Sexualizing Children :/

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Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:40 pm

This has been a long-time struggle for me as a player, just, lately it's been making my skin crawl more than usual.

What is up with people over the age of IC adulthood describing themselves as sexy children? I don't at -all- mean somebody with youthful features, a petite build, some baby fat, etc., but "I'm literally a prepubescent child who is also sexy" being the theme of a description and character behavior. It's becoming really upsetting, to me. If you're 16+ in-game, you're an adult. It is no longer appropriate for you to be described as a prepubescent child, primarily because a) You're not, and b) You can be married and engage in sexual intercourse within the theme's scope. It is not appropriate to have romantic or sexual relationships with children as an adult, either (leeway here for "hey we're a month apart, I just happened to come of age before her/him).

The marriage/sex/romance aspect is, I think, what makes it as disturbing as it is to me. Looking at a description of a -maybe- twelve year old girl who is the one true love of a fully grown man description (only to find out that the twelve year old girl is actually supposed to be an adult, just described as an unequivocal child for some reason?) really just... I donno. I can't know what is going through anyone else's head, but the implications of what it -seems- is the goal of that simulation disturbs me a -great-, great deal.

We don't allow rape because it's a particularly heinous thing that many feel shouldn't be included in the game world. Can we discuss disallowing the simulation of child molestation and/or child sexualization as a theme, at least in a context that is portrayed as positive? Am I totally nuts, here?
Last edited by Pixie on Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:57 pm

I feel the need to second this. The number of instances I've been running into recently regarding full grown men taking interest in either children or characters that can easily be perceived as children is mind numbing to the point of making me incredibly uneasy. One of my characters has directly had to deal with this three times now in the very short time that I've had him and unfortunately I don't really see that ending any time soon if I continue to play him within the scope of the game.

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Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:04 pm

I should note: It isn't legitimate child characters (under 16) that I've noticed doing this, save for one exception that was dealt with by Staff ages and ages ago. It's people describing adults as prepubescent kids and engaging in sex/romance to skirt the preventative rule(s) that would stop a legitimate IC child from doing this. Just... augh. The implications. x.x "Upsetting" doesn't really cover it.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:45 am

This is against policy, please report infringers.

1) If a person is a child, they must describe themselves as a child. If they're an adult, they must be described as an adult. It's okay for a description to be subtle, androgynous, etc, but it is not okay to outright use the description field to lie.

2) "Do NOT engage in mudsex with those under the age of consent" is in our HELP MUDSEX file. I didn't clarify that it was both IC and OOC because I didn't think I had to, but guys - this is both IC and OOC.

3) If children are described as 'sexy', staff are obligated to request the description be changed.

Firstly, TI is not designed to be a sex game, and secondly, whereas I respect people's right to have a myriad of different sexual tastes, children is one place I absolutely draw the line.

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Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:51 pm

As long as it's both IC and OOC (and totally get why you wouldn't even think you would -need- to specify that... x.x), complaint by me is null. Sending a pboard.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:58 am

I've received multiple communications on this, and wish to assure everyone that I am taking steps to handle the situation. Thank you, those of you who brought this to my attention.

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