Guild Discords
What kinds of links, I guess, is my question? I don't think it's bad if people want to share cool, helpful, non-necessary information or resources, but I'm leery of anything that moves info needed to participate out of the game and into a third-party social platform, especially if it makes those platforms become expected.
Around sometimes. Contact: galaxgal#6174
I was thinking they would be open channels. And an example for a link would be posting the stringing colouring app thingy that Temi did. Or just chatting.
Having these things handy wouldn't just be useful for people in Discord too... it would be useful because people in Discord could share the knowledge in game more easily.
Having these things handy wouldn't just be useful for people in Discord too... it would be useful because people in Discord could share the knowledge in game more easily.
I do not want guild channels in discord, personally. Not only do all people not use discord, but I don't like IC information taken out of the game. If it is a 'guild channel', then there would be some guild purpose for it.
You can already create group chats with multiple people in them if you just want to chat OOCly. I don't see why this would need to be something additional for imms to need to monitor if it was guild-specific. If you want your friends all together for chatting, you can already do that.
You can already create group chats with multiple people in them if you just want to chat OOCly. I don't see why this would need to be something additional for imms to need to monitor if it was guild-specific. If you want your friends all together for chatting, you can already do that.
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100% against. Sorry, but without staff supervision, it's just a bad idea.
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