As you may know from OOC Chat, TI Staff are turning our attention to executing a marketing plan that we've worked with a marketer to come up with.
As a result of this, I am turning my attention from Turf Wars to a player Event Scheduler that will make it so players can book events in-game that will appear in a calendar, in the MOTD, etc. If we were to build this thing, what would be most useful for players who are scheduling events?
Do we want it to auto kick-off town criers? Send out invitations to all active players? Set up rumors or IC_Event posts, etc? Anything we definitely DON'T want it to do? Any 'it would be so cool if..."-s?
Kind regards,
Event Scheduler
That would be great. I think the criers should be left up to the host though.
I always wanted a coded calendar. If the templates for the calendars Prisca used to make would be useful, let me know.
I'd like the ability to add events either by IC time or OOC time, and for it to show both when you look at the event details. Should be able to view both IC-time calendars and OOC-time calendars.
Besides marking/scheduling public events on the calendar, it would be handy to be able to add private events and notes as well, with the option to have them repeat.
I always wanted a coded calendar. If the templates for the calendars Prisca used to make would be useful, let me know.
I'd like the ability to add events either by IC time or OOC time, and for it to show both when you look at the event details. Should be able to view both IC-time calendars and OOC-time calendars.
Besides marking/scheduling public events on the calendar, it would be handy to be able to add private events and notes as well, with the option to have them repeat.
Okay, at this time I'm leaving criers to the event maker, and here is where I am at so far:
I'm a bit stuck on how to input the IC time to get the OOC time, so if we want that functionality, please suggest?
Otherwise, is anything glaringly missing from this, or any ideas to make it better?
Code: Select all
POLCA: Event Scheduler
EventID : <default 5 digit number increments +1 each event>
Title : <name of event>
Recipients : <default All, otherwise as per Note Permissions>
Description : <Enter editor for 1600 character event description>
OOC Date/Time: <enter mm-dd-yy-hh-mm such as 12-10-2020-12-00>
IC Date/TIme : <auto-converted from OOC Date/Time, display IC>
Rumor : <auto-rumor about the event happening>
IC_Event : <default yes, will there be an IC_Event posted, Yes/No>
Type "submit" to schedule the event or "cancel" to abort.
- The Event ID is auto-created and how players can reference a saved event to
edit or cancel it.
- The Title is set when creating a new event with the 'event schedule <name>'
command, but can also be edited within the POLCA with 'title <name>'. Save
- The Recipients defaults to All, but can be set just like a note in the note
system. EG, "Staff" or "Troubadours" or "Temi" are all valid permissions.
If someone has permissions, they'll see the event when they log in, in their
event list, and the IC_Events will be posted to the Recipients only.
- The description is what will be pushed out to the API, and also form the
IC_Event text to be posted if the player selects IC_Event.
- The OOC Date/Time will use the 24 hour clock and use mm-dd-yy-hh-mm to set
the date and time. This will auto calculate and display the IC Date/Time
- The rumor field is required, and will publish a rumor about the event.
Otherwise, is anything glaringly missing from this, or any ideas to make it better?
In all honesty, I'd just leave out IC time from the scheduler completely. Any time I schedule an event, or am invited to one, we always use Doodle or some other scheduling website and schedule things entirely with OOC time, and just check what IC date/time it is after the fact for making ic events or rumors about it.
For holidays etc, IC time is vital.
How far out does the code know/schedule/predict holidays? Because honestly knowing what OOC date the -next- holiday is going to fall on in some way before it hits being on the login info would be super helpful for longer term planning.
How far out does the code know/schedule/predict holidays? Because honestly knowing what OOC date the -next- holiday is going to fall on in some way before it hits being on the login info would be super helpful for longer term planning.
As nice as that is (and I agree, I totally want it), I think it might be best if we go with the Minimum Lovable Product and add people's own timezones as an expanded bonus option later because it'll be a bigger deal than the scheduler in itself.
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