Log of OOC Meeting 9/21/13

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:47 pm

Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:45 pm

Kinaed muses, "Today's agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Staff Topics
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Does anyone have anything they want to add to the agenda and make sure is spoken about?"

Kinaed says, "Okay, I've got GL Survey results added and Piety."

Kinaed muses, "Anything else?"

Kinaed says, "Okay, let's get started. I'll go first, talking about what I did last week, and what I intend to do this week."

Kinaed says, "Last week, I finished the Places Spec's first draft. It's in this room for anyone who wants to have a read."

Kinaed states, "Next week, I plan to add eavesdropping to the spec."

A tall, black haired, pale skinned woman studies the Places Spec.

A tall, black haired, pale skinned woman studies the Places Spec.

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "I have a question about the spec"

Kinaed states, "I've also requested a few minor changes to the game on the bug board, a lot of formatting things and some message updates. Nothing big."

Kinaed claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "Sure, what's on your mind? It's a draft, so now is definitely the time to feedback."

Nayiv de Reymes queries, "When it says 'all emotes and says will echo only to themselves and those joined to the same place,' does that really mean they will be unable to communicate with the rest of the room? Because that seems a bit extreme, if it's true. How would you invite someone over, the like?"

Kinaed exclaims, "Oh, I forgot to add the 'loud' portion. Thanks!"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant to a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls crosses the center of the room.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls slows to a halt.

Kinaed points at the Places Spec.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls gets the Places Spec.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls claims, "Ooooh"

Nayiv de Reymes declares, "Alright! No problem, just was curious about that :)"

Beronica Destral has lost link.
Beronica Destral has reconnected.

A Takta states, "I'm curious how place kicks will be 'resolved'."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls studies the Places Spec.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls studies the Places Spec.

[Action: Beronica Destral is sitting in her rocking chair.]

A Takta states, "I.e., does the initiator always succeed? Does the 'owner' of the place always succeed? Can you resist a place kick via combat? Etc."

Kinaed claims, "I decided to move away from surrender and a fight to letting people initiate a fight if they wanted to."

Beronica Destral wears a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant around her neck.

Beronica Destral studies the Places Spec.

Kinaed states to a Takta, "Anyone who does it will succeed, but I was thinking the person would automatically successfully eavesdrop for a period."

Beronica Destral looks at a book in her hands.

A Takta says, "Hrm."

A Takta queries, "Can you rejoin after being kicked?"

Kinaed states, "Yes."

A Takta nods.

Kinaed claims, "I think we should manage this with some social etiquette rules instead of code."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "I think we can mostly trust our playerbase on that."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Haidar Abn'zahi has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant to Haidar Abn'zahi.

Kinaed points at the Places Spec.

Kinaed claims, "Certainly if a conflict arises over it in RP, the conflict can be resolved in RP, imho."

Haidar Abn'zahi gets the Places Spec.

Haidar Abn'zahi looks at a book in his hands.

Kinaed claims, "If someone rudely kicks me from a place, I might smack them."

Haidar Abn'zahi studies the Places Spec.

Kinaed claims, "Whatever."

Haidar Abn'zahi studies the Places Spec.

Kinaed questions, "Seem okay?"

Beronica Destral says, "That sounds reasonable."

The Courier hands a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls a letter.

A Takta says, "Yeah, I think so."

Nayiv de Reymes questions, "Can someone in the room speak to the members of a place before joining?"

Kinaed claims, "I've taken notes to add emote loud (thanks for pointing out that huge blunder, Nayiv!)."

Kinaed nods at Nayiv de Reymes.

Nayiv de Reymes nods. "No problem!"

Kinaed states, "Anything just happening in the room will be observable by joined characters."

Riley Dayle is idle.

Kinaed muses, "Any other thoughts?"

Kinaed claims, "If not, that's it for me. Azarial, you're up."

Riley Dayle is no longer idle.
Riley Dayle has returned from AFK.

Azarial says, "Well, we found a place, so i've bene moving things. I've fixed a crash bug a day this week so far, which is good; that means stories are getting the workout they need."

Azarial claims, "I am narrowing in on why stories are overfull, but no soilutions yet."

Kinaed states, "Yes, thank you Seymor's player, for running a quest/story for other players. I think I awarded him QP, but it's awesome to see people taking up that torch."

Azarial claims, "Assorted typos fixed, that sort of thing. my access is going to be sporadic until we can figure out internet, so try not to break it too badly."

Azarial claims, "Still looking at temi;s free form poison system, and when i can sit down i'll work on the dirmote grammatical issues in movement."

Azarial states, "That is a 29 page nightmare I had to print out. <_<"

Kinaed says, "Wow."

Azarial has been avoiding that for about four years.

A Takta says, "Ewww."

Seymor ab Sinclair has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed points at the Places Spec.

Azarial says, "The worst part that will slow me down is figuring out why it does the hokie pokie. i mvoes the character three times before leaving them in the new room."

Beronica Destral waves to Seymor ab Sinclair.

Azarial states, "So that;s going to be fun."

Seymor ab Sinclair gets the Places Spec.

Kinaed claims to Seymor ab Sinclair, "You missed my special thanks to you for running the spider story. :)"

A Takta muses to Azarial, "That's what it's all about, huh?"

Kinaed claims, "I got a lot of positive feedback from the pbase, thank you."

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.

Azarial states, "Still trying to squeeze the last fragments of the prior magical fix in as I can; somnii and ciutting wind still need specific loving to finish them. i hvae two more spells waiting int he wings with some effects between them that need strings."

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "Oh well your welcome.. i guess"

Kinaed gives Seymor ab Sinclair a smile and a hug.

Azarial states, "That;s about it on my end I think."

Kinaed smiles at Azarial.

Kinaed states to Azarial, "Thanks."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "You're up, Temi."

Temi claims, "Well! I now have all of the herbal concoctions for medicinals, recreationals and poisons with their process strings."

[Action: Seymor ab Sinclair lays in a spider web]

Seymor ab Sinclair declares, "Yay poisons!"

A Takta claims, "Which is like, a HUGE FREAKING THING."

A Takta cheers Temi D

Beronica Destral cheers happily then suddenly glomps Temi.

Kinaed nods solemnly.

Temi says, "That was a pretty monumental task, getting semi-unique 3-12 strings per item, though I got to reuse some of them between items."

Temi trails off, "So, herbal concoctions could pretty much be made now, if the ingredients and tools were all available..."

Temi states, "But not going to release them for you yet because they wouldn't work yet."

Temi grins.

Temi says, "Small details, you know."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls queries, "Affs?"

Temi nods at a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls.

Kinaed asks of Temi, "How many new recipes do we have going in, Temi?"

Temi says, "Yeah, they need affs and messaging."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls nods.

Temi says, "80ish."

A tall, black haired, pale skinned woman claims, "Speaking as someone who plays a potion maker in a lot of games, thanks for doing it. It's a game aspect that I've seen skimped on often, and having detailed code for effects and concocting makes it so much more fun. "

Temi states, "Next plan is to add failure products."

Seymor ab Sinclair i assume aff means affects?

A Takta states, "80ish. Sheeeesh. :D"

A Takta nods at Seymor ab Sinclair.

Kinaed nods solemnly to a tall, black haired, pale skinned woman, "To be fair, it did take us about 12 years to get it in."

Temi claims, "I'm thinking I'm going to make a single failure product for medicinals and one for poisons."

Kinaed nods at Seymor ab Sinclair.

Temi states, "And then have a recipe for a general catch-all that uses those."

A Takta states, "Az is working on a new much more flexible aff system to make this happen."

Kinaed ups her QP reward to Temi. 80??

Temi states, "It won't be preferrable to specifically made stuff."

Temi declaims to Kinaed, "You already saw all their names!"

A Takta grins.

Nayiv de Reymes wants prettily colored words too. "Tada! And it doesn't matter how long it took, Kinaed. Now that it's almost here, it'll be amazing." :)

Azarial states, "It is nice to see my crafting system finally reach fruition, let alone this much favor and utiliziation."

A Takta says, "Craft_ herb -all shows the full list of names."

A Takta states, "(it's really long)"

Kinaed has lost link.
Kinaed has reconnected.

Kinaed says OOCly, "Bummer"

Azarial says, "I still neeed to work out the crafting specific data object so that way the OR handling in consumption can be adjusted by vnum."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls says, "Takta"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls trails off, "Speaking about that list....."

A Takta asks of a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls, "Hmm?"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls wonders, "Fishing? Butchter? Eld? unskilled? "

[Knights Lithmorran] Arynon: Did that go through? I had knights turned off apparently

An unremarkable man has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Maxwell Wattkil is idle.

Kinaed gives a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant to an unremarkable man.

Azarial wonders, "...it lists fishing?"

A Takta says, "If you see crafts under weird skills, don't make them. :P"

[Knights Lithmorran] Arynon: Cool, ty

A Takta says, "They're likely there for some sort of catch-all."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "Well, Yeah. I was just wondering lol "

A Takta states, "Butcher's might be intentional though."

Azarial claims, "Bug that for me, so i can filter those. fishing is a brutal modificaation so that I did not have to write a new system so takta et al. can adjust fishing in game."

Temi states, "Yes, butcher is intentional."

Seymor ab Sinclair sees the necklace and is immediatly disheartened "Aww.. So pretty."

Kinaed says, "I seem to be having some lag bubbles, sorry folks."

A Takta claims, "Yeah, that's right, I remember these."

Temi states, "We ought to give those a command."

A Takta nods at Temi.

Maxwell Wattkil is no longer idle.
Maxwell Wattkil has returned from AFK.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

An unremarkable man wears a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant around his neck.

A Takta claims, "Eld was where I put magecraft recipes that were not approved as final products, but I didn't want to ditch just yet."

An unremarkable man tucks his dagger in his belt.

Temi says, "But yeah, that's what I've been doing."

Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed claims, "Thank you for the hard work, Temi."

Azarial begins to write a message on the courier's desk.
(At least one recipient is a Staffer. This is an OOC mail).

Kinaed states to a Takta, "You're up."

Seymor ab Sinclair misses the days when eld could be spoken

Azarial finishes writing her mail.

Haidar Abn'zahi cheers!.

The Courier hands Kinaed a letter.

A Takta claims, "Okay. Hi guys. I'm actually Takta on her tester PC, hence why I look weird."

Beronica Destral claims, "I can make the addicts respite right off, when I get the tools."

A Takta says, "Actual Takta is in the sewers building away. "

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls finishes his note.

Seymor ab Sinclair asks, "Wait takta you look wierd? i couldn't tell the difference?"

Argider sneezes loudly.

A Takta states, "Speaking of. The sewers are essentially good to go at this point; it's just adding more fun extras/details now. So I should be able to pull off my quest next weekend still. In light of player feedback, I'm actively planning to split the scene into two groups."

A Takta states, "And trying to explicitly assign roles for both combative and non-combative players, so hopefully it can be welcome to all."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls wonders, "We can venture into the Sewers?"

A Takta says, "No, the sewers will not be opened until the quest."

Haidar Abn'zahi does a 'denozo slap' upside Seymor's head!

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls frowns, but nods.

Temi asks of a Takta, "Were you going to give me one of the groups to take care of?"

A Takta states to Temi, "Uh huh, if you're able/willing."

Kinaed states to a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls, "The Quest this week is intended to introduce the sewers."
Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Okay, I'll plan on that."

A Takta states to Temi, "We'll need to chat about it this week, but I don't have details yet due to needing to focus on finishg the sewers."

Temi nods at a Takta.

Temi exclaims, "We'll discuss!"

Kinaed gives a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant to Seymor ab Sinclair.

A Takta claims, "So, after the sewers are done, I'll be changing woodworking over to new crafting, then probably papercrafting because that one is whack, yo."

Seymor ab Sinclair wears a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant with pride

A Takta exclaims, "That's about it for me!"

Seymor ab Sinclair wears a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant around his neck.

Kinaed says, "I think that's all of hte staff attending."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, staff Topics."

Kinaed claims, "Let's start with Piety."

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.
Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

Maxwell Wattkil wonders, "...Should we add a 'sin' stat too? :D"

Kinaed muses, "How should piety work, people?"

Joudan von Urath states, "Should have a natural entrophy, for one"

Kinaed states, "We're against setting it based on spamming a command."

A Takta says, "Purchased, not LBU'd."

Haidar Abn'zahi says, "A ranked advantage vs magick"

A Takta states, "You just can't TRAIN piety, I don't think."

Kinaed questions, "Well, do we need piety?"

Haidar Abn'zahi states, "Purchased yep. "

Maxwell Wattkil claims, "Donating things, helping people, being a generally good person."

A Takta states, "I like it primarily as a staffer-side system to track people's faiths and labels."

Joudan von Urath states, "And should be decreased each time you use a 'stealth' skill like steal or things"

Seymor ab Sinclair is iffy on piety

A Takta claims, "Not as a system with codewise implications/mechanics."

An unremarkable man questions, "Could you learn it from the Order? Like from attending mass and such?"

Haidar Abn'zahi nods at Joudan von Urath.

Safir Mara'aye says, "Spending on someone's religion, stealth skills might not lower piety"

Kinaed states, "The only thing I really see piety as good for is letting players tell US as staff that they intend to be 'good davites'."

Azarial says, "If they had used the preach command and you ha listened."

A Takta nods at Kinaed.

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "I disagree with purchased. Maybe a once-a-day thing. You can pray once per day, with advantages to praying multiple times in a row- so no spam, but it isn't based on price. It also encourages tradition in piety. Praying in a church, with an orderite, should also give an advantage."

A Takta claims to Kinaed, "I personally see some value in that, even if just for tracking."

Kinaed claims, "But since it doesn't really mean that in a given instance it'd restrict how people RP, I'm not sure it's of much benefit."

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant to a dark blonde man with slate grey eyes.

Gavin ab Harkness has gone AFK.

A Takta says, "You can pray every day in the church and be an atheist faking it. "

Nayiv de Reymes says, "And by multiple -times-, I mean multiple days... Takta does have a point though. That's what makes it hard."

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes states, "I think piety should be a positive / negative integer so that the magic users have a "negative" pool of piety to reflect how far away from pious they are and a similar advantage to what the pious receive."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls wonders, "And how many people would simply purchase it to get the advtange of it?"

Seymor ab Sinclair nods in agreement with a Takta

Safir Mara'aye claims, "I don't really like this as a Davite-only discussion. For players that are non-Davites, they need piety options as well. It isn't fully developed for the other religions as it is."

Haidar Abn'zahi states, "A pious person can do bad things. It's just in their mind they believe they are doing the right thing."

Kinaed queries, "What kind of advantages would piety provide people?"

A Takta states to a tall, black haired, pale skinned woman, "I agree, it should simply be purchase a piety level for whatever religion you want."

Azarial claims, "Piety would be seperated from the faith."

A Takta claims, "And I kind of vote for no advantage at all."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "You can kill rats if your a dacite, can't if you're not. At least, used to be the case."

Nayiv de Reymes says, "I agree with Gaberiel, though. Purchasing it adds a lot of silliness. I'd prefer no advantage over being able to 'buy' piety for your character"

A Takta states, "I've rhymed rats to death as a non-Davite, I'm pretty sure."

Kinaed states, "I think for the non-davites, really highly piety people might have access to their religion's temple."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "I agree with Takta, no advtanges, UNLESS you are going to give EACH one an advantage"

Haidar Abn'zahi says, "I used to kill rats as a nondavite"

Safir Mara'aye claims, "I've done it and not worked, as a non-Davite."

Maxwell Wattkil claims, "Maybe each religion SHOULD have an advantage."

Kinaed states, "But I'm still not sure that should be something hard coded."

Azarial asks, "Ahh, kinda like a guild xblock?"

A Takta states to Kinaed, "Ah, I DO like that actually."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial claims, "That would be easy to do."

Kinaed states, "But I wouldn't use an xblock, probably a mobprog."

A Takta says, "I already had a piety-checking mobprog."

Kinaed nods at a Takta.

A Takta says, "Though it'd have to be refactored, but."

Azarial states, "Still easy to do on my end."

Maxwell Wattkil trails off, "Maybe..."

Haidar Abn'zahi claims, "I like the temple idea."

Riley Dayle is idle.

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes claims, "Or perhaps areas of the grid that guards / mobs don't allow you into. For example, the springs"

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes states, "As opposed to a proper temple"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls likes Takta's Piety-checking Mob DDD

Maxwell Wattkil claims, "Okay, hold up a sec. We got The Lord of the Springs, Path of Fire, Cult of Esctacy, Spirits of Light, and Cyclists."

Safir Mara'aye muses, "How is a mob going to know I'm faking my piety and not let me into the springs?"

Seymor ab Sinclair claims, "I think i know which mob your reffering to takta"

Kinaed says, "I'd get really gripe-y as policy if I saw people dragging people to the springs to see if they were of the right religion, though."

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

A Takta states, "Yeah, piety shouldn't be used in Davism as a blocker."

Safir Mara'aye states, "There still needs to be ways for people to fake Davism."

Joudan von Urath trails off, "Yeah..."

Kinaed states, "Davism is public and mainstream."

A Takta states, "If piety is used to limit access to holy places, it should only be to let people into cult temples."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls agrees with Safir

Kinaed nods at a Takta.

Joudan von Urath claims, "The private religions would see these people practicing."

Haidar Abn'zahi trails off, "But think of it like this..."

Joudan von Urath asks, "And wouldn't let them in otherwise?"

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "It would be cool if the only people that could actually -see- a person's piety were Orderites"

Azarial says, "Depending on the spring, it;d be social class and race booting you out of the springs."

Riley Dayle is no longer idle.
Riley Dayle has returned from AFK.

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes states, "Maybe get rid of coded religions / cults altogether and have just a general piety? Allow people to 'write' or script their own prayers. "

A Takta says to Nayiv de Reymes, "I think nobody but staff should ever see piety."

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes states, "So religion is entirely RP based"

Kinaed queries to Nayiv de Reymes, "In what regard...?"

Azarial says to a dark blonde man with slate grey eyes, "Emote"

Safir Mara'aye states, "People shouldn't be able to see other people's piety. That's RP'd out with orderites"

Kinaed nods in agreement with Nayiv de Reymes.

Maxwell Wattkil says, "...Maybe each one should have an advantage. Like, Path of Fire gets some MV back if they ever take damage or something. And Cult of Esctacy recovers MV when resting, and Cyclists get more Death XP, all of them raising the higher piety they have."

Kinaed says, "Er, tak"

Haidar Abn'zahi trails off, "A normal catholic can't just waltz into the vatican proper and be 'sup... i'm catholic'"

A Takta wonders, "Really, it comes down to 'what do you want piety to do?'"

Kinaed says, "I agree with Takta that I think a person's piety is internal and should only be staff-viewable."

Temi says to Haidar Abn'zahi, "That's more of an Order xblock."

Haidar Abn'zahi trails off, "So.... using piety, it could grant you access to certain rooms of an area"

Kinaed nods at Haidar Abn'zahi.

Kinaed claims, "That I could see."

A Takta claims, "Letting piety in off-mainstream religions letting you into places is the one 'external manifestation' of it I like."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "I don't really mind it -doing- much. But I do like the idea of an Orderite, through commands or RP, being able to determine a person's faith. Like in a Review, but a bit more coded."

Safir Mara'aye says, "You can be a practicing Catholic that goes to confession every year and high piety and don't just get back room access to the Vatican, either."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "That doesn't work in the real world any more than it would in-game, if that's the example."

Kinaed claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "That makes me very uncomfortable."

A Takta states to Kinaed, "Ditto."

Temi muses to Nayiv de Reymes, "Like a contest and you can use either int/wis or piety?"

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

Seymor ab Sinclair nods in agreement with kinaed

Joudan von Urath states, "It should remain that it protects from mattack"

Azarial claims, "Some of that sounds like it might be a good tie in to those dgscripts, if i can steal the time to pick those apart."

A Takta states to Joudan von Urath, "It doesn't. We thought it did but it doesn't."

Haidar Abn'zahi says, "Meh. I'm not good at illustrating points."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "I really liked Morgen's Idea actually. "

Azarial claims, "It did before the last round of mods to defenses."

A Takta nods at Azarial.

Safir Mara'aye states, "Orderites need to figure things out through RP. They could be dealing with a Davite that's a sinner or someone who is a non-davits. That's for them to figure out or screw up."

Kinaed says, "Can someone restate Morgen's idea? I missed it."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "He is typing"

Joudan von Urath makes a subtle joke about it being a real measure of faith, then

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes states, "It's always bugged me that there are set prayers. An editor of sorts that would allow people to write their own threaded prayers would be ideal."

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes says, "That way certain priests within each religion would have their own 'style'"

A Takta claims, "I just hate coded prayers at all."

Joudan von Urath states, "I've gotta go"

Kinaed says, "Yeah, we removed the coded prayers."

Joudan von Urath muses, "Trans me?"

Safir Mara'aye muses, "Can't you just emote out your own prayers if you don't like preset ones?"

Joudan von Urath has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

A Takta claims, "Praying doesn't make you more faithful, LBU piety is crazy."

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

A Takta claims, "Sorry, that's perhaps a bit strongly-worded."

Kinaed states, "I think, for now, I'm not going to reinstall piety in the immediate term."

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes states, "I'm just referring to the fact that in the past using the coded prayers were about the only way to raise piety"

A Takta nods at a dark blonde man with slate grey eyes.

Temi nods at Kinaed.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls claims, "He also mentioned just removing the religions, benefits, and allowing a free-form type of thing. I know a few players that have done that, but had to RPA it, and I think it shouldn't have to cost QP to believe in whatever you want. "

Kinaed says, "I'm percolating on it, but I think we have some real big important things to work on, and I'm not sure piety is all that important as a 'win for the game'."

A dark blonde man with slate grey eyes says, "If it remains that coded prayers raise piety then we should have some way to edit the threaded prayers"

A Takta claims, "It's probably too much fuss for very minor benefit."

Kinaed nods at a dark blonde man with slate grey eyes.

Temi says, "I think it's fine to revisit again eventually but not worry about for now. The best of piety is all in the RP"

A Takta claims to Temi, "Amen. *grin*"

Kinaed states, "Okay, the next topic on the agenda is: GL Survey."

Kinaed says, "The results were... varied. Very, very varied."

A Takta grins.

Seymor ab Sinclair grabs a bag of roasted spiders and waits for the results

Kinaed states, "In fact, there wasn't a big trend at all."

Beronica Destral blinks a little. "Aw...crap. I forgot to finish it."

Kinaed says, "So, in light of that, I'm going to tell you where I'm going with it and what I'm planning."

Seymor ab Sinclair writes note "Distraction of beronica worked.. Phase two.. in order

Seymor ab Sinclair continues "Side note.. Laser lights work wonder."

Kinaed states, "I think guild roles should be gained ICly, and that players should be able to achieve them through play. I want everything to be IC and staff to step out of the picture, for the most part. That said, if we go that route, then achieving a GL role will have to have more requirements that make sense for theme."

Kinaed says, "I don't know what they are yet, so we're probably not going to see a huge change overnight."

Safir Mara'aye muses, "What do you do when GL's disappear and you just have low ranked members or there are NO active people in the guild?"

Kinaed states, "For the GLs freaking on the GL channel, we're not firing any of you."

Kinaed says to Safir Mara'aye, "Yeah, that's a problem."

Kinaed claims to Safir Mara'aye, "I don't have an answer yet."

Safir Mara'aye states, "It happens PRETTY often. "

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls says, "I was going to bring that up"

Kinaed states, "The survey was the first step in figuring out, on a broad basis, how people feel about guilds."

Seymor ab Sinclair nods in agreement "Way to often for my tastes."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls claims, "Prime except I have a friend who was the ONLY active player in a guild, that was eligible for the GL slot"

A tall, black haired, pale skinned woman is idle.

A tall, black haired, pale skinned woman is no longer idle.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "And icly they didn't meet requirements, that would logically be there"

Kinaed nods at a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls.

Kinaed states, "That's a good scenario to raise. I'm going to note it down as one of the ones we need to manage."

Seymor ab Sinclair claims, "There has to be a certain amount of ooc factor in this i believe. Not everything can be ic"

A young, short man with a dirt-streaked face ceases his treatment of a young, short man with a dirt-streaked face.

A Takta claims, "I think that problem happens a lot because we have too many guilds and not enough folks to fill all the roles."

Safir Mara'aye states, "I don't really think we have the pbase for it to just be people rising up in the ranks. That's the ideal, but... with the way things have happened historically within guilds, it hasn't been possible."

Haidar Abn'zahi claims, "Seymor raised my point already"

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.
Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

Nayiv de Reymes states, "We just brought this up on GL chat- I think one of the things that's important if we want to go IC is not just no apps, but making sure that candidates for apps RP gaining support, proving themselves, and moving up in power."

Beronica Destral nods.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "I think the support system should be more used"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "And I also agree with Naynay"

A Takta claims, "My personal opinion is we can do it, we can avoid apps, but we might have to make some big structural changes to address the underlying lack of candidates."

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, one thing to note:"

Haidar Abn'zahi nods at Nayiv de Reymes "It sounds better when you say it "

Kinaed claims, "I personally think we have a problem in how guilds are set up, period."

Haidar Abn'zahi muses, "To kinaed eloborate?"

Nayiv de Reymes wonders, "How so?"

Safir Mara'aye states, "If it's a long IC process for them to get in, then there are going to be WEEKS without a GL in place."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "To garner the support and everything else, and in that time, a guild can go under."

Seymor ab Sinclair turns to a Takta "I must disagree. I think we have plenty of characters and just the right amount of guilds.. Then again i am biased because i know if guilds start getting removed physicians will be one of the first to go. But also takta i think it happens because important roles are given to not so active people.. Then again i am very very biased on this whole thing

Haidar Abn'zahi states to Seymor ab Sinclair, "Ideally you would have underlings to handle the time, and smooth transitions over."

Kinaed claims, "The way we do it now, people all rely on a top-down GL to recognize them and get their ranks, and vice versa, the GL generally gets their role, not ICly, but because of an app-in (not undeserved, but just gifted instead of RPed through). The downside to this is that character's haven't built up a pattern or history, and a lot of the reward is variable based on recognition, and recognition kinda looks at the average of what people do and goes 'yeah, that's better than nothing'."

Kinaed says, "I think people should be able to 'take what they want' if they meet the requisite criteria and it's not bad for the game."

Tristana Smithe has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a herringbone necklace dangling a dark steel spider pendant to Tristana Smithe.

Nayiv de Reymes queries, "It doesn't need to take forever, but I think we can't avoid that period of chaos. If a GL leaves, dies or vanishes, that's a big deal for the guild, and RPing being overwhelmed, confused etc. is kinda important for the game. What do you mean by take what you want, Kinaed?"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls asks, "I think I agree with you kink?"

A Takta says, "I personally think we have a bigger and more fundamental problem: if we filled every GL slot, half of the entire game would be GLs right now. Half. "

Kinaed claims, "In that vein, I'd like to see roles have requirements and people able to take roles that they fit the requriements for."

Haidar Abn'zahi nods at a Takta.

A Takta says, "To be a good GL requires that you be a very active, engaged, proactive player with a lot of time and a lot of ideas. I am not even sure I could do it."

Kinaed says, "And their RP being about getting to the roles they want. Not our saying so, etc."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "That's true, but by the time a GL is absent long enough to get booted, most of the time the guild is on the decline already. Very important guilds, thematically, like the Order or Knights, can just disappear off the face of the earth. Waiting longer for getting a GL in isn't necessarily good for the theme."

A Takta says, "I -am- sure we don't have enough players to fill 18 GL slots, period, ever, and we'll forever be stuck scrambling if we have 18 GL slots to fill."

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

Kinaed questions, "Should we reduce the time it takes for an inactive GL to be booted, or up their threshold of availability?"

A liveried courtier approaches Gavin ab Harkness and whispers something of apparent import into his ear. After murmuring apologies, the pair leaves the scene.

Beronica Destral questions, "Both?"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "There are 10 guilds >_>"

A Takta claims, "Up the threshold of availability. 1 hour a week isn't enough."

Kinaed nods at a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls.

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "But a lot of that is un-coded, Kinaed. If someone kisses up to higher-ups, they have a better chance of promotion. A good family name, special deeds that warrant recognition, are all reasons to be moved up."

A Takta says, "10? Shit I can't count."

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:47 pm

Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:45 pm

And the second half:

A Takta says, "-20- GL slots just makes it worse. *cough*"

Kinaed claims, "We'll probably need to reduce the guild makeup, or drop to one GL per guild. Or both."

Maxwell Wattkil wonders, "10 guilds, with two GL's a piece?"

A Takta states, "I strongly feel we need to do both."

Returning to the scene with a liveried courtier at his side, Gavin ab Harkness murmurs, "Excuse me for that." He bows his head, then dismisses his adjutant.
Gavin ab Harkness has returned from AFK.

A Takta says, "Fewer guilds, 1 GL per guild, and 'roles' within a guild that have delegated GL powers."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls says, "Or a culling of Guilds >_>"

A Takta says to Kinaed, "Actually... our ideas really can converge."

A Takta says to Kinaed, "The 'roles' as your positions people can claim, perhaps."

Nayiv de Reymes muses, "What about having only one GL, but allowing them to designate a second and give them GL powers?"

Maxwell Wattkil claims to a Takta, "Uh. Except Reeves."

Gavin ab Harkness muses, "So, I just made and ate dinner. What'd I miss in the past 53 minutes? :p"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls queries, "A GL and a leader flagged meember?"

Safir Mara'aye claims, "There are two GLs already because it's difficult getting the one GL to do everything."

Maxwell Wattkil says to a Takta, "We have two active GL's which are awesome."

Beronica Destral whimpers a little. "I love being a Physician."

Kinaed states, "Takta's posted this idea on the staff board awhile ago. I'm not sure how far or deep I'm ready to jump into that just yet."

Maxwell Wattkil claims, "Nayiv and Lei. So wah."

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.

Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

A Takta says, "Yeah, I shouldn't go into specifics."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "If you have a GL and a leader, that's still two GL's, it's just semantics."

Kinaed nods at Safir Mara'aye.

A Takta says, "But the idea for the 1 GL thing is that the 'leader' flag would be broken down into packages of powers. You could give every full member of the guild some specific powers."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "But the leader can change more readily then the 2nd GL"

Nayiv de Reymes says, "But it makes a second GL less of a requirement and more of a 'if the shoe fits, if we have a lot of members, etc.' and exception, not a rule"

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls wonders, "So more like a board of trusteeS?"

A Takta states, "So you'd have super redundant coverage of tasks without facing the 1 GL an account limit."

Kinaed states to a caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls, "Already the case. And right now, a GL can already delegate out GL commands and IC powers."

Gavin ab Harkness states, "This is coming from someone who's played GLs: they don't matter that much, if you do accept that everyone in-guild ought to be "doing stuff." There's really no reason that a mid-ranking person can't hire a new trainee."

Kinaed states, "So I'm not sure I see any difference, like Safir I think it's semantics."

A Takta claims to Gavin ab Harkness, "That's what I'd like tos ee happen."

A Takta queries, "How many times have we had a GL be gone but a mid-high level member there, active, but not leader-flagged?"

Delilah appears in swirl of fog, thunder sounding throughout the area lightning streaking through the clouds. [OOC]

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls coughs in Takta's general direction....

Riley Dayle is idle.

Azarial queries, "Would that negate the ranking system? just have a name for the spcific roles, and people claim them as needed?"

Nayiv de Reymes states, "Basically what I mean, Kinaed, is that there is only one GL, but, if necessary or if it makes sense, another person can be given leader powers."

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "Where are we getting the 10th guild.. i count nine including the sable masque.. which is not really a needed guild"

Haidar Abn'zahi has been a Brotherhood member and had that happen ALOT

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, I'd like to see a handshake system - trainee roles are mathematically available, a character fits the requirements to be a trainee, including perhaps the requirement to find a single sponsor, maybe GLs design the roles and the requirements in the guild, for example... and then people take roles."

Safir Mara'aye says, "IMHO, you can cut down to one GL, and give out leader flags, and you're still going to have problems with people being active."

Riley Dayle is no longer idle.
Riley Dayle has returned from AFK.

Beronica Destral states, "I got 10"

A Takta claims, "1) Thieves 2) Court 3) Order 4) Knights 5) Masque 6) Merchants 7) Troubs 8) Reeves 9_Manus 10)Phys"

A Takta says to a tall, black haired, pale skinned woman, "Sure, but if we also cut guilds, I suspect we'll help. Fix it totally? Yeah probably never."

Nayiv de Reymes nods. "It doesn't solve all the problems, it's just an idea. Why did we add the Masque, btw?"

Seymor ab Sinclair states, "Oh crap miscounted.. ignore the crazy person"

A Takta says, "Erk, wrong person."

Beronica Destral claims, "I already do."

Maxwell Wattkil says, "The Masque is like... I don't know anyone who is a masque. :3"

Safir Mara'aye states, "So fold Masque into Knights or Order, fold physicians into merchants. Or whatever. "

Gavin ab Harkness claims, "Like Safir says, it's not a question of delegated powers or the like. It's the idea that guilds across the board are viewed oddly: there's poor distribution among the ranks, and people (and here I mean everyone) tend to think that only top-level folks can do things."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls says, "You can't seek it anyways, you have to APP in"

Kinaed states, "The Masque is an experiment. Right now, you can't seek them, they find you."

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.

Kinaed says, "There is no application."

Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls states, "That is not when it says when you 'seek masque"

Kinaed claims, "The GL and its members will find you if you're appropriate."

Safir Mara'aye says, "It's not only that only the top people can do things. We don't have public lists for guild members of lawful guilds, so the only one you know to contact IS the gl."

Kinaed claims, "I know, but apps aren't open."

Nayiv de Reymes muses, "That's a good point, Safir. Is there any command for people to view a list of public guildmembers and their ranks?"

Safir Mara'aye claims, "Only if you're seeking"

A Takta says to Nayiv de Reymes, "It's on the list to be added."

Seymor ab Sinclair claims, "And the masque being folded into the order.. yeah not exactly thematic on that idea. Masque was kinda of the group of troublesome kids that never reported to their superiors"

Kinaed states, "There is a public list if you seek a guild and type 'seek guildlist'. I've asked Az to make guildlist <guildname> to print the seek guildlist for non-GLs of the guild, but it's not added to the game yet."

Haidar Abn'zahi can disignate a Knight for trainee recruiting, a commodities person? Stuff like that?

Nayiv de Reymes states, "I think that would help a -lot-"

A Takta states to Haidar Abn'zahi, "That's what I'd like to see happen with letting powers be doled out, in the future."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "All of the people who are seeking the reeves are inactive."

Maxwell Wattkil claims, "That makes me sad."

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.

Azarial questions to Kinaed, "Please bygnote which ones are still missing re: guildlist?"

Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

Safir Mara'aye claims, "I understand that. But if we're culling guilds, than it makes more sense for guilds to be folded into other guilds, rather than do away with them entirely. Then guilds get a swell of members."

Nayiv de Reymes states, "What if we used subrank for that sort of thing? Subrank, at least right now, seems a bit unnecessary. But if we had a command to subrank <duties> or subrank <delegations>, that would be cool."

Safir Mara'aye says, "So if we want Masque, then it'd have to go into one of the religious guilds, probably. Doesn't mean they'd be happy there or have a good relationship with them, but it puts them somewhere."

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls queries, "But you really can't combine that many guilds. Sure knights and order, but combine the troubs with what? "

Nayiv de Reymes says, "Or a whole new command that gives people non-rank roles"

A Takta claims, "Well, we haven't made any solid commitments to changing specific guilds yet."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "You can't do all of them. That's why I only suggested Masque and Physicians."

A Takta states, "It's just something that's on the plate."

Temi nods.

Maxwell Wattkil claims, "Combine the Troubs and thieves."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "No"

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "No."

Maxwell Wattkil says, "...I'm kiddin'."

Delilah says to Maxwell Wattkil, "Cause that makes no sense. lol"

A Takta grins.

Delilah hugs Maxwell Wattkil.

Temi says, "We've got a lot more discussing to do still before we get to the final what are we going to do."

Kinaed says, "Hehe, well. This is the result of the GL Survey. Not any solid trends in player desires, not any solid results in staff plans."

Temi states, "But now you guys know sort of what we're puzzling."

Maxwell Wattkil questions, "They're all athletic sorts, riiigght?"

Gavin ab Harkness says, "Give everyone the ability to guild, and set promoting authority to something less than the current rank level. That'd work, at least."

Kinaed claims, "But we're thinking about it and will probably work something out soonish."

Kinaed nods at Gavin ab Harkness.

Kinaed claims to Gavin ab Harkness, "That's not a bad idea."

Seymor ab Sinclair will silently wait to see what happens and will have a rant or praise ready to go

Kinaed smiles at Seymor ab Sinclair.

Kinaed states, "Guys, can I get a vote on if we can extend OOC Chats to 2 hours? We never seem to get through them."

Safir Mara'aye claims to Gavin ab Harkness, "Stop being so practical. "

A Takta wonders, "Hour and a half mebbe?"

Nayiv de Reymes states, "But if everyone has the ability to guild, that makes it difficult for GLs and the other guildmembers to know what's going on."

Temi states, "I can handle the 2 hours. Or hour and a half."

Seymor ab Sinclair raises hand "Yes! i agree with this 2 hour plan

A Takta states, "2 hours reeeally cuts into primo RP time."

Safir Mara'aye questions, "Does there need to be a set time? If it goes over, people just stick around for it, if people aren't interested, then they poof out or quit?"

Nayiv de Reymes states, "Two hours sounds a bit long, but I'd prefer a bit less then that"

Kinaed nods at a Takta.

Gavin ab Harkness nods at Safir Mara'aye.

Kinaed queries, "1.5 hours?"

Delilah laughs, "I never seem to make it til I'm 45 mins late.

A Takta says to Safir Mara'aye, "That's not bad either."

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed states, "Okay, moving on."

Safir Mara'aye claims, "Just have the start time set."

Kinaed wonders, "Eavesdropping on places and adjacent rooms. How should it work?"

Kinaed queries, "A skill? Stat based? Anyone can do it?"

A young, short man with a dirt-streaked face ceases his treatment of a young, short man with a dirt-streaked face.

A Takta says, "Wis-based."

Nayiv de Reymes wonders, "How does wis connect to eavesdropping?"

Kinaed says, "I'm tempted to rename wisdom to perception or something since that's what we majorly use it for."

A Takta claims, "Wis is perception."

Beronica Destral says, "Along with a skill like peek."
A Takta nods at Kinaed.

A caramel-skinned man with defined flaxen curls has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow has been transferred in by Temi. [OOC]

A Takta claims, "That might make sense, since people never guess Wis means perception."

Nayiv de Reymes nods. "If it's perception, sure."

Kinaed queries, "Is eavesdropping a skill?"

A Takta claims, "I kinda think not unless we add a Perception skill for spotting sneak/hide, too."

Kinaed states, "I mean, short of people hanging upside down in the rafters, I kinda think it's just something people do naturally."

A Takta claims, "Eavesdropping would be too narrow a skill otherwise, IMO."

Kinaed says, "I think reactive things like perception should be stat based, not skills."

Seymor ab Sinclair bites bottom lip as he hears this "I think it should be a skill... but should also play into stats.. dexterity should be part of it.. For if your bumbling, clumsy fool people will hear ya

A Takta could go either way on it, really.

Kinaed claims, "Maybe we can make a derived ability to eavesdrop just on wis and dex."

A Takta states, "Eavesdropping just doesn't seem enough for a skill in and of itself."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow states, "I think I agree with Takta, one way or another, or both"

Kinaed asks, "Okay, so let's say you're eavesdropping, what would that look like?"

Seymor ab Sinclair states, "But if you have high dex you are more likely to be sneaky and not be heard"

A Takta asks, "Wis for what you hear, dex if it's OBVIOUS you're doing it?"

Kinaed says, "You've successfully passed the skill or stat test, whichever."

Kinaed nods at a person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow.

Kinaed nods at a Takta.

Haidar Abn'zahi nods at a Takta.

Seymor ab Sinclair dons his ninja get-up

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow states, "So-and-so tilts his head slightly. Or so-and-so seems lost in thought. "

Kinaed says, "I think eavesdropping from another room should require an open door or some equipment."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow claims, "I think it should be an asoortment of things. "

A Takta claims, "Eavesdropping from another room... ooh, whole new kettle of fish."

Kinaed queries, "How obvious is it when you're eavesdropping? An action in the room?"

Seymor ab Sinclair states, "Wood or wattle walls are not very soundproof"

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow states, "Maybe require an action"

Temi says, "I think eavesdropping through a door makes sense, but it sets a visible action leaning against the door"

A Takta questions, "Action if somebody catches you?"

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow is leaning against the wall of the Cardinal's Office listening throught eh window.

A Takta questions, "Autoshows one of those additional lines: <x> is eavesdropping on <people> ?"

Haidar Abn'zahi claims, "It could be a disguised action if rp'd it as hidden"

Kinaed claims, "I think maybe we should go with a roll and maybe something like:

Kinaed is here.

She appears to be eavesdropping on The Queen's Inn and Tavern."

A Takta states to Kinaed, "For eavesdropping one room over, not within a room>"

Kinaed states, "Minus the extra line. And the extra line only shows if you catch her."

Delilah says, "That makes sense."

Temi muses to Kinaed, "Or the place you're eavesdropping on?"

A Takta questions, "Er, ?"

A Takta nods at Temi.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed claims, "Exactly."

Temi says, "She appears to be eavesdropping on a fancy oak table."

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "Hmm.."

Haidar Abn'zahi leans against the wall, shadows concealing most of his frame as he strains to listen through the window.

Kinaed claims, "So eavesdropping is a command. If you eavesdrop, you'll automatically succeed, but we'll put in some whisper fragmenting code based on your range. In another room will be treated as max range."

A Takta claims, "Eavesdropping 1 room over can probably be obvious, eavesdropping in same room require roll, yeah."

Seymor ab Sinclair makes another note "Must invest money in Stethoscope."

A Takta queries, "Whisper fragmenting code will use wis or solely range?"

Beronica Destral questions, "When would we be able to catch someone eavesdropping if we walk into a room?"

Kinaed claims, "I think range."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow wonders, "Do people have a chance to see you if they look at the room you are in?"

Kinaed says, "Yes."

Kinaed says, "Unless you're hiding."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow nods.

A Takta questions, "Hrm. So, wait. If you walk in and you don't catch an eavesdropper, do you ever get another chance?"

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow claims, "That extra space is going to annoy the hell out of me. "

A Takta pontificates to a person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow, "Take it out!"

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "By the way flaming person.. when i imagine you i imagine a classic final fantasy blackmage with different colors"

Kinaed says, "I don't know."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow pontificates to a Takta, "Not here! I am modest!"

A Takta grins.

Tristana Smithe states, "Maybe a timed chance. Like if they're going to stay there all day, every 15-30 minutes, make another check. Just like looking around a room when you're somewhere. Most people do it."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow flashes Takta their ankle! Scandalous!

Kinaed says, "With regards to getting another chance, and honestly, I think in general, there should be a check every few ticks or something to see if you get caught."

A Takta claims to Kinaed, "I dunno either. Eavesdropping is subtle. Maybe only one chance is fine. ...oh my goodness, ankles."

A Takta states, "Timed is fine if it's not hard to do."

Safir Mara'aye has lost link.
Safir Mara'aye has reconnected.

Kinaed claims, "Well, being caught eavesdropping will lead to RP."

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow wonders, "Will mobprogs be able to catch you?"

A Takta nods.

Beronica Destral says, "Plus it would prevent people from spamming look constantly trying to catch someone eavesdropping."

Haidar Abn'zahi claims, "Because even the most stealthy of people make mistakes."

Kinaed muses to a person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow, "In what way?"

Temi muses, "Check each time they get a message, at low chance?"

A Takta claims to Temi, "That makes sense."

A Takta claims to Temi, "Check their reaction."

Temi states, "That's a bit more fair than being able to spam look to check again."

Kinaed claims, "I like that."

Haidar Abn'zahi grabs the street rat up by his collar, "What are you you doing by my house?!"

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow claims, "Well, there are mobprogs to prevent someone from picking a lock, ie the guard beats the snot out of them, same with this? A guard or set mob catchs you and yells something or attacks. "

Kinaed states, "I think they might just disrupt you and maybe you can't initiate it around certain guards."

A Takta states, "It wouldn't be feasible without Az adding new code."

A Takta states, "For mobprogs to react to it. I don't think."

Kinaed states, "So try to eavesdrop, room checks if there's a mob in the room who would care, and if he does AND he catches you, you can't."

A Takta says, "Makes sense."

Haidar Abn'zahi declaims, "Okay, got to go do dishes!"

Kinaed says, "The guard says aloud, "Hey, eavesdropping is rude, buddy. Cut it out.""

Temi nods.

Seymor ab Sinclair holds up a sign. The sign reads: Lost track. Confused.. Will wait for next topic

Kinaed states, "Okay, next topic :)"

Haidar Abn'zahi queries, "Trans out please?"

Kinaed queries, "Player heartbeat! How's the RP been lately, folks?"

Haidar Abn'zahi has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Seymor ab Sinclair laughs as he hears Kinaed "Another rp i am in i actually had those exact words spoken to my character

Kinaed laughs.

A person wearing a tall, pointed hat with a long lace veil the color of fire with a shroud of swirling flames, colors from crimson to yellow shrugs, "Fine with alts, but this character is meh right now.

Nayiv de Reymes exclaims, "I feel bad saying that I haven't had a chance to see much! I'm just coming back after a few busy weeks, hoping to get back into things soon :)"

Kinaed smiles at Nayiv de Reymes.

Kinaed states, "Good to see you back, Nayiv. :)"

Beronica Destral claims to Nayiv de Reymes, "I need to send you a message about your bed."

A Takta claims, "Lots of stories going on, which is awesome. :)"

Nayiv de Reymes hugs you all.

Kinaed claims, "Great. :)"

Nayiv de Reymes declaims, "Oh! We should RP about that, Beronica"

Kinaed trails off, "Okay, player topics - anyone have anything they want to talk about? I know we're getting a bit long in the hour..."

A Takta says, "Had a great time at the Fight Knight last night. ;)"

Kinaed states, "Sorry for eating up all our time on staff stuff, guys."

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "Well.. Rp with seymor has been rather.. slow but getting to host that story has been amazing.. i think it should count as rp.. and somehow i got 9 ranks in unarmed from ti"

Kinaed muses to a Takta, "Who ran the Fight Night?"

Tristana Smithe claims, "Spider plotz good! Fun! I've also loved that crate of goodies I got to RP with. awesome stories. "

Seymor ab Sinclair claims, "Rp as an inquisitor is always slow.. More mages need to slip up.. or people need to be lacking faith"

Seymor ab Sinclair states, "Either i am good with"

Kinaed states, "Btw, I'm thinking of doing away with staff approval for stories and just letting people set them up and run them."

Safir Mara'aye says, "You need to catch us lacking faith. "

Riley Dayle is idle.

Kinaed says, "I think it'd encourage them more, and people love them."

A Takta states, "Downside is I have to make the mobs"

Seymor ab Sinclair will watch from windows.. Watching for premarrital stuff..

Temi nods.

A Takta states, "And I like having some notice."

Kinaed nods at a Takta.

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "Stuff that should not happen"

Temi claims, "I think we need the approval still for the staff support stuff."

Safir Mara'aye queries, "What was in that bear cave? More bears? "

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Nayiv de Reymes pontificates, "I actually want some Orderite RP soon, Seymor! If you get a character on, I'll send messengers"

A Takta says to a tall, black haired, pale skinned woman, "Craaaaap I need to follow that up. sigh."

Riley Dayle is no longer idle.
Riley Dayle has returned from AFK.

A Takta states, "Wrong pale again, doh."

Safir Mara'aye grins at a Takta.

Gavin ab Harkness states, "I can log my Inquisitor, too. I'm trying to rotate my characters."

Kinaed claims, "Does anyone know who ran the Fight Night last night? They should be rewarded for eventing."

Safir Mara'aye says, "Not all pale people are the same, Takta."

A Takta says, "Haidar, Kin."

Beronica Destral claims, "Haidar."

A Takta states, "Sorry, I was having my keyboard bug there briefly when you first asked."

Kinaed states, "Awarded :)"

Nayiv de Reymes states, "Gavin, I'd be happy to RP with you too :)"

Seymor ab Sinclair says, "Well nayiv my character is alwas available.. i try to be one of teh more active order folks.. so let me know when you have time and i will drop on by.. Your local avon order lady"

Safir Mara'aye asks, "Golden Week activities... Reeves are doing a basket auction for dates for single characters, right?"

Kinaed questions, "Okay, Anyone else have anything to add?"

A young, short man with a dirt-streaked face has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed claims, "People seem to be running out of gas, and I'm sure you want to RP. :)"

Nayiv de Reymes declaims, "Yes!"

Tristana Smithe wonders, "Is Lei the golden ticket?"

Azarial states, "Urgh. i've been sitting too long; my knee has stiffened up into a distracting ball of ache. bbl"

Azarial has left the game.

Safir Mara'aye says, "I'm doing pub contests - best beer/wine/liquor, best meal with game meat, drinking contest, best limerick about a public official, etc. "

Seymor ab Sinclair shudders as he hears this "I swear lei will icly buy all the baskets.." Shudders some more

Kinaed states, "Nice, Safir. :) Let me know how it goes so I can reward you for eventing."

Safir Mara'aye says, "I just want someone to make a lurid limerick about Lei."

Kinaed sniggers.

Seymor ab Sinclair is afraid to by basket

Gavin ab Harkness says, "For Court, I'm going to be awarding that ceremonial Queen's Guard position. We'll figure out how it's actually assessed. It's not meant to be an involved 'quest', but you may win a medal and a pension."

Kinaed says, "Okay, staff, let's put people back. :)"

Kinaed states, "Oh, sorry Gav. Also let me know how that goes :)"

Kinaed says, "Thank you, everyone, for coming."

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Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:29 am

Lots of stuff going on in this one. Mostly liked where I saw the eavesdropping code going, so I'm content to let that one lay and see what happens. As for the guild stuff - staff know my opinion, I was pretty verbal about it in the quiz, but after reading this debate... this back and forth, getting nowhere debate, y'know what?

We need more players. =\ Simple as that. I'll see about updating our forum advertisement on TMS, and see what else I can dig around in way of advertisement goodness. If anyone has any skill with editing video and such, maybe we can put together a collaboration of screenshots of blurgs from old logs, little pieces of blogs, etc meant to draw more players people from outside the MUD crowd. MUD market only has so many players, you know.

(Okay, the debate wasn't getting -nowhere-. I don't mean to demean the very good arguments and points that were brought up. It just seems that there is no easy solution for the problem aside from getting more players. Sure, cutting down guilds, GLs, etc, will help but as Takta and Safir stated these things won't fix it.)
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

Posts: 1089
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:50 pm

Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:19 pm

Yah, more players would be great. I'm happy to contribute to another advertising campaign if there's interest in doing one.

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