Log of OOC Meeting 11/7/2015

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 418
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:51 pm

Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:15 pm

Temi nods at Otois.

Temi has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

Temi exclaims, "Alright, Otois will scribe for us then, thanks!"

Temi says, "Then I'll get started with staff updates."

Jemven sits down and rests.

Temi claims, "No big progress on anything for me this week - a little bit of helping people to get Yule parties together and some general RPA stuff. Nothing too exciting."

Temi wonders to Azarial, "Az, are you able to give us a bit of an update?"

Zaerieth says OOCly, "One thing here, as well"

Temi nods at Zaerieth.

Azarial says, "Not much for this week. a fw minor bugs and what not. the evil daystar is painful"

Temi nods at Azarial.

Temi claims, "Hopefully it will start being kinder."

Temi wonders, "Elzenn, can you give us an update?"

Elzenn claims, "I can! It's been a RL-intensive week for me, so I've been pretty much contained to fielding questions and some light building. The number of recs seems to have fallen a little bit, so, I encourage you to love each other. In a non innuendo way."

Eilyn loves Elzenn.

Elzenn appreciates that, although she encourages you to spread the QP as well as the love.

Temi declaims, "Okay, I think that's all of the staffers we have right at the moment, as we have some away seeing to things. Expected back soon though!"

Temi queries, "So then, next step... how's RP this week? Anything bothering people that the staff should be aware of?"

INFO: Everlida Vulpine has just created!

say It was fun but nowhere near enough chaos, destruction, demons running rampant and eating citizens

Otois states, "It was fun but nowhere near enough chaos, destruction, demons running rampant and eating citizens"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kato states, "RP is the best part. I had fun."

Adgen claims, "Overall alright, just one instance where another player exploded oocly about rp with one of my characters. Been quiet since then."

Ofelia says, "I just want to make an RP etiquette PSA announcement. I have seen some ghastly stuff about and it really, really bums me out."

Zaerieth states, "A bit of a downer.. do to ooc reasons effecting ic stuff"

Emma says, "Eesh."

Tomas states, "Ehhh got some concerns, but I'll address it privately"

(visnet) Staff Azarial: Welcome to the Inquisition, Everlida. if you have any questions pelase use the 'visnet' channel

Temi nods.

Temi wonders to Ofelia, "Alright?"

Kato says, "Oh, I had concerns as well."

Misune rp has been good, at least the rp I've been involved with.

Rimilde has had a lot of variety as of late.

Ofelia says, "Real basic, low key stuff having to do with respecting people's time, not spamming and engaging with others. Individual instances probably not being huge problems, but it accumulating and making the atmosphere kinda... meh. In my eyes, anyways."

Gretel fails a bit less to seek rp, but nonetheless often fails.

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Yes, please remember to treat your fellow players as other people, being respectful of them and such. I don't think that's a big problem on the whole, but if we're seeing issues of it, it would be nice if people could recognize that they maybe aren't being great and try to be more considerate."

Temi states, "If people have specific examples of the sort of things that bother them, might help to bring those up."

Estone states, "To piggyback off of that - if you're multi accounting, trying to be timely in posing in the rooms you're in. It's a big downer when someone just sits in a room and doesn't contribute."

Temi nods.

Adgen agrees with Estone, " Yeah, waiting for 20 minutes for a pose only to see your rp partner idle out constantly is frustrating."

Kato agrees. "I mean, I get people need patience and may play at different speeds (I'm definitely slow at times), but one slow person can throw a wrench into the turn order it seems. But, I've never really had this issue too badly?"

say but also be mindful that some (me) are just slow emoters, it's not always playing-too-many-toons at a time.

Otois states, "But also be mindful that some (me) are just slow emoters, it's not always playing-too-many-toons at a time."
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Rimilde nods, "I've noticed some people coming into a scene, but they don't pose, they either stay there until you ask them OOC or take off eventually without a word. Doesn't have to be dialogue but something indicating they are there - like so and so enters and stands silently in a room full of people...."

Hunapo pontificates, "And remember it is ok to say, "Hey, I got a phone call, pose around me." No one is going to judge just don't leave me hanging!"

Tomas says, "I sometimes have to step away suddenly owing to medical things. if it happens and I'm rping with you I'm sorry. I try and make a note of it when it happens, but depending on what happens, I don't always have time"

Estone claims to Otois, "Oh no, I absolutely understand slow emoting! I'm a slow emoting. My thoughts were specific instances where you sit around for 20 minutes, and the person pops in to drop a one liner before leaving again."

Gretel gretel apologize for being a slow emoter too.

Estone emoting. emoter. emote. words are hard. (OOC Emote)

Misune states, "To be fair, if I enter a scene, I typically wait a round of poses just to see the atompsphere of the scene, and so that I can pose appropiately"

Ofelia claims, "I think most of us are reasonable and can understand slow emoting and extreme circumstances. Repeat, obvious cases are pretty easy to identify."

Kato states, "I see some people just literally quit out cause something pops up. Sucks when it's a guildmember as a GL, and I get that these things happen, but constant interruptions or starting a scene can suck when that just happens."

Temi nods.

Rimilde nods to Misune, "I mean waiting 20 minutes and multiple rounds sort of thing, and having to be prodded to see fi you are still there. I am surprised how often this happens."

Adgen states, "Slow emoting is fine, it happens. Just those that constantly idle out because of alting."

Cahrilee is guilty of this. "I'm sorry, you guys."

Cahrilee glances around at wee ones.

Kato wonders, "Though I wonder how slow moting affects crimes. And really, I'm not blaming anyone. I'll wait or just browse stuff. But the time it takes, say the Reeves or knights, to travel to a scene is way faster than probably a single round of said crime. No time to like board up the doors and make a hostage situation, you know? xD"

Temi claims, "We can have a good balance of treating our fellow players with respect and them understanding when things come up or they're slow, etc - especially if you explain what's going on, especially appreciated before getting involved in an intense scene, etc."

Temi nods at Kato.

Rimilde says, ""I think it's fair to say life happens to all of us, it's just if it's a constant habit, warn people if you can, or let them know later if at all possible is a nice thing to go." "

Kato says, "Yeah, or throw it on the whois. "

Temi says, "That's definitely a risk. In some situations, staff can sit in and help moderate timing and turns and such."

Tomas states, "I've almost never caught anyone in the act as a Reeve when those things come up. except if it is a proconsul showing up bloody and causing spam *peers at hunapo*"

say well everyone can stop a conflict scene and ask for staff to come and moderate, but it rarely comes down to it.

Otois states, "Well everyone can stop a conflict scene and ask for staff to come and moderate, but it rarely comes down to it."
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Eilyn snickers.

say at least from what I saw

Otois says, "At least from what I saw"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi nods in agreement with Otois.

Temi states, "I don't need to do so a lot certainly."

Hunapo glances at Tomas and shrugs nonchalantly.

Temi muses, "Any other comments on this, or shall we continue onto our people with topics?"

Adgen is good.

Ofelia claims, "Also good. Got that off my chest."

Zaerieth claims, "I'm good"

Temi muses, "Okay! Kato did you still have some items?"

Adgen stops using a festive Yule brazier adorned with design of holly berries.

Kato queries, "Complaining, psa, whatever. Let me preface this by asking is there any way to tell if a room on where is a phome or if the room you are in is a phome? "

Tomas says OOCly, "Only through inference based upon room names"

Temi states, "I don't think there easily is, necessarily, if the room name isn't obvious."

Elzenn claims, "Pretty much that."

Kato states, "As I said, not really a topic just a request. If you want to exclude other players from dropping into your scene, please remember to turn rpoff. Furthermore, please do not ask questions that may reveal sensitive information through OOC means, "Would your character normally do (action that thieves do)?" or "Would your character normally do (action that is common for mages)" -- If you think someone is breaking policy, please take it to tells or call in staff. That's what they are there for. "

Temi nods.

say that sounds... ugh

Otois trails off, "That sounds... ugh"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi says, "Especially if it's not obvious that your house is a phome, please don't give people a hard time for showing up, especially if you have your where on."

Elzenn states, "People asking you information OOC is breaking policy, so definitely beep us if that happens."

Emma claims, "There does seem to be a sudden surge of folks asking OOC information or clarifying their IC actions over tells."

Emma claims, "Or inquiring after alts."

Temi states, "Secret cabal meetings and such are definitely call for where off. And yeah, it's not allowed to ask for information OOC beyond like 'Is there anything I should be ICly aware of already?' or such."

Ofelia hands an 'Etiquette' soapboax to everyone.

Temi claims, "Make sure not to phrase things in a way that makes people feel they have to give you OOC info to make you happy"

say and then if you told them to stop asking on tells, and they refuse, let staff know. I mean some of those folk sure try to pressure for info

Otois says, "And then if you told them to stop asking on tells, and they refuse, let staff know. I mean some of those folk sure try to pressure for info"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi nods in agreement with Otois.

Elzenn starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Temi states, "Yes, that is absolutely not okay and we can't let you do it by policy."

Elzenn finishes her note.

Kato states, "I definitely didn't handle it the best either. And I think people were just trying to help me, and I should have spoke up then. All that being said, it was an odd situation. "Actually, this room is a phome..." versus me sorta being like, "Errr...my character is actually a criminal? xD" It's whatever. People screw up."

Temi says, "If you aren't sure if something would be an inappropriate question to ask, feel free to let staff know"

Temi nods in agreement with Kato.

Tomas trails off, "Also another simple solution... lock your door if it's a phome"

Temi nods at Tomas.

Tomas says, "If the door is locked and you don't have a key you can't travel there"

say from IC POV there is no difference between phome or anywhere, and tresspassing laws are very rarelly called upon

Otois states, "From IC POV there is no difference between phome or anywhere, and tresspassing laws are very rarelly called upon"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi says, "And trying to break through locked doors is obviously criminal."

Temi grins.

Kato trails off, "Lock your doors in general, people! So many unlocked doors..."

Tomas claims, "This goes doubly for guild leaders"

Tomas claims, "Oh my god"

Kato grins.

Adgen nods in agreement with Tomas, " And I think it's in the mudsex file that you need to make steps for keeping people from walking in(kind of related to the topic.), lock doors and rp of and the like.

Temi queries to Kato, "Anything else to your topics?"

Kato queries, "Maybe just add private to room names or give people a heads up when they enter another phome? "

say well if they want it private they can get norp flag set in there

Otois says, "Well if they want it private they can get norp flag set in there"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kato states, "That's it for me, really."

Temi wonders, "As an official code thing, or suggestion to players to include?"

Kato questions, "Maybe include that you have RP on in the xp reminders?"

Temi nods.

Temi wonders, "Okay, thanks, Kato! Somethign from Emma, then?"

Adgen says, "I know that on one of my last characters, I had a phome. I kept the rooms (like the front yard) open because it was thematic, but the private rooms were always locked."

Emma states, "First and foremost wanted to apologize for the title I had last week that offended folks. I'm a bit of an idiot and didn't even think about how it might be perceived. Whoever I managed to offend or upset, I'm truly sorry. I just hope to illustrate that it's a lack of forethought and/or idiocy rather than meanness for my part."

Emma says, "Second: Wondering if it's feasible to add to the "help stealing" policy the theft/destruction of plants that don't belong to you, such as the experience Rain had this week or, say, the communal gardens. Basically, taking stuff that doesn't belong to you from communal places or private ones applying to the stealing policy, even if it's plants. From an IC standpoint all the policies in there seem to make sense for the situation: moods required, cnote required. Moods so you know it's not a bug and have something IC to go on, and cnote so that if the player tries to figure out who did it there's a solid record."

Gretel is idle.

Gretel is no longer idle.

Gretel has returned from AFK.

Temi states, "Kin and I have been discussing it, but not come to an agreement on how it ought to be handled yet."

Emma nodnods.

Estone nods with Emma.

Temi states, "I think it's certainly always a good idea to cnote and mood in anything that seems any sort of stealy or such, but there's not currently a policy in regards to things in ostensibly public places."

Rimilde nods with Emma and also points out that people have been forgetting to leave moods when they break in somewhere, or do something suspicious.

Rimilde pauses, "Suspicious is vague, I mean a crime or leaving something that is criminal in nature."

Temi nods at Rimilde.

(visnet) Player Hokulani: If you want to use pearls in jewelry, which craft option is most fair? semi-precious or precious? I assume not glass.

Emma states, "It's a toughie due to the public nature of the locations. I figure it stands to assume by nature of being public it's even more likely to have people witnessing it, yada yada."

Kato states, "On one hand, I would be PISSED if something I worked really hard on got stolen. But on the other hand, it's supposed to happen, right? You can have guards that go after people that pick up items? I've definitely left a temp mood when I should have left a perm one, I admit. And I've seen moods that probably should have been perm 'rot.'"

(visnet) Staff Elzenn: I would hazard semi-precious, as they are governed by the sumptuary, but a crafter may have to answer you.

Tomas claims, "I think it can still count as a crime. I mean if someone started hacking down the public boards and taking them, it would be destruction of property/theft"

(visnet) Player Farra: I'd think semi-precious as well.

(visnet) Player Hokulani: Thank you.

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Definitely make sure perm moods are set for anything which the intent is to let people come across and see."

Zaerieth nods.

Temi says, "Temp moods are intended for setting a scene you want to RP in, decorate thngs, etc."

Adgen states, "I'm going to have to disagree. If people are planting in public areas, that means they understand that anyone may come and pick them clean. I understand the ooc 'wtf!' of it all, but honestly, if you want people to not pick your plants, make a private garden. And for those picking them clean, please don't pick them all, leave some so it can cntinue to grow."

Emma states, "It's not picking them, it's digging them up and transplanting them."

Azarial claims, "Plants are planted by someone, so there's a chance i;ts not as communal as people think"

Emma claims, "The harvesting is totally different."

Tomas nods in agreement with Emma

Tomas claims, "Yeah harvesting is one thing, it's the coming up digging them up and taking them"

Adgen nods, " Then I don't know what i'm talkign about and will be quiet." D

Temi says to Adgen, "Plants have actually changed a bit. You can't pick them clean and stop them growing now. It's actually digging them up."

Rimilde blinks, "They took the whole plant? Yeah that seems ...

Adgen hasn't played with herbalism in about a year.

Zaerieth claims, "Wow"

Temi says, "Yeah, I'll follow up further with this on Kin."

Temi muses, "Estone, you had some things?"

A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and

[ Exits: down ] [ Air exits: none ]
A cask of cider is here. (southern edge)
Gretel is here. [App: 5]
Cahrilee is here. [App: 4]
Hunapo is here. [App: 2]
Elzenn is here. [App: 1]
Kato is here. [App: 3]
Emma is here.[P] [App: 4]
Estone is wearing a festive Yule brazier adorned with design of holly berries(off) on his head. [App: 3]
Rimilde is here. [App: 4]
Eilyn is here. [App: 4]
Tomas is here.[P] [App: 4]
Yrata is only here so she doesn't get fined. [App: 4]
Misune is here. [App: 2]
Jemven is here. [App: 5]
Zaerieth is just, here [P][App: 1]
Adgen is sitting here on an inflatable chair. [P][App: 3]
Ofelia is here. Mostly. [App: 3]
Temi is here. [App: 5]
Azarial is here. [App: 5]

Estone exclaims, "I do!"

Estone questions, "I have a bit of a list of thoughts to bring up. This is all from the perspective of someone who has recently returned to the game:

One: Apparently chilly OOC climate. Channels are always super quiet.

Two: Absurdly difficult to get into RP and get involved as someone returning - and that's a leg up from someone who just rolled a new character. So much RP happens in private locations. There aren't really any RP hooks out there for people who don't already -know- people.

Three: The theme doesn't really feel present. In an OOC month there haven't been any (PUBLIC - if it isn't publicized to the pbase, how is it furthering theme?) murders, or robberies, or mage attacks, or anything really to make it feel like 'TI' instead of 'Mudsex Simulator 2015'"

Temi wonders, "Does that match everyone else's experience of things lately?"

Estone claims, "On RP hooks: I mean getting into the meat of some story, not logging in to play tavern scenes."

Tomas says, "The chilly/anger is something we discussed last week. There has been a -lot- of ooc hostility"

Misune states, "It has been a bit slow in general lately"

Eilyn shakes her head. "There have actually been a fair few burnings and stuff a few weeks ago, yes?

Tomas claims, "And yeah there have been burnings and such. and I know staff is working on plot things"

Yrata states, "We're usually goofing on the Troub channel, so if you like talking about Taylor Swift, haircuts, and etc, try us out"

say generally the conflicts did fall head over hills, i have to agree. And indeed most of the RR moved behind closed doors

Otois states, "Generally the conflicts did fall head over hills, i have to agree. And indeed most of the RR moved behind closed doors"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Adgen states, "A bit. Crime from both sides is quiet of late, though there was a spike last week. There are a TON of private rooms up on where, very few open ones."

Tomas claims, "I am working on a big plot/event thing as well with Ofelia and a few others"

Emma says, "I'm currently in the process of forcing Estone to be my BFF via noble rights, so that might help (or make it so much worse...)."

Hunapo trails off, "For One, I turned off OOC after a few embarassing incidents a year ago..."

Eilyn laughs.

Cahrilee is idle.

Ofelia sits on a bunch of papers. She has totally been working on that.

Cahrilee is no longer idle.
Cahrilee has returned from AFK.

Temi questions, "Are there things we should be changing as staff to help address these things?"

Kato states, "Hey, I grew up and still contribute to tavern scenes. I think this is just what is going to naturally happen in a game like this. I'm not going to hear about whatever murders or crimes happen behind the scenes. Only an Inquisitor or Reeve or whatever is going to hear about it. I know in my review I harped about alts, but unless you are apart of a 'major plot guild,' you're probably going to get left in the dust on those things."

Zaerieth says OOCly, "There's ben a few burnings, but things have slowed"

say It would help if reeves/order/knights would not keep lip sealed so well about whats going on, let the rumors slip and all that

Otois claims, "It would help if reeves/order/knights would not keep lip sealed so well about whats going on, let the rumors slip and all that"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kato declaims, "The one time I did get a peek behind the curtain I was ICly and OOCly both like, "Holy crap. There's a lot of stuff happening!""

Gretel agrees with Otois.

Temi nods.

Emma states, "I think we'd benefit from one of those big plots that force everybody out in the open into groups they're not usually comfortable with."

Temi nods at Emma.

Rimilde nods with Emma.

Adgen says, "I agree with Otois. I understand there being a need for some privacy, but part of the fun is letting the secrets out, give people something to talk about."

Emma claims, "Wasn't here for it, but I always loved the idea of the flood plot. Random folks who didn't usually interact on the second floors of buildings for awhile, etc."

Eilyn says, "Well, the last time a rumor slipped, it resulted in things only getting worse, and not publically, but within a guild."

Estone nods with Emma.

Adgen actually thought of a topic, if there's time to add.

Temi says, "I know we have some plans going on, though I'll be away for a bit soon, so not any help there on running something."

Kato says, "And honestly? If you want more criminals in the game, you have to appreciate 'losing' more. Not that I'm implying that is happening. But I'm not going to roll up a new character, invest exp, and get my ass handed to me by ridiculous characters just so I 'make something happen.' I want to see some success. "

Estone claims, "I love plots - I would like to reiterate that that's just how it's been feeling, not necessarily how it is."

emote gently reminds everyone that conflict requires two willing parties to work

Otois gently reminds everyone that conflict requires two willing parties to work
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Letting criminals be appreciated and have things go wrong and visible encourages more of them to do it and create more fun for you."

Temi grins.

Kato states, "It's nice when it includes everyone. But there's just a lot that gets hidden by player bases. It makes me wonder if there's merit to just having separate players create 'plots' for specific factions. Never in my life, unless it's by accident, am I going to somehow get caught up in a Mage investigation plot. I see a pyre, and that's usually it."

sayto Temi just have to be comfortable that you may lose some teeth!
Otois exclaims to Temi, "Just have to be comfortable that you may lose some teeth!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

(visnet) Player Hokulani: Is one earring object meant to be one ear or both?

Misune nods in agreeance with temi "I sure as hell am not going to risk my criminal characters if it means being instantly captured thus killing any rp chances there were

Temi states, "It's nice to think of our characters as perfect in some ways, but sometimes think of the fun ways RP can go if you do another IC thing that leads to more trouble."

Adgen states, "I actually have an example for that. On Veresk I was harassing people and bolting before they could interact. But it provided little rp for the other people. *finally let the people get a pose in*"

(visnet) Player Hokulani: Looks like two...

Temi states to Kato, "Well, we did have a mage investigation plot that got random people involved by turning them into newts, but.."

Emma laughs.

Misune trails off, "That was interesting..."

(visnet) Player Hunapo: I think there is only one "ears" slot.

Elzenn states, "It's definitely never a bad thing to engage in madness someone else might bring to you."

(visnet) Staff Temi: Yeah, it covers the ears, but you can string it as a single earring.

(visnet) Player Hokulani: Thanks!

Estone claims, "Staff run global events are something that I would love to see happening -- I'm sort of digging around here -- but finding ways to force players into common RP"

say Well to get people involved it requires for someone to allow certain risk. If you just keep your mouth perfeclty sealed about investigations, never letting info slip, or blabbing drunk or whatnot then no one will know. It may be good for "winning" but it makes for boring rp.

Otois states, "Well to get people involved it requires for someone to allow certain risk. If you just keep your mouth perfeclty sealed about investigations, never letting info slip, or blabbing drunk or whatnot then no one will know. It may be good for "winning" but it makes for boring rp."
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Emma muses, "I have a semi-related question: Is it alright to emote NPCs making trouble in scenes without running a Story?"

Estone nods with Otois.

Temi says, "Anything else we ought to address on that topic? Or we have one more person, I think. And a party to send you off to."

Emma says, "Just random, generally nameless/faceless NPCs. Not your pets or guards."

Adgen has a topic he'd like to bring up. (OOC Emote)

Tomas says, "I've got a story idea, beyond the plot thing I am working on that could prove fun. just waiting on staff approval. if I do get it done, that might be something fun, though I'll need a couple of volunteers to roll up some npc's for it for fun plotty reasons"

Temi states to Emma, "In reasonable ways. Don't cause huge problems that people can't then actally go and address."

Temi muses, "Okay. Zaerieth, you had something?"

Zaerieth says, "Yes. this goes in general. but if you are a gl. please, please, please, get your new chars, what they need to do their job? espishally thoes that role up apps? I'm not calling out anyone here.. but I've seen it, and its effecting rp icly"

Temi nods at Zaerieth.

Kato asks, "Like shackles or whatever they are?"

Tomas says, "Keys would be good too"

Temi claims, "Okay, thanks, Zaerieth. Generally a good idea to make them more productive."

Hunapo says, "Cloaks."

Emma says, "If they don't, wouldn't hurt to address it IC. At great length and with great publicity."

Temi wonders, "Adgen, you had something else?"

emote recalls a scene where inquisitor stood in front of ahlin with a prisoner and did not have keys

Adgen states, "I'm wondering if we can tone down how impossible escape is from Ahalin. I know it was changed due to so many escapes happening. But now it's in the total opposite direction. No one can escape. Wondering if there is a happy medium that can be made."

Otois recalls a scene where inquisitor stood in front of ahlin with a prisoner and did not have keys
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Zaerieth claims, "I have.. but its an ooc, and ic issue"

Emma states, "Did seem to be more exciting (known only via reading old in-game books) when people could escape."

Estone pontificates, "Some GLs are pretty good about that! :)"

Tomas says, "With enough work, it is possible to escape. escaping ahalin -shouldn't- be so easy. I mean with all the burnings that happen there even magical help should be resistant"

Adgen states, "Currently a prisoner cannot escape on their own, it has to be someone else's idea."

Kato states, "What's wrong with a prisoner escape? Seems like it would create great RP for the escapee, the Reeves, and possibly the citizens. That whole 'side' of the game seems messy, though. Or so I hear. "

Estone says, "Escapes are double edged"

Temi claims, "We can discuss it again. Though I don't know that we're looking to redo it right now. But if the general feeling of the law is that they'd like more folks to get away too, we could take that into consideration"

Tomas says, "If you think you might end up in Ahalin, have contingency plans? I had -lawful- people give me their backup plans and notes in case they get taken into ahalin"

Adgen says, "Not saying make it go back to the way it was when you could escape with enough gold and qp, but making it at least possible would be nice."

Estone states, "Escapes are wonderful! But they do leave lawful types feeling rather impotent when they're too easy."

Estone says, "They're hard to balance nicely for everyone involved."

Emma nods at Estone. "Difficult balance."

Tomas states, "Also some of the difficulty is owing to ic efforts on the lawful guilds to shore up ahalin after the big rash of escapes a while ago"

Tomas claims, "Weeding out corrupt guards"

Tomas says, "Things like that"

Temi nods in agreement.

Gretel wonders what's the goal of an escape: creating fun rp or saving a character's life ?

Adgen says to Gretel, "Both"

Kato claims, "Pretty much."

Emma says, "One way or another, a character or institution has to "lose" in the situation. Shouldn't always be either side."

Zaerieth states, "I'd like to see more excapes"

Temi states, "One problem is that the law has other options to avoid people escaping - like dragging them straight to the pyre, skipping out on their chance to even consider it."

Estone nods with Temi

Temi claims, "Which is not what we wanted to see, since it steals their chance for any good RP on that too"

Temi states, "But we don't want to tell lawfolks they have to be completely impotent, either."

say ther is too little incentive to play a reeve anyway

Otois says, "Ther is too little incentive to play a reeve anyway"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Tomas claims, "And if escape is too easy it will lead to more straight executions. that being said I would love to see more alternative punishments, like the removal of certain rights/public stocks where people cant' move, things like that"

Emma states, "Alternative punishments will be so awesome."

Temi nods in agreement.

Emma states, "And evil. But still awesome."

sayto emma whippings, cutting of hands
Otois says to Emma, "Whippings, cutting of hands"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi says, "We do have some alternative punishments somewhere in the pipeline"

Kato wonders, "Seems like the ball is very much in the law/order's court. Which, if it weren't, the game wouldn't be thematic. But it also lends to why things don't happen?"

Emma cradles her hands warily.

Gretel thinks: maybe escape could be totally random (with a choosen percentage), and rolled at each imprisonment. If the character win an escape, he can choose his plan.

Misune says, "Thing is, executions typically only occur when the crime is severe enough. Most people don't do petty crimes that warrant non-lethal punishments"

Ofelia asks, "How high is our level of petty crime right now, though?"

Zaerieth says, "To tomas lose a hand, fingers, exetra and its hard to know whitch one to use"

Emma states, "In a year or so I've probably dealt with 1-2 petty crimes, total. All characters combined."

Ofelia muses, "I may just be away from all of it but... I can think of one person maybe?"

say well because petty crime is pretty much high risk little gain

Otois claims, "Well because petty crime is pretty much high risk little gain"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Emma nods.

Misune claims, "On top of that... when was the last time there was any crime aside from magery or murder? Petty crime is next to non-existant right now"

Zaerieth claims to Misune, "I rolled a char to muck with the grid, doing crimes.. why, for the fun of it.. to see how long they'd last"

Temi claims, "Alright, well, we're over time, and I probably ought to let you all back to RP. Be thinking about what you can do to make everything more fun in this regard - though there is definitely crime going on."

Tomas says, "As a Reeve... I've seen plenty of petty crime and let it go or light wrist slaps."

Emma states, "For petty crimes, not being imprisoned and instead just getting walloped by a Reeve would possibly encourage it."

Estone states, "That's always been a problem on TI - commit a robbery? petty crime, but now you're 1 of 5 on the Reeve's radar."

Misune misses the days when the brotherhood was an actual threatening force...

Cahrilee is idle.

Adgen lights a candle for Naer.

Emma says, "They give me nightmares, Misune! The unknown. OoOoOo."

Cahrilee is no longer idle.
Cahrilee has returned from AFK.

Estone says, "Playing as a lawful type, that is something to be aware of."

Kato claims, "The fun is in fighting, not winning."

Estone states, "Remi. :3"

Tomas says, "The Reeves have had plenty of people, the problem is that some of the people will cause a lot of trouble then dissapear (like Baine)"

Misune nods to Adgen "Those really were the days of TI...

say it seems its matter of bringing up the reward part for brotherhood, as the risk is very high, and the reward low. Now if they could "sack" rich houses and get a lot of silver from there, now we are talking

Otois states, "It seems its matter of bringing up the reward part for brotherhood, as the risk is very high, and the reward low. Now if they could "sack" rich houses and get a lot of silver from there, now we are talking"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Temi queries, "Alright. Shall I go ahead and start sending people back?"

say before we go a reminder to go and vote! We've fallen out of top10, and pretty sure that if we all vote daily, we can get back up there!

Otois declares, "Before we go a reminder to go and vote! We've fallen out of top10, and pretty sure that if we all vote daily, we can get back up there!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Emma claims, "Yes please, Ms. Temi."

Misune states to Otois, ""But the brotherhood doesn't just have to be about stealing and robbery"

Tomas states to Otois, "I bet you though the Brotherhood, even if it is like that has a great number of people than the Reeves as members. Reeve recruitment is -waaaaay- down, or was last I knew"

Adgen used to have a number of character too good at b-n-e that he was actually asked to stop.

Temi says, "I know we can keep discussing this for hours and I know people have an event they wanted."

Eilyn nods.

Kato is probably more interested in this despite hosting it.

Tomas pontificates, "Yes come to the golden coin, enjoy fun and entertainment!"

Kato declaims, "Yeah, that!"
Blake Evernight tells you, "You, Sir, won my heart today. Are you single?"

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