states, "I want to write a book on Rawlsian justice and get excommunicated "
Anonymous claims, "My characters ic children love it"
Leta grins at Anonymous.
Bimbly says, "I was thinking of writing a Hillish Cookbook and it's just full of strings people can freely copy with a recommendation of which coded recipe to use in the top-right corner in cyan text."
Dragor claims, "I wrote a book and nobody will ever see it."
RamblingSeert scribbles in his journal. "And so he doth declared 'the consolidation was all because we had eaten a bad sandwich..."
Temi says to Tomato, "Let us know about things like that if it seems unintended"
Dragor states, "Sob."
Leta questions, "Check out the Grand Library! There's a... Vandagan cookbook? And Tubori food"
Mikhail asks, "Actually I have a question, are books like Pride and Prejudice/Jane Eyre too modern of a stype to copy?"
Leta states, "PRoviding recipes alongside the strings to make them sounds lovely and very useful."
Titania questions, "Is this even on topic anymore or are we just having a chat?"
Motherof states, "The library is, admittedly, amazing."
Edison says, "Wow, so many cool things in my local library *turns to the camera holding a book*"
Mikhail says, "Style and type got fused into one word."
Ghed claims, "We have a musical theory book"
Temi claims to Titania, "I think we're mostly chatting."
Deedee states, "An old idea, but I suggested at one time having recipe books where you could use something like the tool clone command with"
Titania pontificates to Temi, "Valid and acceptable!"
Leta claims to Mikhail, "I think so long as you adjust the content from regency to medieval in setting, books with similar plots would be lovely."
Tomato says, "I think writing style is OK, RE: p&P but you need to adjust to medieval"
Leta nods at Tomato.
Mikhail claims, "I remember in Jane Eyre (spoilers) the main love interest dresses up in drag to read a fortune for Jane."
Tomato trails off, "One of my alts had a very P&P romance before dying horribly... big sigh"
Mikhail says, "Very........... interesting."
Leta says, "Oh dear"
Tomato claims, "We have drag here, but fortune telling is a bit... magey -squonts-"
Leta states, "Can't promise the Inquisitors won't grumble, but we as staff support you writing whatever book you want =)"
Nameless says, "Pfft"
Temi nods in agreement with Leta.
Erasmus asks, "Is there a way to see a list of books that exist? Are they all (minus the heretical etc. stuff) in the library?"
Tomato states, "Sadly no but I would love to see a full list of what we have"
Nameless states, "You realize that the poor stage magicians have basically been murdered as an entertainment career"
Leta claims to Erasmus, "We've stocked the library a lot more recently"
Nameless claims, "Because people are screaming magic every time you separate your thumb"
Deedee claims, "Staff have a list, no not all are in the library or commonly available on grid"
Leta claims, "Unfortunately our archives have a lot of personal ledgers, half-finished books, etc."
Deedee nods.
Erasmus says, "I remember thinking I looked at some list of books and saw some I had written that were missing, but now I can't even remember where that list was."
Jackassaurus is idle.
Jackassaurus is no longer idle.
Leta states, "But if you're curious about something in particular, just poke me, I'd be happy to rummage around."
Jackassaurus has returned from AFK.
Leta trails off, "I keep the historical archive too, so I have a lot of old stuff lying around..."
Dragor states, "Book writing is cool btw. I got 35 QP for it."
Deedee states, "I've had some interesting stuff dredged up via plot"
Motherof claims to Leta, "I'm gonna poke you about a historical artifact."
Temi states, "QP shop will also have a pretty random assortment, not guaranteed to be well behaved"
Leta nods at Temi.
Temi states, "Did we add a randomizer there yet? I was going to randomize it."
Deedee wonders, "I think the bookstore on willow lane's inventory is randomized some too?"
Leta claims, "We tried to throw a lot more quirky things into the mix in the QP shop. It might mean they're less polished than other books"
Titania states, "IT'S GOT SOME CRAZY STUFF"
Leta states, "You can always reach out if you're having issues with something"
Leta claims to Temi, "We did"
Erasmus queries, "So, uh... QP shop?"
Bimbly states to Leta, "Speaking of historicals: History books! If I want to make up and flesh out some of the empty parts of the lore provided in helpfiles and other content - say, some of the organization of Hillish clans - and publish it, can I ask staff to vet the content for accuracy before I do so? I might publish it wrong on purpose because it's funny to be wrong about stuff, but knowing what is or isn't accurate would be good."
Leta claims to Erasmus, "There's several on-grid shops in the auction house that allow you to buy some rare items and books with QP, rather than silver"
Erasmus declaims, "Aha. Thanks!"
Leta states, "Things like potted plants, magical/heretical/rare books, special gemstones"
Erasmus says to Bimbly, "I like you."
Bimbly declares, "Thanks buddy, I like me too!"
Temi says to Deedee, "They get restocks from a random room when the metrics are suited to such"
Leta claims to Motherof, "Please do =)"
Nameless claims, "The QP shop has some of the most interesting books"
Serket is idle.
Serket is no longer idle.
Leta states, "We love new history and books that expand lore."
Leta says, "We might not have all the answers"
Leta states, "But we'd happily read a draft and tell you what we know or think."
Dragor states, "Sorry, I only write bad poetry."
Tomato states, "Same"
Temi nods.
Leta says to Dragor, "Lovely poetry, lies."
Dragor claims, "You never seen it."
Dragor says, "- Wait you did nvm"
Leta grins.
Leta claims, "Ma'am."
Temi says, "We'll ensure that books or lore submitted to us isn't contradictory or provides theright sort of hedges to ensure it's the author's opinions or ideas"
Motherof claims, "I wrote half of a sappy novel once before the author poofed. I wonder if it's in there."
Bimbly claims, "Okay, great! That tells me what I need to know."
Leta nods.
Leta wonders, "Does this mean everyone's gonna be submitting books soon!?"
Leta claims, "I want more books."
Jackassaurus claims, "I have started one"
Jackassaurus finishes abruptly, "Just - writing it slowly"
Deedee claims, "Lots of contradictions in the medical books, but that makes things fun. I don't think you need to worry about inaccuracies in a made up game"
Temi exclaims, "Goodie! I need to be better about finding time to review the ones we get, but I do love seeing that we get them"
Erasmus muses, "What sort of books do we need the most?"
Motherof states, "Right? Gives everyone things to argue about."
Deedee nods in agreement.
Motherof claims, "No, I'm right."
Leta claims to Erasmus, "Less-recent history is always helpful, as the number of people who can write it are limited. Cookbooks and books with strings would also be super useful, as stringing can be overwhelming for some folks. Having recipes they can copy-paste to create an item would be awesome."
Nameless exclaims, "I don't care what agatha said, I want FROG eyes not TOAD eyes for the potion!"
Temi states, "Very nice having stuff that documents on grid happenings, I think. Those are the most valued later on once people have changed. But just fun assortments is always good"
Erasmus nods at Temi.
Motherof claims, "Letter collections, etc."
Leta says, "I also think that we're a bit lacking in fiction. We have children's fiction, but it might be nice to have some 'fun' books for characters to read and enjoy"
Erasmus muses, "Is there any specific historical event people wish we knew more about?"
Mikhail says, "Bodice ripper time."
Nameless says, "I have been wanting some more specific detailings of the great flood"
Nameless claims, "And the uhh"
Temi says, "Az used to write bodice rippers for us "
Nameless claims, "How do I put it"
Padrika would like to know more about holidays.
Leta claims to Mikhail, "I have a couple half-written Penny Dreadful-esque things somewhere"
Deedee states, "It's funny reading old books from before code changes and it's things like people throwing temijul at each other all the time"
Sue states, "I will kill anyone who writes them"
Nameless says, "The big demon who made a mess of things"
Nameless says, "Yeah thats vague enough"
Motherof writes one about.... SUE
Erasmus wonders, "Is there not a Great Flood history already?"
Titania claims to Leta, "I can't believe you're telling me to write an actual, legitimate fiction
book entirely contained in this fictional world and I can't believe I'm actually kind of considering doing it"
Sue says, "I rip all your fingernails off"
Dreams asks, "My apologies, but I need to poof. May I be trans'd back to where I was?"
Dreams has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]
Leta grins at Titania.
Ghed claims, "I considered writing an in-game novel years ago"
Ghed states, "Anyways we need to close this down"
Leta states, "I mean come on, wouldn't that be FUN"
Sue says, "50 Shades of Cardinal Red"
Leta exclaims to Erasmus, "There is, I think!"
Ghed grins at Sue.
Ghed claims, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for meaningful RP =)"
Motherof giggles.
Motherof waves.
Leta waves.
Pookstall waves.
Tomato states, "Come get drunk with us IC"
Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."
Leta declares, "Goodbye, friends!"
Deedee waves.
Leta queries, "Event soon?"
Tomato claims, "Yes literally now"
Arne waves.
Leta declares, "Wine Festival, Chalice Rising!"
Ghed claims, "EVENT SOON"
Ghed trails off, "2..."
Bimbly claims, "WhERE"
Leta claims, "Have fun, drink wine"
Leta says, "(unless Farin)"
Bimbly says, "ACK"
Dragor claims, "Byeee."
Nameless states, "Drink wine even if farin"
Ghed trails off, "1..."
Tomato states, "Messengers will be incoming"
Jackassaurus frowns.