OOC Meeting 10-12-2024

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Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Oct 12, 2024 3:32 pm

Karrin has transferred Ikeala. [OOC]

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Renata.

The following information is recorded about it:
Long and narrow, the decorative scarf is fashioned out of a thin, lightweight
cloth with fine tassels spaced evenly along the shorter ends. The entire
thing is covered with an intertwining pattern of embroidery: sleek, graceful
tigers and proud, noble elephants feature prominently amongst the others,
twining desert foliage and geometric patterns pulling them together from the
background. Smooth little chips of polished jasper have been incorporated
into the design, evenly spaced and adding a small amount of variation in the

It is priced at approximately 14 silver.
This 'a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts' is a kind of clothing.
It appears to be made of linen.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs around 0 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take neck head arms hold
It could be easily held in one hand. (Actual size: 7)
Its value should be approximately 14 silver.
This can be embellished.

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Ikeala.

Karrin has transferred Valora. [OOC]

InvestSouthside wears a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts around his neck.

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Valora.

Valora wakes up and starts resting.

Kalana lifts a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to her nose and sniffs at

(visnet) Staff Karrin: Did I miss anyone?

Meiari says, "Makes me excited for later on today :3"

Karrin says, "We'll get going in just a sec, just making sure I didn't miss anyone."

InvestSouthside looks around for puppy

Temi has transferred a roly-poly white-bellied puppy. [OOC]

Meiari says, "Roll over"

A roly-poly white-bellied puppy flops over onto its back and promptly rolls over half way before it
stops, feet wiggling in the air before it falls back over.

Rambling claims, "Beats all over the shop"

Dreams chuckles.

Karrin has transferred Eeel. [OOC]

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Eeel.

Karrin claims, "Ok! Let's go ahead and get going."

Karrin wonders, "Do we have a scribe?"

Karrin questions, "Or, I suppose, a volunteer for one?"

InvestSouthside says, "I can if no one else"

Temi grins.

Karrin has awarded you 3 QPs: Scribe.

Karrin says to InvestSouthside, "You did give them a chance. Your job."

Temi claims, "So reliable"

Karrin states, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, or specific policy violations, please address
that with staff privately."

Karrin queries, "How was RP this week, everyone?"

Eeel declaims, "Lots of interpersonal drama on my end. Fun!"

Karrin puts a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts in a colorful Nevernever
Wyldfae faerie with a BigBox of pizza.

Karrin has transferred Capitalism. [OOC]

ThatBard states, "I made nice art, when I had time to play."

Kalana states, "Oh, about as crazy as you might expect"

Karrin claims to Capitalism, "Just asked how RP was this week."

InvestSouthside claims, "Been irl sick so much slower smaller scene vibes then usual."

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Capitalism.

Valora exclaims, "Was very busy busy busy. I didn't have to wait long for someone to grab me and
it's nice to be wanted! lol"

Karrin says to Kalana, "I imagine your week has been topsy-turvy."

Temi comforts InvestSouthside.

Kalana declares, "Good sorts of it, though, at least!"

Karrin smiles at Valora.

Ikeala states, "It was uh, it was a week."

Karrin says to InvestSouthside, "Hope you're felling better soon."

Karrin queries, "Ok, before we get into staff updates, any topics for me?"

Renata states, "Was a bit less active than I wanted but had some very nice scenes when I was on."

Rambling says, "Been kind of all over the place so I haven't been the most attentive, though I've
had my input here and there."

InvestSouthside states, "On the more upside of things today but not feeling 100 yet still gonna get
this shindig going today though"

Karrin nods at Renata.

Karrin nods at Rambling.

Karrin has transferred Joel. [OOC]

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Rambling.

Karrin states, "Alright, if anyone thinks of any topics, let me know! We'll get started. I'll defer
to Temi first for her update."

Temi gives a light scarf embroidered with a pattern of southern beasts to Joel.

Scarry declaims, "My week was nuts, to be honest!"

Scarry says, "A good kind of it."

Temi claims, "The usual sorts of things for the most part. A little bit of plots, some of the
recommends (still more for us to get through, I think), some requests on things. No big projects
right at the moment"

Karrin declaims to Scarry, "Good nuts is good!"

Karrin claims to Temi, "Yeah, I intend to tackle recommends after the meeting today. We've got quite
a few sitting there from this week."

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "I can help with some more too"

Karrin says, "Which is a credit to all of YOU guys. Thank you for recommending people. For the
longest time, seems we weren't getting any, and they really do encourage people to know others are
enjoying the interactions with them."

Karrin says, "Plus, you know. Yummy QP for both people involved."

Temi nods in agreement.

Karrin states, "My plot got slowed down a bit because I needed to focus in other places - I'm sure
you saw the board notes. But, I've already got some fun planned for this week and next week, so
we'll be BACK ON."

Meiari muses, "Why am I concerned?"

Temi grins.

Karrin states to Meiari, "Probably should be."

Karrin laughs maniacally.

Temi claims, "Because crazy is awfully fun"

Meiari trails off, "The urge to hit the chalice pray string increases dramatically..."

Temi grins at Meiari.

Karrin claims, "Anyway. You also saw that I pulled in two new staffers. They'll be trickling in off
and on, getting to know things as they go. Both have some RL stuff going on now, slowing down their
onboarding and learning, but you'll get a chance to meet them better soon."

HIEROPHANT pontificates, "More labor for the typoboard mines!"


Trogdor states, "I mean... welcome."

Temi grins.

Temi states, "They are particularly skilled in build and coding stuff specifically"

Karrin says, "Yes, actually. One of them is build-staff. So things like typos, build requests, that
sort of thing will be her area of expertise, once she gets to play with those more."

Karrin nods.

HIEROPHANT says, "I can't wait to ask them both questions they have no way to answer."

Trogdor queries, "Hmmm... can we move to the british way of spelling? eg: color becomes colour "

Temi claims, "We'll warn them about you."

Temi grins at HIEROPHANT.

Rambling claims, "What horrors must the master document have. Sorry, random comment."
Karrin claims to trogdor, "Amusingly, the new coder IS British. But, uh. No."

Trogdor muses, "Then there will be a lot of typo work, and, dare i say, a sense of accomplishment?"

Temi claims, "But, you're welcome to use colour, etc, in your own strings"

Karrin pats trogdor's head. "Too cute. Trying to keep us busy and feeling valuable."

Trogdor states, "I are team player"

Karrin claims to HIEROPHANT, "And I second Temi about warning them about you. Hahah."

Temi claims, "In a friendly way, of course."

Karrin says, "If we have no other topics, I can send you all back to grid to plan for the lovely

Karrin claims to Temi, "I'd never do it in any other way."

Karrin gives an example, "See ALL OF THOSE BUG BOARD NOTES. Yeah, that's him. We love him anyway."

ThatBard claims, "I might post a bug later. XD"

Temi grins.

Karrin muses, "Awh, you want to be loved, too, huh?"

Temi states, "Being aware of problems is always better than not"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

ThatBard says, "I'm using the stationary items for the first time. I'm hoping they work, but who

Karrin claims, "Oh, fun. I've never dabbled in that."

Trogdor states, "I think ignorance is bliss, Temi"

Capitalism states, "Bug boards are fun to play in."

Trogdor asks, "If you are never aware of problems, are they really problems?"

Capitalism says, "It just means you found new and interesting ways to break things."

Kalana says, "I've definitely seen seals work, though haven't tried the stationary ones"

Temi says to trogdor, "Surace level bliss, perhaps. Waiting for a cave-in"

Karrin claims, "We will be going forward with the banning of grapevine.haus in the next few days.
If, for some reason, you think you should have an exception to it, AND you have a normal IP that we
can also see on your account, we'll consider an exception. (i.e. You occasioanlly log in from work,
and we can see BOTH grapevine AND your normal IP in your IP history.)"

Rambling claims, "Imagine having alts"

Temi grins.

Eeel says, "I don't really get why people would use something to have alt accounts when you're
permitted multiple characters anyway"

Karrin claims, "Oh, alts are perfectly acceptable. But we shouldn't be having two different accounts
so our alts can play together without sending up alarm bells."

Trogdor says, "I can't, its hard enough for me to keep up on my main"

Meiari nods in agreement with Trogdor.

Joel says, "People do what they can to cheat as much as they can, when they think they can get away
with it."

Temi says, "Alts are definitely a personal preference or not. You should do things the way you
enjoy more"

Faith states, "Shame it had to end like that in particular."

Karrin queries, "It was frustrating to both discover, and find the evidence for. But, it's been
handled, will be further handled in the future, and we can move forward. Anything else before I send
you all back to grid?"

Temi claims, "Yeah, we'd rather it not have been a thing, but better to ensure everyone's got a fair
playing field"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Rambling states, "I have ideas for characters but I keep them in a little box for "maybe later"."

Dreams says, "I have a really hard time with character names. So if I think of a good one, I tend to
grab it, and then just log off so I can keep it for when I want a new character."

Temi states, "One at a time is perfectly reasonable approach"

Karrin nods.

Karrin states, "It really is."

HIEROPHANT claims, "I've tried to run alts before but I end up with barely enough time for one
character as it is"

Rambling says, "Last time I did more than one I exploded (not exaggerating)"

Karrin states, "Ok. You guys are great, thanks for being here. LOOK AT THAT WHO LIST. Going to give
two minutes for last minute snide remarks and silly comments (type fast), then I'm sending you all
back to grid."

Eloxotzi did not complete the match with Tamira for a quest point.

Meiari dances dramatically.

ThatBard shows Temi a hard-bound journal stamped with cherries.

Rambling says, "GO MY SCARABS"

Dreams are a wish your heart maaaaaaakes....

Karrin states, "I want scarabs."

Temi states to ThatBard, "Ooh, very nice"

Karrin says to Temi, "Mark that down as a plot idea."

Meiari says, "Thanks now I gotta listen to wishes"

Ikeala is idle.

Karrin waves.

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