Here are the questions that you asked about Court dissolving, and here are our answers:
- What is the role of the CIty Council? They are the highest government body in Lithmore City. By noble right, all visiting nobles have a right to participate and vote on Council affairs, though the council only formally sits when the Seneschal convenes it. The City Council typically works via voting on topics via courier, and those members who choose to abstain are ignored. Therefore, the CIty Council can be fairly non-participatory. [color=#40FF00]
- Is the City Council a democratic system? [/color] No, the bids system that appoints the Seneschal is not a vote. It is a weighted 'measure of influence and power' within the city. The City Council itself does not need to 'sit' either, often discussing matters via courier and only voting if the Seneschal chooses to put a matter to vote - otherwise, the Seneschal generally makes decisions as she or he sees fit. [color=#40FF00]
- What are the theme changes as a result of this? [/color] Very limited. This is mostly a shift and consolidation of power to the CIty Council as an institution, but Court still exists in game. Therefore, Bertrand is still the High Chamberlain, Marisa is still the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Emma is still a member of the privy council, etc. It just that Court is not a code-supported guild anymore. The High Steward will become an NPC. Most things that people turned to the High Steward for in terms of in-game decision-making should be redirected to the Seneschal's office. [color=#40FF00]
- What powers does the Seneschal have? [/color] The Seneschal is a Queen-appointed role similar to a governor or mayor. The Queen appoints the Seneschal based on whomever comes most strongly recommended to her after the previous Seneschal's term is complete. The Seneschal is a Great Lord (that is, a member of the nobility, regardless of social origin), and has all of the rights and privileges that entails. In other matters, the Seneschal cannot strip a GL of their Guild Leader role, but we are considering giving them preferential influence or commands. Likewise, we may give GLs preferential influence or commands over the selection and/or removal of the Seneschal. This is not hashed out, so what is there now is the system until we decide on anything better. Did we miss any specific powers you want to know about? Ask below! [color=#40FF00]
- What powers did the HIgh Steward have that the Seneschal does not? [/color] The Seneschal cannot ennoble or remove titles from nobles. The Seneschal also cannot make government decisions for cities or regions outside of Lithmore city. The Seneschal is, however, the de facto "Duke of the Bren" and has similar authority within Lithmore itself. [color=#40FF00]
- Whose permission does the Order and/or Reeves need to investigate nobility? [/color] For the Order, the Grand Inquisitor's. For the Reeves, the Justiciar's. This is as it has always been, there is no change here. In the past, the Grand Inquisitor and Reeves would usually let the Court GL know one of their people was being investigated as a matter of courtesy and ensuring that the reaction of the Court was manageable rather than an actual requirement. [color=#40FF00]
- How will guilds be funded without Court? [/color] The City Council has a bank account of their own and may or may not choose to fund the guilds as they choose. Tax monies previously going to Court will be shifted to the City Council. Staff will let this play out ICly as each Seneschal and GL can negotiate. [color=#40FF00]
- What will happen to the court's current accounts? [/color] Nothing, they are inaccessible to the City Council, however. [color=#40FF00]
- How will nobles pool sword now that Court isn't a guild? [/color] All nobles can pool sword as a result of their social class. [color=#40FF00]
- How will Kingdom-wide matters be handled? [/color] These are only available by staff endorsed and run plots. If a player has a character with ties outside of Lithmore CIty, staff give them permission to run 'flavor' plots in the background as they wish - however, any plot with substantial effect on the game or other players must be approved by staff. [color=#40FF00]
- What will happen to all of the Court xblocks in the Palace? [/color] We haven't decided. They'll either become noble class xblocks or be removed. [color=#40FF00]
- What will happen to palace taxes? [/color] Nothing, but the City Council isn't responsible to pay them. The City Council's guildhall is the Town Hall.