[Poll] Trial Removal of OOC Channels - One Week Countdown

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On the whole, the removal of some of TI's OOC Channels has been...

Poll ended at Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:16 pm

A net positive - I prefer the new communication systems
A net negative - I prefer the old communication systems
Neutral - I have no strong preference
Total votes: 33
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Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:16 pm


I cannot find the original post where we announced the trial removal of tells and guild channels, but I believe the trial was scheduled to end September 16th (apologies if I've gotten that date incorrect).

At this stage, we're well into seeing what the game would be like without these channels, so please answer our poll about how the pbase feels about the game once they got settled in.

All opinions are welcome, and please be respectful of those opinions that do not agree with your own.

Warm regards,

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Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:22 pm

Leaning towards wanting tells back, but not strongly.

There's been times when I really needed them, and the OOC board system is rather clunky in comparison.

Though overall, I think the removal has been good for immersion. Just sort of a baby with the bathwater thing.

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Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:09 pm

I have a mixed reaction to this. While I have found the removal of tells awkward at times, it's overall been a positive for me.

However, I cannot say I've enjoyed the removal of guild channels at all. Infact I'd say with the lack of guild channels, guilds are missing something important. The feeling of community. Sure that community may be built around ooc conversations, but for me it's an important part of being in a guild, somewhat more important than access to guild skills and the like.

Given this, my vote falls under a net negative.
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Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:18 pm

I wouldn't consider myself a core player at the moment, so take this with a considerable grain of salt.

For me, the main reason that I would want to log on is to socialise with friends; I've been around TI for nigh on 20 years now, and it has thus been a considerable part of my life. As it is, without tells, I simply don't log on. For myself, and potentially others in a similar situation, I expect that this limits the ability to be drawn back to TI again through that social engagement.

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:49 am

There's been Pros and Cons.


- I agree with others that it makes things more immersive with less expectation to provide (or receive) explanations/questions/justifications about IC choices.
- The new notify system and quicker messengers are a huge boost to keeping meet ups IC and more timely so there's less OOC wait time.


- People using pboards instead of tells back and forth during scenes as a tells alternative can get spammy. (As everyone sees those, versus tells.)
- The lack of Guild channels creates as someone else said a different atmosphere to things. More immersive, but also a bit more ... removed or lonely.
- Coordinating Guild-only things can be a bit more challenging during more complicated scenes. (For Bards that's bigger performances.)

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:32 am

The immersion of not having to coordinate with tells to make scenes happen, especially when it comes to things like guild seeking, has absolutely felt like a boon to me.

The update for notify also made meeting up with guildmembers to join so much better than it used to be.

I've noticed a few folks complaints about not having guild channels making it more difficult to organize things or take away from the bonding between guild members and I have an idea for that. What about an 'events' channel? Used only for coordinating larger events. And adding notify to guild communal rooms(if this hasn't happened already) so members of the guild can notify the rest of their guild that they're looking for RP.

I don't really agree with the idea of bringing guild channels back purely so players can chat with one another and form stronger bonds. I feel like this should be done as part of their characters in the ingame world.

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:29 pm

I'd like guildchannels back but not tells personally. Marking myself as neutral.

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:13 pm

While I am definitely used to the way things are now, I genuinely do miss tells and guild channels for the same reasons that some people have mentioned above.
Namely Taunia and Zita. I too, like to come on TI from time to time to socialize with my friends.
It's how bonds are made, and how I personally feel players can connect with one another. I have friends in real life now, that I've made via TI, that I would never have made without the use of tells and getting to know one another.
I get the want to make connections in game, and icly. I understand and agree with that, but I feel a game should have two layers, not just the one.
Also, I absolutely agree, that pboarding people can get a bit clunky. You never know if they read it and forgot to reply to it, or if it never reached them because you made a typo by accident, you just don't know.
so anyways, I've said my piece.
I'm used to how things are, but over all it's been a net negative.

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:54 pm

What about an 'events' channel? Used only for coordinating larger events.
This would be super helpful. I had thought to use the ST system for this, but unfortunately all folks need to join an ST to see ST only echoes. And thus chatter goes to all participants. But yes a temporary events channel could be super helpful!

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:21 pm

Sparkles wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:54 pm
What about an 'events' channel? Used only for coordinating larger events.
This would be super helpful. I had thought to use the ST system for this, but unfortunately all folks need to join an ST to see ST only echoes. And thus chatter goes to all participants. But yes a temporary events channel could be super helpful!
You could, however, create rpechos for everyone, and only have the event people in the ST to see the channel, and this would solve the problem? Just set the rpechos as either aliases or just set them up ahead of time and have them ready to copy and paste with color coding.
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