University Curriculum

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:51 am

As some of you know, I've been working on a few IC texts to flesh out aspects of the game. I'm also the GL of the Scholars, so the general state of knowledge in the game is important to me.

What do you, the players, think should be taught at the university?

I've got a short list of potential classes, but I am wary. The Lithmorran intellectual tradition seems like a debauched combination of theology and what little fundamentals are left from our intellectual and cultural equivalent to the Greeks, the mages. Much of what we take for granted has be 're-discovered' post-Great Burning. Here is the list:


Geometry: A logic based system of shape that does not require a universal standard of measurement. This class would be informed greatly by Euclid, but I would have to possible reconstruct the proofs in-game under the name of a different author. The class itself would help to develop logic and reasoning skills, acting as a basis for architecture and art as well as sitting well with the other philosophy classes proposed.

Natural Law: The fundamentals of governance, morality and ethics. 'Natural law' in Aristotles sense is not quite as theocentric as ours would be. The notion would be that the ability to govern is derivative of the Lord of the Springs or Good. Each is tasked with station and gifts in order to oversee, protect and govern the lesser. This is the 'inherent' law that all civil law would be based on.

Humoural studies: The foundational principle for physic or medicine at the time, also the basis for the primitive sciences. Four cardinal elements and ether, their interactions and properties in the body and the world at large. Basics of sample gathering, natural observation.

History of the Consolidation: The topic of my next in-game text. This course would provide an overview of what is essentially TI's WW2. The most documented, most prominent military, political and theological action of all time. Derivative courses at higher levels would seek to break down the event into those three components. Military history and tactics, political science and then the fundamentals of the Order's theology.

Composition in (language): Writing good papers and producing solid research in a chosen language. Precedes a class on scribe craft - book building, ink manufacture, restoration and illumination.


Ethics: Based off of the principles of the natural law, to see not what is Good or Bad but what is Right. To be paired with:

Law/economics: An exploration of civil and business law at the time. Not sure how much of this there actually is, but I can compose material if need be.

Astronomy: A study of the moons and the stars. There is a lot that can be determined merely by observation.

Physic: Actual doctoring, including a grounding in herbs and decoctions/infusions/etc.

Anatomy for Surgeons: Study of the muscles, bones and organs based on humoural flow and mechanical function.

Architecture: Application of geometry in building construction. Including wood framing and Vandagan style iron framing.

Etiquette, Fine Arts, Literature, Politics have also been popular before.

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:42 pm

Are you going to hold classes, or is some other player? Because I think that'd be really fun!

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:57 pm

Are you going for different sorts of degrees, or rather "a member of the Uni studying and discussing such topics" for all students who come?

I like the curriculum a lot. It's detailed, period, and has a lot of thought put into it.

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