Puciek wrote:But this, of course, will require for merchants to go out and seek the trades, not just post an announcement and wait for the mail. I think that hawking wares and street selling are seriously underrepresented.
This. This this this this this this a thousand times over. I've said this before to individual people, but I'll say it again here: You HAVE to PROMOTE yourself. If you want people to buy your shit, they have to know you have shit to sell. Business isn't a, "BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME," game. It has to be a constant plug. C - O - N - S - T - A - N - T.
And I'm not talking about dumping a post on a public board and walking away. Who reads public boards? (Okay, I sometimes read public boards, but whatever. And someone is probably going to reply to this and say, "I read public boards..." My point is that throwing up a post on a public board isn't enough.) You should be bringing up your business in your RP. You should be constantly trying to drum up work. Is no one buying? Then try something different. This is a hustle game and if you want to be "top-of-mind" (ie. if someone thinks, "Man, I really need xyz. Who should I go to?", you want to be the first person they think of), then you have to work at it.
Take my advice or leave it, but I work in Public Relations IRL. Knowing how to promote businesses is, quite literally, my RL job.