Basic prices

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Sat Oct 21, 2017 5:37 am

I really feel for those caught in the middle. The system works fine for some. It works fine for me, for the most part. But it breaks a lot of other characters.

I'd like to state again that I'm against the change to purchase wealth. It provided a safety net for all of this. It wasn't cheap or easy to obtain like purchase silver, but was something people who really needed silver could strive for and obtain. The need for extra starting silver in chargen could have been met with a chargen-only purchase silver for 10k xp for 1,000 silver, while leaving purchase wealth intact for those in-game.

If it's not coming back though, I really think assets should be made available for XP outside of chargen. At an increased cost if necessary, but at least obtainable.

As for the main point of this topic, yes, I'd be happy to see costs come down all-around. I've seen a decrease in orders as a merchant, which is kind of boring. Glad to hear it's being looked at!
With silver being more valuable now, I'd almost want to suggest copper coins be introduced as a fraction of silver, if that wouldn't be such a pain in the butt to implement.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:06 am

Hmm, I'm late to the party again. :)

A few comments - I see a bit of strife in this thread between players because of subjective conflicts in what they enjoy. Some players like a tighter, more medieval economy, some people feel this isn't fun for a game. These things aren't worth arguing over because no amount of excellent prose is going to convince someone who likes their whiskey neat that vodka on the rocks is a superior beverage. Preferences are subjective. So, it comes down to whether or not TI's new flavor is right for you.

Evrald, contrary to something you said I said earlier, so far as I know we've asked players who "missed the cut off" to post a note on the Request Board to get their free asset. Please do that to resolve your issue.

With regards to the current costs to achieve basic things, here is Niamh's current analysis:

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[ #112 ] Kinaed Board
A note has been posted by: Niamh
From room    : 97
In subject of: Crafting Costs Chart
Date         : Sat Sep 16 03:40:13 2017
Moved        : Sat Oct 21 04:04:32 2017
Expires      : Thu Jun 11 03:40:17 2020
To           : staff
                 Minimum Cost in Tools     Cost for 1 rank (36-37)    Investment
Jeweling         140 (+500 tables)         180                        320 silver
Woodworking      150 (+500 tables)         240                        390 silver
Blacksmithing    225 (+1000 tables)        620                        845 silver
Medicine         235 (+500 tables)         162                        397 silver
Herbalism        305 (+500 tables)         1666                       1971 silver
Tailoring        330 flat                  300                        630 silver
Leatherworking   350 flat                  180                        530 silver
Cooking          365 (+500 tables)         63                         428 silver
Artwork          385 flat                  6                          391 silver
Chandlery        455 (+500 tables)         66                         521 silver
Brewing          595 flat                  64                         659 silver

* Tools don't include things like looms, woodcutting axes, or knives (everyone
  starts with one free).
* Tables are available in public spaces and aren't counted under total 
* Recipes used to gain the 1 skill rank were the simplest or least expensive
  I could find.
* Tester had "Good" Wisdom and Int (60/60).
Staff will discuss this, as well as the costs for rumors and messengers at our next staff meeting, which will probably be this weekend if not the next.

However, most people are seeing about as much silver weekly as they used to, and several people are seeing a lot more. The major difference in available funds is purchase silver being gone, and staff have been very clear that one of the key purposes of this change was to get rid of purchase silver. That is simply not coming back. We want money to be highly valuable so that it becomes the kind of motivator that money intrinsically ought to be. This may not be something everyone wants to deal with, and we acknowledge that it makes the game "harder" in ways some players may not enjoy - but it's the game we think is better overall.

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Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:38 am

When taking into account it would be worthwhile to take into account demand for each trade. Like while tailoring may be more expensive than leatherworking but it's also in insanely higher demand game-wise etc. Not sure if there is a way to get that data from the game as it is now though.
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Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:51 am

I'm surprised by the cost for herbalism. I'm curious what exactly upped the cost so much?
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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:25 am

I'm not sure.

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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:22 am

What upped the cost for Herbalism so much is that the pool rate was far, far, far lower than with other crafts. While the cheapest recipe to level the skill was about on par cost-wise with other skills, most took 6 attempts, some took 8, but Herbalism took 21 attempts to gain 1 rank. This is probably because Herbalism can be leveled with tend/harvest at zero or minimal cost.

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Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:27 am

Niamh wrote:What upped the cost for Herbalism so much is that the pool rate was far, far, far lower than with other crafts. While the cheapest recipe to level the skill was about on par cost-wise with other skills, most took 6 attempts, some took 8, but Herbalism took 21 attempts to gain 1 rank. This is probably because Herbalism can be leveled with tend/harvest at zero or minimal cost.
That would certainly explain the high cost. I presume Husbandry is of a similar vein, hence it's exclusion from the list?
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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:31 am

Voxumo wrote:
Niamh wrote:What upped the cost for Herbalism so much is that the pool rate was far, far, far lower than with other crafts. While the cheapest recipe to level the skill was about on par cost-wise with other skills, most took 6 attempts, some took 8, but Herbalism took 21 attempts to gain 1 rank. This is probably because Herbalism can be leveled with tend/harvest at zero or minimal cost.
That would certainly explain the high cost. I presume Husbandry is of a similar vein, hence it's exclusion from the list?
I actually didn't look at Husbandry at all - just the stuff under Trade skills. *ponders* Do you think that would be a useful one to have numbers for?

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Discord Handle: Voxumo#7925

Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:37 am

Niamh wrote:
Voxumo wrote:
Niamh wrote:What upped the cost for Herbalism so much is that the pool rate was far, far, far lower than with other crafts. While the cheapest recipe to level the skill was about on par cost-wise with other skills, most took 6 attempts, some took 8, but Herbalism took 21 attempts to gain 1 rank. This is probably because Herbalism can be leveled with tend/harvest at zero or minimal cost.
That would certainly explain the high cost. I presume Husbandry is of a similar vein, hence it's exclusion from the list?
I actually didn't look at Husbandry at all - just the stuff under Trade skills. *ponders* Do you think that would be a useful one to have numbers for?
I haven't really dabbled too heavily into husbandry, though there doesn't seem to be too many costs associated with it. Infact I believe the only costs are the initial farmyard flag purchase, and the actual animals, since feed and whatnot can be technically gotten for free through herbalism.

Though magecrafting might also be one to look at, as I remember when it first came out it was quite cost heavy, but not sure if that is still the case as it's been several years since I dabbled in it.
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Discord Handle: Niamh#3824

Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:38 am

Voxumo wrote:
Niamh wrote:
Voxumo wrote: That would certainly explain the high cost. I presume Husbandry is of a similar vein, hence it's exclusion from the list?
I actually didn't look at Husbandry at all - just the stuff under Trade skills. *ponders* Do you think that would be a useful one to have numbers for?
I haven't really dabbled too heavily into husbandry, though there doesn't seem to be too many costs associated with it. Infact I believe the only costs are the initial farmyard flag purchase, and the actual animals, since feed and whatnot can be technically gotten for free through herbalism.

Though magecrafting might also be one to look at, as I remember when it first came out it was quite cost heavy, but not sure if that is still the case as it's been several years since I dabbled in it.
Good call on Magecrafting. I'll look into that one and add it to the chart on Kinaed's board.

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