You leave north.
By the Altar
[Relatively Cool]
Bathed entirely in light from attenuated crystal chandeliers suspended
from the ceiling high above, this part of the church is wholly illuminated,
no corner left unto the shadows. In the front, directly north of the
Fountis Major, the altar seems uncharacteristically out of place--
fashioned of unadorned, white ash and reinforced around the edges with
tarnished bronze, the simple, rectangular object seems to have poorly
withstood the ages. Behind it stands a small tabernacle of solid gold, and
above it a large chalice of the same metal. Around the altar hang crimson
velvet curtains, allowing one to draw closed the area around the dais;
however, when not in use, they bunch together, tied off and securely
harnessed to the wall. On both sides of the aisle directly in front of the
room are lavish oaken pews replete with soft cushions, clearly roped off by
thick red cords. Behind them are numerous additional pews, equally
serviceable but lacking any soft comfort.
(The Church has been newly restored. However, the pews where the noble
seating once stood are devoid of cushions. All of the pews are equally
appointed. The once fine cloths of the church stand empty, and only
simple, tasteful adornments show on the altar and on the banners. A statue
of St. Celeste has been moved into an inconspicuous corner, surrounded by
a candlelight vigil. The faint smell of lavender and sandalwood permeates
the air. )
[ Exits: south ]
A tall Cathedra of dark wood stands here. (northwestern corner)
Atholos Miller is here. [App: 2]
Beth is here. [App: 3]
Annalesa Journier is here. [App: 3]
Wolfe Journier is here. [App: 3]
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes is here. [App: 2]
Florense ab Flewelling stands by the altar, hands clasped in front of her. [App: 4]
You have arrived.
Florense ab Flewelling stands patiently at the altar, her scarred hands clasped in front of her. The serene nature of her pale blue eyes sweeps the sparse group gathered in the Cathedral. She seems content to wait for the time being, the tattered remains of a long sable cotton cloak, emblazoned with the Holy Chalice hanging off of her shoulders, and her only attire of a holy nature being robes and a skullcap of crimson cotton, decorated with black chalices. The rest hints at a more military style of dress, and seems to be well worn.
Atholos Miller goes to sit in the rear pews where the freemen sit, he stands for the time being.
Sabin approaches the altar, chalicing himself respectfully. He slips into one of the further back pews, nodding approvingly at the renovations made to the church as he settles himself into a seat.
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes slips into a pew near the back, frowning faintly.
Annalesa Journier looks around for an empty pew and heads to one only a few up from the very back.
Sister Cedany Clarke arrives from the south.
A tall yet heavily muscled knight with fair features has arrived.
A strong and imposing guard with red-brown curls has arrived.
Sister Cedany Clarke slows to a halt.
Action set to:
Sabin is sitting in one of the back pews.
[Action: Sister Cedany Clarke stands to one side of the altar, watching Florense ab Flewelling perform mass.]
Wolfe Journier follows behind Annalesa and sits in the same pew next to her as he waits for the mass to start.
Florense ab Flewelling 's eyes drift across the congregation as more start to file in, though when her eyes fall on Sister Cedany Clarke, a very subtle widening of the eyes can be seen, and Florense ab Flewelling shifts a little in a pair of lace up, heeled boots made of darkly dyed leather. She chews on her lower lip, looking at the back entrance.
Sister Cedany Clarke stands solemnly, her hands clasped at her chest and her eyes closed as she mouths a silent prayer to herself. After she has finished and drawn a chalice over herself, she flashes a small, hopefully reassuring smile to Florense ab Flewelling.
[Action: Beth sits in a pew sort of up towards the front.]
The soft plainschant of the Cathedral's brothers resounds through the Church. Florense ab Flewelling bounces idly on her heels, squinting briefly at the back entrance. Seeming to have spotted someone, she relaxes, and paces the front of the Church a few steps, looking over the congregation, offering a faint, but sincere smile to those who might recognize her. [Florense ab Flewelling]
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness arrives from the south.
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness slows to a halt.
Sabin sits silently in his pew, his head bowed; he seems to be lost in intense prayer, brow deeply lined with concentration.
Traveling in from the interior of the cathedral, Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness's movements are deliberate and slow: he his walk down the aisle that separates the pews is marked by inspection, as he notes the remnants of destruction with a solemn expression and, every so often, a head-shake. He moves toward the front-most pew, now devoid of cushions, and sits, crossing his legs at the ankles.
[Action: Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness sits in the front-most pew, ostensibly listening to the proceeding.]
As Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness steps in, Florense ab Flewelling inhales deeply, closing her eyes and then lifting her voice to be heard across the Cathedral. "Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. When the Lord enters into our hearts, he will bring to light things now hidden in darkness, and will disclose the purposes of the heart. In that light, we confess our sins to the Lord before coming to his altar, either silently or aloud from the depths of our heart." Florense ab Flewelling turns her back on the mass, kneeling in front of the altar. "Almighty, merciful Father. We have erred, and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed, too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have done things which we ought not to have done, and there is no health in us. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders, spare them, O God, who confess their faults. Restore those who are penitent; According to thy promises declared unto mankind in the Erra Pater. And grand, O merciful Lord, for your sake, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous and sober life. To the glory of thy holy Name, Amen." [Florense ab Flewelling]
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes leans back in her seat, quirking a brow at this.
My Lady Earl Marshall arrives from the south.
My Lady Earl Marshall slows to a halt.
Sister Cedany Clarke kneels to the right of Florense ab Flewelling, following along silently in her prayer. She mouths the words in reply, though they are silent. When the Amen is heard, she repeats it solemnly. "Amen."
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness remains stony-faced during Florense ab Flewelling's lecture, although when My Lady Earl Marshall comes in-- hard to miss in the platemail, for the woman must clank-clank most places, he offers a subtle rise of his head, additionally (though it could easily be missed) a slow rise and fall of his shoulders.
My Lady Earl Marshall approaches the altar space as quietly as she can, although yes in platemail it is rather difficult. As she approaches the frontmost pew, she gives a nod of her head to Florense ab Flewelling and Sister Cedany Clarke before taking a seat next to Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness.
Florense ab Flewelling stands and turns from the altar raising her hands in a benediction to those gathered, though she very briefly nods to My Lady Earl Marshall by way of acknowledging the woman's presence. Drawing another deep breath, she speaks. "May the peace of our Lord, which surpasses all understanding guide you in holiness and in righteous ways, forgive you of your sins so that you may go on to work for his good purpose. The peace of the Lord be with you." Florense ab Flewelling adjusts a flowing white silk robe with crimson bands on its sleeves slightly around the neck, pacing down from the altar to stand before the congregation. "For those of you who do not know me. I am Grand Inquisitor Florense ab Flewelling. I'm quite pleased to see a number of faces I don't recognize among us." Florense ab Flewelling smiles genuinely, scarred face warm despite the ferocity inflicted on her in the past. "Before I begin my sermon, I would ask if you all are well, if anything is needed in the wake of our recent flood. The Church is more than willing to assist those in need, to provide food and clothing for the needy and dispossessed."
Florense ab Flewelling adds, a touch awkwardly. "It means I'd like you to talk. I can try to answer what questions you have in regards to the disaster."
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness glances towards My Lady Earl Marshall and merely raises a thick, coal-black brow. For now, he stays silent.
Beth shifts a bit in her seat, glancing around at everyone.
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes glances around, then shrugs and raises a hand.
"I... am well, Your Holy Honor," Sabin speaks up awkwardly, after a moment, "but most of the city - I do not think most of the city is well at all? Does not... almost everyone need help?" He then colors as he sees a woman of dark complexion and light eyes raise her hand, immediately shutting up. [Sabin]
Florense ab Flewelling nods deeply at a woman of dark complexion and light eyes, though she nearly loses a skullcap of crimson cotton, decorated with black chalices in the process, and slaps a hand backwards to keep it on her head, affixing it in place with a pin. Her eyes fall on Sabin next, and she offers him a soft smile. "Reeve Guiscard, I would agree with you." to a woman of dark complexion and light eyes, she states. "Please let me address our brother's concerns, and then I will be more than happy to hear yours."
Sister Cedany Clarke decides to remain silent during this unless she is needed. She steps to the side of the altar again, her hands clasped and her look attentive as she watches Florense ab Flewelling and the rest of the faithful. She gives a reassuring smile to Sabin, encouraging him silently to voice his thoughts.
My Lady Earl Marshall looks back to Sabin as he speaks and then to Florense ab Flewelling at her reply. She remains silent and her expression clear.
Sabin shakes his head fiercely, his cheeks still flushed, and doesn't say another word.
You think to yourself, "I should have raised my hand! I did not know I needed to raise my hand!"
Florense ab Flewelling can't help but smile over at Sabin, looking back over to a woman of dark complexion and light eyes. "Well, go ahead.
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes blinks a little, "Oh! Sorry. Thought you were answerin' him first. Anyways, is it true there were demons? And that people left the circles around for weeks after? Why do you think the Lord of the Springs let the waters be used against his own people and kill so many? Think we did something wrong to upset him?"
After a woman of dark complexion and light eyes airs her question, Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness slowly stands from his seat and, clearing his throat, addresses the: "There were demons," he states flatly. "I speak for his Majesty the King, to address something that must be on your minds: we are in the process of estimating the cost of rebuilding the most aggrieved areas. I regret to inform you that, of the ten thousand men and women in Southside, only a thousand remain. Perhaps two. That is the reality of the situation we face; and after accepting that reality, we must come together, regardless of views, class, or status and rebuild what has been taken from us." He looks briefly towards Florense ab Flewelling, then continues. "You may trust in your King, in his Reeves, and in the Knights to carry out this rebuilding process. And in the Order, to remind us with great severity the costs of doing so."
Sabin loses his flush all at once at Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness's words, paling instead as the magnitude of the destruction is made apparent; he traces the sign of the Chalice with a large, meaty hand that has gone noticeably wobbly.
My Lady Earl Marshall listens to Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness's words, a nod with a frown, but she still remains silent.
Annalesa Journier shrugs and raises her hand in the air.
Florense ab Flewelling stares at a woman of dark complexion and light eyes for a long couple of moments, clearly taken aback. Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness gets a look, though its purpose is unclear. The storm of words seems to have thrown her back into thoughtful pensiveness. Her pale eyes affix to the woman, and then, she inhales. "Yes, there were demons, and there were circles, but all of them were erased. They were 'left around' as you put it, as evidence, to be investigated. The Lord may have been punishing us, for our greed, for our opulence, for our lies to one another. For our infighting between the Church, the Order, and the Monarchy. It is often in the darkest incidents that the Lord will visit upon us terrible, unspeakable things. Only then can we see the dim light of truth in our world. Only then are our eyes able to percieve the Lord's way in things." Florense ab Flewelling's eyes light upon Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness, and there's a brief moment where anger strikes, but it's almost instantly quelled. "The Order too, for our brothers and sisters are in Southside at this very moment, bringing medicine and food to those struck by this disaster. We are -all- making sacrifices to bring our city back together." Florense ab Flewelling nods at Annalesa Journier.
Sister Cedany Clarke first traces a chalice over her chest, before speaking to a woman of dark complexion and light eyes in a clear voice. "Our omnipotent Lord has reason for all that happens, most of which we can never hope to understand. We are only human, and imperfect as such. All that we can do is stay as one, and allow ourselves to maintain faith with God above us. We cannot know everything, for the vastness of God's power and knowledge far surpasses that of any on this Urth." She takes a breath for a moment. "Our Lord has made a path for each of us, one of a far grander sceme then we will ever comprehend. I do not know, Miss Nettesheim, why what has passed has passed. All I know is that we much maintain our unwavering faith, or we have lost all sense of righteousness." She also nods to Florense ab Flewelling's response, falling silent again.
Annalesa Journier claims, "Well, I was going to ask if it was thought that, since the South side was almost exterminated completely, if you thought it was the oomwedvdeaoodmedd more of the poor on that side of town that brought the Lord's wrath. But you sort of answered my question with what you said, I guess."
My Lady Earl Marshall finally does speak up at Annalesa Journier's statement. "Southside's residents may have been on the worse side of morality and spirituality, but let none here think for a second that they deserved to be drowned like rats. Even I, whom has believed Southside a plague on this city for years... I don't think they deserved that. And remember this, the dead could very easily have been you but for the grace of the Lord." Her voice carries a slightly cold and almost hostile tone.
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes blinks, then speaks up again, "So the Lord made a path for thousands of people that ended in dying in a flood? Thank you for clearing that up for me!"
Annalesa Journier shakes her head and says, "I'll be blunt. I don't believe that, either, but I'm from a village where disaster was always blamed on the poor like that. I meant no offense. I merely wondered if the same was going to apply here."
"The Lord did not kill those people, a mage did!" Sabin speaks up loudly, his fist thundering down to smack his thigh. "Do not blame on the Divine what is the work of the tainted and unholy." All the sudden he reddens again, adding much more softly, "That is - how I see it." [Sabin]
"No, what made a path to death for those thousands of people was not the Lord: it was a human woman, a blonde sorceress of Lithmorran descent, who cavorted with demons and probably traded her soul for power-- and," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness states there, retaking his earlier seat, though he watches a woman of dark complexion and light eyes, "... she had reasons for what she did. All invalid, wrong, horrible, murderous, heretical, evil reasons-- but they were her reasons and not the Lord's."
Sister Cedany Clarke simply listens now, her slightly wide eyes thoughtful as she hears everyone's opinions.
The chatter of voices rises in the Church. Then, the anger rises in Florense ab Flewelling's tone, and her blue eyes are flints of hard steel in her scarred face, and she lifts her own voice to bark as a field marshall would, at troops. "HEY! LISTEN UP! The Lord gave us free will. What we chose to do with that gift forms and shapes us as people. What it feckin' comes down to is that some Arien cursed arsehole mages decided it'd be feckin' funny if they'd flooded the town and killed tens of thousands of people. That is what magery -does- to the heart. Killing, destruction, mayhem - these are all things that give the wicked heart pleasure. That blackness is why the Order stands so vehemently against magery. As it stands, the incident has brought us together as a community. It has made us focus on what is really -important- on this Urth." A little more in control now, Florense ab Flewelling exhales shortly. "My -question- was, what needs doing, who needs help. It is human nature to seek someone to point the finger at, and if you've got to point a finger at someone, it is -not- the poor! The poor cannot help but to be poor, they know no better, they have no other choice, which is why it is the responsibility of the Nobility and the Order to seek those people out and to bring them the good word and the hope of our Lord." [Florense ab Flewelling]
Sabin stares at Florense ab Flewelling disbelievingly, his jaw hanging open, at the first few sentences that escape her. He looks absolutely scandalized, hastily tracing several signs of the Chalice in quick succession an casting a longing look for the door.
Beth wails, "-Mages-!? But I thought it was just the one!? Are there other ones behind it still out there? Is there more demons!?"
"ARE there more demons. -ARE- there more demons? Of course there are more demons, but that is why the Knights and the Order exist, to protect you, to keep you safe against the horrors of the world, child!" Florense ab Flewelling 's voice isn't a shout now, but it carries beautifully across the Cathedral. [Florense ab Flewelling]
"Of -course- there are more demons and mages," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness offers now, calling out-- but first, he claps thricely for Florense ab Flewelling, issuing an encouraging nod of his head whilst she curses up a storm. "... if there weren't any more mages or demons, then the Inquisition would have far less of a point. Clearly, that's not the case."
My Lady Earl Marshall looks to Florense ab Flewelling in surprise at her outburst and she gestures for Florense ab Flewelling to calm down. When Beth lets out her wail, she gets to her feet. "My people... calm yourselves. I would not be sitting here in a pew if I had a mage to hunt, despite the goodness of mass and prayer. And while yes there will always be another mage, none but the truly insane call forth demons."
Beth widens her eyes and glances along around her, pulling herself into a bit of a ball sitting in her pew, arms wrapping reflexively around her legs.
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes sits quietly now, brow raised once more towards Florense ab Flewelling.
Sabin sits there looking rigid and uncomfortable, his gaze remaining averted from Florense ab Flewelling. Every few moments he traces another sign of the Chalice, as if to dispel some lingering taint.
Annalesa Journier sits with her lips pressed together grimly.
My Lady Earl Marshall turns back to Florense ab Flewelling as the Cathedral seems to calm and she nods before returning to her seat next to Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness.
Florense ab Flewelling draws a five-foot steel claymore with an ebon wolf's head pommel from her back in a sudden, vicious ring of steel that snaps out into the Cathedral, the pitted steel of the blade shining in the candlelight. Luckily for everyone, Florense ab Flewelling sets the blade down into the stone, the ping of metal on granite harsh and grating. "ALRIGHT. Listen!" Florense ab Flewelling seems to be breathing a little heavier than normal. "Listen," Florense ab Flewelling repeats, a little more soothingly, her voice softening to the others as a physician to a patient. "Yes. There are more mages. There are more demons to be fought. There are more threats against our way of life, against our very souls, but that is why the Knights and the Order must stand together as a unified front. If we are divided, if we break, the entire kingdom is in danger." Florense ab Flewelling exhales shortly, closing her eyes tightly. "And the Order has failed you, my brothers and sisters." Florense ab Flewelling looks back up to the crowd, looking to each and every one of them. "We have failed you. We have not been a bastion of good faith, strength and will against the evils of the world. We must all know, if evil exists in the world - and it does, believe me, it does, truely, it lies in the hearts of humanity. Some of us who have come into the Order did not deserve to be in the Lord's service." And then Florense ab Flewelling does something perhaps... a bit unusual. She drops to her knees at the feet of the people, laying a five-foot steel claymore with an ebon wolf's head pommel clasped in one hand. "And on behalf of the Holy Order of Lithmore, I am sorry, sincerely, sincerely sorry that we were not there to protect you when you needed us most. We did not rise to defend the city when we heard the clarion of the witches. Benedictus Piuso let Julea Sanguine go. Mother Leto Bharani was a mage, and we did not see her. Sin blinded our eyes. We were corrupt, and we were taken advantage of because of that corruption. It is not your fault. It is not the poor's fault. It is not anyone's fault but the fault of your Order. We have lost your trust, your respect, and the Lord has punished all of you on our behalf." Florense ab Flewelling leans forward and presses her face into the carpet before the whole of the congretation.
You think to yourself, "This was NOT the punishment of the Lord!"
You think to yourself, "And he would NOT vent it upon us for your sins!"
Beth looks utterly befuddled, not quite sure where to look. Her eyes are wide, shining with terror. As they find My Lady Earl Marshall, she gives a pleading look over.
"I do not ask your forgiveness. We do not deserve it. What we deserve is the wrath of the Lord, and little else." Florense ab Flewelling's shoulders quiver slightly, but she remains bowed before the congregation. [Florense ab Flewelling]
Sabin begins to grow steadily redder as Florense ab Flewelling speaks, the flush gathering in his cheeks. It deepens as she continues, to the point that he is practically purple. As she finishes, he suddenly leaps to his feet, causing the other commoners seated around himself to stare at him in alarm. "YES!" he roars. "You have let us down and you continue to do so! You say that the Lord's punishment is behind the evil works of a mage, and that he punishes all of us for your sins. If he were to punish in this life, it would be you he would bring it down upon, for you have not been corrupt, you -are- corrupt! Even now as you play this show of repentance you let blasphemy drop from your lips, vile swears that stain this sacred altar! Where is holiness? Where is piety? Where is true redemption and godliness? Not here! It is no longer here!"
Annalesa Journier says quietly, "Is not confession of sin one of the first things to be done along the path of piety, Reeve Guiscard? Or was I taught wrongly in my village?"
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes glances towards Sabin, rising a few moments after, "He is right, though," she speaks just loudly enough to be heard. "I myself was run out of Lithmore three years ago in fear for my life for doing nothing more than telling the Order about the corruption of a man who was later downcast as a heretic."
My Lady Earl Marshall does catch Beth's gaze and with a slightly annoyed look to Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness, she gets to her feet and walks in front of Florense ab Flewelling and also with a hostile look to Sister Cedany Clarke, she looks down to Florense ab Flewelling and says, "Grand Inquisitor, I have been the Earl Marshall, the hand of the Lord in this Kingdom since before you were born. I have seen the Church change over time and not for the better. And you can hear what the people think of this display." She pauses a moment to let Sabin's words sink in before she says, "We the people do not ask the Church to bear the Lord's wrath. We ask you to learn from it, restore the Patriarchy to where it truly belongs and to return to your appointed place as the Shepards of Dav's People and the Inquisitors to purge magic's taint from this city. Do nothing else... politics, intrigues, and plots... the Order utterly fails at those games for those are not the Order's to play. The Lord shows it plainly in the failures of the Church in recent years. Return to the work that is yours. Do not test -His- patience further."
"... people," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness states now, once again rising to address the congregation, though first he tenders a a solemn, encouraging look Florense ab Flewelling's way. "Yes, he's right: the Order has had corrupt members. Just as the Reeves have had mages among their ranks, and the Knights have had vagabonds and murderers," he intones. "When your sample size is so large, there will be outliers. Think back to your local priest, the friars, the abbots whom you meet, the itinerant wanderers who would give you the hair shirt off their back-- they are the lowest of the Order in rank, but the highest in piety. The Order is not the problem. The problem is, as with other entities, certain few in the Order who have, sadly, occupied high positions."
"Confession does the soul no good unless it is paired with repentance and the desire to sin no more. To confess one's sin with lips edged with unholy words..." Sabin is breathing hard, shaking his shaggy head decisively to Annalesa Journier. "This corruption runs deep. This corruption runs deep, and strong, and as the Justiciar says it rains down from high to tarnish all below it." [Sabin]
Sister Cedany Clarke begins to speak quietly, her voice gradually picking up in volume as she becomes more confident in her words. She gestures for Florense ab Flewelling to rise. "It is not Her Holy Honour who should be taking blame for what has recently past. I was, and am still, head of this church. I apologize, as it was myself who has truly wronged the populous. I am learning still, trying to learn everything I can to become a better Cardinal. But I have failed. I have begged to be excommunicated, begged to be allowed to run away from my fears of leading the way I should. Lord knows I shall and have been punished for my sins. I have watched the people whom I care for and am supposed to protect fall around me in floods that I still feel I could have helped prevent. I have watched as Father Piuso died in vain, and known deep in my soul that he was the purest of all in this Cathedral." Sister Cedany Clarke begins to cry, tears falling down her cheeks as she continues to speak. "I am a fool, and I know it well. I do not expect any forgiveness, or any thing better to come from my life then the horrors I have seen. I deserve them all, and i do not question such. What I shall never forgive myself for, is the pain and misery I feel I have caused. I stood in front of this altar, but a month ago, speaking of unity and peace. She looks to everyone her eyes tired and sad. I shall do what is necessary to restore the honour of the church, and then I will leave his city.
Sister Cedany Clarke looks to the people in front of her. "I do swear that to you, that I -will- fix what I have broken, with the Lord as my witness."
"I'm a soldier, Sabin. I'm no priest. You know the horrors I have seen in the defense of this land. You know who I am, more than anyone in this room," Florense ab Flewelling murmurs softly, looking up to the giant with the glitter of wetness obvious in her eyes. As turns her face back to the ground, tears drip onto the floor. She looks up at My Lady Earl Marshall, gazing into the woman's face. "I am no priest, Dame Earl Marshall, and you know that. Everyone in this city knows that. I am just a soldier. A soldier with a rough mouth, and what I hope is a good heart, trying to turn the Land back to the Lord, and your anger is just, and -right-. I called once for Cardinal Benedictus' resignation, I lead him through it, prayed with him as he wept for his mistakes. I wept with him. Now, I must call for Cardinal Cedany Clarke's, and my own." Florense ab Flewelling reaches to her head, removing a skullcap of crimson cotton, decorated with black chalices, and setting it on a five-foot steel claymore with an ebon wolf's head pommel. Florense ab Flewelling looks to Sister Cedany Clarke, shaking her head, bare without the presence of the skullcap. "I can't allow you to even try, Your Holiness." [Florense ab Flewelling]
"Do not just say sorry, do not punish yourself. These things only ease your conscience. You will fix it? Then fix it, in truth and honesty," Sabin demands of Sister Cedany Clarke and Florense ab Flewelling, still purple in the face. "No more empty words. It is time for action. Stop upholding impure and sinful men like Benedictus Piuso and Deviah Dominus as examples of holiness when they are only examples of the very taint that has led us to this pass. Do not suffer foul words to be spoken by the voices of the Lord in His own Cathedral. Chase magery and heresy to root them out with all speed and will, not hesitation or indifference. Do these things and do them at once!" [Sabin]
Proconsul Liam Crowe arrives from the south.
Proconsul Liam Crowe slows to a halt.
[Action: Florense ab Flewelling kneels on the floor before the congregation.]
Action set to:
Sabin is standing up in a back pew, purple-faced from apoplexy and shouting at everyone.
[Action: a woman of dark complexion and light eyes is standing in one of the rear pews, looking spunky.]
Now on his feet-- for he's apparently given up standing, upon hearing Florense ab Flewelling's plea, his reply is brief and direct; he does not belabor the point. "We do not want your resignation, Lady Florense," he states. "Your words are the breath of fresh air so desperately needed. The fact that you listen, adapt, and grow: these are welcome changes, and they may save the Order's esteem in the eyes of the people. But rise, Florense. As Sabin Guiscard says, root out the corruption in the Church: as an outsider of sorts, that can be your strength. No one ever said the Inquisition could not, or should not, look inward too." [Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness]
"The only way for the Order to atone is to take ownership of what it has done, and quit trying to hide behind plots and the innocent. Too many people have suffered to hide the sins of those few, and that is what upsets me, and I'm sure many others. Not that there are a few bad eggs, but that the innocent suffer to protect those few. Do not resign, own up to things and carry through!" offers a woman of dark complexion and light eyes next, after Sabin. [a woman of dark complexion and light eyes]
Sister Cedany Clarke laughs to Sabin, her eyes wet with tears. "If Father Piuso and Dominus are the most sinful of this church, then I am the most horrible blackness in the darkness of the Void. They are the only damn ones in this place who were willing to protect justice, contrary to the believes of the city. One million of me would not be worth them." She nods to Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness slightly. "Her Holy Honour was put in this position because of them, and I will not allow her to leave it. Lord knows she is the only one holding this Cathedral together, contrary to her beliefs."
Lady Lien le Storm arrives from the south.
Lady Lien le Storm slows to a halt.
"If you believe in Piuso and Dominus as the best examples of what a priest should be," Sabin thunders back to Sister Cedany Clarke, "Then leave the Church indeed! Leave it right now, for you are so hopelessly lost in sin and delusion that you have no authority to counsel the souls of men!" [Sabin]
"It is very, very, easy to give up, Florense ab Flewelling. And to ask others to do so for our perceived failures. Indeed, I myself have wished to give up my post simply because I grow old and feel weaker compared to the younger Knights such as yourself. But I am not allowed to because my task is not yet done on this Urth. Yours should be no different. Finish what task the Lord has put before you. Cleanse the Church. And Cardinal." At this point My Lady Earl Marshall turns to look at Sister Cedany Clarke. "Your Holiness..." Sabin's words cut off whatever she might have been about to say. [My Lady Earl Marshall]
Lady Lien le Storm steps quietly into the room, attempting to be as un-noticed as possible. Noticably, her eyes are a little red rimmed, and her hair discheveled. And then, with Sabin's words, and then My Lady Earl Marshall's she suddenly halts with widened eyes.
Proconsul Liam Crowe enters the Church, his limped footsteps uneven; he stops not far past the threshold, boots digging into the velvet carpeting. The crowd, so passionately engaged, clearly takes him aback -- his eyes widen imperceptibly, and he stands quiet and still: is he moved by the words, or unable to move because of them? It is not clear. Yet there is a dawning look of regret as he looks over his shoulder toward the exit.
"Before you go, before that decision is made, your Holiness," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness addresses Sister Cedany Clarke now, his voice lowering in volume-- he's abandoned the directness of his earlier protests, and his presence (both in voice and in stature) is far, far smaller than the giant Sabin's. "... before that, I ask you here, in this place of this penitence, to renounce your claim and the Church's to the Patriarchy, so that things -can- start healing. Make that your final act, please: I beg you in the name of the eight thousand dead men, women, and children ouf Southside."
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes stares over at Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness, "This is hardly the time for politics! The city is in ruins and everything is chaos! Opportunism has no place in a time of tragedy!"
Florense ab Flewelling narrows her eyes, getting to her feet with a rush of a flowing white silk robe with crimson bands on its sleeves, drawing a five-foot steel claymore with an ebon wolf's head pommel from the ground. Her eyes flit to My Lady Earl Marshall and Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness, each in turn, and then back to Sabin. To a woman of dark complexion and light eyes, she remarks softly. "No. This is the time for politics. The Patriarchy has always resided with the Crown, so that if the Order comes across times as this, that there may be a stopgap - a dam, if you will, on the corruption of any decisions that may arise. It is what must happen, and must remain in place. The decision on the Patriarchy was what divided the Knights, the Order, and the Crown in the first place, and for the city to heal, that division must heal, and all parties ask for forgiveness in the face of the jealousy for power and the grasp for more than we are given."
Lady Lien le Storm glances sidelong to Proconsul Liam Crowe next to her, who had entered the church just a few seconds ahead of her and an eyebrow raising at him questionly. She tugs on her scarf, pulling it down and letting it hang more loosely around her neck. Caught and too fascinated by the scene in front of her to leave, and not yet ready to enter proper, she just watches.
"Oh, yes, tell that to the Southside, Justiciar," Proconsul Liam Crowe's voice enters the mix, a gravelly avalanche that carries to the far ends of the Church. As he speaks, his words address the rest, too. "That you speak for them and their dead. That they died for the sake of eddwedeaddedaw policy. All of you, in wasting your time in this discussion, prove your true worth to the Lord of Springs. If you'd speak for the dead, then take up hammer, not tongue: plant seeds, not propaganda. A little back-busting labor would do more to rebuild this city and heal its soul than a thousand expressions of piety or ten thousand Patriarchs." Clearly in a huff, he turns to leave.
Florense ab Flewelling only holds up her hands to Proconsul Liam Crowe - covered in blisters, and pockmarked scars from the remains of corpserot, but she says nothing, her pale eyes on Proconsul Liam Crowe as he turns to go.
"No more words," Sabin agrees with a short, sharp nod. "Actions. Decisions. Now." The extreme flush seems to be fading at least a little from his face, but his stance remains tense and confrontational, hands big balls of fists at his sides. [Sabin]
"You're right," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness calls out to Proconsul Liam Crowe. "He's right," comes next his reply. "... it will take all of us, acting together, to begin to right whatever wrongs or grievances that might be lodged against any of us. Make that your takeaway: it is a goodly thing to help those less fortunate. No more, no less. And, in the wake of disaster, there are many pour souls out there..." Then, he clasps his hands together and, as if declaring his participation ended, retakes his earlier seat.
Beth just sits in her pew looking baffled and overwhelmed, her eyes moving between each of the speakers.
Sister Cedany Clarke smiles bitterly to Sabin. "Do you think I do not wish I could? You will never find a Cardinal that is as perfect as the world here wishes it to be, for the only one worthy of such is God himself! And yet the people smash the souls of every Cardinal they have, opening their faults for the Urth to see and destroying their words with bitterness and hate. Only the most strong predecessors of my have taken on this position, and each has fallen to their own sins. I dare you, Reeve Guiscard, to sacrifice not only your life but the very essence of your being to the Lord. I do not wish to be in this place, I accepted it because I was ordered to, and it is the path chosen for me by our Lord." She gestures to the room, speaking in a bitter and slightly tired tone. "The people of Lithmore have always needed a scapegoat. They have never been content with things that they cannot find an evil side to, and we all have tried to judge other mortals for sins that should only be judged by our Lord. I will speak to His Majesty about the patriarchy, but it will not change a thing." She shakes her head. "We will quickly find some other horror to case our blame on, some other poor and unworthy soul to destroy with our pointed words. Lord knows we shall all be punished for that." With this, Sister Cedany Clarke leaves the room with quick an purposeful steps.
Sister Cedany Clarke furrows her brow in thought, mentally planning.
Sister Cedany Clarke begins to move south.
Sister Cedany Clarke leaves south.
A tall yet heavily muscled knight with fair features leaves south.
A strong and imposing guard with red-brown curls leaves south.
My Lady Earl Marshall has stood listening to the words being spoken and she looks to Sabin. "My action is this. To leave this place and to not return until the Church has my trust once more. I have the Lord of the Springs in my heart and his hand on my blade." She looks to the Cardinal at her words and then her abrupt departure leaves My Lady Earl Marshall shaking her head in dismay.
"How false is the image of repentance that serves only to cloak pride," Sabin declares tightly, his jaw setting. "That collapses into defiance and anger when it is questioned. I would take the Cloth in an instant were I not wed - in a moment, right now. To restore the Church I have loved. It is an action I would to God I could take!" [Sabin]
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes "This is not the time for bickering over a position with no one left to fill it. People are dead, and this arguing and self-pity does them no justice. They deserve the pity. They are blessed to be with the Lord now and not seeing us. The time for lofty words is over. Actions matter now." She steps from the pews, approaching Florense ab Flewelling, "If the Order has truly lost faith in itself, or even if it hasn't, I came to Lithmore to offer it my service to help in these times. If you wish to retire, do it after letting me do so." She watches the Cardinal leave, "It's apparent Mass isn't happening at this point anyway. If you have no confidence in your own abilities anymore, induct the next generation of clergy so that they may do better."
My Lady Earl Marshall begins to move south.
My Lady Earl Marshall leaves south.
As caria remains standing near his seat, Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness does too, stunned at the Cardinal's sudden departure; once more he sends an encouraging look towards Florense ab Flewelling, and then-- specifically-- he turns to Sabin. "... as Dame Caria says. We do not need a priest to tell us that helping those in need is godly. We do not need a Cardinal to tell us that prayer to the Lord is necessary. Let that be our clarion call now: in the wake of this tragedy, so let us use our strong arms to, as General Crowe said, plant seeds, build houses, and work towards the future of our children."
Florense ab Flewelling rises from the floor to approach Cedany, reaching out to place a broad, weathered hand on the woman's shoulder to attempt to halt her from leaving, but the woman leaves. As she does, Florense ab Flewelling simply hangs her head for a moment. "Go in peace to serve the Lord. Rebuild your homes, keep your family close, and pray that whatever blight has visited this city will someday be forgiven." And then, Florense ab Flewelling simply sits on the step before the altar, her head in her hands. She looks up at a woman of dark complexion and light eyes. "The only confidence I ever had has been wasted in Edessa, in the blood of the hundreds of patients I had. In battle. In glory, and in death. The Lord spared me for some reason. Let us hope it is to bring a new breath of life into the Church."
[Action: Florense ab Flewelling sits on the step before the altar, a five-foot steel claymore with an ebon wolf's head pommel hanging limply in her hand and resting on the flagstones.]
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness gets a shining silver flask, etched entirely in vines and leaves from an expansive black leather satchel strapped at the shoulder.
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness gives a shining silver flask, etched entirely in vines and leaves to Florense ab Flewelling.
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes bends over to try and manage eye level with the seated Florense ab Flewelling, "Then start with me, eh? I've more reason than most to want to see the Order in its rightful place again. A beacon of hope and purity. It ain't beyond hope, yet, woman."
Proconsul Liam Crowe begins to move south.
Proconsul Liam Crowe leaves south.
Sabin exhales shakily, his tense posture slowly deflating. After a moment, a look of alarm flickers over his features. Quietly, as if to himself, he wonders, "I... I said... All of that?"
Lady Lien le Storm retreats backwards, soon stepping from the church with a shocked expression on her face.
Lady Lien le Storm begins to move south.
Lady Lien le Storm leaves south.
"You did," Florense ab Flewelling remarks to Sabin. "And every word was right." When Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness hands her the flask, she takes a deep pull from it, looking over at a woman of dark complexion and light eyes. "I really hope not." [Florense ab Flewelling]
[Action: a woman of dark complexion and light eyes sits on the steps next to florense.]
Action set to:
Sabin is standing near a back pew, looking ashy and shaken.
"... you've my full support, Florense. You can do this. You -must- do this," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness states to Florense ab Flewelling quietly, patting her hand in order to intimate that she can keep the flask, at least for now. "We'll work together on it, right?
"Please... don't swear in the Church anymore, Your Holy Honor... it makes me angry," Sabin requests at a bare murmur, bowing his head. [Sabin]
A woman of dark complexion and light eyes turns around to plop down next to Florense ab Flewelling, "Giving up hope is just want the mages want anyhow. The Lord gave us the ability to learn for a reason, so just learn from your mistakes and move on. I do want to join up, though. It's why I came back. I wanted to join the Order and become someone that can keep it from the corruption I saw when I left. I need someone like you to do that, though." She looks over to Florense ab Flewelling, "Somebody who can see that there is corruption, rather than making blind denials."
Johnan ab Petrum arrives from the south.
Johnan ab Petrum slows to a halt.
Florense ab Flewelling looks over wearily between Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness and a woman of dark complexion and light eyes, taking a swig of the flask again. "Grand Inquisitor Florense ab Flewelling, Esquire of the Knights, Physician, Heir to Sartez County," Florense ab Flewelling murmurs by introduction to a woman of dark complexion and light eyes. "Too many titles for a woman who'd rather drink and swear than preach a sermon, I think." Florense ab Flewelling looks over to Sabin for a considering moment. "I'll try not to, but you know who I am."
"... no one's perfect. The fact that you aren't claiming to be, Florense, is a plus," Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness states, tacking on a faint smile towards the woman; and then he turns, looking down the aisle, out of the cathedral. "I'm tired of sermons, at least for a little while. Let's focus on wedamddwooddeam now." He adds, tossing a look over his shoulder: "I need to write their Majesties about this. Plan on attending the next Royal Council meeting. At the very least, you're Acting Cardinal, I suppose. At least for now."
"The Lord calls us all to be our better selves, even if the fight is difficult. I have failed him today in that with my wrath; even if I spoke truth, it should not have been from a place of anger. I will want penance for that," Sabin remarks, his voice back to its usual low rumble now. [Sabin]
"The Lord feckin' forgives you, Reeve Guiscard, for speaking the hard, terrible truth," Florense ab Flewelling looks over at Sabin, looking unreasonably exhausted, and then flushes at her statement. To Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness, she shakes her head. "I'm an Inquisitor at heart. A hunter of the Lord. Nothing more. I don't want to be Cardinal." [Florense ab Flewelling]
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness says to Florense ab Flewelling, "That already makes you better than the last two."
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness begins to move south.
Justiciar Gavin ab Harkness leaves south.
"Acting Cardinal?" Johnan ab Petrum speaks up, his voice booming through the Cathedral, "Well, it seems there has been a developmet of which I have been not made aware. This should change." he approaches Florense ab Flewelling. "Holy Honour. I do not believe we had the honor of meeting, though I have heard of you. Archbishop Johnan ab Petrum of Lithmore, at your service." he drops a bow, "Now.. would you mind bringing me up to speed?"
The Crazy Mass of 3/15/354
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