City Metrics

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:33 am

So I mentioned this briefly on news reports, but figured this warranted its own little thing. City metrics do a lot of changing that isn't really mentioned much. Sometimes it is when someone is doing an ic event post for an event, but often times the metrics go through a whole series of changes without much mention and unless you are actively checking city report (a command that is easy to forget) it can be overlooked. I think that much like with executions, things that are effecting the city report should have some form of short little blurb. Yes, maybe things are going on in the background that isn't -entirely- public, but a general frosting of relations, or a notice in upticks in crime, things like that can still be done so people can be made aware of the changes happening so it is easier to react to things. If they are effecting city metric, they are major things and should be noticable (otherwise, why are they effecting the metrics)

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Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:47 pm

One thing I would like to see implemented down the line might be actual mechanical effects on the game world tied to the city metrics, wherever possible - a high crime rate might mean occasional NPC bandits roaming the wilderness, a healthy economy meaning better prices, and things of that nature - though I imagine a lot of these things might be kind of ephemeral and hard to translate into really tangible results.

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Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:52 am

I agree with both of you, these items just haven't been prioritized yet.

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