1) MAIL POLCA & Forgery - spec
2) Places Code
3) Sneak & Hide Replaced by Stealth
4) Ranged Combat (Bows, Throwing, etc)
5) Bury Revision
- Domain Games and IP system revision
- Skill vs skill contesting
- Flexible mail delay to allow players to specify how long it takes for a mail to be received.
- Mooks.
- Sheathes & Hidden Draw
- Secret List code
- Tracking spec
- Chasing spec
- Magic stuff, including: sacrifice, research redo, and two-to-three new spells per element, removal of combat oriented spells
- Poisons.
- Makeup
- Bounty System Upgrade to Expand Use
- Guildnotes
- Storyteller Code
- Recommend Code
- Magic stuff, including: demons, two-to-three new spells per element, and mattack magic attack for combat.
- Critical Wounds & Treat
- Tattoos
- Look <victim> <item>