Purchase wealth change

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:13 pm

Okay, this might get shot down immediately, but to me it makes sense.

I'm proposing a change to Purchase Wealth.

Currently, if you purchase wealth, you get a heap of coins depending on your class.

The Gentry benefit the most from this at a 2 to 1 ratio(50k xp for 25k silver, if you don't know).

So if I purchase wealth, 2 times, I get 50k silver. This is where my idea comes in. If you have the coin, you will eventually run out. When you run out, you get paid just like any other Gentry. I would like to see if we can change that.

I'm wondering if we can change the payout to the player as well. I'm not talking about doubling or anything. The reason for this is that purchasing wealth is supposed to show that you(and your family) are wealthier than most. This shows in the initial payout, but soon you revert back to being normal.

My idea:

Freeman: 5 silver x # of times wealth is purchased.
Nobility: 10 silver x # of times wealth is purchased.
Gentry: 25 silver x # of times wealth is purchased.

So using the above example with the previously mentioned purchase from the Gentry, they would receive the balloon payment of 25k, then also get the 50 silver a week bonus. Resulting in the gentry now getting 300 silver a week, instead of 250.

Likely, the balloon payment might want to be reduced as well(my guy having more silver than all the guilds combined was a bit ridiculous, but fun to play).

Just a thought, glad to hear any thoughts on this.

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Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:10 am

I think the thought has merit, but I need to think it through more thoroughly.

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Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:00 am

I actually think this would be a VERY good direction to take purchase wealth in, in line with the idea that to be gentry you need to have some sort of appreciable income from a clear source.

Maybe purchasing the gentry class automatically endows you with one level of wealth, for X greater income per week, given only that you explain it ("vineyard", "trading business", whatever.)
Further levels push your income higher, but require additional XP, to some reasonable cap.

(The cap could be mathematically derived by some thought... we allow people to get 25k silver for 50k xp. How long should it take to earn 50k XP? If the average rate of XP gain is, say, 2k a week, then we could say purchase wealth currently allows someone to get 25k silver spread out over 25 weeks of XP earning, hence the absolute max weekly income could be 1000 silver at 50k Xp cost to buy it. Just an example, actual figures variable based on what average XP gain a week actually IS/should be...)

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Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:25 pm

I like this idea very much, and honestly thought this was how it worked during some point in my noobishness. It also has a quality of rewarding a long term pc by them earning their wealth over time that I sort of enjoy.

A nice starter chunk of cash to establish a character in game isn't a bad idea, either, though. Is there some way to arrange both?

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Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:30 pm

Right now, you can either purchase wealth or purchase silver to give yourself a quick boost, both at the start and during play.

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