Automatically being hauled to the Madison from a phome

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:19 am

This idea came to me after an awkward IC experience that I think shouldn't have happened. Can we please prevent automatic transfer to the Madison when someone gets knocked out by an NPC in an area marked as a Phome?

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:45 am

I've been thinking about the automatic Madison transport in general lately, and how it might be improved.

Currently, if you reach 1 hp, and there's not another PC present in the room, you're immediately transported to the Madison. There's a lot of cases where that shouldn't happen- when you're thrown out of a window by another PC for example, or when you're scouting ahead with the rest of your party just a room or two behind and suddenly get attacked by crocs, and so on.

My suggestion: a 5 or 10 minute delay before transport. If another PC enters the room in that time, it cancels the transport.

I'd also like options for destination: Madison Hospital's Triage, The Almshouse Triage, Bastion Clinic, An Infirmary Yurt, any other hospital-type places I've forgotten, and an option to be left where you are. Announces on the physician's channel where someone is transported (unless they choose to stay), and defaults to Madison if nothing else is selected.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:08 am

I would like to suggest a command to be transported to the Madison that becomes available after 10 minutes and is only available when another player isn't in the room. That would give a player the choice of going to the hospital or waiting to be found on a case-by-case basis.

Keep in mind that hauling players to places other than the Madison would reduce RP opportunities for the Physicians.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:13 am

LonelyNeptune wrote:
Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:08 am
Keep in mind that hauling players to places other than the Madison would reduce RP opportunities for the Physicians.
Physicians are able to move like any other PC and can go to those locations. If it is one of the foreign quarter locations, it is not blocked to them in anyway, and can spur some potentially different RP for that character. It may give some opportunity for roles to Physicians if different people look after different locations. If it is in the Southside, it forces Physicians to RP with people that can either get them there or encourage recruits that are Freeman and able to travel there freely.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:32 am

wimple wrote:
Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:13 am
Physicians are able to move like any other PC and can go to those locations.
If it is in a foreign quarter and race relations are low, they will not be able to go. If it is in Southside and the Physician is not a Freeman, they will not be able to go. To suggest that we recruit people who can visit these places is the same as admitting that there are a large portion of existing Physicians who would be excluded from this RP. And as far as recruits go, we already take whatever we can get.

My primary objection is that it would erode the concept of the Madison Hospital being central to medicine-related RP and be annoying in general.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:49 am

That's why the Madison should be the recommended default- but I would have loved having more chances for some medical RP in the other locations when I was a physician. If it makes IC sense, and they don't mind having less of a chance of being seen to quickly, I think it'd be a nice option. Especially for the Southside types.

And there's still ways into foreign quarters and Southside despite race and class.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:52 am

People are ELECTING to going to locations other than the Madison. The ping to the Physicians channel would be a courtesy. That means the player making the choice has to take those things into account as well. It is possible those people don't want treatment by a Physician but by someone else. It's also a risk they take if they elect to not be treated at the Madison when relations are low. If relations are not low - which is normally much of the time, then Physicians are able to get there. If it is in the Southside, the Physicians have options. There have been physician characters that work at the Southside alms. There are freeman that are physicians. Right now, three out of the five on their guild list have names that suggest they are Freeman. If a Physician that is not a freeman wants to go down there, there are options to go there if they want to take those options, as there are ways around the block.

If the Physicians are worried about not being able to go to locations because of low race relations, then RP is going to be encouraged by them having to get people on staff of different races. I can't say I know the current racial make up of most of the Physicians to know if that's something they would severely have to fix. It could also be a statement that they do not treat certain races. Heck, they don't like the clinics in the foreign quarters? Do something IC to get them take down or closed by the Reeves.

Physician RP needs to be balanced against the RP of people that are winding up injured and just sent to Madison when it may not be realistic for their situation or scene.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:10 am

I'm with LonelyNeptune in that I think a ten minute timer before asking if you want an anonymous NPC to find you and take you to the hospital is probably the best idea. You should either go to the hospital or lie there and wait for someone to find you if, for whatever reason, it's not realistic to expect to be found, or you don't want to go to the hospital because you were up to no good when you got injured, or you just want your friend the witchdoctor to heal you instead.

Adding in an extra layer of 'Where do you want to go?' not only makes little IC sense - if your character is at the point they need to be rescued he/she is unconscious and can't express a preference - but also runs the risk of excluding certain Physicians, who likely already get very limited scenes involving medical roleplay.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:22 am

Well, if you find someone dying on one side of the city, one would think you'd take them to the nearest triage and not one on the other side of town. For convenience I'd still suggest leaving the Madison as default, but I think allowing a choice that makes more IC sense would be a good thing. Which alternative triages are choosable could even be based on if they're within range of 'travel'.

Only allowing the opt-out of transport is fine though, it could still allow the choice of clinic- after 30 minutes you'd be able to stand up and walk yourself to whichever you want. Unless the wolverine mauls you again.

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Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:52 pm

I frankly like the idea of being able to choose a location to be transported to, as ultimately it creates more opportunities for rp.
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