First, it's not possible to change the type of asset while you're in the template POLCA, if the current choice fills up your "slots." Thus, if I am a Freeman and I've already got a tier 1, and I asset create and choose type <some tier2>, it's not possible to view the details for that type, then decide to choose or review a different tier 2 while still in the POLCA:
Code: Select all
? type
art_sales Morale 1 5000
luxuries_shop Economics 2 15000
book_sales Piety 1 5000
bribe iLawfulness 1 5000
novel_sales iPiety 1 5000
guard_job Lawfulness 1 5000
entertainment_job Morale 1 5000
begging Piety 1 5000
shop_job Economics 1 5000
midwifery_job Health 1 5000
labor_job Infrastructure 1 5000
servant_job Class Relations 1 5000
imports_job Race Relations 1 5000
crime_job iLawfulness 1 5000
brew_job iMorale 1 5000
brothel_job iPiety 1 5000
craft_job iEconomics 1 5000
gravedigger_job iHealth 1 5000
repair_job iInfrastructure 1 5000
gaoler_job iClass Relation 1 5000
regional_sales_job iRace Relations 1 5000
clerk_job Lawfulness 2 15000
entertainment_shop Morale 2 15000
imports_shop Race Relations 2 15000
comforts_shop iMorale 2 15000
clinic iHealth 2 15000
mason_job iInfrastructure 2 15000
tutor_job Piety 1 5000
food_job Health 1 5000
gardening_job Infrastructure 1 5000
foreign_quarter_shop Race Relations 2 15000
death_business iHealth 2 15000
type death
Asset template type changed from nothing to death_business.
<Hit enter to view details. Decide I death business isn't a good fit for my character.>
type luxuries
That asset template does not exist, or is not available. <--- yes, it did exist at the time I created, whyyyyy
? type
So-and-so cannot purchase another asset; he has all of the assets he may control. <--- ugggh, I haven't purchased yet!
Asset creation canceled.
And what can happen (problem number 2) is that the asset I was looking at the first time around may no longer available through the system -- I have to wait some undetermined amount of time for it to get cycled back in. That's super aggravating! I was first looking at "lowclass_shop" and now it's no longer in the list because I had to cancel out to check the details on a different asset I was considering at the time. Aaaagggh.
- Make it possible to swap between different types while in the POLCA, rather than forcing a cancel. Warn about maxing out levels, rather than preventing swaps altogether. Once a swap or cancel happens, free up whatever was being looked at so that a player can come back around to it immediately again.
- If the above isn't possible, then make it possible to at least list and view different types and their details in and outside the POLCA without having to actually choose/set them (the resources list command for resources, for example, is helpful to review options before entering the POLCA).
I think the above would greatly reduce the headaches involved in trying to find and set the best/most fitting assets for one's character.