OOC Meeting 3-1-2025

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Posts: 38
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Mar 01, 2025 4:49 pm

Log session starting at 16:01:33 on Saturday, 1 March 2025.

Karrin has awarded you 3 QPs: scribe

Lox [RPxp: None] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] [A Comfortable Room (69)] (Lithmorran) (bathed)

You will no longer see prompts.

Karrin states to InvestSouthside, "Feel free"

Karrin claims, "OOC Chat Rules:

- Approach each topic with the mindset that each person is doing the best they can with the
knowledge they have, staff and player alike.
- Please avoid topics around current events. Nothing should be revealed in an OOC meeting that
others would prefer to find out in game ICly.
- This is not the correct forum for criticism of a specific player or a topic centered around one
player. If there are concerns about a specific player, please address that with staff privately.
- This is not the correct forum for bringing up policy violations. If there are instances of
perceived policy violations, please address that with staff privately."

Karrin asks, "Ok! How was RP this week?"

Scarry screams incoherently.

Karrin has transferred HIEROPHANT. [OOC]

Karrin asks of Scarry, "That good, huh?"

Karrin says to HIEROPHANT, "We just asked how RP was this week."

Meiari claims, "I had a really good debrief with some orderites about a definitely not scuff plot"

Karrin has transferred Eeel. [OOC]

Scarry claims, "Well, OOCly, I'm laughing. ICly is another story."

Karrin says to Meiari, "No scuff."

Karrin states to Scarry, "You do have the BEST luck. *cough*"

Temi gives a large, thick picnic blanket laden with an appliqued feast to HIEROPHANT.

Valora claims, "Been a good week. Though had some early nights cause a bit eepy. Overall nice time."

Temi gives a large, thick picnic blanket laden with an appliqued feast to Eeel.

Karrin claims to Valora, "I've been pretty sleepy lately, too. Absolutely get that."

PositronicJune says, "Personally I've had some interesting bits with familiar characters, but
sometimes my RP options are kinda limited with the amount of players"

HIEROPHANT states, "I had three or four really nice scenes and got up to some funny business here
and there, to hopefully the enjoyment of those present, so I had a great time. I also got my cat

Kalana says, "Been doing pretty well. Always a bunch of RL though"

Karrin says to HIEROPHANT, "Yay! Sounds good."

Sparkles says, "I've had some interesting scenes this week. Happy a friend is giving us a try."

Karrin wonders, "Because I have a few 'topics' of my own, I'll go after Temi with staff updates.
But, does anyone have some topics for the group?"

Valora shakes her head.

Magdalena shakes her head, too.

Karrin says, "Alrighty! We'll let Temi go first, then I'll dive in."

Temi says, "About the same this week as the last couple. Working on the plot stuff, lots of updates
for everyone, hopefully folks are having a lot of fun with it and it's giving something to RP off
of. I think we're coming up on Spring will be next week and we'll kick some of the next bits off.
Remember that if you want to get plots in, it's free as a part of the header plot, and I'm holding a
deadline of Sundays where I'll start processing all of them for the week"

Temi claims, "It's been taking me a few days including Sunday night, but hopefully it's been leaving
you enough time to RP off of it"

Karrin states, "She has been getting enough of them where processing them all in one day is darn
near impossible. But if they're in by Sunday, she can work on them."

Temi nods at Karrin.

HIEROPHANT states, "I try to get mine in ASAP so that I can spend the rest of the week wrangling
people to put theirs in. That way Temi has more time to look at them and think about them before
sunday. :)"

Temi grins.

PositronicJune groans.

Temi claims, "No promises I will, but certainly won't complain about the chance"

Temi says, "But that's about it for me anyways."

Karrin nods.

Karrin says, "I ran the last-last scene that was straggling from the demon plot today. It was great,
thanks everyone for participating, and I hope you enjoyed."

PositronicJune wonders, "What was that scene...?"

Karrin says, "It was an Orderite plot."

PositronicJune states, "O"

Valora states, "Was a good scene that included multiple minor foot injuries. Very rude."

Karrin claims, "I have a few bits of feedback - first being that if you want staff eyes on
something, please don't send us a message on the personal board. That board has an expiration of 3
weeks, and sometimes back and forth between players and staff takes more time than that and we end
up losing the note before the convo is done. Please use the request board."

Karrin says, "If you are just including us when messaging other players (i.e. GLs, etc, whatever),
personal board is A-OK."

Valora claims, "Roger roger."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "We increase the time if we notice it needs more, but that is easy to miss"

Karrin claims, "My second one is a general PSA for staff-lead scenes. This happened a while back in
the scene for the last plot with the summoner, but I have seen it happen more than once where people
immediately jump to combat first once entering a room and don't pause to RP at all, so I wanted to
give a little feedback. I was able to handle it at the time of my scene because of the NPC that I
was playing (so it made sense for me to use the peace command and have it actually work as I *knew*
that other people were still on their way and there was so much more to be revealed in that scene,
especially as it was the final/concluding scene to the plot - but that is not always the case for
every NPC), but just a little... comment for the future, plots, requested scenes, and possibly even
extending to player interactions.

If you take the time to request that staff puppet something (demon, NPC, anything), or you ask to
arrange a scene, please do not jump to immediate combat the second that NPC/demon/whatever it is
steps into the room. The experiences that people talk about, the scenes that are impactful to RP and
that people talk about for years do not come from a hack and slash environment where something
ugly/evil walks in and you immediately just take it down.

Please remember that if you are requesting my time, I am actually spending some time preparing and
planning something FOR YOU. I am spending time preparing to try to give you guys a meaningful scene
that will give you RP that will last a good while and that will spur more RP after it is over.
Please allow time for that to happen."

Valora nods.

Meiari claims, "Seems reasonable to me."

Temi finishes abruptly, "A good reminder in general - we're not going to run away with you getting a
chance to RP"

Karrin has transferred ThatBard. [OOC]

Karrin nods.

Temi gives a large, thick picnic blanket laden with an appliqued feast to ThatBard.

Scarry claims, "Alrighty. That seems more than fair."

ThatBard states, "Sorry for being late."

HIEROPHANT says, "I feel this on a spiritual level"

Karrin states, "Yeah, we are there specifically to give you a good time. So, we want to have the
opportunity to go so. If I'd let that happen and the combat would have taken that dude down right
away, we'd have had... so much not revealed in that plot. So many unanswered questions. Though,
fairly, Scarry would have less nightmares if we had."

Karrin claims, "To DO so, rather."

Karrin muses, "Ok! Has anyone thought of a topic while I've been rambling listening to myself?"

Scarry muses, "Uhhh, I have a tiny one, actually?"

Karrin nods at Scarry.

Karrin says, "Sure, go ahead."

Scarry says, "How big should plot actions be? Now that the time for a lot of plots comes around, I
realize some plots literally go three pages deep sometimes. Which even I, as avid reader, find a bit
much, especially when they're bunched up without paragraph breaks."

Scarry states, "Does Staff like recommend/prefer a certain length and formatting for them? 'Cause
it's a lot for just one plot sometimes and you do all of them."

Valora looks at her plots and then tries to hide them but they are far too long to fit in the

Temi says, "A couple of paragraphs is probably a good target, but we can adjust for that some, it's
certainly not the upper limit"

HIEROPHANT claims, "A while ago, during an old header, a staffer mentioned a preference around
something like 300-400 words max"

Karrin says, "In my brain, each plot should center around a single situation/action - and everyone
contributing should be putting forth support to that ONE thing - whatever it might be. I remember
giving feedback on one of the Samralier plots that addressing 3-4 different things (each action was
about something different) was too much. BUT, that said, Temi migh thave different thoughts."

Temi states, "One main line of actions is probably good, yeah."

Kalana ducks.

Karrin chuckles.

Karrin claims, "I think the plot itself - the person hosting the plot - should put their
action/intent. And everyone else who contributes should be focused on whatever the 'sponsoring'
person, so to speak, puts there. And if it needs to branch into several directions, that might need
to be separate plots."

Karrin claims, "The bigger it is, the longer it'll take us to wrap our heads around it and process."

Temi claims, "Yeah, and especially when this is a big header plot and there's lots of them to
address, plus it's free to submit each week, breaking it down into you also heading up your own
could be smart"

Meiari muses, "So tangentially, and this is probably more of a GL thing than an every-player thing -
what is the thought on a one topic thing going to multiple locations (like my taxes to the duchies)?
Because it's one theme-topic should it remain as one plot or should the different locations get
their own plots?"

Karrin says, "Indeedie. Focused plots are quicker, AND these ones don't cost any QP, so you aren't
having to spend extra with additional. And and, not sure you realize, but we do award QP/IP with
processing. And only the sponsor of the plot gets that."

Karrin claims to Meiari, "I think that could be one, because it's one theme/topic/goal."

Temi states, "I'm not completely opposed to generally the same thing going to multiple places, yeah"

Karrin nods.

Meiari states, "Okay :)"

Karrin claims, "But say, if you were wanting to build new churches, rebuild the university, and fix
the streets... three different goals. And, fairly, any one of them could fail or succeed
independently? Three plots."

Karrin questions, "If that makes sense?"

HIEROPHANT states, "I think a clear, singular goal is the intention, not a literal singular action

Temi nods at HIEROPHANT.

HIEROPHANT claims, "For example, you could interrogate a guy and ask a bunch of questions, but not
interrogate five dudes and ask them all different questions, likely."

Sparkles is idle.

Temi states, "That's a good way to look at it"

Sparkles is no longer idle.

Meiari says, "Alright, yeah. That makes perfect sense. At least in this moment haha."

HIEROPHANT exclaims, "It's very easy to try to do too much. But! As this was a GL-related question -
everyone can do one plot per week, so if you need a second thing done, delegate! (where possible)"

Karrin nods at HIEROPHANT.

Sparkles claims, "Related to that, what are the thoughts on projects that align with the header? I
know that's been done in the past, but figure I'd double check."

Karrin says to Sparkles, "I"

Karrin claims, "Am not opposed."

Temi nods in agreement with Karrin.

HIEROPHANT says, "Relatedly, these big plots tend to have people on-grid doing stuff, and so we tend
to get more folks joining in and wanting to participate, so now is a -great- time for guild

Temi claims, "Could be a way to add some extra oomph to a plot direction"

HIEROPHANT says, "Especially if you run a plot that's reliant on a given metric to function well."

Karrin nods.

Temi finishes abruptly, "I also chatted with Theodora this week about the 'different lines of RP'
for different alts, and thought I'd share what I mentioned to her then - that the main question in
my head to determine if there's a potential conflict is if the actions of one alt could have an
impact on the level of success of another's"

Karrin says, "Knowing from the past, Temi will also allow those projects, successful or failing, to
affect the actual header plot. Taking them into consideration."

Karrin states, "Or failure."

Temi nods in agreement.

HIEROPHANT says, "The other thing I'll note on metrics and plots is - most will have rolls involved,
yeah? I find my plans work better when I make it clear in my plot actions which
skills/stats/metrics/sheer luck I'm angling for, where I can. Implicitly, or sometimes just directly
stating 'I use this skill to try to do this'."

Temi says, "Failures can be even more fun. Adds problems to RP around"

Temi states, "Yeah, if you'd like to try to use some specific skill or such to improve your chances,
it can't hurt to note that roughly"

Meiari states, "Okay cool, I'll try to keep stats and skills in mind then."

Karrin nods in agreement.

Temi claims, "Also, if you have other people doing things for you, I'm less likely to be able to
take your actual skills and stats into account beyond what you can prepare them for, so that often
has an element of luck"

Karrin claims, "And we know what a witch luck can be."

Scarry states, "Not mine B)"

Temi grins.

Valora cries in bad luck rolls.

Karrin chuckles.

Scarry states, "So far my luck has been surprisingly ok."

Valora questions, "Can I somehow work my plots to have Scarry roll luck for me?"

Valora says, "Jk jk"

Temi says to Valora, "Well, if you can rope Scarry into doing stuff for you."

Temi grins.

Karrin queries, "I mean, you could drag them into every one of them purely for more nightmare fuel?"

Meiari says, "I literally just avoided giving them more nightmare fuel by assigning the other doc -
don't do that."

Sparkles says, "Only possible suggestion there (maybe) is Charisma in convincing Person X to do the
thing you are asking? I'm clearly biased there though."

Kalana nods.

Karrin says, "I do tend to use charisma a lot in my rolls for plots, depending on what I'm doing."

Karrin states, "Or, rather, what you guys are doing in them."

Temi claims, "I do often include charisma when it involves convincing or inspiring others in how
well they do stuff"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Scarry states, "Give me all the nightmares"

Karrin says, "If you tell us you're going to try to use your strength to convince people, we're
going to do the eyebrow thing."

Sparkles says, "Flexing at them, clearly."

Meiari says, "Intimidation roll with strength lol"

Valora queries, "Can I use my constitution and dexterity to convince people?"

Scarry says, "What if I want to use medicine to convince others on sound treatment ways."

Karrin chuckles.

Temi claims, "Then I'd probably use charisma and medicine skill."

Scarry states, "Or actually wisdom or intelligence to convince with LOGIC and FACTS."

Karrin states, "Just be logical, and we'll go with it."

Temi grins.

Magdalena is idle.

Temi says, "I've been trying to include multiple stats to not rely on just one set of rolls/bonuses
for folks"

Karrin nods in agreement with Temi.

Karrin muses, "Ok! Any more questions/topics?"

Valora shakes her head.

Karrin declares, "Ok, I'll send you all back to grid. Thanks, again, for the fun scene today where I
got to be a gross monster. You all have a blast!"

Valora pontificates, "Woodle!"

Valora waves.

Meiari dances!

Magdalena waves at errybody

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