Log of the Seneschal Debate between Nana and Hermoise

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Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:56 am

Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:13 am

The Queen Celeste Memorial Debate Hall
Near the top of Harmon Hall and surrounded by a skylight dome with bronze
frames supporting the thick, beveled glass, this hall serves as a center of
academic discourse. The walls of the space follow the same crisp and austere
architectural style of the rest of the building, formed from cool white
marble. Large brass lamps keep the room moderately lit, while a large
candelabra hung above provides further illumination. The seating is uniquely
arranged in a semi-circle, filling the balconies that border the three-story
space. A massive fresco of the deceased Queen from which the room gets its
namesake stands above twin oakwood podiums, surrounded by her eponymous
flowers and a sunlit sky.

(The debate hall is abuzz with plenty of people gathered for the debate. )

A young man with blue eyes arrives from below.
A young man with blue eyes slows to a halt.

A cantankerous old beldame arrives at the top of the stairs and pauses to tie a massive Saint
Bernard with a shaggy coat's leash near the door, leaving the beast to languish away from the
audience. Then she sets off with a determined trundle to join Saga by the podium, unhooking a heavy
book from under her arm and looking down with a perplexed frown.

A young man with blue eyes starts to move towards the east.
A young man with blue eyes sits down.
A massive Saint Bernard with a shaggy coat sits down.

Saga shuffles through a few notes, quietly nodding to herself. As Nana arrives, she gestures for her
to come stand behind one of the podiums. "Miss Gulch," she greets. "I am pleased to see you were
able to make it. Please, settle in while we wait for Lord dul Varre to arrive." She looks out over
the crowd already present, offering a small, perhaps slightly nervous smile before she returns to
consulting her notes.

Hermoise arrives from below.
Hermoise slows to a halt.

A young man with blue eyes walks in, eyes widening with surprise at the crowd. He tries to find a
spot towards the back with the common folk.

Eupheme arrives with her entourage of two and a mourning dove perched on her arm (perhaps a
misunderstood attempt to accessorize her mourning attire); occasionally she ruffles a hand to try to
discourage it from pecking at her pearl bracelet while she looks around for an appropriate place to
sit. She eventually notes Andorig, and assuming that must be 'where the nobility goes', she sits
down in a seat next to him, and Isabelle, a youthful handmaiden with her dark hair in an up-do sits
next to her. The surly chevalier waits by the door, watching.

A cantankerous old beldame holds a fat book entitled Common Sense: Politics for the Baseborn in her

Eupheme actually sits down. [Join]
[Action: Eupheme is perched in a seat by Andorig, a bird on a leash perched on her. ]

Freemen of poor origins are led on the streets outside by dark-cloaked fellows, being unruly, and
chanting slogans against the Prime Medicus.

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair arrives from below.
A stocky, sandy-haired bodyguard with a square jaw has arrived.
A tall, slender manservant with light brown hair has arrived.
A lithe male chevalier with wavy blond hair has arrived.
A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair slows to a halt.

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair gives a light dip of her head in greeting, moving
in to settle down in a place at the front appropriate to the nobility, her men setting up station at
the edge of her row, off to the side.

When Eupheme ascends to the tier that Andorig is on, he nods and speaks to her quietly, likely in
greeting; but the baron doesn't raise his voice, and so it's hardly audible amongst the crowd.

A cantankerous old beldame dips her head to Saga and steps up behind one of the podiums. "Thankin'
ye fer the invitation, Miss Azf-- As--... Miss Afel... uh... Lass." She nods twice, satisfied with
her attempt and instead looks out at the growing crowd.

[Action: a cantankerous old beldame stands behind one of the podiums, clutching a book like a
lifeline. ]

Tommaso arrives from below.
Tommaso slows to a halt.

remember beldame Nana
From here on you will remember a cantankerous old beldame as Nana.

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes arrives from below.
A grim warden with umber skin and stygian eyes has arrived.
A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes slows to a halt.

The White Rose of Edessa arrives from below.
A chevalier with a lithe build and braided hair has arrived.
A burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes has arrived.
The White Rose of Edessa slows to a halt.

Izari de Bakir arrives from below.
Izari de Bakir slows to a halt.

"I expect that we will want a brief blessing and opening prayer before we begin?" Zarif asks of
Saga, as he looks around at the crowd. [Zarif]

Lans ab Durandal arrives from below.
A burly, tall Knight Venerable with a scarred face has arrived.
Lans ab Durandal slows to a halt.

Hermoise enters with a slow step, eyes taking in the growing crowd. He advances toward Saga with a
brief smile for the woman. "Thank you for hosting this, Dean." He acknowledges Nana with an amicable
lift of his brow and moves to take his place.

Eupheme can be heard quietly conversing with Andorig while she watches people arrive - she doesn't
draw too much attention beyond dipping her head at the arriving nobility whom she recognizes, but
she does flash a slightly conspiratorial smile Tommaso's way when he shows up.

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes saunters in accompanied by Izari de Bakir, though her
sights flit with purpose about the room. A countenance of uncertainty, but no vocal expression. She
curtsies to those notable, greeting in a quiet tone as to not disturb the current ongoings. Finding
a suitable place of stance she observes from the back of the room, a choice made with intuition.
Occasionally however, her gaze does lift and look at the door as if waiting for someone particular.

Lans ab Durandal arrives with a frown, looking over his shoulder and pausing to gaze at the whole of
the room. He looks left and right then bows his head mutely, and walks towards where the White Rose
of Edessa is.

[Action: a damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes idles at the back of the room, observing the
ongoings. ]

[Action: Eupheme is perched in a seat between Andorig and Isabelle, a youthful handmaiden with her
dark hair in an up-do, with a bird perched on her. ]

Saga watches the crowd slowly settle in, then offers a singular nod to Zarif. "Of course," she
responds, after which she quickly turns her attention to Hermoise. "Rest assured, it is my pleasure.
Please settle in behind the podium." Then, a nod to Nana. "Afzelius," she not-so-gently corrects.
She looks the two candidates over before taking a few steps to the side to allow those gathered full
view of both Nana and Hermoise.

Winston arrives from below.
Winston slows to a halt.

[Action: Hermoise stands behind a podium. ]

Lans ab Durandal takes a step to the northeast.
Lans ab Durandal takes a step to the northeast.

The White Rose of Edessa gets The elegant damascus steel dagger of the Keeper of the Seal from a
sturdy leather haversack with many pockets, worn from use

Andorig gestures at a row of seats on the third tier

[Action: Andorig is on a seat in the higher tiers ]

Nana pinches her faded skirt and performs a small dip of a curtsy for hermoise. While clumsy and
half-done, it's noted at being much better than any previous attempts she has made. "You must be
that Baron," she barks, and smiles, displaying two gaps in her teeth. She turns her attention to
Zarif, awaiting what may come next.

Tommaso glances aside, noting someone or something, and tugs his cloak closed. [Hidden]

Tommaso pulls closed his cloak, hiding his garments.

The White Rose of Edessa ascends the steps with a not-insubstantial group of notables, arriving
sometime after a damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes, Tommaso and Izari de Bakir but before
Lans ab Durandal. Unclasping her cloak once she enters the warmth and bustle of the hall, her chin
inclines to those faces she recognizes. Of note, she is not wearing the ceremonial dagger of the
Seneschal; instead she is carrying it under one arm, wrapped in cloth. She sits in the front row and
directs flickering smiles to nana and Hermoise.

Lans ab Durandal is seated at a front row of seats, folding his arms unhappily.

The White Rose of Edessa sits beside Lans ab Durandal. [Join]

[Action: Winston is lingering at the back amongst the peanut gallery. ]

Saga clears her throat, giving the crowd a stone cold stare until they slowly settle down.
"Greetings," she begins. "If you are not acquainted with me, I am the Dean of the University, Saga
von Afzelius. I would like to formally welcome all of you to the grand opening of The Queen Celeste
Memorial Debate Hall. Personally, I could not think of a better first debate to be held here. Before
we begin, I would like to give the word to His Holy Honor," gesturing to Zarif.

Izari de Bakir lumbers along after a damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes, shuffling his way
against the wall to leave space for easier passage. A tug is given to adjust his mantle, and thus
his attention drifts towards the front of the room.

[Action: Izari de Bakir looms in the back. ]

Zarif waits for silence, before he begins his sermon. It is about leading the people with Faith and
Wisdom, and above all ensuring their spiritual well-being is best represented to the Crown. He then
walks over to Hermoise, shakes his hand, gives a small prayer about guidance under the tutelage of
the Holy Order and then does the same for Nana, including shaking her hand.

A young man with blue eyes watches people being seated and closes his eyes when appropriate.

Zarif fails his dexterity check! [Sa671]

Hermoise's head dips to Nana. "Indeed," he enthuses, through the corner of his mouth. He silences
himself as Saga and Zarif position themselves for the proceedings.

It appears as though Zarif drops something, he leans down and picks it up with a bit of red face
chagrin. [Zarif]

Tommaso makes his way into the Hall, smiling brightly as he works his way in. For some reason or
another he tugs his cloak closed, and eases towards somewhere in the middle of seating.

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes turns her gaze toward the front now, falling into
silence. [Hidden]

Lans ab Durandal makes the sign of the chalice.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth arrives from below inebriated, slow, and grinning ear
to ear.
A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth slows to a halt.

Zarif walks over to where the nobles are, as he nods to Saga, a discouraged looking expression on
his face.

[Action: Zarif is seated near the Nobles. ]

"Thank you," Saga says after Zarif concludes. "I am glad to see so many of us in attendance today,"
she says, inclining her head slightly to suggest a bow. "As I am certain you are aware, these," she
begins, gesturing to Hermoise and Nana. "are our candidates for the position of Seneschal. Firstly,
I would like to offer the floor to Lord dul Varre, and Miss Gulch respectively. Please, introduce
yourselves, and briefly present your opening arguments." She pauses. "Briefly," she reiterates.

Zarif sits near Lans ab Durandal and the other Notables. [Join]

Nana appears briefly thrilled to make Zarif's acquaintance, shaking his hand aggressively, though
the moment is soon over. She turns her face towards Hermoise at the other podium.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin arrives from below.
A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight has arrived.
A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin slows to a halt.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth giggles as she stumbles into the hall and bumps into
a few folk before finding a seat that she all but fall into, which in turn illicits another bout of
giggles from her

Action set to:
Saga is near the two podiums, leading a debate.

[Action: a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth is sat near, but not all the way, in the
back ]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin starts to move towards the north.

Eupheme consolidates join places and was sitting in the noble zone all along... [Join]

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth takes a step to the north.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth takes a step to the east.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth takes a step to the north.

Andorig apparently was as well. [Join]

[Action: Andorig is somewhere in the noble seats. ]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin trudges to situate herself at the side of the room with
a view of the crowd as well as the proceedings.

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight starts to move towards the north.

Andorig gestures at a front row of seats

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin has returned from IAW.

The White Rose of Edessa untucks her cloak and settles into the front row. Her hands smooth over her
skirts, chin lifted, as she watches the debate with an impassive focus. The elegant damascus steel
dagger of the Keeper of the Seal is carefully maintained in her lap, its blade protected. [Cloak]

[Action: a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin is posted at the side of the room with a view
of the audience. ]

[Action: the White Rose of Edessa sits in the front, watching the debate. ]

[Action: Lans ab Durandal looks grumpy. ]

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth slouches deep into her seat and rolls her head from
shoulder to shoulder, back and forth like an impatient child

"Misfits -and- rakes, you say?" Eupheme stage-whispers to Lans ab Durandal with the faintest hint of
un-Vandagan amusement, attention pulled from what sounded like an amicable disagreement with
Andorig, over to him and the White Rose of Edessa. She's a little louder than she intends to be.

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight bolsters a sturdy, wall-flowered stance, on gaurd aside a
wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin. [Join]

The White Rose of Edessa horribly fails her charisma check! [Sa671]

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes flicks her gaze toward Eupheme, lips thinning with that
statement. She doesn't say anything however and instead shakes her head, as if disappointed.

[Action: a curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair sits towards the front of the audience. ]

Hermoise blinks a bit as he leans forward. "As many of you know, I am Hermoise dul Varre. For those
that are unfamiliar with me, I currently serve the Realm as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Previously,
I have been in the leadership of the Merchants for sometime. My most recent charge is the
shepherdage of the Barony of Hamstone." He smiles tightly and adds, "These facts aid me in my
willingness to represent myself in this campaign for Seneschal. To lead through faithful service, as
I have done my years in the Capital."

Winston wanders inside at a slow pace with a pipe in his hand. Quickly tucking it into one of his
belt pockets, he comes to sit amongst the back row with the rest of the potential hecklers. His
eyes briefly look towards a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth, breathing out a subtle
snerk as he settles himself down.

Tommaso sits down.

[Action: Tommaso sits upon the middle rows, watching the debate. ]

The White Rose of Edessa hides a rather unladylike snort of amused surprise into her hand at
Eupheme's statement, then does her utmost to act like it didn't happen. Grey-blues return to
Hermoise, and she listens, an occasional nod given here or there.

"What's a chancellor of an ex-checkered?" a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth asks with
slurred speech. She doesn't seem to be talking to any one in particular however. [a young Lithmorran
woman with a lopsided mouth]

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight gestures at a a space along the northern wall

Theodora arrives from below.
A roguish, chocolate-haired Vavardi young man has arrived.
Theodora slows to a halt.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth is sat in the back with the other ignobles of course

Andorig doesn't seem to be making any commentary, simply seated in his seat watching Hermoise and
Nana's opening remarks, blessedly keeping his trap shut.

Tommaso eases his cloak open once more now that he's seated and away from the door. [Cloak]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin sucks her front teeth, settling a firm gaze on someone
in the back rows.

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes handily succeeds her charisma check! [Sa671]

Lans ab Durandal purses his lip as he listens to Hermoise, furrowing his brow and breathing in. He
exhales controlledly and shifts his unmerciful black eye to Nana, appraising.

Nana places a fat book entitled Common Sense: Politics for the Baseborn down on the podium to free
her hands to grip each side, addressing the crowd with a thunderous tone. "Y'might heard of me as
Nana Gulch! I'm the proprietor o' the Come On Inn down in Confessor Alley. I was born in Lithmore, I
serve Lithmore, and Arien, I'll die in Lithmore when th'time comes." Satisfied with her opening
remark, a hand dips into the pocket of her apron and she withdraws a wheat stem, which she places
between her teeth.

An utterly nondescript man arrives from below.
An utterly nondescript man slows to a halt.

Theodora slips into a seat towards the front and crosses one leg over the other. [Join]

roll 1 2
Saga rolled 1d2 for a pool of: 1. [Sa671]

Zarif gestures at a front row of seats

"Thank you," Saga says as the introductions conclude. She turns to the crowd gathered, looking out
over it for a few moments before she continues. "I am certain that you all have questions, or..."
Her nose wrinkles slightly. "...comments. I ask that you hold these until I invite them." She nods.
"Now, without further ado, let us delve into the debate. The two individuals here represent
themselves. The flip of a coin will determine speaking order."

She pauses to flip the coin in question, then looks to Nana. "Miss Gulch, you will be our first
speaker. After you present your proposition, Lord dul Varre will be allowed a rebuttal. After this,
Lord dul Varre will deliver his proposition, after which Miss Gulch may offer her opposition."
There's a slight pause as she makes sure she's understood. "Lastly, you will both be allowed a short
summary of your position, starting with the individual who was the first to speak."

She clears her throat. "Our first topic is this: What are the most important challenges currently
facing our community, and how will you seek to address them? Miss Gulch, you have the floor." [Saga]

"WHOoOOoOO!!" a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth exclaims and stands to applaud after
Nana's opening remark. But she bumps her knee into the seat in front of her when she stands, "OW!
DAMMIT!" followed by raising a hand ans offering the eyes that might fall on her, "Sorry sorry. I'm
okay. I'm okay." She sits back down. [a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth]

Winston lets out a sharp whistle of support at the mention of the Come On Inn, then swiftly ducks
down a little bit to hide behind someone in-front of him.

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight gestures at a a space along the northern wall

Lans ab Durandal gestures at a front row of seats

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight gives the impression that a young Lithmorran woman with a
lopsided mouth is taxing the bulk of his focus in the room, a twitching pushing his mouth to one
side under his nose.

A young man with blue eyes hides his face with his hands, peeking through his fingers for a spot
further away. In the meantime he scoots a little twoards the end.

There are certainly murmurs amidst the nobility in the front at nana's creative introduction, though
none as spirited as some of the cheers and woops elsewise. the White Rose of Edessa tilts her head
to whisper something to Lans ab Durandal, but otherwise does her darnedest to observe the speakers
as they speak, incline her chin, and remain neutral in countenance. [the White Rose of Edessa]

[Action: Theodora witnesses the proceedings from the front row. ]

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes lifts her gaze as it hones in upon a young Lithmorran
woman with a lopsided mouth, there her austere sights remain. Chin inclined as jaw tightens, then
she turns to Izari de Bakir for the briefest of moments.

Theodora gestures at a front row of seats

Nana loudly and wetly clears her throat, pausing extra-long as she faces the prospect of actually
constructing a compelling speech. "Er... well, that'd be the rats, alright! Now I'm sure most of you
sittin' in the audience ain't hafta worry about rats. Rats in yer pantry. Rats in the street. Rats
on yer damned pillow in the mornin'. Bettin' most of ye have got ye very own rhymers on staff te
make sure yer pillow is clean and rat-less, mornin' come. But that's a North side privilege. Across
the river the city's got boundless issues with the vermin, and it's our duty - nay, our privilege,
ta do sumthin about it!"

A quick manipulation pushes the end of that wheat steam to one side as she goes on, gesticulating
animatedly. "We're gunna rid the city of rats, one dead rat at a time! Rhymin' bands! Rat-catchers!
The only rats left alive will be pets. Now b'fore you start moanin' about hygiene, one o' our good
citizens reminded me the other day that ain't all rats are wild." She drones on, beginning to
ramble. Hard. "An' who am I to tell folks that they can't be keepin' any rats as a pet? Why, I
remember back in the '50s when the big thing kids were doin' was rat breedin'. Ye had yer black
rats, ye brown rats, ye albino rats, then ye piebalds. The real challenge was gettin' three colours
onto one rat, that was difficult te achieve without any kind o' inbreedin'..." She trails off,
beginning to note some eyes glazing over in the audience.

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair gives a light lift of her brow, clearly looking a
bit unimpressed with Nana's digression into rat breeding. [Hidden]

"Rats." Zarif repeats softly, a slight scowl drifting across his face. He then turns his attention
to Hermoise. [Zarif]

Saga nods as Nana concludes her speech. "Thank you, Miss Gulch," she says without further comment.
She turns to Hermoise, briefly glancing down at her notes before speaking. "Lord dul Varre," she
begins. "You are now allowed to offer a rebuttal to Miss Gulch, if you so choose. Should you elect
to forgo your opposition, you are free to proceed to your own proposition on the matter."

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight coughs quietly in the back, covering his mouth over. His
cheeks redden and vibrate as the speech prolongs, shoulders tremoring while bits of water start to
squeeze out the side of his eyes.

Eupheme clearly wants to hear Hermoise's rebuttal to the rat issue, rather than see him pass on it,
but she says nothing. [Hidden]

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth comments a bit too loudly, "I almost got bit by a rat
crawling out of the sewers after a a particularly bad meal that put me in a uh... compromised
position if you catch my drift. And lemme tell ya, you didn't wanna catch my drift that day"

Tommaso watches with wide eyes, blinking at Nana's topic of choice. He seems to be honestly
considering how much of an issue rats would be. [Hidden]

The White Rose of Edessa gestures at a front row of seats

Again, Winston lets out a sharp whistle in support through his teeth once Nana reaches the end of
her speech. "It ain't no laughing matter," He drawls out to those around him, even shoulder-nudges a
few of them to pay attention. "City ain't a good place fer' em, they grow fat an' lazy livin' off
the scraps of tha' city." A few of them try to inch away from him, "...Well scues' me, Saints. Just
tryna' educate you." And swiftly shuts up. [Winston]

Lans ab Durandal brings a handkerchief to wipe at his forehead, testily, his eye closing for a
moment before reopening.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth gestures at a middle row of seats

Lans ab Durandal looks over his shoulder briefly, as if working out his neck muscles. [Hidden]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin looks all around.

Left to her own devices, a massive Saint Bernard with a shaggy coat pants happily by the door and
watches the people, tail thumping against the floor as it wags. [a massive Saint Bernard with a
shaggy coat] [Hidden]

An utterly nondescript man leaves down.

Izari de Bakir shifts his weight between boots, one shoulder nudging into the wall as a more
comfortable lean is found. Eyes drift across the seats on occasion, but now settle on Hermoise as
the debating tide is turned.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth yawns and shakes her head to remain awake. She even
slaps her cheeks a couple times. [Hidden]

Zarif gestures at a front row of seats

Tommaso shifts in his seat, eyes turning upwards in thought. [Hidden]

Hermoise's mouth laxens slightly as he listens to Nana. "I offer no rebuttal to Miss Gulch's
points," he murmurs softly. "I believe the problems we are facing involve many facets of the same
thing. Chaos in the streets, ineffective leaderships, and an overall lack of zeal for the holy
tenants which binds the Kingdom, Duchy to Duchy. A willingness to hear and be heard, and to work
towards common goals. I suggest a path of common sense and common good."

Zarif stands, apparently assuming he is exempt from the 'save-the-questions-for-the-end' rule and
asks loudly so that the whole room can hear, "This question is for both. In the book 'In
Confession', by Father Dorine, he makes a specific declaration in a passage labeled The Sacrosanct
Relationship, what is your intreptation of this passage?" before sitting back down with an intent
expression on his face.

During Hermoise's reply, a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth noisly shifts in her seat to
look behind her, scanning for familiar faces it seems. She waves to someone who either doesn't
recognize her or is wise enough to save their greeting for another time. [a young Lithmorran woman
with a lopsided mouth]

Saga allows the question, nodding to Zarif before turning to Nana. "Miss Gulch?" she asks.

Lans ab Durandal turns his head to the front, abandoning whatever he had been searching for. He
looks at Hermoise's speech with a furrowed brow, exhaling quietly and longly.

Lans ab Durandal gestures at a front row of seats

A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair arrives from below.
A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair slows to a halt.

A burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes sneezes loudly.

[Action: a lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair is tucked away in the back somewhere ]

Nana listens to Hermoise's proposition, her attention soon tugged away from him towards Zarif in the
audience as he speaks up. She listens, basking in contemplation of the question and chewing upon her
wheat stem with all the indifference of a cow in the face of oncoming traffic.

Finally, she opens her mouth. "Eh, declaration? By Dav, I don't remember nuthin' from mass 'bout the
sac-sanct r'lationship. I'm thinkin' it be the holy authority who is the true expert on such a
topic, and it be my responsibility te listen an' learn. If I be wantin' to know the proper
interpretation, I be askin' a priest instead o' bludgeoning it with me own hubristic intepretation,
Yer Holy Honor."

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight scoots a burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes a
quick, twinkle-eyed smile, mouthing the words: 'Lord bless you.'

"Thank you, Miss Gulch," Saga responds without missing a beat. "Lord dul Varre?" she goes on. [Saga]

Theodora gestures at a front row of seats

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair is sitting in the front row of seats already.

Zarif can be seen looking thoughtful before giving a slight nod to Nana in recognition of her
answer. [Hidden]

"That's right! Church knows best 'bout ... such things!" a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided
mouth calls out loudly while clapping for Nana, She doesn't stand this time. [a young Lithmorran
woman with a lopsided mouth]

A burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes turns beet red. He looks at a brown and freckled
reeve of slim weight, then looks away, then steals a glance back as if to make sure he wasn't
imagining things.

Quietly, so as to not disturb people, a lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair makes her way
into the debate hall, trying to avoid colliding with those that linger in the back as she shuffles
and makes her way over to a spot that might give her view of what is going on at the front. She
draws to tip toes, then even does a small bunny-hop to try get a better view, but given her short
stature, it's no way near enough. She frowns, arching her head to the side, squinting. [a lanky
Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair]

Nana looks at a book in her hands.

A burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes straightens his stance and adjusts the lay of his
headwrap. [Hidden]

A young man with blue eyes tries to quietly give up his seat and stand by the wall so Adaline can
have his spot. it's towards the back so probably not much better but still a seat.

A young man with blue eyes stands up.

Tommaso moves to stand, almost trips doing so, and tries to subtly ease out of the debate hall. He
ends up bumping into just about everyone on the way out, but does eventually ease out of the row
without mishap, muttering apologies as needed as he sees his way out.

Tommaso leaves down.

Hermoise' brow knits slightly as he listens to Zarif and then Nana. "I am afraid I am unfamiliar
with Father Dorine's thoughts on The Sacrosanct Relationship. Like Miss Gulch, I must defer to the
wisdom of His Holy Honor," he begins with a nod toward Zarif, "...about the matter. I look forward
to discerning the nature of it... now or in the future." A small smile is presented to Zarif in

Eupheme straightens up a little and lifts a hand to indicate to Saga that she's got a question as

A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair doesn't spot a young man with blue eyes's
gentlemanly gesture at first, she's busy hopping and trying to see past a particularly tall guy in
front of her. She's about ready to grab a sleeve and have words when she seems to pick up on the
offer and stops just shy of doing so. She makes her way over, but rather than sitting in the seat--
she just.. climbs onto it. This gives her the height her short stature needs and she gives a young
man with blue eyes a grateful look, finally a view of Nana and Hermoise at the front.

"Thank you, Lord dul Varre," Saga says in response to Hermoise. Her eyes turn to the crowd, and she
gestures towards Eupheme. "Countess Eupheme?" [Saga]

Eupheme stands next, transferring her leashed dove to her shoulder so she can fold her hands primly
in front of herself. Her voice is small and doesn't carry, but she does try to project: "I am glad
to see that our candidates are willing to recognize areas for improvement. My question regards
actionable items - my Lord Hamstone, what tangible steps you plan to take on your path to guide us
towards order and piety? dawwafawadeam with the Church? A focus on law enforcement recruitment? And
Miss Gulch, on your platform of... rats - could you elaborate on how you plan to reduce the number
of rats? How you'll find and best utilize your rhymers and rat-catchers?" In all fairness, she does
manage to ask both halves of the question with equal deadpan seriousness.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth boos Hermoise, "Boo! That's just copyin' Nana's
answer. Ain't got a thought of his own! Booo!" She shakes her head and pulls an oblong-shaped
hardened leather flask with a wood stopper from her garments and has a little gulp or two.

Do you plan* [Eupheme]

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth drinks from an oblong-shaped hardened leather flask
with a wood stopper.

[Action: a lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair stands on a seat at the back, watching the
debate ]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin ups her chin and declares in solid, even voice for the
back rows: "Order. Order for the debate." She's rumpling brows under the brim of her feathery
cavalier hat, hands on hips as though she means business.

Saga nods, turning to the two candidates. Then, as a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth
speaks up, she stops mid-turn. She turns back to the crowd, staring at the woman. "Please refrain."
The statement is delivered coldly and confidently, after which she turns back to look at Nana and
Hermoise. "Miss Gulch, what is your response?"

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth makes a rude face in a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive
-brown skin's driection [Hidden]

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes handily succeeds her charisma check! [Sa671]

The White Rose of Edessa lifts a hand to signal Saga's way, perhaps suggesting that she also has a

Zarif gestures at a front row of seats

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes observes the exchange between a wide-cheeked Tubori
with olive-brown skin and a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth. Eventually her gaze finds
itself upon the former and a brow raises, as if encouraging the woman to do something. She steps
forward, perhaps an idle gesture - though it likely doesn't mean much.

Andorig is perfectly visible among the seats in the nobility, and just as perfectly visibly still
not talking or gossiping, having fallen silent for most of the debate. A trend which continues as
his eyes flick between each individual.

Nana's wheat stem twitches in her mouth, a faint expression of mirth rising up on her features when
a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth starts her own little rebellion there in the
audience. "Eh-ehem!" She clears her throat, glancing across the audience to catch sight of Eupheme
from where the question came. "We would employ a combination o' official efforts and freelance!
Squads would be hired - trained in the art of rhymin' - to deliver lethal verbal blows to the vermin
scum! I have a sense that the Hollow Globe may assist with providing hires with decent songwritin',
rhymin' capabilities! These squads would roam the streets, clearin' any rodents that they come
across (unless it's a pet). Additionally, a bounty would be placed on the rat. Any citizen with
determination would be able to make a decent living by turning in large quantities of dead rats.
With these efforts combined, I wager we'll see the full extermination of the common rat in these
walls within the year! From there, the bounty ought te be sufficient te prevent a resurgence."

"Thank you, Miss Gulch. Lord dul Varre?" Saga asks, gesturing to the man. [Saga]

Standing, the frog-faced man declares loudly, "I have heard enough of this farce of a debate. It was
well organized and moderated," Zarif nods to Saga, "But it is clear to me why the Holy Order remain
neutral in such secular politics. I have pressing spiritual duties to concern myself with, not a
debate over which is more important, rats or... or... whatever this man thinks is important," Zarif
indicates Hermoise. "The Holy Order does not endorse either candidate at this time. Each Citizen
should vote to their best conscious and good judgement." [Zarif]

Zarif leaves down.
An unfriendly-looking male knight leaves down.

Theodora purses her lips slightly after the answer of Nana and the sudden departure of the Grand
Inquisitor but then raises her hand.

A burly, tall Knight Venerable with a scarred face nods at Nana's words with a slow, thoughtful look
in his eyes.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin has brown eyes running in flickering zags over the front
of the mostly seated audience after her words are marked to the back rows, as though she's gauging
the mood toward a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth's disruptions. Enough is spied from
her quarter that she tenses her mouth closed into a flat line and begins slow, crisp advance on a
young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth where she sits, tapping a shoulder here and there to
see her path forward cleared -- the Grand Inquisitor's depature aiding somewhat.

Lans ab Durandal breathes in slowly, pressing his lips together at the Grand Inquisitor's parting
words. He exhales controlledly, a testament to the mettle of the man, as his face darknes.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin starts to move towards the south.

Now that she has a decent view that allows her to see over the heads and shoulders of those of
taller stature (which is about everyone), a lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair stays
largely put. Sure there's some fidgeting as she toys with something in her pocket, but otherwise,
she's fairly still. But not entirely quiet though, letting out a whistle of approval when she hears
Nana's rat-plan for southside. [a lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair]

Nana twitches a dumb smile and actually waves at the departure of His Holy Honor, blackened gaps
visible between her teeth.

Hermoise lifts a shoulder into a shrug, smiling tensely. "I cannot speak to something that I am
ignorant of," comes a his simple comment. A quiet moment passes as the Grand Inquisitor makes his
grand exit. Regardless, his attention turns to Eupheme and he poises, "I have heard talk of an
eddwedeaddedaw play of sorts, written by His Holy Honor. I would hope to see such an endeavor come
to fruition, aided by the current swell of talent within the City. While our holy tenants are held
in sacred solemnity, they deserve to be celebrated as well."

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth doesn't see a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown
skin's advance, she's turned the other direction telling a poor bystander, "Hey I got an idea for
one of them rhymes if Nana wins and hires me. What do ya think of this.. ahem* Nana Gulch wants to
kill all the ratsHermoise opponent can only repeat thatTheodora Church's had enoughof this politics
stuffIzari de Bakir I bet none seen vermin when they sha--

Settling back into her seat, Eupheme simply dips her head in acknowledgement of both Hermoise and
Nana's answers and returns to spectating. [Eupheme]

"Thank you, Lord dul Varre," Saga offers, glancing down at her notes. Then, she looks to the White
Rose of Edessa. "Lady ab Durandal, your question, please." Despite the departure of the Grand
Inquisitor, and the general demeanor of the crowd, Saga continues on as if nothing's happened.

A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel arrives from below.
A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel slows to a halt.

A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel flips a sumptuous silk cloak of deep ebony, bearing an ample
hood back over her shoulder.

Seeming to forget for a moment that Hermoise is her opponent, Nana nods her head with aggressive
approval at talk of plans of pious entertainment. Looking to the White Rose of Edessa to await her
question, she quickly doctors her expression. [Nana]

Eupheme lifts a hand and touches the side of her face, shifting her lips to the side as she mulls
something over to herself. [Hidden]

The White Rose of Edessa rises to her feet, shifting the ceremonial dagger to under her arm. "My
Lord, Miss Gulch-- we have heard a great deal about Lithmore City, of course.. but I wish to ask
about what would take place beyond this Duchy were you to become Seneschal." A breath as she works
to raise her voice. "This last decade brought changing leadership to our Kingdom. We were blessed by
the crowning of King Amir and the birth of our royal heirs, of course... but we also saw the traitor
Duchess of Vandago removed by the Council of Three and His Grace Leopold von Dusairus invested. The
people of His Majesty's court chose Briony le Strongjaw to lead Tubor not three years ago. How would
you establish yourself with these new powers? What is your plan to see inter-Ducal relations
strengthened under your leadership?" A single nod goes to Saga when she is done speaking.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin has secured a stand behind a young Lithmorran woman with
a lopsided mouth's bench, and leans forward enough that her shadow falls over Theodora young
disruptor. "You will pipe down, Miss Urtha," warns in lowered tones that shouldn't reach far beyond
their target, "or you'll not see the end of this debate, as I'm sure you'd prefer."

"Thank you, Lady Seneschal," Saga says. She acknowledges Theodora briefly before looking back to the
two candidates. "Miss Gulch, what is your response?" [Saga]

[Action: a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin has posted herself stalwartly behind a young
Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth's seat. ]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin has secured a stand behind a young Lithmorran woman with
a lopsided mouth's bench, and leans forward enough that her shadow falls over the young disruptor.
"You will pipe down, Miss Urtha," warns in lowered tones that shouldn't reach far beyond their
target, "or you'll not see the end of this debate, as I'm sure you'd prefer." (oops)

A gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair arrives from below.
A gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair slows to a halt.

A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel arrives to the top of the stairwell and makes to find a
position along the side so as to not interrupt the debate. One hand sees her cloak brushed back, the
other stroking her lower midsection and expression showing a mild discomfort.

A gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair enters at a quiet pace, and slides in to somewhere in
the back to observe the proceedings. He tries to seem unobtrusive.

[Action: a gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair unobtrusively watches the proceedings from
the sidelines. ]

[Action: a young man with blue eyes standing by a wall ]

A burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes steals another glance at a brown and freckled reeve
of slim weight. [Hidden]

A young man with blue eyes absent mindedly reaches for his pipe but snaps his fingers he forgot

Nana rumbles softly, plucking the wheat stem from between her lips. "Well, ye see. Ahem. Errr..."
She stammers under the breadth of the White Rose of Edessa's questions. "Ahem. One moment." There is
a soft rustling of pages as she begins to flip through a fat book entitled Common Sense: Politics
for the Baseborn, which is hidden on the podium, for an awkwardly long time. Finally, she gives up
and closes the book with a soft thud to ad-lib it.

"In my experience, this harmony stuff mostly about makin' sure every folk feels that their troubles
'ave bin heard. I know a tussle or two down at the olde inn ain't the same as a tussle o' opinion
among the big fancy folk, but some experiences are universal. We must ensure that no complaint goes
ignored an' that each figure is given a chance te vie fer their interests. To this end, I propose a
proper visit te each of the duchies te strengthen inter-Ducal relations," she finishes, seeming to
have lifted her finishing statement at least partially directly from the White Rose of Edessa's

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth tilts her head back and grins up at a wide-cheeked
Tubori with olive-brown skin. She then mimes buttoning her own mouth shut.

The White Rose of Edessa nods to Nana and offers a brief, flickering smile, then turns her gaze
steadily upon Hermoise to await his own reply.

Saga nods. "Thank you, Miss Gulch." She clears her throat, then looks at Hermoise. "Lord dul Varre?"

A gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair over time, sidles his way towards a roguish,
chocolate-haired Vavardi young man probably on the other side of the room, and sets up to stand
nearby. He looks from Nana to Hermoise on the podiums, and falls into a casual lean.

[Action: a gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair casually leans against the wall, nearby a
roguish, chocolate-haired Vavardi young man. ]

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes listens to that response and nods, evenly. Eventually
her gaze moves to Hermoise as she anticipates a response.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin bobs a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth one
short, curt nod, and closes hands together at her back to straighten up her own stand in place.
Attention jots back to nan at her podium.

Despite a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth's mouth being 'buttoned' shut, she's no
trouble oepning it to take another swig from an oblong-shaped hardened leather flask with a wood
stopper [a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth]

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth drinks from an oblong-shaped hardened leather flask
with a wood stopper.

A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel listens to the speakers, and then offers Hermoise an
encouraging smile from where she stands. Hand shifting to rub at her lower back.

Hermoise nods deftly. "I would see the ambassadors of each Duchy filled and attentive to the duties
of the post, to help facilitate word and cooperation between the domains. Each of our Crown-
sanctioned guilds has its own footprint across the seas and marches - their contribution to the
ability of intelligence and action cannot be overstated."

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight beams a friendly, man-about-town grin to a burly, mocha
-skinned sentinel with umber eyes, bumping his gaze into the attendant's.

The White Rose of Edessa inclines her chin to both candidates. First Hermoise, then Nana, and
finishes with another nod to Saga before returning to her seat.

"Thank you, Lord dul Varre," Saga says, the statement as monotone as ever. She looks back out at the
crowd, her eyes eventually settling on Theodora. "We will take your question, and then open the
floor to closing remarks for our two candidates. Please, go ahead." [Saga]

A young man with blue eyes quietly looks about to see who the next person to ask is.

Nana wipes a slight sheen of sweat off her forehead, the first and only sign of duress during the
debate. [Hidden]

With the threat of a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin standing over her, willing to inflict
who knows what upon her, a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth finds it more and more
difficult to keep still and focused on the debate. The sheer boredom of a political debate that a
young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth has likely no influence at all on the outcome weighs
down on her. She crosses her legs one way and then the other. Then she sits on one foot, then plants
it back on the floor again. [a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth] [Hidden]

Lans ab Durandal shifts in his seat, arms folded and looking a little tired. He nods at the White
Rose of Edessa's question, then at both answers given, thin lips pursed and thoughtful.

"D'you think she's got a chance?" a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin drops down to a young
Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth, mindful of the fidgeting in the bench.

The White Rose of Edessa looks fatigued, but she seems steeled in focus on the pair, her grey-blues
ever tracing between the two podiums. [Hidden]

A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair has returned from AFK.

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes arrives from below.
A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes slows to a halt.

A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair takes a moment between the questions to glance over
the crowd and some of those a little more familiar to her, along with the more well known in the
audience. Her eyes briefly pass over a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth and a wide-
cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin both, teeth briefly sinking into her bottom lip. For a moment,
it looks like she's about to say something, when her attention is caught by the sight of a burly,
tall Knight Venerable with a scarred face, and she eyes him for a moment, before moving on to
another face in the crowd.

[Action: a lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair stands on a seat near the back, watching
the debate ]

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes sneaks in the back quietly and moves to a place along
the wall, not wanting to disturb anyone or anything.

[Action: a dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes lurks around the back of the hall ]

The White Rose of Edessa gestures at a front row of seats

Theodora clears her throat as she moves to stand and says, "Mistress Gulch ... you mentioned the
idea that the Hollow Globe will help to train your desired flock of rat rhymers. But if ... as you
say this is mostly a Southside concern ... how would you address that a good portion of Troupe
cannot indeed assist with that without risking life or limb?"

At first a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth mimes being unable to speak because of a
sealed mouth. But she very soon gives that up, much prefering to speak when the opportunity is
provided to her. It is in much more hushed tones this time that she whispers to a wide-cheeked
Tubori with olive-brown skin, "The Lord didn't make me no scholar. But I ain't foolish enough to
believe that the Lord, the church or the crown, would allow a freewoman to have something a nobleman
wants." [a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth] [Hidden]

Saga nods in response to Theodora, then looks to Nana. "Miss Gulch, your response?"

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes lights a long-stemmed churchwarden pipe made of fine
grained maple.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin gnaws in silence at her lower lip, letting no readily
visibile response to the murmurings she's invited from a young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided
mouth, seated just ahead. She's got firm eyes on Nana, a fine tightening letting lines to the
corners of her gaze.

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes lights his pipe carefully from the back of the room and
takes a slow pull of air through the bowl, filling his mouth with smoke which he lets out in three
perfect rings, bathing the area around him is sweet smelling smoke.

Nana lifts her chin, inordinately pleased at another rat-related question which has assaulted the
ears of the debate hall for so long. "Ahem. With pleasure, m'lady. Many entertainers an' performers
carry far too many valuables to assist too far south o' the river, this is a valid concern and one
worth raisin'. It's my recommendation that only them who are comfortable venturin' that far south
should volunteer fer such work. Them who want to assist with the rat extermination effort but don't
feel safe can take on other works, such as composin' smart new rhymes fer the squads to use. This
can be done from the safety of tha Globe."

Hermoise nods in a small way as he listens to Nana's suggestions.

"Thank you for your answer, Miss Gulch," Saga says, her steely demeanor unchanging even in the face
of the rat-related question. She looks out to the crowd. "Our candidates will now deliver their
closing statements," Saga says, turning back to the podiums. "Lord dul Varre, the floor is yours."

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth applauds. Enthusiastically, but still just applauds.
and fidgets.

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes frowns subtly at something before giving his attention
back to the front of the room. [Hidden]

As the debate finds its closing notes, a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin falls a short
step back from the bench line she's been up against. A skimming look reviews the room, here and
there her tight brown eyes loitering on this face or that.

Lans ab Durandal gestures at a front row of seats

[Action: a gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair is against the wall, near a roguish,
chocolate-haired Vavardi young man. ]

[Action: a gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair is leaning against the wall, near a roguish,
chocolate-haired Vavardi young man. ]

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin notes a dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes in her
scan, and lets him a short, close-mouthed nod. [Hidden]

Hermoise breathes in deeply. "Thank you all for coming to this inaugural debate, here at the
University. I do hope it has been made clear that whomever is chosen is open to the concerns of you
all." His head dips to Nana as he adds, "...and I would like to acknowledge Miss Gulch for her
prompt and spirited fawdedefadeam. Thank you, Dean, for facilitating and moderating."

"I am only glad to have been able to provide the city with this opportunity," Saga responds. "Thank
you, Lord dul Varre." Her attention turns to Nana. "Miss Gulch, your closing statement?" [Saga]

Nana places her hands on each edge of the podium and inhales for her closing statement. "Now there
be those of you thinkin' that I can't possibly be a loyal representative of the city if my loyalties
lie with my home in the Southside. But Nana Gulch is gunna tell you this," she says, pointing a
finger out at the members of the audience that have endured this far. "I'm a certifiable physician,
and if home is where the heart is, then yer real home's in yer chest!" She says, laying one serious
hand on hers.

A burly, tall Knight Venerable with a scarred face nods sagely, bringing a pair of fingers over his
large chest.

A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes listens to the closing statements and nods. A smile
passed between both Hermoise and Nana.

"You's kinda handsome in that hat. Makes you look like a boy. Is that the point of it?" remarks a
young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth to a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin in those
same hushed tones, but a level of snark is still discernable, as is her sneer. She stands and says
in a more regular tone, "I'm gettin' outta here before the rush." [a young Lithmorran woman with a
lopsided mouth] [Hidden]

A young man with blue eyes grins big, enjoying the rationale.

Winston edges out of the area, heading down.

A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair toys absently with the chalice charm that dangles
from her keyring, clinking the brass links together as she listens to the final statements being
offered up at the front of the room. Her expression is thoughtful, brow knitted as she glances
briefly over towards Theodora, and the others located in the front row.

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes smirks at the use of the word certifiable and nods a
little at the woman from the back of the room and his smoke filled corner. [Hidden]

A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel furrows a brow momentarily, though her gaze is upon none of
those present. She lets a little breath escape parted lips, not quite a sigh.

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair gives a thoughtful nod in response, assessing both
candidates, though a bit of an askance glance is given the rest comment about home's location.

A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth stands and starts shimmying out of towards teh aisle

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin lets a hand loose from behind her back, giving it the
upward motion to find purchase at her own heart, where it lies a moment. And then there's a young
Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth. [Hidden]

A brown and freckled reeve of slim weight leaves down.
A damsel with rose gold curls and ocean eyes leaves down.
A grim warden with umber skin and stygian eyes leaves down.
Izari de Bakir leaves down.
A young Lithmorran woman with a lopsided mouth leaves down.

Saga nods one final time. "Thank you, Miss Gulch." She takes a long, drawn out breath before turning
back to address the crowd. "Thus, the debate is conclude. Thank you all for attending. I believe a
round of applause is in order, to thank our two contestants for their time and energy." Leading by
example, she looks back to the contestants and offers them a round of quiet, reserved claps.

Lans ab Durandal stands up and stretches softly, joints popping. He offers a hand down for the White
Rose of Edessa to rise, "That has been... illustrative, I would say." he tells her, with an incline
of his head at Saga, "Dean. Thank you for hosting this today and here. We will carry what we saw and
heard with us." [Join]

A young man with blue eyes claps for the contestants and hostess smiling.

Eupheme lifts her hands and applauds lightly without disturbing the bird on her shoulder as she
rises from her seat, followed by Isabelle, a youthful handmaiden with her dark hair in an up-do. Her
expression doesn't betray concern; she seems fairly relaxed as she regroups with her entourage.

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair lifts up her hands for a light round of applause,
the fingers of one hand patting softly in the palm of the other, and she offers a dip of her head in
thanks to Saga. As things calm a bit, she lifts one hand to gesture for her retinue to fall into
line after her as she begins to rise herself up to a stand.

The White Rose of Edessa applauds politely, rises soon after Lans ab Durandal and accepting the
offered arm. Her chin inclines to the pair of contenders, and then a flicker of a smile is
volunteered to Saga. ".. Let us meet soon to discuss the conservatories, yes?" She whispers, before
murmuring her 'Lord Bless's to vairous notables and preparing to depart. a burly, mocha-skinned
sentinel with umber eyes and a chevalier with a lithe build and braided hair are flagged nearer.

A svelte, cerulean eyed young damsel slips her back rubbing hand about in order to give her own
muted claps for those at the podiums.

Andorig stands as well, his face a blank inexpressive mask. He claps reservedly with Saga in the
process, then says to those nearby (who are almost all nobles), "Lord bless, but I must go as
well.", and steps away from the seats and heads down and out of the debate hall.

Andorig leaves down.
A tall, watchful Lithmorran guardsman leaves down.

A wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown skin remains placidly in place, turning to keep an eye on the
folks clogging up the stairwell as the debate is ended.

Theodora slips out her spot in the front seats and shakes out her skirts. [Join]

Lans ab Durandal leaves down.
A burly, tall Knight Venerable with a scarred face leaves down.
The White Rose of Edessa leaves down.
A chevalier with a lithe build and braided hair leaves down.
A burly, mocha-skinned sentinel with umber eyes leaves down.
A lanky Tubori lass with rebellious russet hair leaves down.

A dusky skinned man with piercing blue eyes saunters up to a wide-cheeked Tubori with olive-brown
skin, pulling the pipe from his lips. "Proconsul. Ya get my package? How do the boys like my soup?"
He pauses then clears his throat, "That came out wrong."

A roguish, chocolate-haired Vavardi young man sucks between his front teeth and comments only a
single word, "Smooth ... "

"M'lady," a gangly young man with strawberry blonde hair calls to Theodora as she stands, he
approaches and bows. "Could I have a bit of your time?" [a gangly young man with strawberry blonde

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair leaves down.
A stocky, sandy-haired bodyguard with a square jaw leaves down.
A tall, slender manservant with light brown hair leaves down.
A lithe male chevalier with wavy blond hair leaves down.

Nana beams out at the scattered appluse and shuffling bodies on their way out. She turns her head
towards Hermoise and repeats the clumsy curtsy before gathering up her heavy copy of Poltics for the
Baseborn into her arms. "I got te offer te thanks fer the opportunity, Miss Dean," she says, pausing
by Saga to skilfully avoid butchering her name again. "It's good for the people te see what we stand
fer. Lord bless."

Saga is relieved as the crowd starts to thin, offering an exhausted smile to Nana and Hermoise both.
"Thank you," she says. "Although I must admit it rather feels as if those words have little meaning
now that I have repeated them a few dozen times." She sighs, then joins the others to make her

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